Just a question about that last part... do you just make sure your HP stat isn't divisible by 4? just wondering... i've seen that strategy used alot
Yeah, reducing your Lugia's HP by one will make your HP not divisible by 4 or other even numbers that are relevant for things like sub, status ailments, hazards, and damaging weather. Being able to survive with a smidgen of HP is better than nothing and has definitely helped in winning some close matches. I can't think of a relevant matchup where losing 1 HP really hurts your mon's survivability either.
Entertainment has more pp, you should use that instead
However, Skill Swap can give you a useful ability and the ability to use the item you just stole. A klutz mon isn't going to be PP stalling for long in most cases anyway if it keeps Klutz.
I'd actually recommend Lunar Dance as another option for it since once it has done its job it might as well bring something in safely and restored if it can't do anything more.