Heatran - The Lava Dome Pokemon

Dragon Pulse doesn't OHKO Dugtrio unless Heatran has Choice Specs, in which case you'll be slower than Duggy so it really won't matter.

STAB Flamethrower from 394 SAtk does. Yah, Heatran is that poweful that it can kill its main counters.
You could make it work more or less like a watered down Specs Mence, except utilising Scarf for speed.

Heatran@Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Overheat
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse
- Flash Cannon

That's probably my favourite set for Heatran.
Bah, I'd replace flash with earth power.

I'm wondering, what set would people recommend for Choice Scarf?
Would Explosion be worth it?
[I got a Rash one with 31 Sp.Attack IVs/29 speed/20+ in everything else,
which kinda asks for Explosion]
Bah, I'd replace flash with earth power.

I'm wondering, what set would people recommend for Choice Scarf?
Would Explosion be worth it?
[I got a Rash one with 31 Sp.Attack IVs/29 speed/20+ in everything else,
which kinda asks for Explosion]

Yah, Rash wants Explosion. I don't like Explosion because I don't want to blow him up, but a fast Explosion is always good. Overheat or Flamethrower/Dragon Pulse/Land Power/Explosion is what you should run.
Since Choice Scarf Heatran is faster than Dugtrio (or so I read), shouldn't Explosion be better than Flamethrower, assuming Flamethrower is a worse move otherwise?

If Dugtrio switches in to Heatran, is it not 2HKO'd by whatever Heatran uses? And if Dugtrio is switched in after Heatran just KO'd something, Heatran is doomed regardless, no?
I think I remember someone making a Metal Sound set- after a Metal Sound, Blissey is 2HKOed easily be Life Orb Flamethrower, and it seems quite a fun addition for teams based in the sand and which involve Stealth Rock.

This thing seems very versatile and definitely fun to play around with.
Since Choice Scarf Heatran is faster than Dugtrio (or so I read), shouldn't Explosion be better than Flamethrower, assuming Flamethrower is a worse move otherwise?

If Dugtrio switches in to Heatran, is it not 2HKO'd by whatever Heatran uses? And if Dugtrio is switched in after Heatran just KO'd something, Heatran is doomed regardless, no?

Assuming Scarf set, Heatran OHKOs Duggy with Flamethrower, has a chance to OHKO with Flash Cannon, and 2HKOs with pretty much anything else. Duggy can't switch into Heatran, and thus will have to switch in after he kills something. And in that case, Heatran will only kill Duggy if it's using Flamethrower/Flash Cannon (again, FC isn't guaranteed) on the Scarf set.

In the case of the LO/Specs set, you either kill or get killed. As in, if you're passed some speed, you'll kill Duggy with pretty much any attack. But if you aren't passed speed, you'll face a quick death.
Heatran @ Leftovers(?)
Ability: Flash Fire
252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed/ 6 HP
- Heat Wave / Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Sunny Day / Flash Cannon
- Solarbeam / Will-o-Wisp

Is this a good Heatran?
^ heatran cannot live through a two-turn setup attack. it needs speed badly to survive quake, ETC attacks, which are pretty common.

You'd be best using Scarfs, if I'm not mistaken.
Ok how about

Heatran @ Some Scarf (Which one?)
Ability: Flash Fire
252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed/ 6 HP
- Heat Wave
-Earth Power
-Sunny Day
Originally I planned to use a focus sash starter with fire blast/explosion/HPice/earth power, but upon reflection, I think its defenses and resistances are too good to pass up. Therefore, the optimal item is clearly leftovers! Throw in protect while you're at it; you will need it to scout the oh so many choice item users who would otherwise force you to switch.

Heatran @leftovers
~Modest/flash fire
Fire blast/lava plume (burn anyone?)

Fillers: pick two from hidden power, earth power, explosion, stealth rock, flash cannon. That is definitely what I am running.
I like the idea of protect on this pokemon, so you can scout for its o so common weaknesses. Heatran is the ideal hit and run pokemon, with good defences and resistences to switch in, land a powerful hit and dodge the obvious EQ coming your way. I'm not sure whether you should use Choice Scarf or Choice Glasses on this, but it depends on whether you want speed > power, much like Heracross. Still a very underrated poke imo.