While I am posting here, I am aware that I'm sort of being borderline with the whole voting statements. The reason I bring it up here is because its to prevent the rest of the community from being bashed around
publicly and in here I can address my statement without worrying a whole lot about it. So let me start off by saying that there are a few options to consider, but we must look further into what could be the "possible" outcome:
- If we allow the testing to continue for 2-3 weeks, how would we handle this? Would we allow new people that have reached the deviation and ranking to be accepted in the voting process while someone who was already accepted knocked off because they failed in making the requirements later? In other words: would we allow new voters and / or would we disallow old voters that don't meet the requirements at that point.
There is another thing that is irking me as well as (possibly) other people. I completely stand by our voting system and how the community should participate. This by far I agree on. It's the people that have this "questionable" opinions that make me think over and over if the people basically rushed onto the ladder, obtained the ranking, only to have a decision of banning a Pokemon for the "just because" factor or for cases of OU. While it may not be noticable if people post: "Voted Uber" or "I voted OU", I'm talking about posts such as this. For now I will keep these "anonymous" for names but if you really want to see who posted them then all you have to do is peek at the topic:
Voted uber for obvious reasons.
Okay, so I really was going to vote OU, but after seeing Skymin take out my 6 cm rachi more then once with pure luck, I decided Uber. I also wanted to vote the opposite of TAY.
lol, 10 bucks says that once this thing's officially OU, everybody will make Skymin-based teams. I honestly feel that the only reason it's usage stats were so low, is cause most of us didn't want to waste our time making a team that would turn obsolete (if voted uber). I am going to lol so hard at the metagame that will ensue if the voting trend stays the same as it is right now.
Voted Uber
*waits for someone who voted OU to lose a major tourney to skymin via hax and use profane sentences to express their anger when they lost to luck
I voted Uber since Shaymin of all forms is banned from Nintendo's official tournaments.
I'm sorry if I sound biased because I agree why it can be both Uber and OU. The reason I pick more on these is because some of these people's mentalities are... ridiculous. Some you may argue AREN'T as ridiculous and I understand there will always be an idiot here and there casting their vote for themselves (elections IRL are good examples of this when you didn't vote Kerry because he was Catholic or a bad Catholic. Screw it I can't remember but it was one of those two).
The point I'm trying to get across is this: the deviation and rating are fine as is but... why can't we turn down voters? Especially if some of these specific people have voted for "stupid reasons"? Not that I am personally trying to be rude, but these people do affect our metagame and could possibly corrupt it by doing so.
Sorry, I just wanted to vent this out a little bit.
As for the real situation, I feel that an extra 2-3 weeks is perhaps the best thing to do. The only problem I have with "re-votes" is while it may sway some voters to change their mind, it could turn out to be the inevitable. It is just confusing to me a little bit. The problem I have with the 2/3 mentality is it could be rather difficult to obtain such a thing in some cases such as this. We could be having to vote for months on end until we reach a conclusion of things and it could create criticism.
I apologize if I sound vague, harsh, or possibly idiotic in my post, but I wanted to post about it I guess. Here's what I would agree to, though others would probably disagree with me:
- Allow an extension of 2-3 weeks. A month maximum.
- Allow all old voters (this also can be argued out if the votes were dumb but I'm pretty sure we would simply allow all the old ones).
- POSSIBLY allow new voters into the mix. Though it causes more voters into the mix, it would seem (to me anyway) the "fair" way to do this.
- For a minimum I'd consider 55 or 56%. Something around 55 preferably. This should be the minimum to "enforce" the decision.
And by the way, I am in no way bashing our voting system by stating about the mentality of some voters due to the fact that I find our system to be the most effective. That, and there will obviously be flaws in any system anyway.