Tournament HPL 3 Player Signups

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I have an important announcement to make regarding the "lock in" of tiers. You can only play the tiers mentioned in your signup post for the first four weeks of the tournament. If you are unsure you can change your post to any/all tiers

Crunchman, Piyush25, Shaun | CCGeek, Gareeb, A Welcome Guest, TDR, Kinzo Ketchum, Mattorr Is Cute, martinvtran, So Noisy, Opnoob 598, Hrishioo7, Arsh Rastogi, TGA, Mr.Bossaru, GeniusFromHoenn, Fluore, Mikaav, Abhi, Seo., Freezerman, Go greeninja, DugZa, Nick.see, Limpy Lucario, RaJ.Shoot, spoo, doc1203, swag god, TJ, The Lost Ones, SiceXV, omicorio, Waylaid, MagearnaTheBoss, Haail, Jojo8868, Axelsior, Bopher, Jase Duken, RaiGodtryingtolearnVGC!, FailureGirl, polt, ncalathes, MiNi Charizard-x, Orangex733, Gray, memedose46, Pokemon Trainer 596, Blui, 1729is56time, Nhanttt, LeCehlou, frostyicelad, Alpha1013, HeyMan, Raph369, innovamania, risinguptothetop, @8.14E+36, A-drago destroyer, skimmythegod, Bilbooo, A nub boi, Flatemo, SerenalovesAsh1234, SwordIsBored, Thetwinking, greenandgrey77, Farce Of The Death, sasha, Ainzcrad, Akeras, frogfacts, Mom Lover, Swas, Faaagamer, Frixel, Revenge Killer, Inder, silver grace, Krishnakant Sharma, Neko, Greentea570, Eledyr, Archiiiie17, luser, trace, PrinceOfAllTacos, Roginald, JY Rule, Ballfire, Agcl2 Ragib, anique, Hurtadoo, Amberr, Feaniix, pqs, raisedintyo, AtraX Madara, Sensibility, Rhmsitb, Atiultra, Holymolycrabby, Cat food and, pichus, myjava, Call me PK, Ultraman1, Saurav the great, giove97, crying, paolode99, nvk, Swagata Mitra, Sahki, torterraxx, ibeat, ong, Dj Breloominati♬, WSun1, Zeno420, Trichotomy, Zephyri, mj, Khudgharz, Loudwinner, airfare, Trouser Snakes, Leafium Z, Coolcodename, hunternoooob, Justdelemon, Sificon, Elfuseon, Ashbala, Alkione, adem, ASKid679, Ad067, Masquerain is #1, Tushar Cool, Ewin, London13, Bluecario, iKiQ, velvet, susciety, Milo, dmbros, SpectralThief, avarice, DerpyBoi, Mimikyu Stardust, Hikaru Maxwell, Fogbound Lake, Fragments, Winterains, Eeveekid10, Ron, Shivam3299, TDR, fatBatman, baconeatinassassin, style.css, Desfghtr, Atiultra, rahul_3301, skimmythegod, Ashbala, swordstrike, TheKingKarp, clean, DOOR MONEY, Internal, Daruma, Adib10, Typical_bastard, Champfernape, Bhastoise, Eichorrnia, gorex

Not affliated with The Alpha Ruiners and rights to respective owners
More art coming soon!

The tryouts server for The Sinjoh Ruiners are now up!!
You can also hit me up with replays/achievements on abhk#8043 :blobthumbsup:
Team Eternara Mistwaves welcomes everyone to the third edition of HPL, we are now accepting tryouts for all tiers except ou. Feel free to dm me your 5 best replays in each tier you plan to play in this tour on discord (Winterains#9854) / feel free to reach out to me if you wish to play for the team. Good luck to everyone in draft, cya guys soon!!
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Player Name: DC
Timezone: GMT -7
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): Will be relatively inactive, but willing to help out with teambuilding and testing for LC
Tiers Played: All with teams (not LC, prefer to play rand bats / ubers)
Is Hindi Speaker: No (I know like three phrases)
sign up Lasen noob
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