International Wi-Fi Tournament - Autumn Friendly [OVER - Rankings Released Nov. 1st]

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Here's what happens when I enter the battle number for the following that I saved from a 7th previous time:

48-51073-48683 vs Ares from Honduras (ranked at 1833)

No matching Battle Videos found...
Touch the Touch Screen to continue.

I also notice when I search by my location I only see my last 5 videos which all happen to be in the last 8 (CJ is at 5)
I didn't know that
Yea he dc'ed after turn 2 when I Hp iced landorus through para and crit rockslide his thundurus, he is easy, he only picks on weak players and just dc''s when its a lost cause. He won't be ranked on Nov. 1st :P
Would anyone truly be shown on the ladder. I mean with all these d/c people are facing, how is the game gonna tell who d'c'd. Im pretty sure it can't, but if it did it would probably make a bunch of players feel good knowing those who d/c aren't gunna show up on the ranking boards.

R Inanimate

It's Lunatic Time
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Congrats, Cybertron. I was about to say that I'm about to hit 1900 as well, but well, you know, I have one hell of a player to face to get there.
Well, I mean, "I'm "Shiro" without the asterisk."

Also, GG R Inanimate, sorry about all the hax again :(

It seems like the games with the best players ALWAYS go down to hax.
Here's what happens when I enter the battle number for the following that I saved from a 7th previous time:

48-51073-48683 vs Ares from Honduras (ranked at 1833)

No matching Battle Videos found...
Touch the Touch Screen to continue.

I also notice when I search by my location I only see my last 5 videos which all happen to be in the last 8 (CJ is at 5)
I can confirm that too - unfortunately I also found out the hard way. I've since been using a flash card on the side while playing with the retail, grabbing any movies I upload to keep a copy and backing up the saves. Am planning to do the same as you - make a massive montage of battle videos. :)

I had been capturing a number of videos from the thread too for watching later, though I wasn't sure though if the people here would be up me converting for YouTube so I hadn't planned it at this stage.
i have a question.. i was battling.
Whimsicott & Darmanitan (Foe)
Whimsicott & Terrakion (me)

My whimsicott went first and then it used Taunt on the foe's Whimsicott, and after doing that.. appeared a message that said: The foe's Whimsicott taunt wore off..

Would anyone truly be shown on the ladder. I mean with all these d/c people are facing, how is the game gonna tell who d'c'd. Im pretty sure it can't, but if it did it would probably make a bunch of players feel good knowing those who d/c aren't gunna show up on the ranking boards.
I hope so


royal flush
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officially made it to 1900, hopefully it will stay that way as i begin the slow climb up

edit: im assuming that was a router error coolbiz since we hadnt even begun turn 1 lol
2 more wins, 8 more DC's. Not gonna bother posting the names and battles of all of them, just the wins/losses now.

RYAN, Alberta, Canada, 1507 (3-0 Win)
Pikawho, Maryland, 1637 (2-0 Win)
First update for the day, man I hate D/C'ers.

1. Kyle, USA New York, 1469 pts. (D/C'd before battle even started)
2. Genon, None, 1769 pts. 1-0 (defeat, stupid me dragon pulsed when I should've protected)
3. Genon, None, 1790 pts.(lolwut again?) 1-0 (defeat, hax on my Chandelure screwed up everything, my stupid internet connection decided to derp after the match -.-)
4. Nigel, None, 1591 pts. 2-0 (victory)
5. Ryan, None, 1511 pts. 2-0 (victory)
6. RIKA, Tokyo 1969 4-3, disconnected as soon as a Specs Chandelure boosted by Tailwind sweep was certain (Come on, your team was a bunch of strong crap thrown together with no plan at all, at least don't artificially boost your rank).

I really, REALLY hated that 1900+ player disconnect, I outpredicted you, abused your obvious fake out from Mienshao and mach punch from Conkeldurr to Encore them into tickling my Chandelure and you ragequit. I honestly have no respect for all those artificial points of yours. I'm at 1763 because I completely failed at life 2 matches in a row at the beggining (one my router derped but you get the idea).
Ooooh! I battled you lol!
I really should have lost this battle......

Battle Vid#: 14-81672-49970

The opponents name was "SHARKY". I really wouldn't have said a word or been mad at all if he would have d/c'd.

"Just in time" hax on the next to last turn saved me in a battle versus a team that clearly had me beat.
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