Itemize (Now playable on Rom!)

let me just say that as a gen-NEXT OU player, i know how good eviolite shuckle is...(gennext item: berry shell = shuckle eviolite).'s not that great. really. in theory almost unbreakable, in practice,pretty easily dead. and that's even without things like everything able to use a light ball to get double offenses. stall is dead in this meta.
lol,i tried it out too and he is not really a good mixed wall he is probably just good because of the sticky web and stealth rocks,he can't do anything else,just because he hasn't got a viable recovery
Also something i made for the lolz
Muk @ DeepSeaScale
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 248 HP / 100 Def / 160 SpD
Impish Nature
- Bulk Up
- Gunk Shot
- Fire Punch
- Rest
Muk doesn't learn Bulk Up. It gets curse though. Sorry for being bothered by something as small as that lol

Also, Thick Club Bisharp- set up on something, then proceed to destroy your opponent's entire team with STAB 1532 attack Knock Offs, Sucker Punches, and Iron Heads. Even if walls take it, they're probably going to lose their item.
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I just realized, even without its Mega, Sableye might be a dick in this meta with Eviolite. Or possibly Metal Powder since Prankster Calm Mind. Ugh.

*Kills it with Light Ball Sylveon*
I'd like to see things go live first before making any clauses about items, knock off, or whatever else. They might be absolutely necessary, but they also might not. It's not a good idea to make decisions on theorymons, IMO, unless something is undeniably overpowered.
My personal suggestion here would be to add an Item Clause, so each team can only have one Light Ball, one Quick Powder, one Eviolite, etc. This could possibly take some Light Ball pressure off of stall
Funny thing, I thought there was an item clause and so suggested Thick Club Bisharp instead of Light Ball.
Funny thing, I thought there was an item clause and so suggested Thick Club Bisharp instead of Light Ball.

Unless you're running mixed, Thick Club is slightly better for pure physical if just for the niche of not boosting Trick, Thief, Pickpocket, and Magician users with special attacks. It's a minor edge case but... why help your opponent out when that edge case does happen?
I'm sure this has been noted before, but Thick Club Azumarill seems to be a very potent threat with it's access to STAB priority which now has the offensive capability to do amazing damage to most of the metagame. Where can I play this metagame owo
I'm sure this has been noted before, but Thick Club Azumarill seems to be a very potent threat with it's access to STAB priority which now has the offensive capability to do amazing damage to most of the metagame. Where can I play this metagame owo

It's coded, but not on a server yet. :/
I don't understand why stall needs to be relevant in every meta :/ The premise of this metagame is to let everyone spam the fun items we never got to use before; why restrict that just so stall is easier to use?
I personally think a meta is most fun when ALL playstyles are equally viable, where i can make ANY type of team - whether it be HO or stall - and it will perform well (assuming it's a good team lol). I am a big fan of diversity and creativity in other metas, so naturally i find a meta where everyone spams the same thing (which will probably be this meta if certain clauses aren't implemented) unfun.
An item clause would fix this problem and create the diversity i feel this meta needs (and maybe a knock off clause if it gets too hectic).
I personally think a meta is most fun when ALL playstyles are equally viable, where i can make ANY type of team - whether it be HO or stall - and it will perform well (assuming it's a good team lol). I am a big fan of diversity and creativity in other metas, so naturally i find a meta where everyone spams the same thing (which will probably be this meta if certain clauses aren't implemented) unfun.
An item clause would fix this problem and create the diversity i feel this meta needs (and maybe a knock off clause if it gets too hectic).
While I see your point, I think we see differently what an Other Meta should achieve. To me, an OM is a fun and different way to play standard Pokemon that allows for new creativity (including new ways to goof off). To you, OMs may be more of a constructed metagame, in which just as much strategy, meta knowledge, and player skill should be involved as in standard. I respect both views, but to me at least I think a few OMs with extreme bias on either HO or stall should be allowed.
While I see your point, I think we see differently what an Other Meta should achieve. To me, an OM is a fun and different way to play standard Pokemon that allows for new creativity (including new ways to goof off). To you, OMs may be more of a constructed metagame, in which just as much strategy, meta knowledge, and player skill should be involved as in standard. I respect both views, but to me at least I think a few OMs with extreme bias on either HO or stall should be allowed.
Of course since i haven't played this meta yet, ill never know whether it will be fun or not without any clauses. After all, there are some incredibly biased metas that i really enjoy (linked for example, basically nothing but offense), but that's because they typically have other aspects that i enjoy moreso than the unbalanced playstyle viability, or they are unable to use a certain playstyle in principle. In linked, a ridiculous amount of clauses and bans would have to be implemented for stall to be a viable option, so it remained a heavily offensive meta. Itemize provides bonuses for both offense and defense, whereas linked and STABmons basically only boosts offense. But since offense is boosted moreso than defense, i feel that clauses would help balance it to the point where all playstyles are viable.
While I see your point, I think we see differently what an Other Meta should achieve. To me, an OM is a fun and different way to play standard Pokemon that allows for new creativity (including new ways to goof off). To you, OMs may be more of a constructed metagame, in which just as much strategy, meta knowledge, and player skill should be involved as in standard. I respect both views, but to me at least I think a few OMs with extreme bias on either HO or stall should be allowed.
allthough i do respect your opinion, i want to question your logic. see, i understand some metas, this is a very prevalent thing that people want a hyper offensive meta, but personally, from my experience, most people HATE it. haxmons, for example(sorry snaq, but gotta say it as it is) had such a mixed bias, and people did NOT like the offensive curve the meta took. think of each playstyle as their own separate group: stall, semistall, bulky offense, balanced offense, offense, and lastly, hyper offense. by doing what you want to do, you eliminate stall, heavily cripple semistall and bulky offense, and make balanced offense and regular offense's life difficult. you basically eliminate over 50% of potential players, just so your meta is better catered to HO. which actually, is a bad thing for the metagame to go. if a meta is balanced, that means ALL playstyles are not only viable, but can 1-up one another, and there truely is no "WRECK EVERYTHING" playstyle, where you're forced to run it just to beat everything. its why i dislike metas that blatently go heavily in one direction or the other. whats the point of playing HO vs HO or stall vs stall? i find both very boring, and matchup reliant, i like facing offense vs stall, or vice versa or HO vs Bulky offense, so the games arent reliant on trivial matters. for HO/HO matchup, its usually "who has the faster pokemon with better matchups" and for stall its usually "who has more patience and can switchstall longer to waste PP" its just not as fun in my eyes. allowing more playstyles means more creativity and diversity, and by doing so, makes playstyles more...appealing in doing so. At least, imo. Id personally like at least 1 light ball restriction, but if rumors doesnt want one when he tests it, i don't mind, the metas still fun. and i've currently enjoyed testing stuff in it.

now, to be fair, this doesnt IMMIDIATELY turn this meta into hyper offense mode, but it clearly gives it a heavy bias on using it. and i feel that light ball should be looked into limiting/banning. but an item clause...i don't see the need for one, considering you nerf all playstyles in general by doing so...making the clause kinda redundant.

but ehy, opinions. "sours the best because spicy is bad". nobody is right or wrong. its just a matter of which is more common.
allthough i do respect your opinion, i want to question your logic. see, i understand some metas, this is a very prevalent thing that people want a hyper offensive meta, but personally, from my experience, most people HATE it. haxmons, for example(sorry snaq, but gotta say it as it is) had such a mixed bias, and people did NOT like the offensive curve the meta took. think of each playstyle as their own separate group: stall, semistall, bulky offense, balanced offense, offense, and lastly, hyper offense. by doing what you want to do, you eliminate stall, heavily cripple semistall and bulky offense, and make balanced offense and regular offense's life difficult. you basically eliminate over 50% of potential players, just so your meta is better catered to HO. which actually, is a bad thing for the metagame to go. if a meta is balanced, that means ALL playstyles are not only viable, but can 1-up one another, and there truely is no "WRECK EVERYTHING" playstyle, where you're forced to run it just to beat everything. its why i dislike metas that blatently go heavily in one direction or the other. whats the point of playing HO vs HO or stall vs stall? i find both very boring, and matchup reliant, i like facing offense vs stall, or vice versa or HO vs Bulky offense, so the games arent reliant on trivial matters. for HO/HO matchup, its usually "who has the faster pokemon with better matchups" and for stall its usually "who has more patience and can switchstall longer to waste PP" its just not as fun in my eyes. allowing more playstyles means more creativity and diversity, and by doing so, makes playstyles more...appealing in doing so. At least, imo. Id personally like at least 1 light ball restriction, but if rumors doesnt want one when he tests it, i don't mind, the metas still fun. and i've currently enjoyed testing stuff in it.

now, to be fair, this doesnt IMMIDIATELY turn this meta into hyper offense mode, but it clearly gives it a heavy bias on using it. and i feel that light ball should be looked into limiting/banning. but an item clause...i don't see the need for one, considering you nerf all playstyles in general by doing so...making the clause kinda redundant.

but ehy, opinions. "sours the best because spicy is bad". nobody is right or wrong. its just a matter of which is more common.
Before metal powder was revealed to boost defense by 2x, i felt offense was too powerful and thus an item clause would help out in preventing 6 light ball teams from running rampant. But know i feel that if only light ball was restricted/banned, the meta would be fine, there would be no need to restrict eviolite and soul dew etc. So yeah, not that my opinion matters a whole lot, but I am no longer for an item clause but rather a light ball clause, and maybe a knock off clause. Also lcass your response pretty much sums up my opinion :D

EDIT: Also, I have a question, are items that are normally illegal in ORAS (such as custap berry and the gems) available for use in Itemize? I assume it would but i don't think it was mentioned in the OP so i wanted to clarify.
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Before metal powder was revealed to boost defense by 2x, i felt offense was too powerful and thus an item clause would help out in preventing 6 light ball teams from running rampant. But know i feel that if only light ball was restricted/banned, the meta would be fine, there would be no need to restrict eviolite and soul dew etc. So yeah, not that my opinion matters a whole lot, but I am no longer for an item clause but rather a light ball clause, and maybe a knock off clause. Also lcass your response pretty much sums up my opinion :D

EDIT: Also, I have a question, are items that are normally illegal in ORAS (such as custap berry and the gems) available for use in Itemize? I assume it would but i don't think it was mentioned in the OP so i wanted to clarify.
custap is already legal, the gems however, are not. and allthough i can see why it would be the case for itemize to have them, i dont think it really matters if they are or not. as most users wont make use out of it, as hawlucha probably sucks in this meta regardless, and talon much prefers x2 attack, over 1.3 for one turn.
Light Ball is definitely something to keep an eye on, as is Knock Off and other potential problems. The meta is fresh and unstable and I'm hesitant to make calls on things so soon because, once things stabilize, they may prove to be the wrong call and end up hurting the meta. Plus I've not had a chance to sit down and play myself yet, though that's something I'll try to do later today after I take care of Real Life™ things. But anyway, I very well believe Light Ball will be everywhere at first, but so was Fridge Kyu-B in early X/Y BH and the metagame ended up stabilizing in a fashion where it wasn't the easy mode team destroyer it started out as. Likewise, Light Ball could go the same route.

But yeah, once things start to get sorted out and if Light Ball appears to be overpowered or overcentralized, then actions will be taken to stop it. Same applies to Knock Off or any Pokemon this meta causes to go out of control.

But keep sharing your impressions on things you experiment with! I can't see every battle, after all, and the greater understanding I have of how things are developing, the better it'll be for the meta.

As for unavailable items like gems, they're still unavailable since the premise of the metagame is to remove the species restriction on items, barring mega/primal stones, rather than make other items available. Although I admit I am half-tempted to make Berserk Gene legal for kicks and giggles, but I strongly doubt I'll actually do that.
Thick Club would be good to punish Trick shenanigans for a special attacker using it.

Actually how would that sound? A fast Trick user that Tricks Black Sludge or a Sticky Barb on the opponent - neutering their offenses, giving you offenses, and hurting them each turn.
I feel either nerfing light ball to 1.5x or limiting it to 1-3 per team are the best options, as a plethora of mixed-attackers creates OU but worse (I hate OU). It would force you to use singular-type attackers and the 1.5x would reward you. I feel that the nerf would be the best option, as it would be offensive eviolite.
Knock-Off should definitely be a suspect, as it's even more crippling in this meta. Though, it definitely needs testing and there isn't a lot.
I feel either nerfing light ball to 1.5x or limiting it to 1-3 per team are the best options, as a plethora of mixed-attackers creates OU but worse (I hate OU). It would force you to use singular-type attackers and the 1.5x would reward you. I feel that the nerf would be the best option, as it would be offensive eviolite.
Knock-Off should definitely be a suspect, as it's even more crippling in this meta. Though, it definitely needs testing and there isn't a lot.
Nerfing the power of light ball would make this a Pet Mod

Just because you don't like a tier, that doesn't mean we need to fit an OM to your liking too lol

While I do agree that knock off is pretty powerful in this meta, it's what helps keep the Pokemon using these newly accessible items in check so they don't become OP. Suspecting and potentially banning Knock Off would probably make this meta unbelievably broken, which would lead to a ton of Pokemon that use the new items to be banned as well