
I meant flavor-wise. I agree that it should be more powerful, but Justification isn't just making things viable. The changes have to fix Troll Freak logic.

Troll Freak Logic:
>Introduce Fairy-type draining move.
>Make it blatantly inferior to other draining moves without introducing an upgraded variant.

Okay, new point: The Japanese name is Bark Out. Humans don't bark.

You win this one just for "okay, new point". But yeah, that makes sense.

Riolu's Pearl entry is all about how Riolu is powerful despite how small it is. Meloetta-P's Fighting-type isn't from strength, but rather knowing how to fight.

That's a fair point. I still think tap-dancing = earthquake is a really freakin' cool idea either way.

No, but Dragon Dance Garchomp was. Speaking of Garchomp, its common Scarf set outspeeds +1 Salamence and murders it. Meloetta-P's STABs are unresisted outside of the three viable Ghost-types as well. Also, as you said, Quiver Dance would break her, and Dragon Dance is kind of like a physical version of it.

Dragon Dance is Quiver Dance minus the ability to also increase her defensive capabilities at the same time. And Normal/Fighting isn't exactly the greatest defensive typing, either. Also, Garchomp never even got Dragon Dance. Just Swords Dance.

I do see your point, though.

What does coverage have to do with adaptation? Adaptability means that you can change to meet many situations. They are adapted because they have changed themselves to a certain situation. Specialized, if you will.

Type coverage would have implications on your ability to deal with the other locals of your habitat. I suppose, in a way, it might make sense for the Eeveelutions to lose Adaptability, but it really is a darn shame because it would be very helpful to all of them.

Play Rough isn't bad, and Pixilate != Aerilate.

Troll Freak Logic: I know! Let's make it a Fairy-type, but not give it any STAB moves until level 43! In fact, let's only introduce a single physical Fairy-type move, thus making physical Fairies terrible (or at least boring) in general!

Solution: Pixilate. Instant STAB. Plus it gives Granbull access to a move with high enough base power to maybe make up for its decidedly "meh" stats.

Well, if it doesn't have the offensive stats to be a glass cannon, it isn't really one. Personally, I'd make it an annoyer. It gets Nuzzle, so pair that up with something like Encore and give it a big Speed boost.

I suppose that works too, though honestly Cheek Pouch isn't going to save you if your defences look like that, and either way Plus -> Infiltrator because Plus is useless with a base Sp. Atk like that.
Just some small errors I found in the Approved Changes hide tag in the OP.

Rotom-Mow is referred to as Rotom-M there, but the correct name is Rotom-C (Cut).
Rotom-Fan is referred to as Rotom-C there, but the correct name is Rotom-S (Spin).
Troll Freak Logic:
>Introduce Fairy-type draining move.
>Make it blatantly inferior to other draining moves without introducing an upgraded variant.

Game Freak does it all the time. Just look at all of the multi-hit moves.

That's a fair point. I still think tap-dancing = earthquake is a really freakin' cool idea either way.

It is pretty cool.

Dragon Dance is Quiver Dance minus the ability to also increase her defensive capabilities at the same time. And Normal/Fighting isn't exactly the greatest defensive typing, either. Also, Garchomp never even got Dragon Dance. Just Swords Dance.

I do see your point, though.

Wait, it didn't? Huh. Anyway, since Meloetta-A has 128 base Sp. Def, it doesn't matter a whole lot that it's getting boosted because nobody's going to attack her Specially.

Troll Freak Logic: I know! Let's make it a Fairy-type, but not give it any STAB moves until level 43! In fact, let's only introduce a single physical Fairy-type move, thus making physical Fairies terrible (or at least boring) in general!

Solution: Pixilate. Instant STAB. Plus it gives Granbull access to a move with high enough base power to maybe make up for its decidedly "meh" stats.

Who cares what level it learns it at? Everyone's Level 100 (or 50 on Battle Spot) in competitive. Again, Play Rough is not a bad move. 95 BP is very usable.
Wait, it didn't? Huh. Anyway, since Meloetta-A has 128 base Sp. Def, it doesn't matter a whole lot that it's getting boosted because nobody's going to attack her Specially.
Nope. Garchomp managed to break OU with just Swords Dance.

Who cares what level it learns it at? Everyone's Level 100 (or 50 on Battle Spot) in competitive. Again, Play Rough is not a bad move. 95 BP is very usable.
You said the changes have to make sense in-game while also buffing the Pokémon competitively. Just giving it even more attack power might not make it good in OU, but at least a 132 base power STAB might be enough to give it a slight niche as a wallbreaker. Plus, from an in-game perspective it gives it more tools to work with and makes it a more fun Pokémon to use overall.

Also, Play Rough is 90 BP.
Mega Launcher should make Water type attacks used by the user super effective against Steel. It should also affect Ball and Bomb moves. It literally says Clawitzer lauches a cannonball of water.
Blastoise - "The rocket cannons on its shell fire jets of water capable of punching holes through thick steel."
Clawitzer - "Their enormous claws launch cannonballs of water powerful enough to pierce tanker hulls."

And if +Ball and +Bomb Mega Launcher gets approved, we should give Mega Launcher to Garbodor, since it launches things from its pipe-like fingertips. Kingdra line and Octillery line should also get Mega Launcher.
While we're at it, Bulletproof doesn't grant immunity to Bullet Punch.

EDIT: Why is Muddy Water being Water/Ground like Flying Press in the Rejected Changes? It makes a lot of sense.
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Make venusaur, a pure grass-types, as the poison-type on it doesn't make sense, let me say why:

-Venusaur's only poison-type move by level-up is poisonpowder, a move that a lot of non-poison grass types can learn
-Venusaur's Dex entries doesn't mention nothing 'poisonish', and there are some dex entries that suggest that venusaur is the opposite of poison, read them:
Crystal: As it warms itself and absorbs the sunlight, its flower petals release a pleasant fragrance
Ruby/Sapphire: There is a large flower on Venusaur's back. The flower is said to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight. The flower's aroma soothes the emotions of people (this is also mentioned in emerald's entry)
Fire Red: A bewitching aroma wafts from its flower. The fragrance becalms those engaged in a battle.
Diamond/Pearl/Platinum//B/W/B2/W2/Y: After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon.

-Venusaur's flower (and neither venusaur itself) doesn't looks poisonous

-Venusaur's only poison move that isn't a TM or level-up move (a.k.a poison powder) is sludge, even gastrodon and swampert get it, and neither of them are poison-type

-The other Grass/poison types being poison-type actually make sense, unlike venusaur, let me show why:
Victreebel's dex entries mention that it releases acids, acid is a poison-type move, and also has more poison-type moves more than any other grass/poison type
Roserade's dex entries says that it has toxic thorns that also release poisonous aroma, and roserade also has the poison point ability
Vileplume's dex entries mention that it releases allergenic poisonous pollen, it's also based on a rafflesia, a stinky parasite plant.
Amoonguss learns toxic and clear smog by level-up, and gastro acid by breeding, it's also based on poisonous mushrooms.
Venusaur... learns sludge by breeding?

I think that gamefreak make venusaur a poison-type because they thought in gen 1: 'every grass-type should be poison-type, except parasect and exeggutor, that fit more bug and psychic more than poison, but let's create a grass-type that isn't poison-type (tangela) and see the reaction of the players'.

So please venusaur a pure grass-type, it would also make mega venusaur less OP.
Venusaur's flower is based on Rafflesia, a flower that literally smells like rotting meat. I don't specifically know whether it's poisonous or not, but I would't be surprised if it was, and in any event if you think Rafflesia-inspiration helps justify Vileplume's typing you can't argue that Venusaur's flower doesn't justify its typing.

Gastrodon is also a pretty bad example for Sludge, since it actually learns a fairly decent number of Poison moves.

While we're at it: poison is not somehow opposite of "calming" or attractive scents. Poison is poison, pleasant scents are pleasant scents, they can both happen at the same time, and in fact the plant Victreebel is based on lures bugs in via its sweet-smelling stomach acid that melts them. Heck, part of an apple's taste is from cyanide in the seeds. Mmmm, deadly poison sure tastes good.

Nor is Mega Venusaur "OP" anyway. Good? Yes. Much better than regular Venusaur? Absolutely. OP? Not really.
Venusaur's flower resembles Rafflesia due to its size. It's highly unlikely to actually be based on it, though, as Venusaur's flower does not smell like rotting meat and has six petals instead of five. Even if Gastrodon learns a lot of Poison moves, the point still stands that Venusaur does not and has no real indication of a Poison-typing.
Why is it when I say that it gets pushback?

At any rate I don't really agree that Venusaur being Poison-typed is unrelated to its behavior and appearance, but whatever. Is this going anywhere, actually?
Wow! This has been forgotten about! But, not by me! Without further ado, Justification, ORAS Edition:
  • 015-m.png
    Mega Beedrill now learns Gunk Shot.
  • 018-m.png
    Mega Pidgeot now learns Focus Blast.
  • 018-m.png
    Mega Pidgeot now learns Hyper Voice.
  • 080-m.png
    Mega Slowbro's ability is now Regenerator.
  • 145.png
    Zapdos' ability is now Lightningrod.
  • 145.png
    Zapdos now learns Hurricane.
  • 208-m.png
    Mega Steelix's ability is now Sand Stream.
  • 254-m.png
    Mega Sceptile now learns Draco Meteor.
  • 254-m.png
    Mega Sceptile's ability is now Sheer Force.
  • 302-m.png
    Mega Sableye's ability is now Prankster.
  • 319-m.png
    Mega Sharpedo now learns hunder Fang and Knock Off.
  • 323-m.png
    Mega Camerupt now learns Energy Ball.
  • 334-m.png
    Mega Altaria's ability is changed to Fur Coat.
  • 373-m.png
    Mega Salamence's Attack and Special Attack are swapped.
  • 373-m.png
    Mega Salamence's ability is changed to Sheer Force.
  • 376-m.png
    Mega Metagross' ability is changed to Download.
  • 380-m.png
    Mega Latias' ability is changed to Multiscale.
  • 381-m.png
    Mega Latos' ability is changed to Tinted Lens.
  • 428-m.png
    Mega Lopunny now learns Knock Off.
  • 448.png
    Lucatio's ability is now Tough Claws.
  • 475-m.png
    Mega Gallade's ability is changed to Justified.
  • 494.png
    Victini's ability is now Pixilate.
  • 531-m.png
    Mega Audino's ability is changed to Regenerator.
  • 719-m.png
    Mega Diancie's ability is changed to Pixilate.
  • 719-m.png
    Mega Diancie now learns Hyper Voice.
Let's a-go!
Last edited:
Wow! This has been forgotten about! But, not by me! Without further ado, Justification, ORAS Edition:
  • 015-m.png
    Mega Beedrill now learns Gunk Shot.
  • 018-m.png
    Mega Pidgeot now learns Focus Blast.
  • 018-m.png
    Mega Pidgeot now learns Hyper Voice.
  • 080-m.png
    Mega Slowbro's ability is now Regenerator.
  • 145.png
    Zapdos' ability is now Lightningrod.
  • 145.png
    Zapdos now learns Hurricane.
  • 208-m.png
    Mega Steelix's ability is now Sand Stream.
  • 227.png
    Skarmory's ability is changed to Unaware.
  • 254-m.png
    Mega Sceptile now learns Draco Meteor.
  • 254-m.png
    Mega Sceptile's ability is now Sheer Force.
  • 260-m.png
    Mega Swampert now learns Stealth Rock.
  • 302-m.png
    Mega Sableye's ability is now Prankster.
  • 319-m.png
    Mega Sharpedo now learns Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, and Knock Off.
  • 323-m.png
    Mega Camerupt now learns Energy Ball.
  • 334-m.png
    Mega Altaria's ability is changed to Fur Coat.
  • 362-m.png
    Mega Glalie's Attack is buffed to 130, Speed to 110, Defense and Special Defense to 70 each.
  • 373-m.png
    Mega Salamence's Attack and Special Attack are swapped.
  • 373-m.png
    Mega Salamence's ability is changed to Sheer Force.
  • 376-m.png
    Mega Metagross' ability is changed to Download.
  • 380-m.png
    Mega Latias' typing is changed to Dragon / Fairy.
  • 380-m.png
    Mega Latias' ability is changed to Multiscale.
  • 381-m.png
    Mega Latios' typing is changed to pure Dragon.
  • 381-m.png
    Mega Latos' ability is changed to Tinted Lens.
  • 428-m.png
    Mega Lopunny now learns Knock Off.
  • 448.png
    Lucatio's ability is now Tough Claws.
  • 475-m.png
    Mega Gallade's ability is changed to Justified.
  • 494.png
    Victini's ability is now Pixilate.
  • 531-m.png
    Mega Audino's ability is changed to Regenerator.
  • 719-m.png
    Mega Diancie's ability is changed to Pixilate.
  • 719-m.png
    Mega Diancie now learns Hyper Voice.
Let's a-go!

Mega Pidgeot already has 141 speed, what happens when it mega evolves?
Wow! This has been forgotten about! But, not by me! Without further ado, Justification, ORAS Edition:
  • 227.png
    Skarmory's ability is changed to Unaware.
What exactly is Skarmory unaware of? And which Ability does it replace that somehow makes less sense than it?
  • 254-m.png
    Mega Sceptile now learns Draco Meteor.
  • 254-m.png
    Mega Sceptile's ability is now Sheer Force.
Red flag for straying from the point of your own meta. There's a very justified reason why Sceptile doesn't learn Draco Meteor, and it is worth noting that you have opted not to give Ampharos or Charizard the same move.
Also, what flavor is there for Sheer Force? What can Mega Sceptile even use it with, other than Focus Blast?

  • 260-m.png
    Mega Swampert now learns Stealth Rock.
It already gets Stealth Rock.
  • 319-m.png
    Mega Sharpedo now learns Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, and Knock Off.
It already gets Ice Fang. Perhaps you meant Fire Fang?
  • 380-m.png
    Mega Latias' typing is changed to Dragon / Fairy.
  • 380-m.png
    Mega Latias' ability is changed to Multiscale.
  • 381-m.png
    Mega Latios' typing is changed to pure Dragon.
  • 381-m.png
    Mega Latos' ability is changed to Tinted Lens.
Remember how I said that you strayed from the point of your own meta? It applies here as well. I can see no reason whatsoever why Game Freak should make these changes. It completely ruins the whole relationship between Latias and Latios to make them so different.
What exactly is Skarmory unaware of? And which Ability does it replace that somehow makes less sense than it?

Look at its model. Just. Sits there. Shaking. Aha. Looks derpy-ish.

Red flag for straying from the point of your own meta. There's a very justified reason why Sceptile doesn't learn Draco Meteor, and it is worth noting that you have opted not to give Ampharos or Charizard the same move.
Also, what flavor is there for Sheer Force? What can Mega Sceptile even use it with, other than Focus Blast?

Draco Meteor makes sense. It has Outrage, is Dragon-type, and can launch off Leaf Storm. It's not staying from the point at all.

Sheer Force is from the stance, it's like Nidoking's. Energy Ball as well.

It already gets Stealth Rock.

My b.

It already gets Ice Fang. Perhaps you meant Fire Fang?

No, forgot. Fire Fang was a no because no Water-types do I believe.

Remember how I said that you strayed from the point of your own meta? It applies here as well. I can see no reason whatsoever why Game Freak should make these changes. It completely ruins the whole relationship between Latias and Latios to make them so different.

Keep in mind, not everything has to be strictly "justified", it can be bent a little bit. And I will, it's more fun that way. This is a time I really don't mind; they're justified because of the leaks and make sense flavor wise. No need to be snarky.
Look at its model. Just. Sits there. Shaking. Aha. Looks derpy-ish.

Draco Meteor makes sense. It has Outrage, is Dragon-type, and can launch off Leaf Storm. It's not staying from the point at all.

Sheer Force is from the stance, it's like Nidoking's. Energy Ball as well.

My b.

No, forgot. Fire Fang was a no because no Water-types do I believe.

Keep in mind, not everything has to be strictly "justified", it can be bent a little bit. And I will, it's more fun that way. This is a time I really don't mind; they're justified because of the leaks and make sense flavor wise. No need to be snarky.

Give Sceptile contrary, it wont be broken. Promise
Keep in mind, not everything has to be strictly "justified", it can be bent a little bit. And I will, it's more fun that way. This is a time I really don't mind; they're justified because of the leaks and make sense flavor wise. No need to be snarky.
Throwing my support for Dry Paratroopa. Looking over that list, a clear majority of it is based on subjective views rather than correcting a major mistake. I'd love to reply to each and every one of them why making that change is of no urgent priority, but given the above reply, I'm not sure if there's any point. It's your Pet Mod, so I don't particularly care if your word weighs the heaviest in this discussion. But both me and Paratroopa disagree with the above changes based on the theme you have chosen for this project, where everything that's changed should have a strong reason based either on the Pokemon's flavor text, or based on the moves they already know compared to the moves of other Pokemon that possessed said desired element. But if you're just implementing changes for the sole reason of improving Pokemon or because of some arbitrary characteristics, then you're better off changing the name of this Pet Mod to "From Unfixable to Viable" (or something to that effect).
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Reactions: Spy
Look at its model. Just. Sits there. Shaking. Aha. Looks derpy-ish.
You can say that about most Pokemon. Unaware Skarmory doesn't make any sense from a non-competitive standpoint. One of its abilities is Keen Eye, which would imply that it is very alert and aware. I also agree that plenty of the other changes don't make much sense. A number of older changes don't make any sense either, including Icicle Spear Heracross, Water Shuriken being a special attack, Perish Song Gourgeist, and Boomburst Mismagius.
You can say that about most Pokemon. Unaware Skarmory doesn't make any sense from a non-competitive standpoint. One of its abilities is Keen Eye, which would imply that it is very alert and aware. I also agree that plenty of the other changes don't make much sense. A number of older changes don't make any sense either, including Icicle Spear Heracross, Water Shuriken being a special attack, Perish Song Gourgeist, and Boomburst Mismagius.
That last one actually does make sense -- Misdreavus is based on the banshee, known for its wailing screams. Hence, a burst of sound. Arguably Icicle Spear Heracross makes only slightly less sense than having Rock Blast and Bullet Seed, but I'm not so sure about Water Shuriken and Gourgeist.
Throwing my support for Dry Paratroopa. Looking over that list, a clear majority of it is based on subjective views rather than correcting a major mistake. I'd love to reply to each and every one of them why making that change is of no urgent priority, but given the above reply, I'm not sure if there's any point. It's your Pet Mod, so I don't particularly care if your word weighs the heaviest in this discussion. But both me and Paratroopa disagree with the above changes based on the theme you have chosen for this project, where everything that's changed should have a strong reason based either on the Pokemon's flavor text, or based on the moves they already know compared to the moves of other Pokemon that possessed said desired element. But if you're just implementing changes for the sole reason of improving Pokemon or because of some arbitrary characteristics, then you're better off changing the name of this Pet Mod to "From Unfixable to Viable" (or something to that effect).

Hey Bummer, thanks a bunch n_n. I actually do like "From Unfixable to Viable" haha, but I am sticking to Justification. Truly sorry about the unjustified changes I made, and the unjustified response, some of them were just because I thought they were particularly interesting and people might like them. I've removed all of them that do not make sense. If you catch any more, let me know and I'll be sure to justify my response better next time! :]

You can say that about most Pokemon. Unaware Skarmory doesn't make any sense from a non-competitive standpoint. One of its abilities is Keen Eye, which would imply that it is very alert and aware. I also agree that plenty of the other changes don't make much sense. A number of older changes don't make any sense either, including Icicle Spear Heracross, Water Shuriken being a special attack, Perish Song Gourgeist, and Boomburst Mismagius.

True. I just thought Unaware would be a nice little boost for Stall, considering the Hyperoffensive nature of this metagame. But, you're right, it doesn't make sense, removed. The old ones Jajoken covered, so I'll leave that to him. What else is off though? I'd like to know so I could remove them n_n.

Tagging Dry Paratroopa as well.