I meant flavor-wise. I agree that it should be more powerful, but Justification isn't just making things viable. The changes have to fix Troll Freak logic.
Troll Freak Logic:
>Introduce Fairy-type draining move.
>Make it blatantly inferior to other draining moves without introducing an upgraded variant.
Okay, new point: The Japanese name is Bark Out. Humans don't bark.
You win this one just for "okay, new point". But yeah, that makes sense.
Riolu's Pearl entry is all about how Riolu is powerful despite how small it is. Meloetta-P's Fighting-type isn't from strength, but rather knowing how to fight.
That's a fair point. I still think tap-dancing = earthquake is a really freakin' cool idea either way.
No, but Dragon Dance Garchomp was. Speaking of Garchomp, its common Scarf set outspeeds +1 Salamence and murders it. Meloetta-P's STABs are unresisted outside of the three viable Ghost-types as well. Also, as you said, Quiver Dance would break her, and Dragon Dance is kind of like a physical version of it.
Dragon Dance is Quiver Dance minus the ability to also increase her defensive capabilities at the same time. And Normal/Fighting isn't exactly the greatest defensive typing, either. Also, Garchomp never even got Dragon Dance. Just Swords Dance.
I do see your point, though.
What does coverage have to do with adaptation? Adaptability means that you can change to meet many situations. They are adapted because they have changed themselves to a certain situation. Specialized, if you will.
Type coverage would have implications on your ability to deal with the other locals of your habitat. I suppose, in a way, it might make sense for the Eeveelutions to lose Adaptability, but it really is a darn shame because it would be very helpful to all of them.
Play Rough isn't bad, and Pixilate != Aerilate.
Troll Freak Logic: I know! Let's make it a Fairy-type, but not give it any STAB moves until level 43! In fact, let's only introduce a single physical Fairy-type move, thus making physical Fairies terrible (or at least boring) in general!
Solution: Pixilate. Instant STAB. Plus it gives Granbull access to a move with high enough base power to maybe make up for its decidedly "meh" stats.
Well, if it doesn't have the offensive stats to be a glass cannon, it isn't really one. Personally, I'd make it an annoyer. It gets Nuzzle, so pair that up with something like Encore and give it a big Speed boost.
I suppose that works too, though honestly Cheek Pouch isn't going to save you if your defences look like that, and either way Plus -> Infiltrator because Plus is useless with a base Sp. Atk like that.