KONY 2012

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As was probably going to happen anyway, KONY will eventually lose popularity, until it peaks on that blackout night thing (forgot the date), then it will eventually go down, maybe a huge upswing in December, but I doubt it.
I think that maybe the director of this film decided to run around naked and masturbate because of this huge hype, and he took it the wrong way?
The way I see it, celebrities, or at least most of them, experience a gradual increase of fame, until they get to where they are, and because of the gradual increase, their mind gets better suited, than what happened to this guy. Where a video, and suddenly he is incredibly famous, which may have affected him a bit, I doubt masturbation and exposure was a direct effect of this.
Rather that he was incredibly drunk out of celebration, and he doesnt seem like the kind of guy who drinks A LOT. He may have drunken a lot, and again his mind probably wasnt suited to an excess amount of alcohol, and what resulted was him making an ass of himself.

Thats how I see it I guess.
i don't see how public nude exposure and insane masturbation is anyone's means of celebration.

it's almost sad that he had this episode and has since then (further) diminished the credibility of the KONY ambition, but it's doubly scary. a man hosting an organization meant to spread awareness about a very serious fugitive and his despicable actions garnered so much popularity in a very short amount of time, yet he's caught doing something so irrational and a little too… unprofessional? I dunno, I can't really see any good reason to "excuse" him for his behavior -- as great as it was to spread awareness about KONY, he just as effectively shot himself in the foot in about as little time.
Rather that he was incredibly drunk out of celebration, and he doesnt seem like the kind of guy who drinks A LOT. He may have drunken a lot, and again his mind probably wasnt suited to an excess amount of alcohol, and what resulted was him making an ass of himself.

Thats how I see it I guess.

Have you seen the video? o.O Alcohol doesn't do that to a normal (or even a crazy) person. My guess is at least meth.
i don't see how public nude exposure and insane masturbation is anyone's means of celebration.

it's almost sad that he had this episode and has since then (further) diminished the credibility of the KONY ambition, but it's doubly scary. a man hosting an organization meant to spread awareness about a very serious fugitive and his despicable actions garnered so much popularity in a very short amount of time, yet he's caught doing something so irrational and a little too… unprofessional? I dunno, I can't really see any good reason to "excuse" him for his behavior -- as great as it was to spread awareness about KONY, he just as effectively shot himself in the foot in about as little time.

I made the point that, because of his incredibly rapid increase in popularity, it was why he drank more alcohol than normal or something (I dont know), and as Shiny_Tyranitar pointed out, it could be some sort of drug which could of been used as celebration, this guy is no saint, its entirely possible but of course it is obviously its no excuse for what he did, Im just theorizing why.
Well, you know what they say...

No one's perfect.

And not everyone runs outside naked beating on cars.

I support the capture and arrest of Joseph Kony, but I do not support this organization. Only about a third of their actual donations go to Uganda and helping people. The rest is spent on merchandise (which offended even the victims of Kony) and music videos meant to "spread awareness". This isn't even touching the fact that Kony has long since been pushed out of Uganda and has barely enough to qualify as a small army. When the people you're aiding are offended by what you're doing, it's time to stop and rethink your strategy. This also hurts Uganda's tourism industry because it makes it seem like Kony could just pop up at any moment and snatch your kid up or something.

Shady charity, shady "leader", shady everything.
Ignoring it would have been the better choice really, this just goes to show that these people are not prepared to handle the extreme scrutiny and responsibility of a million dollar charity.

My bets are on the whole Kony 2012 movement will fizz out by the end of the month then will struggle to raise in popularity by the week of April 20th. Also who knows what sort of global event could occur in this next month that captures the attention of the social media world?
I saw the video of him. He was pounding the ground like a monkey though, not masterbating. I think someone might have slipped him some PCP, which is like LCD but the trips make you attack yourself.
Lol, it was probably just alcohol guys... I doubt anyone slipped him PCP or anything like that. Nigga got drunk and acted dumb, shocker, that happens.

I actually forgot all about Kony2012 until this guy got arrested.

I think this is a good example of how ineffective slacktivism is.
Seriously? You can't go nude and masturbate all over town if drunk..
The problem really lies in a poor organization by the team.

They should've gotten professional help when their campaign went viral. They clearly can't handle this. I really hope that the campaign goes into better hands and everything here on is handled better.
Yes, I play Pokemon. It's very popular here. The kids taught me.

Oddly, I thought it was the other way around. I've always seen you as a modern day pokemon trainer, whose sole goal is to capture them all and train them to be the very best. It is your goal to battle your "pokemon" against other "trainers" (african warlords) until you become the new league champion.
you know I was just coming to here to share my thoughts, but Forte.exe hit the nail perfectly, I totally agree with em'
In honor of tomorrow being KONY 420, my buddy Fabbles and I will be spreading the word in the only way we know possible.

Both of us purchased over $100 worth of posters and t-shirts and we cannot wait to make Kony famous. We are going to post them all over our cities and have our friends and family join us in our cause.

I hope some of you will be doing the same.

In honor of tomorrow being KONY 420, my buddy Fabbles and I will be spreading the word in the only way we know possible.

Both of us purchased over $100 worth of posters and t-shirts and we cannot wait to make Kony famous. We are going to post them all over our cities and have our friends and family join us in our cause.

I hope some of you will be doing the same.


I had a lot of fun doing this last year. Unfortunately Fabbles is no longer with us. #RIP

#KONY2013 #BostonMarathon #YOLOSWAG
My bets are on the whole Kony 2012 movement will fizz out by the end of the month then will struggle to raise in popularity by the week of April 20th. Also who knows what sort of global event could occur in this next month that captures the attention of the social media world?

It feels good to be right.

The last time I even thought about this whole Kony issue was 11 months ago really. I had lambasted a friend of mine for understanding nothing about the military issues that this organization wanted to support. We bickered a bit online and when I saw her the following school year I didn't even remember, doubt she did as well.

It makes me wonder how people can truly mobilize and make a greater social change. Canada's Idle No More protests are starting to lose media attention and I'd hate to see the natural/native issues being dropped here.
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