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<p>With 115 Special Attack and a respectable special movepool, a specially-based moveset can be used as a lure of sorts, luring in many of Landorus's normal counters and taking them down. A mixed set consisting of Earthquake, Stone Edge, Hidden Power Ice, and Grass Knot can act as a great partner for Excadrill, destroying many of Excadrill's checks and counters. Landorus also learns Bulk Up and, oddly enough, Calm Mind, but the lack of any form of recovery besides Leftovers hurts either moves' viability. Landorus can also make use of a Choice Band to boost his already great Attack to ridiculous levels. For example, Hippowdon takes 47.4% - 56% from a Choice Band Earthquake, an assured 2HKO with a layer of Spikes. Landorus also learns Explosion, but the effective damage reduction it received this generation makes it an undesirable option. With access to Swords Dance and Rock Polish, Landorus can run a double dance set, but Terrakion pulls this off slightly better due to better coverage with its STABs attacks.</p>