Rotom- Fan-------Fantum
Electric/Flying------I guess has to be Levitate
Stat Spread: 30 Hp/ 45 Atk/ 80 Def/ 70 SpA/ 80 SpDef/ 65 Spe
Fantum has an amazing typing for the LC meta, because it can pivot in to fighting types as well as birds, and the ability to spread burns is great. It won't be too OP because it's only viable recovery form is Pain Split or Rest/Talk and a SR weakness also hinders it's pivoting abilities. Fantum could also run a stallbreaker Trick set making use of its very passable 70 SpA [insert rly bad classic air balloon set joke]. This stat spread fits because Fantum's HP is it's lowest stat with the highest being defenses and SpA and Spe close behind. 65 spe Allows for Fantum to just hit the base 17 speed stat.