Little Cup Creationism

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Rotom- Fan-------Fantum
Electric/Flying------I guess has to be Levitate
Stat Spread: 30 Hp/ 45 Atk/ 80 Def/ 70 SpA/ 80 SpDef/ 65 Spe

Fantum has an amazing typing for the LC meta, because it can pivot in to fighting types as well as birds, and the ability to spread burns is great. It won't be too OP because it's only viable recovery form is Pain Split or Rest/Talk and a SR weakness also hinders it's pivoting abilities. Fantum could also run a stallbreaker Trick set making use of its very passable 70 SpA [insert rly bad classic air balloon set joke]. This stat spread fits because Fantum's HP is it's lowest stat with the highest being defenses and SpA and Spe close behind. 65 spe Allows for Fantum to just hit the base 17 speed stat.
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Rotom- Fan-------Fantum
Electric/Flying------I guess has to be Levitate
Stat Spread: 30 Hp/ 45 Atk/ 80 Def/ 70 SpA/ 80 SpDef/ 65 Spe

Fantum has an amazing typing for the LC meta, because it can pivot in to fighting types as well as birds, and the ability to spread burns is great. It won't be too OP because it's only viable recovery form is Pain Split or Rest/Talk and a SR weakness also hinders it's pivoting abilities. Fantum could also run a stallbreaker Trick set making use of its very passable 70 SpA [insert rly bad classic air balloon set joke]. This stat spread fits because Fantum's HP is it's lowest stat with the highest being defenses and SpA and Spe close behind. 65 spe Allows for Fantum to just hit the base 17 speed stat.
you can't reserve any legends yet, same thing for you lzc001
Rotom is not a legendary pokemon
That's up to debate. But frankly, the reaoson why legendary Pokemon would need to reserved for "trustable" users, would be because of their presumed power or high BST, but since unfixable is approving completed submissions in the first place, he could reject OP submissions, like he has already.
Oh sorry. Last time I checked the OP (which is like when it first was posted) the "already reserved" and "unavailable" things weren't there yet. Super sorry I'm Illiterate :(. Didn't mean to cause so much of a commotion. I should've checked the OP again.
Stop trying to justify your laziness. All you guys are doing is confusing everyone involved in the project.

Also, I'm going to suggest that we cap submissions at two per round, to free up slots for other users to participate, instead of the same four doing everything
Rotom being a legendary really isn't debatable because it can breed with ditto to make other rotoms, making it inherently not one, it's ultimately is unfixable's decision but I'm just saying it shouldn't be treated differently than kanghaskhan or something , considering kang has higher stats than normal rotom and only 30 lower than other forms. I'm not defending those who wrote it up, I'm saying it should be able to be written up.
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you can't reserve any legends yet, same thing for you lzc001
Ok, changing my reservation to Carbink (It says Diancie in the OP lol)

Rock/Fairy-----Clear Body/Sturdy
Statspread: 30 Hp/20 Atk/100 Def/25 SpA/100 SpDf/20 Spd
Move Reductions: Sharpen, Hail, Sunny Day, Sandstorm, Guard Split, Moonblast.

Rock/Fairy is quite the interesting type in LC, but this type is deadly weak to Pawniard. But despite it's typing, it can do alot. Base 100/100 defenses is ridiculous despite the fact that Carbink has 50 higher defense and special defense. However, like most bulky mons in LC, it unfortunately has no forms of recovery outside of rest. But it does get the ability sturdy, so it can be an interesting user of the sturdyjuice strategy. Plus it is able to set up screens, stealth rock, and use skill swap, substitute, and calm mind to its like. But 20/25/20 offenses are pretty bad when it comes to attacking. So it could be used with eviolite rest, or a sturdyjuice set. All in all it's a nice preevolution to Carbink
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Ditto -- Kitto (corruption of kiddo! ahhaaa get it cuz he's a baby haha)

Normal -- Limber ; Imposter
Stat Spread: 24 HP / 24 Atk / 24 Def / 24 SpA / 24 SpD / 24 Spe

Well, this is pretty self explanatory. It's basically a baby Ditto. Stats don't really matter, as you just copy the copied Pokemon's stats, barring HP, but that's beside the point. Kitto is just a Ditto with less HP. This would be very interesting in the metagame, as every decent team runs a win condition, so Kitto would be able to easily punish reckless set up.

Koffing -- Koffing
Poison -- Levitate
Stat Spread: 55 HP / 30 Atk / 95 Def / 60 SpA / 55 SpD / 20 Spe
Added Moves: Recover

Koffing is definitely a very underwhelming Pokemon in Little Cup. Koffing's lack of reliable recovery outside of Pain Split really hinders it's effectiveness in the tier. First, I gave Koffing a little more HP, and lowered his attack, as you shouldn't be using that. His stellar defense stat will remain the same, but his special defense stat is provided with a boost to make Koffing live longer and stay scary, but Koffing remains with his average special attack stat, although it is higher than Gothita's and Stunky's, while rivaling Spritzee's. Then, to top it all off, I gave Koffing Recover. This allows Koffing to stay alive longer and remain a threat, but it won't be hard to kill it by using special attacks or Taunt.

unfixable , is there a reason Tropius isn't listed? If not, can I reserve it?
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Ok, changing my reservation to Carbink (It says Diancie in the OP lol)

Rock/Fairy-----Clear Body/Sturdy
Statspread: 30 Hp/20 Atk/100 Def/25 SpA/100 SpDf/20 Spd
Move Reductions: Sharpen, Hail, Sunny Day, Sandstorm, Guard Split, Moonblast.

Rock/Fairy is quite the interesting type in LC, but this type is deadly weak to Pawniard. But despite it's typing, it can do alot. Base 100/100 defenses is ridiculous despite the fact that Carbink has 50 higher defense and special defense. However, like most bulky mons in LC, it unfortunately has no forms of recovery outside of rest. But it does get the ability sturdy, so it can be an interesting user of the sturdyjuice strategy. Plus it is able to set up screens, stealth rock, and use skill swap, substitute, and calm mind to its like. But 20/25/20 offenses are pretty bad when it comes to attacking. So it could be used with eviolite rest, or a sturdyjuice set. All in all it's a nice preevolution to Carbink
Keep in mind that Carbink is Genderless and therefore doesn't have access to any moves that it learns after level 5, this includes Power Gem and Moonblast.

And this is an opinion, but I believe you've severely nerfed it; you've chopped 205 points from its BST.
I'm capping Rotom off because it's a debatable Pokemon in all aspects. On one hand it has legendary-like qualities to it, on the other hand it's not technically a legendary. I still want it to be an unreservable Pokemon for now because it's just simpler to do and I feel like Rotom is going to become super broken really easily.

Spinarak -- Spinarak
Bug / Poison -- Compound Eyes ; Limber ; Intimidate
Stat Spread: 50 HP / 60 Atk/ 40 Def / 20 SpA / 40 SpD / 70 Spe

Spinarak is often times largely outclassed by Surskit as a sticky web setter, with its only niche being toxic spikes. It lacks offensive presence as well, with lackluster coverage and a sub par attack stat. In gaining attack, speed, and a little HP, alongside these abilities and moves, Spinarak can once again become relevant. Spinarak will have the ability to go defensive with Intimidate, offensive with Compound Eyes, or support-oriented with Limber. These abilities fit within flavor too; a spider has those buggy eyes, is scary & intimidating, and agile (so it can't be paralyzed).
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Binacle -- Binacle
Water / Rock -- Tough Claws / Sniper / Shell Armor
Stat Spread: 45 HP / 57 Atk / 67 Def / 29 SpA / 61 SpD / 50 Spe
Slightly higher HP, Atk, and SpD, and reduced SpA. I gave it Shell Armor over Pickpocket because it just makes more sense flavorwise (plus pickpocket isnt good). This gives it a little more bulk to help it set up/tank hits.
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Fire -- Sheer Force, Inner Focus, Hustle
Stat Spread: 65 HP / 90 Atk/ 40 Def / 15 SpA / 40 SpD / 65 Spe
Move reductions: Hammer Arm, Thrash
Move additions: Body Slam

While keeping the same BST and attack stat, Darumaka has part of not so relevant defenses redirected into speed ressembling more the stats' distribution and traits of darmanitan. With 90 attack and sheer force instead of hustle, it would be a lot more reliable scarf revenge killer with an incredibly powerful flare blitz and a serious threat for the meta to prepare to, as well as giving the hypothesis of running flame charge sweeping sets without having to sacrifice a little bulk investment and even run life orb/berry juice.
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Ok, changing my reservation to Carbink (It says Diancie in the OP lol)

Rock/Fairy-----Clear Body/Sturdy
Statspread: 30 Hp/20 Atk/100 Def/25 SpA/100 SpDf/20 Spd
Move Reductions: Sharpen, Hail, Sunny Day, Sandstorm, Guard Split, Moonblast.

Rock/Fairy is quite the interesting type in LC, but this type is deadly weak to Pawniard. But despite it's typing, it can do alot. Base 100/100 defenses is ridiculous despite the fact that Carbink has 50 higher defense and special defense. However, like most bulky mons in LC, it unfortunately has no forms of recovery outside of rest. But it does get the ability sturdy, so it can be an interesting user of the sturdyjuice strategy. Plus it is able to set up screens, stealth rock, and use skill swap, substitute, and calm mind to its like. But 20/25/20 offenses are pretty bad when it comes to attacking. So it could be used with eviolite rest, or a sturdyjuice set. All in all it's a nice preevolution to Carbink
Aaron's Aron already reserved carbink, unfixable should update the op

Fire/Ground --- Oblivious / Simple / Dry Skin
Stats: 60/50/50/65/65/35 (330 BST)
Movepool: +Slack Off, -Growth, -Fire Blast

NUMEL. Numel already holds a respectable niche for being able to handle several threats in metagame, including Magnemite, Ponyta, any Grass-type, and any Poison-type not named Skrelp. I've made changes to bolster that niche. Numel gets a little more bulk to function better as a defensive threat and added recovery, and it loses a crippling weakness to Water-type attacks. I've also removed Growth, because frankly, camels do not grow in the sense that is implied through the move Growth, and it could become a little out of hand with the added bulk. I've also removed Fire Blast to help limit Numel's offensive capabilities. Overall, these changes will make Numel a force to be reckoned with, and it could shift the metagame in a new and exciting direction.

edit: unfixable really needs to update the op
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not being able to add moves for pre-evos makes sense, but why shouldn't we be allowed to add moves to existing lc pokemon?
Aaron's Aron already reserved carbink, unfixable should update the op

Fire/Ground --- Oblivious / Simple / Dry Skin
Stats: 60/50/50/65/65/35 (330 BST)
Movepool: +Slack Off, -Growth, -Fire Blast

NUMEL. Numel already holds a respectable niche for being able to handle several threats in metagame, including Magnemite, Ponyta, any Grass-type, and any Poison-type not named Skrelp. I've made changes to bolster that niche. Numel gets a little more bulk to function better as a defensive threat and added recovery, and it loses a crippling weakness to Water-type attacks. I've also removed Growth, because frankly, camels do not grow in the sense that is implied through the move Growth, and it could become a little out of hand with the added bulk. I've also removed Fire Blast to help limit Numel's offensive capabilities. Overall, these changes will make Numel a force to be reckoned with, and it could shift the metagame in a new and exciting direction.
Bro, I reserved Numel
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