Magby -- Magby
Fire / Fighting -- Flame Body ; Vital Spirit
Stat Spread: 45 HP / 85 Atk / 37 Def / 70 SpA / 55 SpD / 83 Spe
Magby is a very average Pokemon in the tier. Normally used in tandem with Belly Drum, making Magby Fire / Fighting would allow it to efficiently run a Life Orb, or possibly a Scarf set (although it is already very fast). A set could be Cross Chop / Flare Blitz / Thunder Punch / Will-O-Wisp. A Fighting STAB would allow Magby to beat a decent chunk of the metagame, making it more of a threat than before. I also added a little bit more attack, so Magby can truly shine. However, I wouldn't mind leaving it at 75 if 85 is too high.
unfixable , is there a reason Tropius isn't listed? If not, can I reserve it?
To do the Numel I actually reserved (sorry kava i did the same thing)::O
lmao i'm the worst. I'll redo a mon and take numel
Except people get likes for their submissions instead of one user getting lots of likes.This is just theorymons + more lol
And the goal of this project is to be unorganized and arbitrary? All you're doing is taking a a Pokemon, bumping some of its stats down, and removing some of its moves. There's no discussion, no metagame, just a way for people to finally make baby versions of their favorite evolved Pokemon and buff "meh" LC Pokemon with the only purpose of satisfying an outlined goal. This is just going to be people posting until there are no more Pokemon to post about and there's not metagame being built because there's no true justifications as to why all of these changes will mesh well together and create a more fun metagame.Except people get likes for their submissions instead of one user getting lots of likes.
And the goal of this project is to be unorganized and arbitrary? All you're doing is taking a a Pokemon, bumping some of its stats down, and removing some of its moves. There's no discussion, no metagame, just a way for people to finally make baby versions of their favorite evolved Pokemon and buff "meh" LC Pokemon with the only purpose of satisfying an outlined goal. This is just going to be people posting until there are no more Pokemon to post about and there's not metagame being built because there's no true justifications as to why all of these changes will mesh well together and create a more fun metagame.
I'm sooooo sorry that the way that Quote and I are approaching the theorymon thread results in us gaining likes, but it's an effective system that allows us to easily decipher which theorymon wins without cluttering a thread aimed at discussion. I can have some 3rd party post the nominations which will inevitably slow down the entire process, but anything to please you Nineage!
I've discussed the future of this project with unfixable and the current state of it, but he's adamant that it's not the same as the Theorymon Project when it comes to the LC Pokemon which isn't the case. I'll happily discuss these "submissions" with you via pm, but they aren't submissions as much as they are arbitrary posts to justify one's creativity.
tl;dr fuck off let me shitpost
Audino -- Medique (medicine + acoustique [audio in french])
Normal / Fairy -- Healer | Regenerator ; Klutz
Stat Spread: 90 HP / 20 Atk / 60 Def / 55 SpA / 55 SpD / 15 Spe
Medique would be a great Pokemon in the current metagame. Medique would provide stall with a big boon, as a Regenerator user and wish passer. Medique would be very healthy in the metagame because of its average defense stats, but its above average HP allows it to excel at passing wishes. It wouldn't outclass every Fairy-type ever either, because Medique's typing doesn't allow it to reliably beat Fighting-types, so after some prior damage and after being knocked off, Medique is susceptible to being beat by Fighting-types. However, it's cool to note, that with Medique's decent SpA stat, you can pull off a fairly decent Calm Mind set / 4 attacks set.
I'm capping Rotom off because it's a debatable Pokemon in all aspects. On one hand it has legendary-like qualities to it, on the other hand it's not technically a legendary. I still want it to be an unreservable Pokemon for now because it's just simpler to do and I feel like Rotom is going to become super broken really easily.
You can only remove moves, not add them.Chespin
Grass/Fairy | Leaf Guard, Bulletproof
New Spread: 66 HP / 60 Atk / 65 Def / 48 SpA / 55 SpD / 25 Spe (BST 319)
Moveset Additions: Play Rough, Moonlight, Stun Spore
Moveset Deletions: None atm
Explanation: Chespin is an underestimated Pokémon with a lot of potential. It has access to a wide movepool, all rounded stats, and an immunity to dragon types. Along with Leech Seed, Bulk Up, and Spikes, it gets the new moves Moonlight and Stun Spore, and gets a new STAB attack with Play Rough. Its new ability Leaf Guard, which prevents status moves from affecting it in sunlight, makes it a valuable partner in sun teams. However, it is still incredibly slow, and cannot function as well when the sun goes down. It also has a glaring 4x weakness to poison type attacks, and major weaknesses to flying and fire type attacks, two major offensive types.
You can only remove moves, not add them.
Lapras (Water/Ice) -> Laprunt (Water/Ice)
Stats: 90/70/55/70/80/45 (BST: 410)
Abilities: Water Absorb/Shell Armor/Hydration (HA)
Moveset deletions: Sheer Cold, Confuse Ray, Giga Impact, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail
Laprunt will probably run a lot like it does in standard. It can run a bulky DD set or a perish trapping set with Whirlpool, Perish Song, Rest and Rain Dance with its solid 90/55/80 bulk, eviolite and hydration. Alternatively, it can run a choice set or a mixed attack set since it gets STAB water/freeze-dry coverage and STAB ice shard to work with.
Sorry but someone already did lapras
You cannot add/replace moves, only delete them.Ditto<-Dumon(Dummy+Monster)
Normal, Limber/Imposter(HA)
25s across the boards.
Explanation... needed?
Fighting Inner Focus/Guts/Sturdy(HA)
Reversal is replaced by Gyro Ball. Wide Guard is replaced by Quick Guard, Endure by Counter and Superpower by Rock Slide.
Lol. Maybe increase the speed by 20, but you get it.
Wynaut <- Wutevar(Whatever.)
Psychic, Shadow Tag/Telepathy(HA)
Charm is replaced by Taunt. Yeah. Taunt Wobbuffet. The end of times has come.
Rotom->Notsip(Piston, the pinnacle of a Motor)
Electric/Ghost, Levitate
Do these seem good?
That makes sense. it's been edited.You cannot add/replace moves, only delete them.