<p>In a metagame where offensive threats have taken over the tier that is OU, Magnezone finds it difficult to truly fit in. Despite its major offensive presence in its Special Attack, Magnezone is outsped by every single offensive Pokemon in the tier; most of them wielding a super effective attack against it. Walling Magnezone isn't that difficult either, (AC) with many defensive Pokemon, such as Hippowdon and Celebi, running amok.</p>
<p>However, one must look closer to find the real usefulness in Magnezone. It has an excellent ability in Magnet Pull, an ability that traps Steel-types; since as Magnezone has all the necessary tools to rid of them, specifically its STAB Electric-type moves and Hidden Power Fire, it's not only an aid to Dragon-types, it's also helpful to teams that struggle against Steel-types in general. Despite its common weaknesses, Magnezone's Steel typing grants it some useful resistances, paired with its decent defenses. One must not overlook its stellar base 130 Special Attack as well. Overall, Magnezone must be used with caution if it plans to guide the team to victory.</p>
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
item: Choice Specs
ability: Magnet Pull
nature: Modest
evs: 148 HP / 252 SpA / 108 Spe
<p>Magnezone's raw power is displayed in this set; being the closest special counterpart to Scizor with its Special Attack. With a high base 130 Special Attack and Choice Specs, Magnezone can plow through almost all of OU, bar Blissey and Chansey. This set is to wallbreak through the opposing team, leaving an opening for a sweeper to clean up. Volt Switch is to gain momentum throughout the match, (RC) as well as to switch out when sensing danger. The choice of Hidden Power depends on what your team suffers against. Hidden Power Fire allows Magnezone to KO Steel-types easily, while Hidden Power Ice grants access to hitting Dragon-types, as well as Landorus and Gliscor, hard. Flash Cannon is Magnezone's primary STAB move, providing good neutral coverage with no immunities, while Thunderbolt is the secondary STAB move; both moves cause great damage to the foe thanks to Choice Specs.</p>
<p>Magnezone should stay focused with its role of eliminating Steel-types thanks to its ability, Magnet Pull. However, if more power is wanted for Magnezone with this set, Analytic could be an option. With Analytic, as long as Magnezone is slower than the adversary, its attacks get a 30% increase in power, making Magnezone more suited for breaking through walls, including specially defensive Heatran. The Analytic boost also applies during a switch from the opponent. 252 Special Attack EVs are to further enhance Magnezone's power, while 108 Speed EVs are to outrun Timid Wobbuffet, with the rest going to HP for additional bulk. 144 Speed EVs can be used to outspeed a minimum Speed Heatran in exchange for less bulk and can potentially 2HKO Heatran after Stealth Rock damage. Likewise, if more bulk is needed, 48 Speed EVs could be used, (RC) and the rest would go into HP, (RC) and Magnezone could still outspeed a minimum Speed Scizor. A Modest nature maximizes Magnezone's Special Attack; however, if Magnezone needs to sport more Speed, Timid can be used in its place; it doesn't outspeed anything significant, however. Choice Specs is self explanatory, raising Magnezone's Special Attack to astounding heights, allowing Magnezone to turn into a powerful wallbreaker. Hidden Power Ground is only used to handle Heatran, since its as Magnezone's STAB moves causes more damage to other Pokemon than Hidden Power Ground would. Thunder is a great option if Magnezone is in the rain for that additional power.</p>
<p>To give Magnezone the chance to use Thunder in place of Thunderbolt, Politoed is a great partner, providing rain and allowing Thunder to be used without the fear of missing. Politoed also has decent synergy with Magnezone, with each taking each others' weaknesses quite well, (RC) and Magnezone using Volt Switch to go into Politoed when needed. Dragon-types, such as Latios and Salamence, are always good partners with Magnezone as they benefit from having Steel-types defeated. Choice Scarf users, such as Terrakion, Keldeo, or Rotom-W, are great partners to Magnezone, as they can handle the faster threats of the OU tier that would otherwise KO Magnezone before it had a chance to attack. Terrakion can also deal with Blissey and Chansey, two Pokemon Magnezone struggles against. Choice Specs Keldeo in particular can severely dent Hippowdon with its Water-type STAB moves. Specially defensive Celebi can take Magnezone's attacks; Volcarona can easily KO it Celebi, but it must be wary of Thunder Wave that could cripple its sweeping potential. It can also handle Jirachi, a Pokemon which Magnezone has difficulties defeating.</p>
name: Substitute Attacker
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Charge Beam / Flash Cannon
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Fire
item: Leftovers
ability: Magnet Pull
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>With this set, Magnezone can trap or set up against defensive bulky Steel-types, such as Ferrothorn and Choice Band Scizor (locked into Pursuit or Bullet Punch), (AC) and proceed to eliminate them. Thanks to Magnezone's useful resistances and Charge Beam's Special Attack boost, it can usually set up Substitute against Steel-types and eliminate them more easily. Substitute also allows Magnezone to evade status inflictions, (RC) as well as potentially set up. For the second moveslot, Charge Beam is often the move of choice as it allows Magnezone to defeat specially defensive variants of Jirachi due to its Special Attack raises, and can actually be an offensive threat after a +2 boost, making Magnezone less of a setup bait. Charge Beam also allows Magnezone to quicken the process of eliminating threats the rest of the team may have issues with. Flash Cannon, on the other hand, gives Magnezone another STAB move and additional coverage against Pokemon such as Mamoswine and Tyranitar. Thunderbolt is Magnezone's main STAB move, while the final moveslot is based on preference. Hidden Power Ice creates a pseudo-BoltBeam coverage alongisde Thunderbolt, (RC) and causes severe damage to Gliscor and Landorus, two notable threats. However, Hidden Power Fire hits Ferrothorn, Skarmory, and other Steel-types, hard.</p>
<p>Leftovers is to recover HP that was needed for Substitute, as well as increase durability. Magnet Pull is mandatory to this set to trap Steel-types and KO them. The EVs listed allows Magnezone to outspeed an Adamant Breeloom, KOing it quickly with Hidden Power Ice. A Timid nature allows Magnezone to outspeed neutral base 70 Pokemon. Placing 36 Speed EVs in HP can increase Magnezone's bulk while still outspeeding Adamant Scizor, though, (RC) outspeeding Breloom is important.</p>
<p>Pokemon that benefit from Magnezone's ability to eliminate Steel-type Pokemon, specifically Swords Dance Scizor and Kyurem-B, make for good partners, allowing them to sweep through teams with no major resistances holding them back. Gyarados also benefits from the absence of Steel-types, (RC) and has great offensive and defensive synergy with Magnezone. Levitate users, such as Gengar or Latios, can take any Ground-type attacks aimed at Magnezone, as well as handle threats Magnezone may attract, such as Breloom. Rapid Spinners users It should either be "spinners" or "Rapid Spin users" iirc are also good partners to Magnezone as well; Pokemon such as Ferrothorn can set up entry hazards against Magnezone if it doesn't bear Hidden Power Fire, and even if it does, it can't help Ferrothorn from setting up at least one layer. Having allies who that can rid of entry hazards, such as Starmie, who which bears decent synergy with Magnezone, as well as appreciates having Ferrothorn gone, are useful.</p>
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ground
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Flash Cannon
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Magnet Pull
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>While Magnezone does not have the desired Speed a normal Choice Scarfer user would have, Magnezone is still an excellent revenge killer thanks to its viable Speed, notable bulk, fantastic ability, and high Special Attack. This set holds a surprise element, outspeeding threats it may normally not outspeed and severely dent them with its powerful attacks. This is the only set that can trap and kill Swords Dance Lucario with consistency. Magnezone's bulk is what allows it to stand out from Magneton, whose Speed is more desirable. The ability to pivot out more often is what makes Magnezone more suited for offensive teams. Volt Switch works as a scout move, switching out when needed while keeping momentum. The choice of Hidden Power solely depends on what you want Magnezone to defeat. Hidden Power Ice is mainly used to dispose of physical Dragon-types locked into Outrage, such as Dragonite, Salamence, and Garchomp. It is also used to revenge kill threats 4x weak to Ice-type attacks, such as Gliscor and Landorus. Hidden Power Ice also completes the pseudo-BoltBeam coverage. Hidden Power Fire, on the other hand, hits is for Ferrothorn, Scizor, and Forretress, and Hidden Power Ground is only used to check Heatran. Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are both great STAB moves that provide good coverage to Magnezone.</p>
<p>As this set is leaning towards outspeeding the opponent, a Timid nature is required to outspeed potent threats such as Keldeo, Terrakion, and Landorus. Choice Scarf is self explanatory; allowing Magnezone to revenge kill for its team. Magnet Pull is the ability of choice to further achieve its goal of trapping Steel-types. It Magnezone has 252 EVs in both Speed and Special Attack to ensure it can attack as quickly as possible with as much power as it can muster. Thunder can replace Thunderbolt for that increase in overall power, (comma) though, (RC) Thunder is recommended only if there is rain present, as its accuracy is lackluster without it.</p>
<p>Dragon-type Pokemon are always good partners to Magnezone, especially when Hidden Power Fire is being used, where Magnezone can easily rid of Steel-types, specifically Ferrothorn, Scizor, and Forretress. All three of these threats are major roadblocks, especially in the success of Latias, Latios, and Kyurem-B, which is why Magnezone is often used with them. Physical attackers, or users that contain Psyshock, such as Terrakion or Latios, can rid of Blissey and Chansey, Magnezone's biggest threats to this set—or any of Magnezone's sets—. Not many threats from the previous sets differ from this set. Scizor can also deal with Blissey and Chansey, and it even forms a VoltTurn core with Magnezone. Politoed pairs well with both Magnezone and Scizor; weakening their Fire-type weakness in rain, (RC) and allowing Magnezone to freely use Thunder with perfect accuracy.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Magnezone still has a variety of options to choose from, despite its small movepool. A dual screen set is viable, as Magnezone has the bulk and qualities, such as a slow Volt Turn and Explosion, to succeed with it. However, not only does it lose valuable moveslots, it is generally outclassed by the likes of Espeon or Xatu; it also detracts from its main goal of trapping Steel-types. A non-Choiced all-out attacking set is viable; however, but status inflictions will hinder Magnezone more effeciently, and the lack of speed or power from the Choice items overweighs this option. Magnezone gains Discharge, which is useful on weatherless teams, but the power loss is noticeable. Signal Beam is a good coverage move because it KOes Celebi and Alakazam, (RC) along with while hitting Reuniclus, Latias, and Jolteon for great damage. Air Balloon can be used to evade the 4x weakness to damage from Ground-types. Magnet Rise is also an option to avoid Ground-type moves, but Magnezone would rather use Air Balloon, which isn't as useful to Magnezone from the get-go. RestTalk may seem like a good moveset because of Magnezone's good bulk, but due to Magnezone's common weaknesses, this strategy is much harder to pull off. Metal Sound can be used as a wallbreaking tactic; it's hardly worth the moveslot, however. Hidden Power Grass can be used to handle Gastrodon and other Ground-types. Magnezone can also run a support set with Toxic and Thunder Wave; however, but they waste a invaluable moveslot.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Fortunately, BW2 has brought many new threats that can easily fare against Magnezone, so dealing with it isn't much of a hassle. Gastrodon is a great counter against Magnezone, as it is immune to Electric-type attacks and resists Flash Cannon. Although However, it must be careful of the occasional Hidden Power Grass. Celebi can also stop Magnezone in its tracks since as it resists both of its STABs, (RC) and can KO with Earth Power or Hidden Power Fire. It can also set up with Calm Mind or Nasty Plot against Magnezone, and get past its Substitute with Perish Song. It must be catious of the rare Signal Beam, however. Specially defensive walls, such as Chansey and Blissey, can wall any attack Magnezone throws at them, (RC) while slowly withering its HP with Seismic Toss. Tyranitar, while weak to Flash Cannon, can easily dispose of Magnezone in the sand thanks to the Special Defense boost it provides. Heatran, Hippowdon, Latios, and Jolteon can easily rid of Magnezone, and it can do very little in return to either of them.</p>
<p>Offensive Ground-types, such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Gliscor, can switch in on Magnezone and easily OHKO it with Earthquake; they must be careful of Choice Specs Magnezone's Flash Cannon or any non-Choiced variant that carries Hidden Power Ice, however. Ice-types, such as Kyurem-B, Kyurem, and Mamoswine, can switch in on any of Magnezone's attacks except Flash Cannon.</p>
<p>Some checks to Magnezone that can switch in on it would be Dragon-types, such as Dragonite, Latios, and Hydreigon. They still must watch out for Hidden Power Ice, however. Other checks to Magnezone would be Landorus, Landorus-T, Thundurus-T, Ninetales, Volcarona, and Venusaur. While all of the Pokemon listed aren't usually used to check beat Magnezone, they have the potential to check it if such a situation arises.</p>
<p>Dugtrio gets a special mention; it can trap Magnezone, outspeed it, and KO it with its STAB Ground-type attack. Opposing Magnezone can also be an issue to it as well, especially if they carry Hidden Power Fire. Jirachi and Heatran are two defensive Steel-types that Magnezone has trouble ridding of, thanks to their high bulk. The latter must be careful of a Choice Specs Magnezone that carries Hidden Power Ground, (AC) though, (RC) Heatran usually can defeat Magnezone before it gets a chance to strike.</p>
<p>Most neutral strong special moves and super effective physical moves quickly disposes of Magnezone. There are many Pokemon that can't switch in on Magnezone, (RC) but can defeat it one-on-one, such as Lucario. Once Substitute Magnezone carrying Charge Beam has the ball rolling, it's hard to stop, so having a Pokemon that can fare against it is important and easy to accomplish.</p>