Megas For All V2 (Induction Phase)

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Sabreholo, here's no precedent for a mon getting Spit Up but not Stockpile or Swallow. If you want to use Spit Up then those are the other two moves in your quota.
It makes sense for Wailord to have Spit Up and Stockpile, but not Swallow, like Qwilfish. Wailord exceeds at inhaling air (check its Pokedex entries). Inhaling air is why Qwilfish and Drifblim get Spit Up and Stockpile. Air also explains why Qwilfish doesn't have Swallow (fish don't swallow air, and a balloon kinda does).
90 > 90
45 > 85
90 > 130
45 > 85
50 > 30​
Tsunami: When user enters the battle or gains this ability, user uses the move Surf without taking up a turn or using PP.
New moves: +Recover, +Earth Power

Wailord is a giant whale. The movement of its fins cause great tidal waves. Its massive presence means it can disrupt the earth.

Ice / Water
80 > 100
90 > 115
95 > 100
90 > 135
65 > 70
Blubber: Reduces damage from physical attacks by 50%
New Moves: +Calm Mind

Walrein's thick blubber shields it from physical attack, effectively doubling its defense. It has greatly improved bulk, with a slight improvement to the offenses.
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110/80/90/95/90/65 ---> 110/85 (+5)/110 (+20)/115 (+20)/125 (+35)/85 (+20) (630 BST)
New Moves: +Slack Off (Wanted to give recovery, Slack Off just makes sense flavor-wise), , +Bulk Up, +Calm Mind
Walrein becomes a great defensive wall, with Unaware + Recovery. Also the reason I put Bulk Up was due to its blubber literally "bulking it up"


99/68/83/72/87/51 ---> 99/90 (+22)/91 (+8)/102 (+30)/107 (+20)/71 (+20)
New Moves: +Hyper Voice
Tropius becomes more offensive now, with Aerilate giving it options from both attacking spectrums, as even with lower attack, it can't boost its SpA.



170/90/45/90/45/60 ---> 170/110 (+20)/50 (+5)/115 (+25)/65 (+20)/90 (+30)
New Moves: +Hurricane, +Thunder
The Float Whale Pokemon
IT'S THE SECOND COMING OF KYOGRE ONTO OU! Nah, but seriously, Wailord gets a giant buff, with 110/115/90 attacking stats, but still hates Drizzle nerf due to its only Flying STAB being almost useless out of rain, and Thunder is just coverage, but the same issue.

also desuko Walrein already gets Super Fang
EDIT: Now Walrein only has 3 new moves
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110/80/90/95/90/65 ---> 110/85 (+5)/110 (+20)/115 (+20)/125 (+35)/85 (+20) (630 BST)
New Moves: +Slack Off (Wanted to give recovery, Slack Off just makes sense flavor-wise), +Crunch, +Bulk Up, +Calm Mind
Walrein becomes a great defensive wall, with Unaware + Recovery. Also the reason I put Bulk Up was due to its blubber literally "bulking it up"


99/68/83/72/87/51 ---> 99/90 (+22)/91 (+8)/102 (+30)/107 (+20)/71 (+20)
New Moves: +Hyper Voice
Tropius becomes more offensive now, with Aerilate giving it options from both attacking spectrums, as even with lower attack, it can't boost its SpA.



170/90/45/90/45/60 ---> 170/110 (+20)/50 (+5)/115 (+25)/65 (+20)/90 (+30)
New Moves: +Hurricane, +Thunder

IT'S THE SECOND COMING OF KYOGRE ONTO OU! Nah, but seriously, Wailord gets a giant buff, with 110/115/90 attacking stats, but still hates Drizzle nerf due to its only Flying STAB being almost useless out of rain, and Thunder is just coverage, but the same issue.

also desuko Walrein already gets Super Fang
Only three or less moves per mega

110/80/90/95/90/65 ---> 110/85 (+5)/110 (+20)/115 (+20)/125 (+35)/85 (+20) (630 BST)
New Moves: +Slack Off (Wanted to give recovery, Slack Off just makes sense flavor-wise), +Crunch, +Bulk Up, +Calm Mind
Walrein becomes a great defensive wall, with Unaware + Recovery. Also the reason I put Bulk Up was due to its blubber literally "bulking it up"


99/68/83/72/87/51 ---> 99/90 (+22)/91 (+8)/102 (+30)/107 (+20)/71 (+20)
New Moves: +Hyper Voice
Tropius becomes more offensive now, with Aerilate giving it options from both attacking spectrums, as even with lower attack, it can't boost its SpA.



170/90/45/90/45/60 ---> 170/110 (+20)/50 (+5)/115 (+25)/65 (+20)/90 (+30)
New Moves: +Hurricane, +Thunder

IT'S THE SECOND COMING OF KYOGRE ONTO OU! Nah, but seriously, Wailord gets a giant buff, with 110/115/90 attacking stats, but still hates Drizzle nerf due to its only Flying STAB being almost useless out of rain, and Thunder is just coverage, but the same issue.

also desuko Walrein already gets Super Fang
Walrein also already gets Crunch :P
Ability: Bulkiness (Substitutes and healing provide 50% more health)
HP 110
Atk 80
Def 90 (+55) 145
SpA 95 (+20) 115
SpD 90 (+55) 145
Spe 65 (-20) 45

New Moves: Slack Off, Wish

Concept: Mega Walrein becomes harder to kill, unless you use Toxic. If you do, it's easy pickings. If not, say hello to Stallrein 2.02! He's here to take hits and take hits! He has super fang, road and... no scald. No ice type does; use toxic instead.

Note, the 50% more health means recover is 75% of health instead of 50%. It may seem like a lot, but against Toxic? It's nothing but a delayed inevitable.
If someone could put together the slate, that would be fantastic. I haven't had the time in my schedule to do so, and it's not looking like I will until winter break.
Current Slate

Type: Grass/Flying -> Grass/Flying
Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar Power (Harvest) -> Tough Claws
New Moves: Brave Bird (Crobat isn't a bird either), Aqua Tail

HP: 99 -> 99
Atk: 68 -> 123 (+55)
Def: 83 -> 93 (+10)
SpA: 72 -> 72
SpD: 87 -> 92 (+5)
Spe: 51 -> 81 (+30)
BST: 460 -> 560

ype: Grass/Flying (same)
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Solar Power (Harvest) -> Tropical (Water Absorb and Fire Absorb combined)
New Moves: Brave Bird, Earth Power

HP: 99 -> 99
Atk: 68 -> 88 (+20)
Def: 83 -> 93 (+10)
SpA: 72 -> 122 (+50)
SpD: 87 -> 97 (+10)
Spe: 51 -> 61 (+10)

Flavor Concept: It is mentioned multiple times that it lives in a tropical region. I just took the flavor and stretched it out a lot to make this mon viable, as it now has 3 immunities + an immunity to spore and stuff. Earth power because it already learns earthquake, bulldoze, and mudslap. Brave bird as a flying type, and not only birds get it.

Competitive Concept: Now a fairly bulky mon with 99/93/97 bulk and an awesome 3 immunities, it has the bulk to dragon dance and set up like that. It can also run a mixed set for any 'mons that are physically defensive, such as cofagrigus or aggron.
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Solar Power/Harvest --> Aerialate
Stats: 99/68/83/72/87/51 --> 99/98(+30)/113(+30)/72(+0)/107(+20)/71(+20)
New Moves: +Power Whip +Sleep Powder
Mega Tropius works as a bulky Dragon Dancer that can find set-up opportunities with Sleep Powder. Tropius works particularly well with it, as it has a powerful Flying STAB to hurt grass type switch-ins.
Type: Grass/Dragon -> Grass/Dragon
Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar Power (Harvest) -> Ivyate(Changes all normal moves to grass type and adds X1.3 damage) Feel free to change the name as I could not find the ability on the spreadsheet
New Moves: Double Edge, Aromatherapy

HP: 99 -> 99
Atk: 68 -> 108(+40)
Def: 83 -> 103(+20)
SpA: 72 -> 72
SpD: 87 -> 107(+20)
Spe: 51 -> 71(+20)
BST: 460 -> 560
Flavor Concept: Tropius is a lot like Sceptile. They both belong to the monster category and have a pretty diverse dragon movepool. Outrage/Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance. Also it has a dragon like appearance in its base form.
Competitive concept: It’s defensive typing is decent but it’s bulk is much better than M-Altaria. This allows it to function as a bulky DD along with Aromatherapy to heal off status that might hinder it. Double Edge is there to function well with Ivyate as a great STAB move. [HIDE/]
Type: Grass/Flying -> Grass/Flying
Ability: Chlorophyll/Solar Power/Harvest -> Seed Drop (See abilities spreadsheet for description)
New Moves: U-Turn, Aromatherapy

HP: 99 -> 99
Atk: 68 -> 98 (+30)
Def: 83 -> 113 (+30)
SpA: 72 -> 72
SpD: 87 -> 107 (+20)
Spe: 51 -> 71 (+20)

Flavor Concept: Tropius drops some fruit as it switches out, restoring the incoming Pokemon’s health. U-Turn because it flies around giving fruit to children (Pokedex), and Aromatherapy because of the fruit’s delicious aroma.

Competitive Concept: Despite possessing overall lackluster stats compared to the other Seed Drop user Exeggutor, Mega Tropius has a few tricks up its sleeve to give itself a niche. U-Turn provides neat momentum in conjunction with Seed Drop, and Aromatherapy is a great utility move on any team. However, if you’re looking for a Seed Dropper with more offensive pressure, Exeggutor is the way to go.
Mega Tropius
Type: Grass/Flying -> Grass/Dragon
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Solar Power/Harvest -> Filter
New Moves: Nope!

HP: 99 -> 99
Atk: 68 -> 98 (+30)
Def: 83 -> 103 (+30)
SpA: 72 -> 72 (+0)
SpD: 87 -> 107 (+30)
Spe: 51 -> 61 (+10)

Flavor Concept: Fruit dragon!

Competitive Concept: With Filter bulwarking its many weaknesses, you can more fully enjoy its many x4 resistances (have at thee, Water/Grass/Electric!) and get in a few Dragon Dances. Outrage, Leaf Blade, and Earthquake have nifty coverage, hitting everything but airborne steels and Fairy/Flying.
Type: Grass/Flying -> Grass/Dragon
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Solar Power/Harvest -> Equatorial (It's too hot for snow beyond the equator. Prevents the use of all ice moves from all mons in play and stops hail instantly.)
New Moves: Heatwave, Coil, Nasty Plot
HP: 99 -> 99
Atk: 68 -> 90 (+22)
Def: 83 -> 110 (+37)
SpA: 72 -> 95 (+23)
SpD: 87 -> 115 (+38)
Spe: 51 -> 31 (-20)

Concept: Tell me all about the snowstorms that happen in Panama... go ahead, I'm listening. Yep, down where all them tropical fruits are, snow is hella common, and Tropius benefits. Slow, and treelike, the long neck coils about like a snake, even if it has a limb covered body. You won't need speed, trust me!

It's best to play a bit more defensively, abusing your excellent resistance set of 4x Grass/water/elec resists, a ground resist and a technical Ice immunity. There are still weaknesses: poison, flying, bug and fairy come to mind instantly, and they're no small thing to just get around. Skarmory will laugh at your resisted hits as will Heatran and steels in general and Heatwave might not be a prudent choice on a physical set (fliers won't care about Earthquake.)

You have to put in some work, and you're hella slow, even with an impressive 99/110/115 defenses.
Mega Tropius

Grass/Flying ----> Grass/Flying

Chlorophyll/Solar Power/Harvest ----> Gale Wings

99/68/83/72/87/51 ----> 99/108/103/102/107/41 (--/+40/+20/+30/+20/-10)

New Moves: Brave Bird

Mega Tropius takes a leaf from Talonflame’s book, getting Gale Wings as an ability. Gale Wings lets Mega Tropius use priority Brave Bird, Roost, or Air Slash, which is a great thing for it considering its low speed. Its increased defenses also help it a lot, letting Mega Tropius take more hits or set up some Dragon Dances.
99/68/83/72/87/51 ---> 99/90 (+22)/91 (+8)/102 (+30)/107 (+20)/71 (+20)
New Moves: +Hyper Voice
Tropius becomes more offensive now, with Aerilate giving it options from both attacking spectrums, as even with lower attack, it can't boost its SpA.

Type: Water -> Water/Steel
Abilities: Water Veil, Oblivious (Pressure) -> Levitate
New Moves: Yawn

HP: 170 -> 170
Atk: 90 -> 120 (+20)
Def: 45 -> 90 (+45)
SpA: 90 -> 90
SpD: 45 -> 80 (+35)
Spe: 50 -> 50
BST: 500 -> 600
Type: Water (same)
Abilities: Water Veil/Oblivious (Pressure) -> Unaware
New Moves: Rock Slide, Stealth Rock

HP: 170 -> 170
Atk: 90 -> 90
Def: 45 -> 125 (+80)
SpA: 90 -> 100 (+10)
SpD: 45 -> 85 (+40)
Spe: 50 -> 20 (-30)

Flavor Concept: It can use rock tomb, earthquake, and fissure. Why not rock slide? It is obviously oblivious to everything so it is also very unaware. Stealth rock as various other mons can learn it, such as blissey and infernape. It helps a lot with support and stuff.

Competitive Concept: An amazing trick room sweeper, it can tank hits and can deal a lot of damage with its fast water spouts. Or it can be more defensive with scald, hoping for burns. It does have recovery, even though it is rest. It is now a slightly more mixed defensive blissey, with an amazing defensive ability. It does not, however, have as good of team support outside of stealth rock, which blissey also learns.
Abilities: Water Veil/Oblivious/Pressure --> Mold Breaker
Stats: 170/90/45/90/45/60 --> 170/120/65/120/65/60
New Moves: +Shadow Ball +Earth Power
Mold Breaker is pretty interesting on Mega Wailord as it allows it to ignore Water-immune Pokemon, Levitators, Unaware users for Curse sets, Magic Bouncers and other miscellaneous stuff. Shadow Ball is just random coverage (Wailord makes a really big Shadow?) and Earth Power can be done thanks to its huge size and weight.
Mega Wailord
Type: Water -> Water
Abilities: Water Veil/Oblivious/Pressure -> Sheer Force
New Moves: Rock Slide

HP: 170 -> 170
Atk: 90 -> 90 (+0)
Def: 45 -> 105 (+60)
SpA: 90 -> 90 (+0)
SpD: 45 -> 105 (+60)
Spe: 50 -> 30 (-20)

Flavor Concept: Wailord is huger, derpier. A lone Skitty rides atop it.

Competitive Concept: Mega Wailord is crazy bulky, as it's a friggin whale. While it only made gains in its defenses, Sheer Force makes its 90 offenses better than they look. Its moveset veers physical, and with Rock Slide in its arsenal, it runs a nifty Curse set with Waterfall/Rock Slide/Earthquake for perfect coverage outside of Breloom and Chesnaught. Unfortunately it can no longer get Scald burn if it does go special, but Waterfall and Rock Slide getting boosts more than makes up for it.
Type: Water -> Water
Abilities: Water Veil/Oblivious/Pressure) -> Make A Wish (Uses wish when switched in)
New Moves: Calm Mind

HP: 170 -> 170
Atk: 90 -> 90
Def: 45 -> 100 (+55)
SpA: 90 -> 120 (+30)
SpD: 45 -> 90 (+45)
Spe: 50 -> 20 (-30)

Flavor Concept: Whales are often equivicated with space. Space whales or something and Wailord hasd 170 HP. Do you really need any other explanation on how to turn something useful into a team player? Calm Mind compensates the lower SpDef stat compared to Def. Otherwise, what's there to say?! Nothing, really.
Mega Wailord
Type: Water -> Water/Steel
Abilities: Water Veil/Oblivious/Pressure -> Full Force (All variable power moves hit with their maximum BP)
New Moves:

HP: 170 -> 170
Atk: 90 -> 110 (+20)
Def: 45 -> 55 (+10)
SpA: 90 -> 130 (+40)
SpD: 45 -> 75 (+30)
Spe: 60 -> 60 (0)
BST: 500 -> 600

So my idea for this came from A. this thing normally uses specs Water Spout like kyogre and also has heavy slam and B. Its pokedex entries mentions it crashing down on top of other pokemon, knocking them out. Thus with Full Force (I couldnt come up with a better name) Mega Wailord has strong reliable STABs.
90 > 90
45 > 85
90 > 130
45 > 85
50 > 30
Tsunami: When user enters the battle or gains this ability, user uses the move Surf without taking up a turn or using PP.
New moves: +Recover, +Earth Power

Wailord is a giant whale. The movement of its fins cause great tidal waves. Its massive presence means it can disrupt the earth.

170/90/45/90/45/60 ---> 170/110 (+20)/50 (+5)/115 (+25)/65 (+20)/90 (+30)
New Moves: +Hurricane, +Thunder
The Float Whale Pokemon
IT'S THE SECOND COMING OF KYOGRE ONTO OU! Nah, but seriously, Wailord gets a giant buff, with 110/115/90 attacking stats, but still hates Drizzle nerf due to its only Flying STAB being almost useless out of rain, and Thunder is just coverage, but the same issue.

Type: Water/Ice
Abilities: Thick Fat/Ice Body/(Oblivious) -> Blubber Bounce (When this Pokemon is hit by a physical move, the opponent receives 1/4 of damage dealt)
New Moves: Slack Off
HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 80 -> 95 (+15)
Def: 90 -> 125 (+35)
SpA: 95 -> 110 (+15)
SpD: 90 -> 125 (+35)
Spe: 65 -> 65 (+0)
BST: 530 -> 630

Flavor Concept: Walrein's thick fat becomes more elastic and even thicker. The damage dealt to the enemy is the equivalent of the attack bouncing back (because of the fat and its elasticity). Many of its Pokedex entries say "Not only does its thick blubber keep it warm, it also protects it from attacks. It shatters ice with its prized tusks". Slack Off fits the "fat" theme.

Competitive Concept: MegaWalrein's new ability is one of the ways to make it a great wall. All contact moves against Walrein basically have 1/4 recoil damage. One of its utilities is access to Encore, which can make the opponent continually use contact moves or force a switch. In a case of desperation, MegaWalrein can switch in a physical sweeper with +6 and, by sacrificing itself, stop the sweeper. MegaWalrein can switch in common OU threats like Azumarill, giving it ~8% of damage back (in case of Play Rough) and receiving ~28%, which it can easily recover with Slack Off. Unlike Iron Barbs and Rough Skin, super effectiveness of the move on MegaWalrein is partially harmful to the opponent. MegaWalrein's 110/125/125 bulk and a new recovery move, paired with a good ability, finally makes it viable.
Type: Ice/Water -> Ice/Water
Abilities: Thick Fat, Ice Body (Oblivious) -> Sheer Force
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Zen Headbutt

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 80 -> 120 (+40)
Def: 90 -> 110 (+20)
SpA: 95 -> 115 (+20)
SpD: 90 -> 110 (+20)
Spe: 65 -> 65
BST: 530 -> 630
Type: Ice/Water
Abilities: Thick Fat/Ice Body (Oblivious) -> Strong Jaw
New Moves: Brick Break (Noivern, Charizard, and Shelgon all get it, why not the powerful overweight seal?), Slack Off

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 80 -> 140 (+60)
Def: 90 -> 120 (+30)
SpA: 95 -> 95
SpD: 90 -> 110 (+20)
Spe: 65 -> 55 (-10)

Flavor Concept: Its pokedex entries mention that "It shatters ice with its prized tusks." Its tusks are used for biting things, so strong jaw. Brick break because it needed something super effective against ice, since it talks about destroying ice in the pokedex entries. Besides, pokemon like shelgon and noivern get it. Slack off because it is a huge seal that looks quite lazy.

Competitive Concept: It becomes a fairly good tank. Now with 110/120/110 defenses and 140 attack, it can bulk hits and deal the damage right back at the opponents. It has strong jaw, giving it 97.5 base power ice fangs, without accounting for STAB. It now also has a 120 base power crunch. Brick break can give it even more coverage.
Mega Walrein
Type: Ice/Water -> Ice/Water
Abilities: Thick Fat/Ice Body/Oblivious -> Ice Age (all non-SE moves used against user are changed to Ice-type)
New Moves: Icicle Crash

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 80 -> 120 (+40)
Def: 90 -> 120 (+30)
SpA: 95 -> 95 (+0)
SpD: 90 -> 120 (+30)
Spe: 65 -> 65 (+0)

Flavor Concept: Walrein gets John Lennon glasses.

Competitive Concept: With Ice Age, Walrein double-resists every move besides Rock, Electric, Grass, Fighting. Add 110/120/120 defenses and holy crow, that's one bulky Mega (too bad it can't simultaneously retain Thick Fat for that ultra-rare x8 resistance). Unfortunately it has to deal with a meta where its weaknesses are very common coverage types (Grass less so, but still), but against certain mons Walrein is essentially impervious. 120 Attack and Icicle Crash let it actually do something with that bulk, using its wider physical movepool.

Here's a handy list of standard-set mons Walrein walls that rank S or A in the viability topic:

-Charizard X
-Greninja (barring HP Grass/Grass Knot)
-Latios (barring HP Fighting)
-Azumarill (barring Superpower)
-Clefable (barring Toxic)
-Pinsir (but it can adapt with Close Combat over Earthquake)
-Scizor/Mega Scizor (barring Superpower)
-Gyarados/MegaGyarados (barring Stone Edge)
-Diggersby (barring Wild Charge)
-Manaphy (barring Energy Ball)
-Politoed (barring Toxic or Focus Blast)

That may look like a lot of "barring", but many of these are non-standard coverage options or options only used on certain sets. And just feast your eyes on the mons that Ice Age Walrein tanks without caveats. Beautiful.
Ice / Water
80 > 100
90 > 115
95 > 100
90 > 135
65 > 70
Blubber: Reduces damage from physical attacks by 50%
New Moves: +Calm Mind

Walrein's thick blubber shields it from physical attack, effectively doubling its defense. It has greatly improved bulk, with a slight improvement to the offenses.
110/80/90/95/90/65 ---> 110/85 (+5)/110 (+20)/115 (+20)/125 (+35)/85 (+20) (630 BST)
New Moves: +Slack Off (Wanted to give recovery, Slack Off just makes sense flavor-wise), , +Bulk Up, +Calm Mind
Walrein becomes a great defensive wall, with Unaware + Recovery. Also the reason I put Bulk Up was due to its blubber literally "bulking it up"
Ability: Bulkiness (Substitutes and healing provide 50% more health)
HP 110
Atk 80
Def 90 (+55) 145
SpA 95 (+20) 115
SpD 90 (+55) 145
Spe 65 (-20) 45

New Moves: Slack Off, Wish

Concept: Mega Walrein becomes harder to kill, unless you use Toxic. If you do, it's easy pickings. If not, say hello to Stallrein 2.02! He's here to take hits and take hits! He has super fang, road and... no scald. No ice type does; use toxic instead.

Note, the 50% more health means recover is 75% of health instead of 50%. It may seem like a lot, but against Toxic? It's nothing but a delayed inevitable.

Alright here is the slate pm your votes to nightsitter . On a side note Deathly ♛The King the crown in your name makes life challenging :P. The discussion period for Kyurem, Kyurem-Black, Landorus-I, and Landorus-T is now.
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Am I the only one who wouldn't be bothered if Mega KyuB was made to fit in an Uber environment? No, really, it's a 670 stat behemoth with one of the highest Atk scores. Boosting ANYTHING will be risky.
So I'm going to give KyuB Brute Force and 250 Att... yeah no, I don't think I wanna even touch these guys cause they are just inches away from being broke, and not everyone can have unadaptable. This slate I would advise a lot of caution.
Mega Kyu-B is going to be Uber. We need to accept that so we don't try and nerf this mon just to fit it into what we would play in OU. This isn't Slaking or Regigigas, this is a mon that's a step away from being Uber already and cannot justifiably have a mega that would fit in OU. It would be borderline anti-flavor to do so.
I actually already have a pretty cool idea for Kyu-B, and it fits incredibly well with flavor. I'll save it for the submission period (winners coming soon, don't worry).
I actually already have a pretty cool idea for Kyu-B, and it fits incredibly well with flavor. I'll save it for the submission period (winners coming soon, don't worry).
So for Kyu-B should we be aiming for OU like the norm? or for Ubers, like others have suggested?
The best thing is to make like Primal forms and dump a lot into the weaker offense.
Kyu-B has a fantastic special movepool though. Let's say one gives the stat boosts that Primal forms got to Kyu B (+50 weaker offense, +20 stronger defense, +30 stronger offense). 125/200/120/170/90/95. Yeah...
Personally, I think, for consistency, we should do Kyub's mega, but make it Ubers. There is no way in heck that we can make a non-Uber Kyub mega, but we should do it anyway for the sake of consistency.
It might not be too broken with truant and slow start combined into one ability... Just make it ubers imo
Just don't include the crown in my name in the slates. I sometimes have trouble logging in because of the crown, and forcing people to do put the crown in when not necessary would be kind of cruel.
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...why would you not just read the OP before asking? Literally the first thing you can click on shows you the list of megas we've made.

My mind is boggled by your lack of basic sense.
Thanks for the help.

I saw the list of Megas but I was interested on the submitted ideas for Mega Masquerain. I wanted to read them, that is why I was wondering if it was slated. I've been browsing through this thread and former thread as well but couldn't find it.

I'm not bothered by that offensive remark pertaining to my basic sense, at least I'm polite enough to understand your lack of comportment.
Thanks for the help.

I saw the list of Megas but I was interested on the submitted ideas for Mega Masquerain. I wanted to read them, that is why I was wondering if it was slated. I've been browsing through this thread and former thread as well but couldn't find it.

I'm not bothered by that offensive remark pertaining to my basic sense, at least I'm polite enough to understand your lack of comportment.
Masquerain, I believe, was done before the whole new "slating" system was devised.
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