Cookie Butter
formerly the someone
What do you guys think of Tempest Tornadus-I? I believe the concept would be cool, but it would be underwhelming competitively.
Flavour-wise, it would probably make sense; but would be extremely underwhelming in practice I thinkWhat do you guys think of Tempest Tornadus-I? I believe the concept would be cool, but it would be underwhelming competitively.
Your Thundurus-T submission is illegal as only Normal/Flying types may have their primary type changed, thus you cannot change the electric typingI hope this is fine. I put Incarnate formes and Therian formes each in one seperate spoiler.
[hide= Incarnate]
Electric/Flying Type-> Electric/Flying Type
Pranster/Defiant -> Defiant Ability
HP 79
Atk 115-> 145 (+30)
Def 70-> 100 (+30)
SpA 125 -> 145 (+20)
SpD 80-> 100 (+20)
Spe 111-> 111
Flavor Concept: Thundurus is pretty much already a broken Pokemon with great typing, abilities, moves on the offensive and supportive side. Making a Mega of something like that is like how Game Freak gave Salamence or Garchomp a Mega. It either is broken or it sucks.
This thing can still work because both abilities of Thundurus are already great, so instead of deciding what to run, one can now run both in one thanks to the new Mega Evolution.
Abusing Pranster in the normal form and if Hazards need to kept on the field, it can turn Mega and gain a Defiant boost from Defog.
Competitive Concept: Nasty Plot, Thunder Wave, Agility or Taunt with a great Typing already took out the idea of abilities like Sheer Force, Aerialate, Prankster, Magic Guard or Teravolt so I decided to keep Defiant even if that seems rather boring for my taste.
Thunderus has a good physical movepool and can abuse pre-mega Pranster to cripple faster foes. The defensive stats are well made to abuse Bulk Up and increase its already high attacking stat.
Besides that it keeps the entry hazards on the opponents side unless they want to get swept by +2 Wild Charges from that thing.
Flying Type -> Ice/Flying Type
Prankster/Defiant -> Magic Guard Ability
HP 79
Atk 115-> 115
Def 70-> 100 (+30)
SpA 125-> 165 (+40)
SpD 80-> 110 (+30)
Spe 111-> 111
Flavor Concept: The Power of the Mega Stone enhanced the strength of the wind to the point the water in the air turned to ice. Sadly Tornadus is not able to control that power to the point it can be used fully for offensive purpose, so it creates 4 rhombus around him for his protection against Sand and Hail.
Competitive Concept: Tornadus can freely switch into Burn, Stealth Rock, Toxic etc.
The lack of second STAB (excluding Icy Wind and Hidden Power) or accurate special flying type moves are still a bummer for Tornadus making it rely on its weaker physical atk. But with Defiant, it can switch into opposing Defoggers before being Mega and take that boost as an advantage to break through teams.
[/hide][/hide][hide= Therian]
Electric/Flying Type -> Dragon/Flying Type
Voltabsorb -> Dragon Thunder Ability (Turns Electric Type moves into Dragon Type moves)
HP 79
Atk 105-> 115 (+10)
Def 70-> 100 (+30)
SpA 145-> 175 (+30)
SpD 80-> 100 (+20)
Spe 101-> 111 (+10)
Flavor Concept: With the new Mega Stone, Thundurus truely turned into a beast with electric power that can even break throught the ground and destroy plants. A power that it can't even absorb it while being in his normal form.
Competitive Concept: I hate more Dragon/Flying Types as much as the next guy but you will see the reason why I think it works well on Thundurus-T.
With Electric Type moves being turned into Dragon Type moves, moves like Volt Switch, Thunder Wave and Discharge now work against Ground Types as well as bypassing Voltabsorb, Lighting Rod and Motor Drive abuser.
In addition, Thundurus still gets a STAB boost from those moves, so Volt Switch will still do a huge amount of damage like it would have been from a normal Thundurus.
Of course, this amazing ability comes with a cost: The lack of good coverage that other Dragons, including Kyurem, have and a secondary reliable STAB.
Because of that reason Thundurus-T will rely on Moves like Hidden Power Fire to make up for that.
Flying Type-> Flying Type
Regenerator -> Aerialate Ability
HP 79
Atk 100 -> 110 (+10)
Def 80-> 110 (+30)
SpA 110-> 170 (+60)
SpD 90 -> 100 (+10)
Spe 121-> 111 (-10)
Flavor Concept: Being the lord of wind and the only pure Flying Type, it makes sense to have an ability like that to turn normal type moves into more powerful Flying Type moves.
While choosing that ability, I made sure that there are no broken elements like Explosion as well as keeping its already decent atk in check.
It is really tough to make this thing not broken simply because that insane speed.
Competitive Concept: While looking like a defensive monster, the lack of recovery makes it easy to wear down. Tornadus-T is designed to be a Bulk Up attacker by abusing its great speed to punch holes into teams with its great physical coverage with Return, Knock Off, Brick Break. While the special attacking stat is high, it won't see much use because of the poor accuracy of moves like Hurricane.
Tri attack for Thundy-I's mega.As it flies around, it shoots lightning all over the place and causes forest fires. It is therefore disliked.
RIP in peace, M4A Slates.Winners of the final slate. I can't tell if I'm happy or sad.
Thundurus-I: the someone
[hide=Winning Submission]Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Fire
Ability: Prankster/Defiant -> Ignate (see spreadsheet)
New Moves: None
HP: 79 -> 79
Atk: 115 -> 125 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 110 (+40)
SpA: 125 -> 155 (+30)
SpD: 80 -> 90 (+10)
Spe: 111 -> 121 (+10)
Flavor Concept: Thundurus's type change from Flying to Fire is due to its Pokedex entry. Thundurus is said to fly around shooting lightning all over the place, and thus causing forest fires.
Competitive Concept: A mixed sweeper with two great STABs offensively. Unfortunately, it loses the Ground immunity and gains a 4x Ground weakness. With this, you can play situational mind games with Thundurus, predicting a Ground type move, etc. It can be walled by bulky Ground types, but it has access to Grass Knot.[/hide]
Thundurus-T: nightsitter
[hide=Winning Submission]Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Ability: Volt Absorb -> Volt Absorb
New Moves: None
HP: 79 -> 79
Atk: 105 -> 115 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 145 -> 155 (+10)
SpD: 80 -> 115 (+35)
Spe: 101 -> 116 (+15)
Flavor Concept: Thundurus-Therian becomes much bulkier upon Mega Evolution, as thunder clouds surround and protect it.
Competitive Concept: Tanky momentum-stopper capable of dealing massive damage and potentially even sweeping with its base 115/155/116 attack stats. Vastly improved defenses permit Mega Thun-T to actually make use of its wonderful ability; however, lack of reliable recovery and necessity to invest in three stats let it down.[/hide]
Tornadus-I: the someone
[hide=Winning Submission]Type: Flying -> Flying/Water
Ability: Prankster/Defiant -> Hydrate (Water type -ate clone)
New Moves: None
HP: 79 -> 79
Atk: 115 -> 125 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 110 (+40)
SpA: 125 -> 155 (+30)
SpD: 80 -> 90 (+10)
Spe: 111 -> 121 (+10)
Flavor Concept: Tornadus's type addition is due to its Pokedex entry. Tornadus is said to expel massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms.
Competitive Concept: Yet another mixed sweeper to finish off this trio. Tornadus now competes with Gyarados, but has much better stats overall (even physically) and a better movepool.[/hide]
Tornadus-T: nightsitter
[hide=Winning Submission]Type: Flying -> Flying/Steel
Ability: Regenerator -> Regenerator
New Moves: None
HP: 79 -> 79
Atk: 100 -> 130 (+30)
Def: 80 -> 100 (+20)
SpA: 110 -> 130 (+20)
SpD: 90 -> 120 (+30)
Spe: 121 -> 121
Flavor Concept: Tornadus gets much fatter and bulkier, gaining the Steel type to protect itself.
Competitive Concept: Not much different from its normal pivot set, except that now it can simultaneously have bulk and support moves. Toxic/Taunt/U-Turn/Knock Off is probably its best set, for each move provides massive utility. Other attack moves are certainly viable depending on your team’s structure, however. Regenerator and decent 79/100/120 bulk will keep it alive throughout the game.[/hide]
Thanks to everyone for your contributions to this project, but we're not done yet. I will follow this up with a list of created Megas that could possibly create problems in the current meta (whether too powerful, too unviable, too uncompetitive, too complex or just downright unflavorful).
Clear Ice vs Ice Age- These abilities have such similar effects for the combined three Pokémon with access to them that perhaps they should all just get one. I would suggest Clear Ice, for it's not as complex and it makes more sense. On that note, Aurorus will be reviewed later for the possibility that it's unviable.
Hibernate vs Sweet Dreams-
Honestly I think it'd be better if we just gave Ursaring Sweet Dreams instead and call it done.
(as well as all moves affecting weight)- What will the weights of the new Mega Evolutions be? Only two of them were given new weights.
Mega Transform-
Will this actually be viable?
Is there any reason we can't just give Vileplume Prankster?
Raider and Tempest-
As soon as I saw that these won, I was entirely opposed to them. These involve unexplored mechanics of switch-in attacks, not just status drops like Intimidate. I'm not suggesting that these will be overwhelming, underwhelming, or uncompetitive, but I sincerely believe that this type of ability should not be allowed.
With a power boost of only 50%, I doubt Mega Mandibuzz will get any use. I suggest the power boost goes all the way up to 100% or even 200%. It has pretty mediocre offenses without an item.
I was pretty happy with this ability upon creation, but it sparked some discussion after winning. This could very well be an uncompetitive ability, so I'm broaching the topic to encourage more discussion about it.
Is this really enough to make Whimsicott viable?
While I'm uncertain, I fear that this ability could render Haxorus broken. I'm not all too comfortable with the prospect of DragMag's return.
Haxorous doesn't have dragon dance, so I'm not too worried.
Haxorus gets Dragon Dance.
As for the Ice abilities, I doubt Walrein will be overpowered. Sure it's hella bulky, but it has four fairly common weakness (including one to Rock) and no reliable recovery. Though I'm sure a RestTalk set would be quite viable.Clear Ice vs Ice Age- I think this should be condensed to clear ice, especially with the winning Walrein, as I fear that with its bulk and 15 x4 resistances it may be a bit broken.
Compost, Dirtpile, and Scrap Heap- I would agree that The Wormadams are still unviable with these abilities given the power surrounding the newer megas, no one making a serious team would use these; however they would require pretty powerful abilities to make viable.
Hibernate vs Sweet Dreams- Condensing to sweet dreams would be easiest.. but I'm not sure if it would be strong enough to warrant the mega slot. At the same time however, an effective x4 resistance to everything but fighting while asleep is a bit too powerful for my liking
Judoka (as well as all moves affecting weight)- Hmm this is a bit problematic as making up weights as a community for all of the new megas would be time consuming. I think the most expedite route would be to keep all mega weights the same, with the exceptions of community voted pokémon that have flavourful and competitive reasons to become heavier or lighter
Mega Transform- I believe this could be viable to scare out un-mega'd pokémon with offensive megas, it would likely be a niche option as unlike scarf ditto, it's not a revenge killer to all runaway sweepers, as it'll only beat pokémon whom are unmega'd and are faster upon mega evolution (which is a fair few of them). Which could make it a good teammate for teams that otherwise are built mega-less that need a niche check (ie if your team was protean greninja weak)
Pollinate- Prankster seems like the best option to cut down on abilities to code
Raider and Tempest- I also agree with this assessment as not only is the idea of attacking moves on the switch I think is too much, it's also likely difficult to code (as I would also like this to be playable one day, even if my competitive pokémon abilities are extremely mediocre)
Scavenger- As much as the flavour of this ability is cool and fitting, I doubt even with the 100% to 200% that mega mandibuzz would see much use. I feel like another ability entirely might be more useful, especially since now the mega could be used more along the lines of its base form since it's no longer OU I don't think since Aegislash has long since past.
Soulless- I don't really know how to feel about this as it is for certain a guaranteed KO on at least one pokémon, but most pokemon could be played as thus.
Trickster- Don't think this will make whimsicott viable as stat debuffs aren't normally very viable anyways, thus it's not very helpful as Whimsicott can't really take advantage of these switches it causes
Valiant- Not sure on this one
Now as for my own opinions on abilities Fire Absorb- This like the wormadam abilities, isn't a bad ability, but I'm unsure about the flavour behind giving it to the muskateers? I don't feel it really fits.
Deleting Judoka, Mega Transform, and Pollinate from the list.Ice Age is already coded, and the effects are different enough to warrant different abilities. (Ice Age gives a lot more damage reduction for ice types.)
Why? If simply for simplicity (heh), then no.
Megas retain the same weight unless stated otherwise.
You better bet it'll be! And even if it isn't, it's a fun as hell concept.
Ability is already coded, we gain nothing from removing it.
So? Acestriker never said anything against new mechanics, the only reason to veto this would be if we can't find anyone to code it.
Upping the power is very dangerous, we don't want one of the bulkiest pokemon in OU to be able to one shot everything below half health. I personally think it'll plenty viable, but if you want to buff it, I'd recommend upping the activation range or just giving it a new ability.
TBH, we can't really know this until we have a running metagame. However, the play style is, pardon my insensitivity, gay.
It's a very interesting idea. If you're worried about Whimsicott, buff it in other areas.
Haxorous doesn't have dragon dance, so I'm not too worried.
I would've addressed this earlier if I seriously considered changing the name. The flavor is sufficient enough, and the name really isn't that important anyway. We're sticking with GG Unit's original name.I'm on my phone right now, so I'll give my input on those abilities later, but...
Can we change Seed Drop's name to Fruit Drop now? :)
Also, thanks everyone for voting in my Incarnate forms!
We should focus on the review portion before doing any extraneous slating. But that's certainly a possibilityI know we are done with all slates but I remember we brought up this discussion awhile ago about Adding "X versions" to the already made Megas: Scizor, Lucario, Gyarados etc. Any chance we can still work on that project or all done completely?
FireArrow Sabreholo mentions a good point here; effectively resisting literally every non-Mold Breaker variant attack in the game is very powerful, even while asleep. Especially considering that all but one are 4x resists. Sweet Dreams is still flavorful and competitively viable.
Agreed regarding Whimsicott. Stat-lowering moves are pretty gimmicky as it is; we don't need to encourage a Pokémon to actually use them. Switching is too prevalent.
Clear Ice vs Ice Age- So why not just give Cryogonal Ice Age for a slightly greater damage reduction and call it done?
Hibernate vs Sweet Dreams- I brought it up for simplicity, so I'm not sure why it's such a hasty no.
Scavenger and Soulless- Fair points; maybe we'll just have to playtest them.
Trickster- But how else could it be buffed? It has very limited base stat points to work with, and its typing couldn't be made much better considering it's primary type is Grass. I just couldn't see that Mega even getting into A-rank viability in the current UU metagame.
Valiant- Though Haxorus does indeed have Dragon Dance, I just checked its Mega stat distribution, and it looks to be more or less fair. I'd still recommend removing Fire Punch, for it can one-shot almost the entire metagame with Dragon/Ground/Fire coverage.