Megas For All V2 (Induction Phase)

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Hi im new here! I really want to submit my idea for mega accelgor. I also have made my own mega accelgor's design.

I dont know if it's still allowed to submit or not. if my post violates the rule then just drop it.

Type: Bug -> Bug/Dark
Ability: Unburden -> Intimidate
New Moves: taunt

HP: 80 -> 80
Atk: 70 -> 134 (+64)
Def: 40 -> 40
SpA: 100 -> 100
SpD: 60 -> 90 (+30)
Spe: 145 -> 151 (+6)

Flavor Concept: its rippened collar and wings are perfected in shape and becomes like a high collar cape. the membrans covering its arms is rippened and reveals black tough arms. Its arms even grow spike on each elbows. Its helix shape head is unrolled n rearranged into a side swept bangs almost similiar to darkrai's. its skin color is darkened.

Competitive Concept: accelgor has many good physical moves. And it's time to change its role. It has a very cool devilish design like darkrai that intimidates its oppnents. Its new revealed spiky elbow arms makes it able to attack physically hard. Its high cape collar gives more protection to sp.def. And its darkened spirit loves taunting his opponent. and still, mega evolution will let accelgor to regain the title of 3rd fastest pokemon with 151 base stat speed.
Hey princess syahrini. Sadly this project is quite dead right now, and all mega evolutions have been designed, so as of now you can't submit ideas for new Mega-Evolutions. However, you can look at the OP what has been made and try to discuss how they could be used in the current metagame. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.

Welcome to Smogon and good luck!
Hey princess syahrini. Sadly this project is quite dead right now, and all mega evolutions have been designed, so as of now you can't submit ideas for new Mega-Evolutions. However, you can look at the OP what has been made and try to discuss how they could be used in the current metagame. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.

Welcome to Smogon and good luck!

Okay, thx. At least i did post my idea here. :p i damn love accelgor. And i just think i have a very great concept. Lol.
I'm sorry, but it's sad to see this thread soooooooo dead...

I would love to do a take over but at the same time I don't want to be abusive... :s
I'm sorry, but it's sad to see this thread soooooooo dead...

I would love to do a take over but at the same time I don't want to be abusive... :s
We're just waiting on proper coding so that we can playtest. This phase sucks, but it's hard to discuss the megas and the meta when barely anyone's actually played it. :/
Well... Some things don't need that much discussion... Mega Tornadus T for example having not only nice offensive stats (isn't blazing fast, but it is still faster than a LOT of things, with nice amazing mixed attacking prowess) but also having a really amazing typing + Ability with above average bulk and One turn recovery... On the other side we have Mega Butterfree with a really good ability but without the stats to back it (60-80-90 bulk is really lacking), being terribly slow (it can be outsped by a few things even at +1), and having a not so hot typing since it will be easily walled by Steel types (and with weakness to Fire, Flying, Dark, Ghost, Bug and Rock). Bug-Psychic is nice neutral coverage WITH Tinted Lens... Without it is actually pretty bad... Also not having Compound Eyes, hurts Sleep Powder accuracy which was one of the few things notable on that poke... I think its PRETTY clear which one will be selected by almost every single competitive player...
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I think Mega Dewgong will see little use, seeing as it easily loses to the other three Megas. To be honest, I think it needs to be re-slated anyway because giving it Scald contradicts Ice-typing flavor.

Anyway, I coded the four Megas. It hasn't been tested, but the code was entirely recycled from a couple of places so I doubt there will be any problems.
        name: "Megas For All",
        section: "Other Metagames",

        mod: 'megasforall',
        ruleset: ['Pokemon', 'Standard', 'Team Preview', 'Endless Battle Clause', 'Evasion Clause', 'Moody Clause', 'OHKO Clause', 'Sleep Cause', 'Species Clause', 'Swagger Clause', 'Baton Pass Clause'],
        banlist: ['Uber', 'Gengarite', 'Kangaskhanite', 'Lucarionite', 'Mawilite', 'Salamencite']
exports.BattlePokedex = {
    dewgongmega: {
        num: 87,
        species: "Dewgong-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Dewgong",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Water"],
        baseStats: {hp:90, atk:70 def:110, spa:100, spd:130, spe:70},
        abilities: {0:"Serene Grace"},
        heightm: 1.7,
        weightkg: 120.0,
        color: "White",
        prevo: "seel",
        evoLevel: 34,
        eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"]

    jolteonmega: {
        num: 135,
        species: "Jolteon-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Jolteon",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Electric"],
        genderRatio: {M:0.875, F:0.125},
        baseStats: {hp:65, atk:85 def:70, spa:130, spd:105, spe:170},
        abilities: {0:"Generator"},
        heightm: 0.8,
        weightkg: 24.5,
        color: "Yellow",
        prevo: "eevee",
        evoLevel: 1,
        eggGroups: ["Field"]

    zapdosmega: {
        num: 145,
        species: "Zapdos-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Zapdos",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Electric", "Flying"],
        genderRatio: {"N"},
        baseStats: {hp:90, atk:130 def:115, spa:135, spd:110, spe:100},
        abilities: {0:"Static"},
        heightm: 1.6,
        weightkg: 52.6,
        color: "Yellow",
        eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"]

    cobalionmega: {
        num: 135,
        species: "Cobalion-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Cobalion",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Steel", "Fighting"],
        genderRatio: {"N"},
        baseStats: {hp:95, atk:115 def:154, spa:115, spd:97, spe:108},
        abilities: {0:"Fire Absorb"},
        heightm: 2.1
        weightkg: 250.0,
        color: "Blue",
        eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"]

    //Below are the base forms, who have to be edited to have Megas.
    dewgong: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["dewgongmega"]

    jolteon: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["jolteonmega"]

    zapdos: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["zapdosmega"]

    cobalion: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["cobalionmega"]
exports.BattleAbilities = {
    "fireabsorb": {
        desc: "This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Fire-type move.",
        shortDesc: "This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Fire moves; Fire immunity.",
        onTryHit: function (target, source, move) {
            if (target !== source && move.type === 'Fire') {
                if (!this.heal(target.maxhp / 4)) {
                    this.add('-immune', target, '[msg]');
                return null;
        id: "fireabsorb",
        name: "Fire Absorb",
        rating: 3.5,
        num: -5

    "generator": {
        shortDesc: "On switch-in, sets Electric Terrain.",
        onStart: function (source) {
        id: "generator",
        name: "Generator",
        rating: 3.5,
        num: -6
exports.BattleItems = {
    "dewgongite": {
        id: "dewgongite",
        name: "Dewgongite",
        spritenum: 621, //I use whichever stone looks closest to the Pokemon as the sprite.
        megaStone: "Dewgong-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Dewgong",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -45,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Dewgong, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."

    "jolteonite": {
        id: "jolteonite",
        name: "Jolteonite",
        spritenum: 580,
        megaStone: "Jolteon-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Jolteon",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -78,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Jolteon, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."

    "zapdosite": {
        id: "zapdosite",
        name: "Zapdosite",
        spritenum: 628,
        megaStone: "Zapdos-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Zapdos",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -85,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Zapdos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."

    "cobalionite": {
        id: "cobalionite",
        name: "Cobalioite",
        spritenum: 583,
        megaStone: "Cobalion-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Cobalion",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -347,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Cobalion, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."
exports.BattleScripts = {
    //Added moves
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'dewgong').learnset.dragontail = ['6M'];
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'dewgong').learnset.recover = ['6E']; //Breeding.
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'dewgong').learnset.scald = ['6M'];

    this.modData('Learnsets', 'cobalion').learnset.glare = ['6L1'];
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'cobalion').learnset.uturn = ['6M'];

    //Stuff regarding not showing sprites that I stole from Pikachuun and assume works
    runMegaEvo: function (pokemon) {
        var template = this.getTemplate(pokemon.canMegaEvo);
        var side = pokemon.side;

        // Pokémon affected by Sky Drop cannot mega evolve. Enforce it here for now.
        var foeActive =;
        for (var i = 0; i < foeActive.length; i++) {
            if (foeActive[i].volatiles['skydrop'] && foeActive[i].volatiles['skydrop'].source === pokemon) {
                return false;
        //Prevent sprites from screwing with our stuff.
        var forbid = {'Dewgong-Mega':'Dewgongite', 'Jolteon-Mega':'Jolteonite', 'Zapdos-Mega':'Zapdosite', 'Cobalion-Mega':'Cobalionite'};
        if (template.species in forbid) {
            template = Object.clone(template); //Prevent voodoo magics from breaking the sim.
            template.spriteid = toId(template.baseSpecies);
            template.actualSpecies = template.species;
            template.species = template.species.split('-')[0];
            template.requiredItem = forbid[template.species];
            pokemon.baseTemplate = template; // mega evolution is permanent
            pokemon.details = template.species + (pokemon.level === 100 ? '' : ', L' + pokemon.level) + (pokemon.gender === '' ? '' : ', ' + pokemon.gender) + (pokemon.set.shiny ? ', shiny' : '');
            this.add('detailschange', pokemon, pokemon.details);
            this.add('-mega', pokemon, template.baseSpecies, template.requiredItem);
            pokemon.baseAbility = pokemon.ability;
            var changed = {'Blastoise':true, 'Gyarados':true, 'Aerodactyl':true, 'Feraligatr':true};
            if (template.actualSpecies in forbid || template.species === 'Venusaur-Mega' || template.baseSpecies in changed) {
                var types = template.types;
                var bTypes = (types.length === 1 || types[1] === 'caw') ? '' + types[0] : '' + types[0] + '/' + types[1];
                this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typechange', bTypes);

            // Limit one mega evolution
            for (var i = 0; i < side.pokemon.length; i++) {
                side.pokemon[i].canMegaEvo = false;
            return true;
I've had it implemented but as far as I know, it didn't work. I'll try the new sets right now, if you give them again.
En Passant's code wont work, if that's what you're implying.

Okay, so I didn't read this before. Yeah, sure I can put the new 'mons on Aqua, but it's impossible for me to get the items in the teambuilder. You'd have to use import/export to get them, since adding items to the teambuilder is a very complicated progress.

That said, I still think it's easier to have one stone to mega evolve everything. I'd probably even be able to code this.
I have a Mega.
Gliscor (Ground/Flying)
Ability: Poison Heal Hyper Cutter or Sand Veil

Mega Gliscor (Ground/Flying)
Ability: Aerilate
+0, +40, +20, +0, +10, +30

Niche: Flying Spam with EQ

All Aerilate Spammers have EQ up their sleeves, but they Lack Stab. Gliscor also lacks a Reliable Flying Stab, so Aerilate not only helps get A reliable Flying Stab but Flying+Ground Stab LandoT Mega Pinsir and Even Mega Salamence want.

Empoleon (Water/Steel)
Ability: Defiant Torrent

Mega Empoleon (Water/Steel)
Ability: Clear Body
+0, +59, +37, +34, +10, -40

Niche: Trick Room Sweeper
Mega Empoleon under Trick Room is a nice Mixed Sweeper. Also its Typing also helps it resist most Priority Moves bar Sucker Punch Vacuum Wave and Mach Punch but otherwise Hard to Revenge kill.

Honchkrow (Dark/Flying)
Ability: Moxie Super Luck Insomnia

Mega Honchkrow (Dark/Flying)
Ability: Infiltrator
+0, +40, +20, +20, +10, +10

Niche: Wallbreaker, Balance Breaker

Infiltrator gives Sucker Punch a Whole new Meaning. Not only that, but helps it Destroy defensive Pokemon a lot better, especially under subs or screens.
Also, like i said before, Infiltrator Sucker Punch is pretty Awesome niche. But its real niche is to have no barries to stop it from its rampage.

Slowking (Water/Psychic)
Ability: Regenerator, Own Tempo, Oblivious

Mega Slowking (Water/Psychic)
Ability: Analytic
+0, +0, +40, +50, +20, -10

Niche: Slow Wallbreaker.
Mega Slowking is a living Pun. And his Ability says it all for his smartness and how prizely it is for being slow and powerful.

Its Brother, Mega Slowbro is more of a defensive wall, while this Mega Slowking is the more Offensive side. From Nasty Plotting + Analytic Attacks will destroy a ton of teams under the right circumstances. It is a killing but slow machine and its slowness is rewarded. Hence the SlowKing.. (Pun intended)

Weavile (Ice/Dark)
Ability: Pickpocket, Pressure

Mega Weavile (Ice/Dark)
Ability: Technician
+0, +30, +10, +10, +20, +30

New Moves: Icicle Spear (Ice/Physical)
Power: 25
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Hit 2-5 times per turn

Niche: Flexible Attacker.

Technician gives the already dangerous Weavile and make it even more Dangerous. Even as so it can be a good Technician Beat Up Offensive Pivot! Or Icicle Spear Technician Spammer. Aerial Ace also becomes an option to beat keldeo, and Pursuit becomes now an evil evil tool. Ice Shard gets the best benefit of all, cause itd be the Ice Version of Mega Scizor. Spamming Ice shard. Nasty stuff.
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First off, Dgvhh, thanks for taking interesting in our Metagame. Unfortunately for you, most, if not all, of the Mega Evolutions have already been developed. In addition, even before, if you read the first post, we take submissions in groups from everyone that we then vote on. If you saw the spreadsheet posted we already had initial concepts for all those Megas that you listed. We're at the stage where we're slowly trying to make the Megas and upload them to the server a few at a time.
No, but there may be major changes soon. Snaquaza pointed it out to me that it's been a long time since we've started, and this would be very hard to implement all at once. We may decide to start over completely, designing one mega at a time.
That could be cool! I have between one and three new options for megas that would be decent/viable in upper tiers... Of course... That will be tested just with real plays but I wanna think that my ideas are kinda equilibrated (not so lame, not so broken xD)
No, but there may be major changes soon. Snaquaza pointed it out to me that it's been a long time since we've started, and this would be very hard to implement all at once. We may decide to start over completely, designing one mega at a time.

That project took a pretty long time and I'd hate to see all that work go to waste. I'm not sure if you could rally enough interest a second time around anyways.
Well, there was a lot of people that wanted to give ideas and they got here a little bit late (like me)... So... I guess it could work! And will also make some megas more equilibrated because some were hideous and some others were easily top Uber material...
Yeah. I remember making the mega typhlosion and thought it was dope af, but then mega camerupt happened and they're basically the same pokemon (same type, ability, moveset), only mega camerupt is way shittier, so if there's any more stuff like that it might need to be dealt with, too, unless nobody really cares
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