tfw someone took my old submission idea before I even got to post ;-;Kricketune
Type: Bug -> Bug/Normal
Ability: Swarm/Technician -> Amplifier
New Moves: Boomburst, Grass Whistle
HP: 77
Atk: 85 -> 45 (-40)
Def: 51 -> 66 (+15)
SpA: 55 -> 125 (+70)
SpD: 51 -> 66 (+15)
Spe: 65 -> 105 (+40)
Looks good though.
Mega Archeops
Type: Rock/Flying ----> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist ----> Steadfast
New Moves: None
HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 65
SpA: 112 -> 137 (+25)
SpD: 65 -> 90 (+25)
Spe: 110 -> 140 (+30)
Flavor Concept: Mega Archeops, as the pinnacle of its evolution line, can finally fly well without a running start. Its wings got much bigger, giving it noticeably more special bulk and power, and most importantly it now can fly even faster with the buffed speed; Steadfast is there to signify the evolution of the Archen line from grounded and slow to airborne and fast.
Competitive Concept: A much faster Archeops without being dragged down by Defeatist. It's still weaker than, say, LO or Banded sets, but the aforementioned ability change, higher speed and better special bulk allows it to survive longer on the field. It's also much better as a mixed attacker, having almost as great of a SpA. Steadfast is really just there for flavor, and doesn't do much for M-Archeops considering how fast it is.
Mega Kricketune
Type: Bug ----> Bug/Normal
Ability: Swarm/Technician ----> Brute Force
New Moves: Boomburst, Air Slash
HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 145 (+60)
Def: 51 -> 76 (+25)
SpA: 55 -> 25 (-30)
SpD: 51 -> 51
Spe: 65 -> 110 (+45)
Flavor Concept: Overwhelmed by the energy of Mega Evolution, Kricketune abandons its musical talent for raw, pure power. Now relying on Brute Force (heh) to defeat its opponents, it gains a huge boost in its Atk and Speed, but its SpA take a huge hit in return.
Competitive Concept: Think of Chatot with its NP Boomburst. Now make that physical and compounded by 145/110 physical offenses. That's M-Kricketune for you. With Brute Force it has a good enough movepool to make use of, and Boomburst and Air Slash only adds to it. However, M-Kricketune is still very, very frail, especially on the special side.
Mega Lickilicky
Type: Normal ----> Normal
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious/Cloud Nine ----> Unaware
New Moves: Slack Off
HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 85 -> 105 (+20)
Def: 95 -> 140 (+45)
SpA: 80 -> 100 (+20)
SpD: 95 -> 130 (+35)
Spe: 50 -> 30 (-20)
Flavor Concept: Lickilicky's own saliva eventually ended up making it numb to pain as well, allowing it to take hits much more easily. It ends up flat on its belly, moving by sliding forward. Very, very slowly. It's also much bulkier and the tongue much longer and flexible to compensate for its lack of mobility.
Competitive Concept: An Unaware mixed wall with really good bulk. Slack Off, while usable by the regular forme, doesn't quite make it better than the Mega due to, well, Unaware. Now it can take many, many hits with relative ease, and set-up sweepers wouldn't even bother it. It has some acceptable offensive presences too, preventing it from becoming Taunt bait.
Mega Regigigas
Type: Normal ----> Normal/Ground
Ability: Slow Start ----> Solid Rock
New Moves: Pain Split
HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 -> 150 (+40)
SpA: 80 -> 90 (+10)
SpD: 110 -> 150 (+40)
Spe: 100 -> 90 (-10)
Flavor Concept: Mega Regigigas, the true forme of the continent mover. Gaining the attributes of the land, it trades a slight bit of speed for power, much greater bulk, and Solid Rock, finishing its transformation into the first golem (not the Pokemon).
Competitive Concept: Kind of a natural progression for Regigigas, seeing as its underlings all have really great defenses. While, once again, it isn't as strong as sets with power-boosting items, it gains much more survivability, tanking hits like Specs Palkia's Hydro Pump with HP investments alone (!). Still, it has absolutely no recovery aside from Drain Punch and Pain Split, which hurts it quite a lot.
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