Megas For All V2 (Induction Phase)

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Type: Bug -> Bug/Normal
Ability: Swarm/Technician -> Amplifier
New Moves: Boomburst, Grass Whistle
HP: 77
Atk: 85 -> 45 (-40)
Def: 51 -> 66 (+15)
SpA: 55 -> 125 (+70)
SpD: 51 -> 66 (+15)
Spe: 65 -> 105 (+40)
tfw someone took my old submission idea before I even got to post ;-;
Looks good though.

Mega Archeops
Type: Rock/Flying ----> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist ----> Steadfast
New Moves: None

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 65
SpA: 112 -> 137 (+25)
SpD: 65 -> 90 (+25)
Spe: 110 -> 140 (+30)

Flavor Concept: Mega Archeops, as the pinnacle of its evolution line, can finally fly well without a running start. Its wings got much bigger, giving it noticeably more special bulk and power, and most importantly it now can fly even faster with the buffed speed; Steadfast is there to signify the evolution of the Archen line from grounded and slow to airborne and fast.

Competitive Concept: A much faster Archeops without being dragged down by Defeatist. It's still weaker than, say, LO or Banded sets, but the aforementioned ability change, higher speed and better special bulk allows it to survive longer on the field. It's also much better as a mixed attacker, having almost as great of a SpA. Steadfast is really just there for flavor, and doesn't do much for M-Archeops considering how fast it is.

Mega Kricketune
Type: Bug ----> Bug/Normal
Ability: Swarm/Technician ----> Brute Force
New Moves: Boomburst, Air Slash

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 145 (+60)
Def: 51 -> 76 (+25)
SpA: 55 -> 25 (-30)
SpD: 51 -> 51
Spe: 65 -> 110 (+45)

Flavor Concept: Overwhelmed by the energy of Mega Evolution, Kricketune abandons its musical talent for raw, pure power. Now relying on Brute Force (heh) to defeat its opponents, it gains a huge boost in its Atk and Speed, but its SpA take a huge hit in return.

Competitive Concept: Think of Chatot with its NP Boomburst. Now make that physical and compounded by 145/110 physical offenses. That's M-Kricketune for you. With Brute Force it has a good enough movepool to make use of, and Boomburst and Air Slash only adds to it. However, M-Kricketune is still very, very frail, especially on the special side.

Mega Lickilicky
Type: Normal ----> Normal
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious/Cloud Nine ----> Unaware
New Moves: Slack Off

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 85 -> 105 (+20)
Def: 95 -> 140 (+45)
SpA: 80 -> 100 (+20)
SpD: 95 -> 130 (+35)
Spe: 50 -> 30 (-20)

Flavor Concept: Lickilicky's own saliva eventually ended up making it numb to pain as well, allowing it to take hits much more easily. It ends up flat on its belly, moving by sliding forward. Very, very slowly. It's also much bulkier and the tongue much longer and flexible to compensate for its lack of mobility.

Competitive Concept: An Unaware mixed wall with really good bulk. Slack Off, while usable by the regular forme, doesn't quite make it better than the Mega due to, well, Unaware. Now it can take many, many hits with relative ease, and set-up sweepers wouldn't even bother it. It has some acceptable offensive presences too, preventing it from becoming Taunt bait.

Mega Regigigas
Type: Normal ----> Normal/Ground
Ability: Slow Start ----> Solid Rock
New Moves: Pain Split

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 -> 150 (+40)
SpA: 80 -> 90 (+10)
SpD: 110 -> 150 (+40)
Spe: 100 -> 90 (-10)

Flavor Concept: Mega Regigigas, the true forme of the continent mover. Gaining the attributes of the land, it trades a slight bit of speed for power, much greater bulk, and Solid Rock, finishing its transformation into the first golem (not the Pokemon).

Competitive Concept: Kind of a natural progression for Regigigas, seeing as its underlings all have really great defenses. While, once again, it isn't as strong as sets with power-boosting items, it gains much more survivability, tanking hits like Specs Palkia's Hydro Pump with HP investments alone (!). Still, it has absolutely no recovery aside from Drain Punch and Pain Split, which hurts it quite a lot.
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Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Slow Start -> Tireless
New Moves: None

HP: 110 -> 100
Atk: 160 -> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 -> 130 (+20)
SpA: 80 -> 120 (+40)
SpD: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Spe: 100 -> 100 (+0)

Flavor Concept: After much practice pulling continents around on a rope, it becomes nearly impossible to make it tired. It grows much larger, as well as becoming much better at controlling the elements.

Competitive Concept: Its broken. STAB 180 attack Giga Impacts with no recharge while having an OK speed tier and great bulk is simply amazing.

Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Intimidate
New Moves: None

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 95 (+30)
SpA: 112 -> 132 (+20)
SpD: 65 -> 85 (+20)
Spe: 110 -> 120 (+10)

Flavor Concept: Its teeth and claws get longer and sharper, and in general gets more intimidating. It also gets a thin crest of rock on its torso that acts as a chest plate.

Competitive Concept:It becomes a powerful and fast physical/mixed attacker. It has ok defenses and a really good 120 speed tier. It still lacks a good flying STAB and has to rely on Head Smash as its STAB move. It would probably be viable as a fast and powerful mixed/physical attacker.

Type: Bug -> Bug/Fairy
Ability: Swarm / Technician -> No Guard
New Moves: Quiver Dance, Moonblast, Focus Blast

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 45 (-40)
Def: 51 -> 56 (+5)
SpA: 55 -> 135 (+80)
SpD: 51 -> 51 (+0)
Spe: 71 -> 121 (+55)

Flavor Concept: It has no learned to dance, and always crosses its arms in an X on its chest. Its fighting style consists of singing Christmas carols while dancing around its opponent.

Competitive Concept: It pulls off its role as a fast special sweeper by putting its opponents to sleep and spamming Quiver Dance. It now has usable coverage in Moonblast and Focus Blast.

Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Oblivious / Own Tempo / Cloud Nine -> Magic Bounce
New Moves: Slack Off

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 85 -> 125 (+40)
Def: 95 -> 130 (+25)
SpA: 80 -> 90 (+10)
SpD: 95 -> 130 (+25)
Spe: 50 -> 50 (+0)

Flavor Concept: It becomes much fatter and moves by rolling around like a ball. Somehow, its tongue has become extremely nimble and is capable of deflecting status moves.

Competitive Concept: It is a very bulky mixed wall that is capable of functioning as a win con for stall or can be used as a cleric.
Type: Rock/Flying ----> Rock Flying
Ability: Defeatist ----> Vital Spirit
New Moves: None

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 140 -> 150 (+10)
Def: 65 -> 65 (+0)
SpA: 112 -> 152 (+40)
SpD: 65 -> 105 (+40)
Spe: 110 -> 120 (+10)

Flavor Concept: Archeops gains confidence in itself and promises that nothing's going to put an end to its rampage.

Competitive Concept: Mega Archeops gets high offensive stats allowing it to become a potent mixed sweeper. It's boosted Special Attack lets it use its cool special moves such as Focus Blast and Heat Wave. Its special bulk increases to take special hits a bit more comfortably and it gets a mini but important speed boost. However, its physical bulk is still lacking. It doesn't have a good flying stab and a good special Rock STAB so it might be forced to go mixed if it wants to use its special moves. Vital Spirit lets it stand up to those pesky Spore users.

Type: Bug ----> Bug/Flying
Ability: Swarm/Technician ----> Aerilate
New Moves: Boomburst, U-Turn

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 85
Def: 51 -> 31 (-20)
SpA: 55 -> 135 (+80)
SpD: 51 -> 31 (-20)
Spe: 65 -> 125 (+60)

Flavor Concept: Upon Mega Evolution, Kricketune's melodies get louder and louder allowing it to Boomburst. It's wings grow larger, allowing it to fly at high speeds.

Competitive Concept: High Speed and Special Attack allows it to spam Aerilate-boosted Boombursts allowing it to break down anything that's slower than it. It has Bug Buzz for coverage, U-Turn for momentum, and Taunt for stallbreaking. It can even use Sticky Web on a predicted switch-in or a last ditch sacrifice for its teammates. However, it is very, very frail, even resisted hits can put an end to it. It is also can't take any priority bar Mach Punch. Chansey and Steel types still wall it. Similar to Mega Pinsir, 4x Stealth rock weakness. Still, Aerilate-boosted Boomburst from 135 Special Attack is very hard to take.

252 SpA Aerilate Kricketune Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Hippowdon: 348-409 (82.8 - 97.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Aerilate Kricketune Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 204-240 (61 - 71.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Aerilate Kricketune Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 96+ SpD Clefable: 273-322 (69.2 - 81.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Type: Normal ----> Normal
Ability: Slow Start ----> Fur Coat

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 160
Def: 110 -> 150 (+40)
SpA: 80 -> 120 (+40)
SpD: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Spe: 100 -> 100

Flavor Concept: Regigigas has sleeping for so long that the moss has taken over its body. Fortunately, the moss gives it protection from the harsh surroundings.

Competitive Concept: Eat your heart out, Mega Aggron! Fur Coat Regigigas takes hits like a champ. High offensive stats means it's not a sitting duck either. It's speed stat is not the best by ORAS standards, but its other stats are so good it doesn't really care.

252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Fur Coat Regigigas: 271-321 (63.9 - 75.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Regigigas: 210-247 (49.5 - 58.2%) -- 98.4% chance to 2HKO avoids the OHKO fom a wallbreaker's 130BP super effective attack.
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Mega Lickilicky
Type: Normal --> Normal/Water
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious/Cloud Nine --> Thick Fat
New Moves: none

HP: 110 --> 110
Atk: 85 --> 115 (+30)
Def: 95 --> 120 (+25)
SpA: 80 --> 120 (+40)
SpD: 95 --> 120 (+25)
Spe: 50 --> 30 (-20)

Lickilicky becomes drenched in a pool of its own slobber, limiting its movement some more, but giving it a Water type in exchange. It can work as a physical, special or mixed tank that can check Fire, Water and Ice types really well thanks to its typing and ability. It has Surf and Muddy Water for special Water STAB and Aqua Tail on the physical side.


Mega Arcehops
Type: Rock/Flying --> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist --> Compound Eyes
New Moves: none

HP: 75 --> 75
Atk: 140 --> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 --> 85 (+20)
SpA: 112 --> 142 (+30)
SpD: 65 --> 85 (+20)
Spe: 110 --> 120 (+10)

After all the Head Smash and Stone Edge misses, Archeops was finally able to learn and adapt once it got its Mega Evolution. With the 30% accuracy boost, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Aqua Tail and Bounce all have perfect accuracy, with Focus Blast and Iron Tail also getting notable boosts to above 90%. Given Archeops' shallow special movepool, most of the stat boosts are poured into there to prevent it from being overpowered, but it still gets usage out of Heat Wave, Focus Blast and Earth Power.


Mega Regigigas
Type: Normal --> Normal/Grass
Ability: Slow Start --> Insomnia
New Moves: Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

HP: 110 --> 110
Atk: 160 --> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 --> 125 (+15)
SpA: 80 --> 130 (+50)
SpD: 110 --> 125 (+15)
Spe: 100 --> 100 (+0)

Regi has finally woken up, but it can't seem to go back to sleep. The grass on Regigigas grows taller and thicker upon Mega Evolution, giving it a Grass secondary type. This also gives it more weaknesses to make it easier to wear down in spite of its huge bulk in combination with its power. In addition, it can't make use of Rest for recovery due to Insomnia. However, Mega Regigigas hits like a truck with its 180/130 offenses and great movepool.

Mega Archeops

Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Early Bird (Get it?)
New Moves:

HP: 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 75 (+10)
SpA: 112 -> 132 (+20)
SpD: 65 -> 75 (+10)
Spe: 110 -> 150 (+40)
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Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Quick Feet
New Moves: Drill Peck, Swords Dance, and Glare

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 159 (+19)
Def: 65 -> 82 (+17)
SpA: 112 -> 134 (+22)
SpD: 65 -> 82 (+17)
Spe: 110 -> 135 (+25)

Flavor: Dex entry: "It runs better than it flies. It takes off into the sky by running at a speed of 25 mph." So it's actually a fast runner.

Competitive Concept: Becomes more powerful, and slightly bulkier. Nice speed tier of 135. Has a new physical STAB move in the form of Drill Peck, and can boost with Swords dance. Glare can be used as a lure to its checks. Quick feat means that it isn't crippled by poison, but it still hates burns. Hopefully it won't be that OP.
Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Rock Head
New Moves: Drill Peck, Double Edge

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 150 (+10)
Def: 65 -> 105 (+40)
SpA: 112 -> 112 (+0)
SpD: 65 -> 115 (+50)
Spe: 110 -> 110 (+0)

Flavor: It's effectively the same Archeops but FLUFFIER! Its fluff allows it to withstand its own recoil and gives it a big defensive boost (and a slightly larger special defense increase)

Competitive Concept: I decided that for the most part its attacking stats are fine the way they are. I gave it a minimal attacking boost and dumped the rest in its defenses. It can't outspeed the typically speedy Megas and it speed ties with Mega Metagross. I REFUSE to give it Brave Bird. It will be too powerful with two STAB Recoil Moves, but I'm giving it Double Edge for funzies and Drill Peck so it has usable Flying STAB. I can see it doing something like the following:

Archeops @Archeopite
Ability: Defeatist -> Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Head Smash
- Drill Peck
- Hone Claws/Earthquake
- Roost

It has enough bulk to use Hone Claws to patch up Head Smash's accuracy as well as boost its attack once. The rest of it is self explanatory. I feel like comparing it straight to Mega Metagross since both Pokemon have the same speed and about the same attack. Archeops way outdamages Mega Metagross with a nicer move (that ends Bird Spam by itself). However, Archeops lacks coverage options and its defenses are still lower than Mega Metagross. It's still weak to most priority too so I don't think it's TOO broken here. But I may be wrong.
Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Dragon
Ability: Defeatist -> Valiant
New Moves: None

HP: 75
Atk: 140 -> 155 (+15)
Def: 65 -> 45 (-20)
SpA: 112 -> 127 (+15)
SpD: 65 -> 45 (-20)
Spe: 110 -> 180 (+70)

Flavor: It can't fly anymore but it can run at incredible speed, so its legs become more muscular and its wings become more similar to arms, with long and sharp claws.

Competitive Concept: Well, it's OP, I admit it, but at least it's very frail and has a bad typing. Now it speed ties with Deoxys Speed and its attacking stat are very good.
Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Technician
New Moves: Air Cutter, Gunk Shot, Quick Attack

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 130 (-10)
Def: 65 -> 103 (+37)
SpA: 112 -> 140 (+28)
SpD: 65 -> 95 (+30)
Spe: 110 -> 125 (+15)

Flavor Concept: Archeops realizes he is a not a loser, but a sore powered machine with a cold heart of stone. He is a part time Mechanic now for some reason.

Competitive Concept: A Special Attacking Rock type attacker with passable defenses. It can go Physical or mixed or even a Wall. Hopefully it's not very OP.
Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Battle Armor
New Moves: None

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 107 (+42)
SpA: 112 -> 126 (+14)
SpD: 65 -> 77 (+12)
Spe: 110 -> 122 (+12)

Flavor Concept: Archeops finally learns why it isn’t in OU — because it keeps getting taken down to low health! So it forgoes increasing its offensive stats much in favor of learning how to defend itself. In the process, it gains Battle Armor.

Competitive Concept: Fast Mixed attacker that doesn’t immediately die to most priority moves despite its typing. Will probably favor its physical side, but Heat Wave is awesome on a ‘mon whose primary counters will likely be Steel-types. I would use a set of Stone Edge/EQ/Heat Wave/U-Turn.

84 Atk Technician Mega Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Archeops: 212-252 (81.5 - 96.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Archeops Heat Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 222-262 (66.4 - 78.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Mega Archeops
Type: Rock/Flying ----> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist ----> Steadfast
New Moves: None

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 65
SpA: 112 -> 137 (+25)
SpD: 65 -> 90 (+25)
Spe: 110 -> 140 (+30)

Flavor Concept: Mega Archeops, as the pinnacle of its evolution line, can finally fly well without a running start. Its wings got much bigger, giving it noticeably more special bulk and power, and most importantly it now can fly even faster with the buffed speed; Steadfast is there to signify the evolution of the Archen line from grounded and slow to airborne and fast.

Competitive Concept: A much faster Archeops without being dragged down by Defeatist. It's still weaker than, say, LO or Banded sets, but the aforementioned ability change, higher speed and better special bulk allows it to survive longer on the field. It's also much better as a mixed attacker, having almost as great of a SpA. Steadfast is really just there for flavor, and doesn't do much for M-Archeops considering how fast it is.
Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Intimidate
New Moves: None

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 95 (+30)
SpA: 112 -> 132 (+20)
SpD: 65 -> 85 (+20)
Spe: 110 -> 120 (+10)

Flavor Concept: Its teeth and claws get longer and sharper, and in general gets more intimidating. It also gets a thin crest of rock on its torso that acts as a chest plate.

Competitive Concept:It becomes a powerful and fast physical/mixed attacker. It has ok defenses and a really good 120 speed tier. It still lacks a good flying STAB and has to rely on Head Smash as its STAB move. It would probably be viable as a fast and powerful mixed/physical attacker.
Type: Rock/Flying ----> Rock Flying
Ability: Defeatist ----> Vital Spirit
New Moves: None

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 140 -> 150 (+10)
Def: 65 -> 65 (+0)
SpA: 112 -> 152 (+40)
SpD: 65 -> 105 (+40)
Spe: 110 -> 120 (+10)

Flavor Concept: Archeops gains confidence in itself and promises that nothing's going to put an end to its rampage.

Competitive Concept: Mega Archeops gets high offensive stats allowing it to become a potent mixed sweeper. It's boosted Special Attack lets it use its cool special moves such as Focus Blast and Heat Wave. Its special bulk increases to take special hits a bit more comfortably and it gets a mini but important speed boost. However, its physical bulk is still lacking. It doesn't have a good flying stab and a good special Rock STAB so it might be forced to go mixed if it wants to use its special moves. Vital Spirit lets it stand up to those pesky Spore users.
Mega Arcehops
Type: Rock/Flying --> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist --> Compound Eyes
New Moves: none

HP: 75 --> 75
Atk: 140 --> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 --> 85 (+20)
SpA: 112 --> 142 (+30)
SpD: 65 --> 85 (+20)
Spe: 110 --> 120 (+10)

After all the Head Smash and Stone Edge misses, Archeops was finally able to learn and adapt once it got its Mega Evolution. With the 30% accuracy boost, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Aqua Tail and Bounce all have perfect accuracy, with Focus Blast and Iron Tail also getting notable boosts to above 90%. Given Archeops' shallow special movepool, most of the stat boosts are poured into there to prevent it from being overpowered, but it still gets usage out of Heat Wave, Focus Blast and Earth Power.
Mega Archeops
Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Early Bird (Get it?)
New Moves:

HP: 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 75 (+10)
SpA: 112 -> 132 (+20)
SpD: 65 -> 75 (+10)
Spe: 110 -> 150 (+40)

Type: Bug -> Bug/Normal
Ability: Swarm/Technician -> Amplifier
New Moves: Boomburst, Grass Whistle

HP: 77
Atk: 85 -> 45 (-40)
Def: 51 -> 66 (+15)
SpA: 55 -> 125 (+70)
SpD: 51 -> 66 (+15)
Spe: 65 -> 105 (+40)

Flavor: Its "belly" is bigger and can amplify the sounds he produces and has also some "hairs" that look like Beethoven's.

Competitive Concept: a special sweeper that can go through any Substitute with 2 STAB boosted moves in Boomburst and Bug Buzz, with a nice 105 Speed that allows him to outspeed Gardevoir and 100 base speed.
Type: Bug -> Bug/Dark
Ability: Swarm/Technician -> Huge Power
New Moves: Roost, Megahorn, Superpower

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 105 (+20)
Def: 51 -> 86 (+35)
SpA: 55 -> 25 (-30)
SpD: 51 -> 86 (+35)
Spe: 71 -> 111 (+40)

Flavor Concept: Kricketune has joined the Dark Side and becomes a skill warrior. It's blades become longer and gains a darker red cloak.

Competitive Concept: A Physical Attacker with a unique type and Passible bulk to set up a Swords Dance. With now a 111 Speed tier, it is a useable Physical Attacker.
Type: Bug -> Bug/Steel
Ability: Swarm/Technician -> Technician
New Moves: Metal Claw, Iron Head

HP: 77
Atk: 85 -> 145 (+60)
Def: 51 -> 91 (+40)
SpA: 55 ->
SpD: 51 -> 91 (+40)
Spe: 65 -> 25 (-40)

Flavor Concept: "It crosses its knifelike arms in front of its chest when it cries. It can compose melodies ad lib." Its arms become knifes

Competitive Concept: Physical Technician Sword Dancer with a Trick room twist and nice typing.
Type: Bug -> Bug
Ability: Swarm/Technician -> Huge Power
New Moves: Cross Chop, U-Turn

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 125 (+40)
Def: 51 -> 71 (+20)
SpA: 55 -> 55
SpD: 51 -> 71 (+20)
Spe: 65 -> 85 (+20)

Flavor Concept: What has Game Freak done to give Megas to Pokemon with low BSTs and shallow movepools? They’ve given them Huge Power and big attack buffs, that’s what. Kricketune performs a song that allows it to finally unleash its hidden potential. Cross Chop is added because it can chop with its scythes, and it already has a bunch of Fighting moves. U-Turn because it’s a goddamn bug.

Competitive Concept: One of the weirdest, most uncomfortable-to-use sweepers you will ever use. It’s frail and has a terrible typing and a terrible movepool, but it’s surely viable. X-Scissor/Knock Off/Cross Chop/Sticky Web is what I would use, but U-Turn and Swords Dance could work too. Its power levels match Mega Mawile, but everything else about it makes it much more manageable. Just don’t let this guy set up.

252 Atk Huge Power Mega Kricketune X-Scissor vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 368-434 (91 - 107.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 Atk Huge Power Mega Kricketune Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 233-275 (69.7 - 82.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Type: Bug ----> Bug/Normal
Ability: Swarm/Technician ----> Brute Force
New Moves: Boomburst, Air Slash

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 145 (+60)
Def: 51 -> 76 (+25)
SpA: 55 -> 25 (-30)
SpD: 51 -> 51
Spe: 65 -> 110 (+45)

Flavor Concept: Overwhelmed by the energy of Mega Evolution, Kricketune abandons its musical talent for raw, pure power. Now relying on Brute Force (heh) to defeat its opponents, it gains a huge boost in its Atk and Speed, but its SpA take a huge hit in return.

Competitive Concept: Think of Chatot with its NP Boomburst. Now make that physical and compounded by 145/110 physical offenses. That's M-Kricketune for you. With Brute Force it has a good enough movepool to make use of, and Boomburst and Air Slash only adds to it. However, M-Kricketune is still very, very frail, especially on the special side.
Type: Bug -> Bug/Fairy
Ability: Swarm / Technician -> No Guard
New Moves: Quiver Dance, Moonblast, Focus Blast

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 45 (-40)
Def: 51 -> 56 (+5)
SpA: 55 -> 135 (+80)
SpD: 51 -> 51 (+0)
Spe: 71 -> 121 (+55)

Flavor Concept: It has no learned to dance, and always crosses its arms in an X on its chest. Its fighting style consists of singing Christmas carols while dancing around its opponent.

Competitive Concept: It pulls off its role as a fast special sweeper by putting its opponents to sleep and spamming Quiver Dance. It now has usable coverage in Moonblast and Focus Blast.
Type: Bug ----> Bug/Flying
Ability: Swarm/Technician ----> Aerilate
New Moves: Boomburst, U-Turn

HP: 77 -> 77
Atk: 85 -> 85
Def: 51 -> 31 (-20)
SpA: 55 -> 135 (+80)
SpD: 51 -> 31 (-20)
Spe: 65 -> 125 (+60)

Flavor Concept: Upon Mega Evolution, Kricketune's melodies get louder and louder allowing it to Boomburst. It's wings grow larger, allowing it to fly at high speeds.

Competitive Concept: High Speed and Special Attack allows it to spam Aerilate-boosted Boombursts allowing it to break down anything that's slower than it. It has Bug Buzz for coverage, U-Turn for momentum, and Taunt for stallbreaking. It can even use Sticky Web on a predicted switch-in or a last ditch sacrifice for its teammates. However, it is very, very frail, even resisted hits can put an end to it. It is also can't take any priority bar Mach Punch. Chansey and Steel types still wall it. Similar to Mega Pinsir, 4x Stealth rock weakness. Still, Aerilate-boosted Boomburst from 135 Special Attack is very hard to take.

252 SpA Aerilate Kricketune Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Hippowdon: 348-409 (82.8 - 97.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Aerilate Kricketune Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 204-240 (61 - 71.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Aerilate Kricketune Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 96+ SpD Clefable: 273-322 (69.2 - 81.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Type: Normal -> Normal/Psychic
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious/Cloud Nine -> Gooey
New Moves: Psychic, Cosmic Power, Gunk Shot, Recover

HP: 110
Atk: 85 -> 125 (+40)
Def: 95 -> 105 (+10)
SpA: 80 -> 100 (+20)
SpD: 95 -> 145 (+50)
Spe: 50

Flavor: Dex Descprition: "The long tongue is always soggy with slobber. The saliva contains a solvent that causes numbness.", so imo the ability fits perfectly with this characteristic. It becomes more fat and chubby and its tongue touches the ground.

Competitive Concept: Now it's stat distribution allows it to take advantage of Curse to the best, thanks to its great special bulkiness and its good Atk and Def, becoming a good TR sweeper or a wall. I gave it Psychic just because no psychic-type doesn't get it, while thanks to Cosmic Power it can perform as a wall.
Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious/Cloud Nine -> Thick Fat
New Moves: None

HP 110 -> 110 (0)
Attack 85 > 95 (+10)
Defense 95 > 135 (+40)
Sp. Atk 80 > 90 (+10)
Sp. Def 95 -> 135 (+40)
Speed 50 -> 50 (+0)
Type: Normal -> Normal/Ghost
Ability: Oblivious/Own Tempo/Cloud Nine -> Technician
New Moves: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Force Palm

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 85 -> 115 (+30)
Def: 95 -> 115 (+20)
SpA: 80 -> 110 (+30)
SpD: 95 -> 115 (+20)
Spe: 50 -> 50

Flavor Concept: Lickilicky become a ghostly spirit and gains a spirity tail with a purple color.

Competitive Concept: A Wall with a good Defensive typing and access to priority. It can run an offencive set even more with the improved attack and Special Attack.
Type: Normal ----> Normal
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious/Cloud Nine ----> Unaware
New Moves: Slack Off

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 85 -> 105 (+20)
Def: 95 -> 140 (+45)
SpA: 80 -> 100 (+20)
SpD: 95 -> 130 (+35)
Spe: 50 -> 30 (-20)

Flavor Concept: Lickilicky's own saliva eventually ended up making it numb to pain as well, allowing it to take hits much more easily. It ends up flat on its belly, moving by sliding forward. Very, very slowly. It's also much bulkier and the tongue much longer and flexible to compensate for its lack of mobility.

Competitive Concept: An Unaware mixed wall with really good bulk. Slack Off, while usable by the regular forme, doesn't quite make it better than the Mega due to, well, Unaware. Now it can take many, many hits with relative ease, and set-up sweepers wouldn't even bother it. It has some acceptable offensive presences too, preventing it from becoming Taunt bait.
Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Oblivious / Own Tempo / Cloud Nine -> Magic Bounce
New Moves: Slack Off

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 85 -> 125 (+40)
Def: 95 -> 130 (+25)
SpA: 80 -> 90 (+10)
SpD: 95 -> 130 (+25)
Spe: 50 -> 50 (+0)

Flavor Concept: It becomes much fatter and moves by rolling around like a ball. Somehow, its tongue has become extremely nimble and is capable of deflecting status moves.

Competitive Concept: It is a very bulky mixed wall that is capable of functioning as a win con for stall or can be used as a cleric.
Mega Lickilicky
Type: Normal --> Normal/Water
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious/Cloud Nine --> Thick Fat
New Moves: none

HP: 110 --> 110
Atk: 85 --> 115 (+30)
Def: 95 --> 120 (+25)
SpA: 80 --> 120 (+40)
SpD: 95 --> 120 (+25)
Spe: 50 --> 30 (-20)

Lickilicky becomes drenched in a pool of its own slobber, limiting its movement some more, but giving it a Water type in exchange. It can work as a physical, special or mixed tank that can check Fire, Water and Ice types really well thanks to its typing and ability. It has Surf and Muddy Water for special Water STAB and Aqua Tail on the physical side.

Type Normal -> Normal
Ability Slow Start -> Reckless
New Moves : Magma Storm, Glaciate, Stealth Rock

Hp 110 -> 110 (0)
Atk 160 -> 170 (+10)
Def 110 -> 135 (+25)
Spa 80 -> 120 (+40)
Spd 110 -> 135 (+25)
Spe 100 -> 100 (0)

Flavor: Dex: There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes. This shows Regigigas will likely do anything, so Reckless is a good ability for it. The other dex for it is "It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma" It gets Magma Storm, Glaciate, and Stealth rock to show this.

Competitive Concept: A well rounded mega that hits insanely hard and is bulky, and can also set up rocks. nuff said
Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Slow Start -> Normalize
New Moves : Bolt Strike, Blue Flare (via events)

HP 110 -> 110 (0)
Atk 160 -> 210 (+50)
Def 110 -> 125 (+15)
SpA 80 -> 80 (+0)
SpD 110 -> 125 (+15)
Spe 100 -> 120 (+20)

You know what? This Regigigas will not be broken at all. It is walled by Rock, Steel, and especially Ghost types. It is OU viable because it hits like a truck and can spread paralyzation and death around with a 130 BP STAB move in Bolt Strike. But it is useless against Ghost types outside of Toxic.
Type: Normal -> Normal/Fighting
Ability: Slow Start -> Adaptability
New Moves: Close Combat

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 -> 120 (+10)
SpA: 80 -> 90 (+10)
SpD: 110 -> 120 (+10)
Spe: 100 -> 140 (+40)

Flavor Concept: Regigigas turns to offensive side of things and unleashes it's inner Chi. He becomes slimmer and and gains a Black Belt.

Competitive Concept: Godly physical attacker with high powered STABs, a great speed tier, good defences, and a titanic Attack. It now has access to good Fighting moves Like Drain Punch. It's an powerhouse of one of a kind. Having it banned makes at least have a little fun.
Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Slow Start -> Sheer Force
New Moves: None

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 195 (+35)
Def: 110 -> 130 (+20)
SpA: 80 -> 105 (+25)
SpD: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Spe: 100 -> 100

Flavor Concept: Regigigas regains the (sheer) force with which it pulled the continents.

Competitive Concept: Uber powerhouse, and perhaps the only user of the elemental punches that doesn’t necessarily regret their low base power. Sheer Force brings base 75 up to base 97.5, effectively making them more powerful than the likes of Flamethrower, Ice Beam, etc. Regigigas can also make use of Zen Headbutt, Return, Earthquake, Rock Slide, and Rock Polish depending on what you want to accomplish.

252+ Atk Sheer Force Regigigas Ice Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Giratina: 204-240 (40.5 - 47.7%) -- 53.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Regigigas Return vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Arceus: 213-252 (55.9 - 66.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Type: Normal ----> Normal/Ground
Ability: Slow Start ----> Solid Rock
New Moves: Pain Split

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 -> 150 (+40)
SpA: 80 -> 90 (+10)
SpD: 110 -> 150 (+40)
Spe: 100 -> 90 (-10)

Flavor Concept: Mega Regigigas, the true forme of the continent mover. Gaining the attributes of the land, it trades a slight bit of speed for power, much greater bulk, and Solid Rock, finishing its transformation into the first golem (not the Pokemon).

Competitive Concept: Kind of a natural progression for Regigigas, seeing as its underlings all have really great defenses. While, once again, it isn't as strong as sets with power-boosting items, it gains much more survivability, tanking hits like Specs Palkia's Hydro Pump with HP investments alone (!). Still, it has absolutely no recovery aside from Drain Punch and Pain Split, which hurts it quite a lot.
Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Slow Start -> Tireless
New Moves: None

HP: 110 -> 100
Atk: 160 -> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 -> 130 (+20)
SpA: 80 -> 120 (+40)
SpD: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Spe: 100 -> 100 (+0)

Flavor Concept: After much practice pulling continents around on a rope, it becomes nearly impossible to make it tired. It grows much larger, as well as becoming much better at controlling the elements.

Competitive Concept: Its broken. STAB 180 attack Giga Impacts with no recharge while having an OK speed tier and great bulk is simply amazing.
Type: Normal ----> Normal
Ability: Slow Start ----> Fur Coat

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 160
Def: 110 -> 150 (+40)
SpA: 80 -> 120 (+40)
SpD: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Spe: 100 -> 100

Flavor Concept: Regigigas has sleeping for so long that the moss has taken over its body. Fortunately, the moss gives it protection from the harsh surroundings.

Competitive Concept: Eat your heart out, Mega Aggron! Fur Coat Regigigas takes hits like a champ. High offensive stats means it's not a sitting duck either. It's speed stat is not the best by ORAS standards, but its other stats are so good it doesn't really care.

252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Fur Coat Regigigas: 271-321 (63.9 - 75.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Regigigas: 210-247 (49.5 - 58.2%) -- 98.4% chance to 2HKO avoids the OHKO fom a wallbreaker's 130BP super effective attack.
Mega Regigigas
Type: Normal --> Normal/Grass
Ability: Slow Start --> Insomnia
New Moves: Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

HP: 110 --> 110
Atk: 160 --> 180 (+20)
Def: 110 --> 125 (+15)
SpA: 80 --> 130 (+50)
SpD: 110 --> 125 (+15)
Spe: 100 --> 100 (+0)

Regi has finally woken up, but it can't seem to go back to sleep. The grass on Regigigas grows taller and thicker upon Mega Evolution, giving it a Grass secondary type. This also gives it more weaknesses to make it easier to wear down in spite of its huge bulk in combination with its power. In addition, it can't make use of Rest for recovery due to Insomnia. However, Mega Regigigas hits like a truck with its 180/130 offenses and great movepool.
Please look through this post to make sure I included all of your submissions. If you are voting, please look through all of the submissions so you have a good understanding of which one you think is best.


I was very impressed with the number of submissions we got; good work everybody!
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Alright, here are the winners!

Archeops: nightsitter
Type: Rock/Flying -> Rock/Flying
Ability: Defeatist -> Battle Armor
New Moves: None

HP: 75 -> 75
Atk: 140 -> 160 (+20)
Def: 65 -> 107 (+42)
SpA: 112 -> 126 (+14)
SpD: 65 -> 77 (+12)
Spe: 110 -> 122 (+12)

Flavor Concept: Archeops finally learns why it isn’t in OU — because it keeps getting taken down to low health! So it forgoes increasing its offensive stats much in favor of learning how to defend itself. In the process, it gains Battle Armor.

Competitive Concept: Fast Mixed attacker that doesn’t immediately die to most priority moves despite its typing. Will probably favor its physical side, but Heat Wave is awesome on a ‘mon whose primary counters will likely be Steel-types. I would use a set of Stone Edge/EQ/Heat Wave/U-Turn.

84 Atk Technician Mega Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Archeops: 212-252 (81.5 - 96.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Archeops Heat Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 222-262 (66.4 - 78.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Kricketune: Stitch98
Type: Bug -> Bug/Normal
Ability: Swarm/Technician -> Amplifier
New Moves: Boomburst, Grass Whistle

HP: 77
Atk: 85 -> 45 (-40)
Def: 51 -> 66 (+15)
SpA: 55 -> 125 (+70)
SpD: 51 -> 66 (+15)
Spe: 65 -> 105 (+40)

Flavor: Its "belly" is bigger and can amplify the sounds he produces and has also some "hairs" that look like Beethoven's.

Competitive Concept: a special sweeper that can go through any Substitute with 2 STAB boosted moves in Boomburst and Bug Buzz, with a nice 105 Speed that allows him to outspeed Gardevoir and 100 base speed.

Lickilicky: Deathly ♛The King
Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Oblivious / Own Tempo / Cloud Nine -> Magic Bounce
New Moves: Slack Off

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 85 -> 125 (+40)
Def: 95 -> 120 (+25)
SpA: 80 -> 90 (+10)
SpD: 95 -> 120 (+25)
Spe: 50 -> 50 (+0)

Flavor Concept: It becomes much fatter and moves by rolling around like a ball. Somehow, its tongue has become extremely nimble and is capable of deflecting status moves.

Competitive Concept: It is a very bulky mixed wall that is capable of functioning as a win con for stall or can be used as a cleric.

Regigigas: nightsitter
Type: Normal -> Normal
Ability: Slow Start -> Sheer Force
New Moves: None

HP: 110 -> 110
Atk: 160 -> 195 (+35)
Def: 110 -> 130 (+20)
SpA: 80 -> 105 (+25)
SpD: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Spe: 100 -> 100

Flavor Concept: Regigigas regains the (sheer) force with which it pulled the continents.

Competitive Concept: Uber powerhouse, and perhaps the only user of the elemental punches that doesn’t necessarily regret their low base power. Sheer Force brings base 75 up to base 97.5, effectively making them more powerful than the likes of Flamethrower, Ice Beam, etc. Regigigas can also make use of Zen Headbutt, Return, Earthquake, Rock Slide, and Rock Polish depending on what you want to accomplish.

252+ Atk Sheer Force Regigigas Ice Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Giratina: 204-240 (40.5 - 47.7%) -- 53.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Regigigas Return vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Arceus: 213-252 (55.9 - 66.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Thoughts on the new Megas?
So here's where I'll be louder, the potential metagame discussion

Archeops: I really don't know how to feel about archeops. Very scary on paper, but we're adding a lot of speed and priority so it may end up being okay.

Kricketune: special mega Beedrill treatment really. It'll probably run something similar to the bee in Protect/Boomburst/Bug Buzz/coverage or grass whistle if you're feeling cheeky

E: shit it gets webs

Lickilicky: glorious stall :]
Really though this will be a fantastic mon, walls ghosts hard since its bulk allows it to take non stabs with ease, gonna be very dangerous on stall teams.

GONNA refrain from comment on Regigigas until I get confirmation/denial on something
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Archeops: good movepool and attack so it can run lots of things however ability balances/hinders it.
Kricketune: Pretty strong although blocked by steel types, however this thing could probably force a switch and set up sticky web (which imo is a better gamechanging option to use over grass whistle since it'll probs miss ;_;)
Lickilicky: another fat pink disgusting stall mon with a good stalz ability + attack. (so it's good :])
Regigigas: has powerful return and good moves for sheer force to abuse, reminds me of a physical mega porygonZ (that thing has 185 spA and protean friggin disgusting)
I will have to say that I'm glad that Archeops won. It's attack and speed is already excellent so just a minimal boost is all it really needs. All it needs is to increase its bulk and that's it.

I am actually surprised still that Kricketune wasn't given Boomburst, but now it does. It doesn't have anything for Rock or Steel types still outside of Hidden Power. I see a moveset involving Bug Buzz, Boomburst, Hidden Power Fire/Fighting, and Sticky Web.

Lickilicky is just a big fat blob now. It WILL see lots of use I can tell.

Regigigas would be broken, but I'm certain we did it just for fun and to make it Uber capable. But we wanted it to be broken so that's not a big deal. If the special attack boost was given to something else it would DEFINITELY be an ubers level mon.
I love that Archeops got additional bulk as it needed no more offensive boosts.

I'm iffy about krickitune. I can't compare it to Megadtill since that's a pivot, and I don't know what this is.

MORE BLOBS!!"!!!!!!!

Regigigas is OP as usual.
My M-Kricketune back then is about the same, so of course I like this one. STAB 1.5x Boomburst coming from 125 base SpA is going to be such a nuke it isn't even funny. It does require a bit of support to get onto the field, though.

Not really feeling this Lickilicky, since we have 3 other Magic Bounce megas already, not counting the old MFA ones, but I suppose it can differenciate itself from the others, being a physical-oriented tank.
So, in order to slowly test out new Megas, we're gonna try to /summon the coders and only add a few (probably around 4) Megas at a time to the OU metagame. One that seems particularly viable and balanced to me (and the rest of the council) is Mega Cobalion. If you have any thoughts about it and whether it should be included in the first introduction of new Megas, feel free to share.

If there are any other Megas you would like to see in the first introduction phase, please discuss and provide sufficient reasoning. The council will likely make the final decisions, but we will take your thoughts and opinions into account.

Try selecting Megas that would work well in the current OU metagame, for example:
  • A Pokemon that can switch into the most spammable moves (Scald, Knock Off, etc.) without fear
  • A Pokemon that can check/counter/wall some of the current S-ranked threats
  • A Pokemon that can form a powerful core with one or two lesser-used mons
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So, in order to slowly test out new Megas, we're gonna try to /summon the coders and only add a few (probably around 4) Megas at a time to the OU metagame. One that seems particularly viable and balanced to me (and the rest of the council) is Mega Cobalion. If you have any thoughts about it and whether it should be included in the first introduction of new Megas, feel free to share.

If there are any other Megas you would like to see in the first introduction phase, please discuss and provide sufficient reasoning. The council will likely make the final decisions, but we will take your thoughts and opinions into account.

Try selecting Megas that would work well in the current OU metagame, for example:
  • A Pokemon that can switch into the most spammable moves (Scald, Knock Off, etc.) without fear
  • A Pokemon that can check/counter/wall some of the current S-ranked threats
  • A Pokemon that can form a powerful core with one or two lesser-used mons

How long will this take :(((
I'd like to see Arcanine, Donphan, and Jolteon be (a part of) our firsts "inductees" because they are on the brink of OU viability, but can't make it onto the OU Viability Ranking thread. Arcanine plays Charizard mind games with both its X and Y formes, Donphan becomes a great spinner with monstrous attack and defense, and Jolteon is extremely fast (ties with Deoxys-S!) with a great STAB Hyper Voice and pivoting in Volt Switch / Baton Pass.

Give Jolteon Spikes because it made it into honorable mentions in the Threorymon Project
Here are some other ones to consider:

Mega Conkeldurr is finally bulky enough to stand on its own without an Assault Vest, and it has a massive base 180 attack coupled with Iron Fist to punch holes into the opponent's team.
Mega Archeops is one of our most recent creations. It appears to be a solid mixed attacker with good speed and passable bulk.
Mega Pachirisu could be one of the most annoying, fun-to-use Megas that we've created in this project. Nuzzle/U-Turn/Super Fang/Recover, great bulk and speed, and Regenerator will help Pachi form a core with a sweeper of mediocre speed.
Mega Zapdos acquires the bulk it always wanted in addition to Static. Looks like a great tank to me.
I'd like to reccomend the legendary Dewgod

Dewgong was already an Ubers tier mon but this mega makes gong even more bulkier with 90/110/135 defensive stats, the gong becomes one of the only serene grace mons with stab ice beam iirc.

Dewgod now gets scald which is basically a better sacred fire as well as body slam and the most haxiest one: ice beam.

Along with that Dewgod gets recover so it can finally have reliable recovery and dragon tail, good for phasing out disgusting irrelevant water types that dare set up on dewgod. Here's a calc

252 SpA Charizard Solar Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Dewgod: 136-160 (35.4 - 41.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO


Dewgong however has one flaw: it's slow af and ice typing means it gets rekt by fighting types/Rock types that outspeed it, which is why you use the mighty trick room dewgod
Here's an idea, how about we test Mega Zygarde. It seems pretty cool because it can evade crits, utilize Rest, and boost up to a huge level and then sweep, a sort of alternative to Mega Slowbro, or it can play the slow parashuffler role. Coil boosts the accuracy of Dragon Tail too.

I would also like to propose we redo Mega Mew if that's allowed because right now it is effectively a bulkier standard Ditto, which saddens me.
So the first set of new megas we're going to introduce is......... Zapdos, Cobalion, Jolteon, and Dewgong!

To showcase how we intend to handle Pokemon from different tiers, we selected one from OU, one from UU, one from RU, and one from NU or below. The megas selected appear to be viable yet balanced in the current OU metagame, and we're excited to playtest them.

However, we don't have a coder. If anyone has any experience coding metagames and has the time to help out, it would be time greatly appreciated. We'll only be introducing a few new megas at a time, so I don't believe it will require a whole lot of busy work in one sitting. See the second post in this thread for a few more details.

And for those of you who just want to speculate/play, how do you think these new additions would change the OU metagame? Would they be top-tier threats or C-rank outliers? Which current threats would be inhibited by their presence? Which Pokemon can form good cores with these megas? Discuss!
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I think Mega Dewgong will see little use, seeing as it easily loses to the other three Megas. To be honest, I think it needs to be re-slated anyway because giving it Scald contradicts Ice-typing flavor.

Anyway, I coded the four Megas. It hasn't been tested, but the code was entirely recycled from a couple of places so I doubt there will be any problems.
        name: "Megas For All",
        section: "Other Metagames",

        mod: 'megasforall',
        ruleset: ['Pokemon', 'Standard', 'Team Preview', 'Endless Battle Clause', 'Evasion Clause', 'Moody Clause', 'OHKO Clause', 'Sleep Cause', 'Species Clause', 'Swagger Clause', 'Baton Pass Clause'],
        banlist: ['Uber', 'Gengarite', 'Kangaskhanite', 'Lucarionite', 'Mawilite', 'Salamencite']
exports.BattlePokedex = {
    dewgongmega: {
        num: 87,
        species: "Dewgong-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Dewgong",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Water"],
        baseStats: {hp:90, atk:70 def:110, spa:100, spd:130, spe:70},
        abilities: {0:"Serene Grace"},
        heightm: 1.7,
        weightkg: 120.0,
        color: "White",
        prevo: "seel",
        evoLevel: 34,
        eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"]
    jolteonmega: {
        num: 135,
        species: "Jolteon-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Jolteon",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Electric"],
        genderRatio: {M:0.875, F:0.125},
        baseStats: {hp:65, atk:85 def:70, spa:130, spd:105, spe:170},
        abilities: {0:"Generator"},
        heightm: 0.8,
        weightkg: 24.5,
        color: "Yellow",
        prevo: "eevee",
        evoLevel: 1,
        eggGroups: ["Field"]
    zapdosmega: {
        num: 145,
        species: "Zapdos-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Zapdos",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Electric", "Flying"],
        genderRatio: {"N"},
        baseStats: {hp:90, atk:130 def:115, spa:135, spd:110, spe:100},
        abilities: {0:"Static"},
        heightm: 1.6,
        weightkg: 52.6,
        color: "Yellow",
        eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"]
    cobalionmega: {
        num: 135,
        species: "Cobalion-Mega",
        baseSpecies: "Cobalion",
        forme: "Mega",
        formeLetter: "M",
        types: ["Steel", "Fighting"],
        genderRatio: {"N"},
        baseStats: {hp:95, atk:115 def:154, spa:115, spd:97, spe:108},
        abilities: {0:"Fire Absorb"},
        heightm: 2.1
        weightkg: 250.0,
        color: "Blue",
        eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"]
    //Below are the base forms, who have to be edited to have Megas.
    dewgong: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["dewgongmega"]
    jolteon: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["jolteonmega"]
    zapdos: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["zapdosmega"]
    cobalion: {
        inherit: true,
        otherFormes: ["cobalionmega"]
exports.BattleAbilities = {
    "fireabsorb": {
        desc: "This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Fire-type move.",
        shortDesc: "This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Fire moves; Fire immunity.",
        onTryHit: function (target, source, move) {
            if (target !== source && move.type === 'Fire') {
                if (!this.heal(target.maxhp / 4)) {
                    this.add('-immune', target, '[msg]');
                return null;
        id: "fireabsorb",
        name: "Fire Absorb",
        rating: 3.5,
        num: -5
    "generator": {
        shortDesc: "On switch-in, sets Electric Terrain.",
        onStart: function (source) {
        id: "generator",
        name: "Generator",
        rating: 3.5,
        num: -6
exports.BattleItems = {
    "dewgongite": {
        id: "dewgongite",
        name: "Dewgongite",
        spritenum: 621, //I use whichever stone looks closest to the Pokemon as the sprite.
        megaStone: "Dewgong-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Dewgong",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -45,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Dewgong, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."
    "jolteonite": {
        id: "jolteonite",
        name: "Jolteonite",
        spritenum: 580,
        megaStone: "Jolteon-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Jolteon",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -78,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Jolteon, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."
    "zapdosite": {
        id: "zapdosite",
        name: "Zapdosite",
        spritenum: 628,
        megaStone: "Zapdos-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Zapdos",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -85,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Zapdos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."
    "cobalionite": {
        id: "cobalionite",
        name: "Cobalioite",
        spritenum: 583,
        megaStone: "Cobalion-Mega",
        megaEvolves: "Cobalion",
        onTakeItem: function (item, source) {
            if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseTemplate.baseSpecies) return false;
            return true;
        num: -347,
        gen: 6,
        desc: "If holder is a Cobalion, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle."
exports.BattleScripts = {
    //Added moves
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'dewgong').learnset.dragontail = ['6M'];
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'dewgong').learnset.recover = ['6E']; //Breeding.
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'dewgong').learnset.scald = ['6M'];
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'cobalion').learnset.glare = ['6L1'];
    this.modData('Learnsets', 'cobalion').learnset.uturn = ['6M'];
    //Stuff regarding not showing sprites that I stole from Pikachuun and assume works
    runMegaEvo: function (pokemon) {
        var template = this.getTemplate(pokemon.canMegaEvo);
        var side = pokemon.side;

        // Pokémon affected by Sky Drop cannot mega evolve. Enforce it here for now.
        var foeActive =;
        for (var i = 0; i < foeActive.length; i++) {
            if (foeActive[i].volatiles['skydrop'] && foeActive[i].volatiles['skydrop'].source === pokemon) {
                return false;
        //Prevent sprites from screwing with our stuff.
        var forbid = {'Dewgong-Mega':'Dewgongite', 'Jolteon-Mega':'Jolteonite', 'Zapdos-Mega':'Zapdosite', 'Cobalion-Mega':'Cobalionite'};
        if (template.species in forbid) {
            template = Object.clone(template); //Prevent voodoo magics from breaking the sim.
            template.spriteid = toId(template.baseSpecies);
            template.actualSpecies = template.species;
            template.species = template.species.split('-')[0];
            template.requiredItem = forbid[template.species];
            pokemon.baseTemplate = template; // mega evolution is permanent
            pokemon.details = template.species + (pokemon.level === 100 ? '' : ', L' + pokemon.level) + (pokemon.gender === '' ? '' : ', ' + pokemon.gender) + (pokemon.set.shiny ? ', shiny' : '');
            this.add('detailschange', pokemon, pokemon.details);
            this.add('-mega', pokemon, template.baseSpecies, template.requiredItem);
            pokemon.baseAbility = pokemon.ability;
            var changed = {'Blastoise':true, 'Gyarados':true, 'Aerodactyl':true, 'Feraligatr':true};
            if (template.actualSpecies in forbid || template.species === 'Venusaur-Mega' || template.baseSpecies in changed) {
                var types = template.types;
                var bTypes = (types.length === 1 || types[1] === 'caw') ? '' + types[0] : '' + types[0] + '/' + types[1];
                this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typechange', bTypes);

            // Limit one mega evolution
            for (var i = 0; i < side.pokemon.length; i++) {
                side.pokemon[i].canMegaEvo = false;
            return true;
Last edited:
Honestly, Mega Zapdos is just a straight-up upgrade over regular Zapdos in terms of stats. Lacking Leftovers probably wouldn't hurt too much considering it has Roost, and the buffed Atk finally gives it a usable Flying-type STAB in Drill Peck. I'm not sure if it'll be able to free up slots to run that though. I'd say it's a pretty decent tank and should be worthy of a mega slot.

I'm not too certain what Mega Cobalion can do. Most Fire-types either have Ground-type coverage or is a special attacker and can hit Cobalion neutrally, and while its bulk is pretty nice, not having any recovery will hurt it quite a bit. I can see it being used as a fast-ish supporter and maybe pivot, but 108 Speed isn't that fast... At least it gets Glare which is cool, being able to paralyze Ground-types is pretty great.

Mega Jolteon will probably see use as a really fast revenge killer. Like, really really fast. Since it sets Electric Terrain on switch-in, it can basically pump all of its investments in Speed first and foremost, while having the benefit of a pseudo-Specs on its Electric-type attacks. However, outside of that, its attacks would be weaker, especially HP Ice, which means it's going to have a even harder time against Ground-types. Oh, another thing is that Electric Terrain prevents Sleep, which screws over lots of pokemon relying on sleep to set-up. That's some extra niche for teams that are threatened by such mons.

Really not feeling Mega Dewgong. There are already more than a few bulky Water-types in OU, and Mega Dewgong with its mediocre typing kind of falls short. It's weak to Rock (Stealth Rock), Fighting (common coverage) and Electric at the same time, and the only niche it has at the moment is Serene Grace Scald which like En Passant above mentioned doesn't fit at all. I support re-slating it.
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