
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
Item: Flying Gem
EVs: 252 Attack
252 Speed
Moves: Relic Song
Close Combat
Stone Edge

opinions on this set?
i've been playtesting shrang's rain set, and it's very effective. Meloetta-A has fantastic special bulk (100/128) so can tank special hits fairly well, and she's reasonably fast, and has a good special attack stat...and that's before she uses relic song to abuse a fast and powerful STAB close combat.
Admittedly, I don't even transform her that often...but having that option in reserve is very useful.
Bump for great justice!

But really, I think Meloetta is like the great forgotten event Pokemon and I would love some current discussion about her. The ability to swap from special to physical in a turn, or even predict and keep an opponent guessing is pretty powerful.

What kind of team mates, sets, teams would you use now with Meloetta, Aria or Pirouette?
Any hope Meloetta had of ever becoming OU is ruined by Aria form. Thus, the only set she can run viably is a transformation set. I had the EVs worked out perfectly in my old Dream World analysis thread: 224 Att / 84 SpA / 200 Spe

Her Close Combat hits about the same as Lucario's and the Sp Att EVs giver her a decent chance to OHKO Skarm with Thunder after Stealth Rock damage. Btw, user her on Rain teams; Thunder is kind of necessary.
Any hope Meloetta had of ever becoming OU is ruined by Aria form. Thus, the only set she can run viably is a transformation set. I had the EVs worked out perfectly in my old Dream World analysis thread: 224 Att / 84 SpA / 200 Spe

Her Close Combat hits about the same as Lucario's and the Sp Att EVs giver her a decent chance to OHKO Skarm with Thunder after Stealth Rock damage. Btw, user her on Rain teams; Thunder is kind of necessary.

Isn't she still in OU though? I could have sworn she was. Thanks for the set. I'll give her a try soon.
Back when Meloetta was first released I was doing fairly well leading with her on my rain team. I was using Shrang's set and was using Hasty instead of Naive. That way the aria could take special hits better. After Genesect was released I had to switch her out.
Any hope Meloetta had of ever becoming OU is ruined by Aria form. Thus, the only set she can run viably is a transformation set. I had the EVs worked out perfectly in my old Dream World analysis thread: 224 Att / 84 SpA / 200 Spe

Her Close Combat hits about the same as Lucario's and the Sp Att EVs giver her a decent chance to OHKO Skarm with Thunder after Stealth Rock damage. Btw, user her on Rain teams; Thunder is kind of necessary.

Back when Meloetta was first released I was doing fairly well leading with her on my rain team. I was using Shrang's set and was using Hasty instead of Naive. That way the aria could take special hits better. After Genesect was released I had to switch her out.

Judging by the suspect testing, you might just be getting her back :p
I've been using the Meloetta - Naive - Life Orb variant lately. It works wonders in the rain as a late game sweeper. If you can KO with Relic Song or threaten someone out (not often) then the transformation is pretty free. Meloetta has been seen KOing with no regard for poke-life.
Meloetta is PERFECT for a mixed set


Naive/Hasty (EVs: 252 SPATK/ 56 ATK/ 200 Spe)
Ability= Serene Grace @life orb

-Relic Song
-Close Combat

This set works GREAT in OU !
Meloetta is PERFECT for a mixed set

Naive/Hasty (EVs: 252 SPATK/ 56 ATK/ 200 Spe)
Ability= Serene Grace @life orb

-Relic Song
-Close Combat

This set works GREAT in OU !
It can work great in the right hands, but requires near-perfect prediction to properly use. One Relic Song into the wrong forme and your Meloetta can become a liability.

Also, we are aware this set is viable in OU. that's why it's on the site as her only OU set.