
Ever thought of reading this?

Now, I do agree unpredictability will be her main game. The potential for a mixed, special, or physical set are all there. Thunder Abuse with Serene Grace in Rain sounds amazing as well.

Technically speaking, no one has broken any of those rules as of right now. The reason why those rules were put in place was because of the Therian formes being introduced and everyone cried UBERS. We are simply discussing if Meloetta is going to start out in UU or BL when it is finally introduced instead of having it BANNED to Ubers.

Yes, Meloetta is going to be slightly unpredictable. it can run a physical, special, or mixed set. It can even run a paraflinch set with T-wave/Zen Headbutt. Maybe even a Charge Beam sweeper set too. So yes, it has many options. The thing that hinders it is that on the special side, it has a meager 90 base speed. That doesn't out-speed much. If it wants to be physical, it needs to waste a turn setting up. I'm sure some people will be able to master the craft of using Meloetta to great results, however, many people will have a tough time figuring out whether to attack instead of switching forme.
I think Meloetta will really struggle in OU. It can definitely be unpredictable; the problem is that most of its sets aren't all that threatening. It has a lot of trouble switching in on much; sweepers outspeed and do heavy damage (it does have amazing special bulk, but the lack of resistances hurts it), meaning Meloetta will have to take two hits to retaliate, which is a poor option when it lacks reliable recovery. Walls just smack it with status and switch out. It could be a really cool bulky attacker if it had good resistances or a reliable recovery move, but it doesn't, so it gets worn down pretty heavily by the hard hitters in OU. Of course, it could turn into the wrecking ball that is the Pirouette form by using Relic Song, but that becomes relatively predictable when its other sets struggle.

Maybe I'll be wrong; maybe it'll be more viable than I think it will be as a bulky attacker. But I think its typing hurts it, especially when there are other Pokemon that can perform the same role without many disadvantages and with the massive advantage of reliable recovery (Celebi, Reuniclus). But if its only really effective set is the Relic Song mixer attacker, that set becomes much more predictable, which makes it much less effective.
I have just realized that Soundproof blocks Relic Song, I don't know if even blocks transformation. Curious at least, because Soundproof mons suck, at least Mr. Mime is a bit usable.

About the tier, Meloetta was UU in DW(of the server PO I think) as an approximation...

About the paraflinch set, Meloetta has Teeter Dance, for to annoy more adding parafusionflinch.

Also a guy mentioned time ago this moveset:

Meloetta @ Silk Scarf

- Relic Song
- Last Resort
@ A Fhaol Bhig

Mini-modding is also frowned upon in the general smogon rules, while I do realize I am being a bit hypocritical in saying this, I feel its important that you know this.

I need to play more I haven't see this thing yet unfortunately. I think the choice between UU and BL is for the UU community to decide not us. I am doubting it would drop though for some time if it does suck because of initial hype like whimsicott. I don't believe this is to powerful either as UU has a lot of powerful sweepers and calm mind pokemon and is fine with them, but again that is for UU to decide.
In terms of support movepool, she's excellent as she has Teeter Dance, Thunder Wave, Perish Song, Toxic, Sleep Talk + Rest, Magic Coat, Sunny Day + Rain Dance, Calm Mind, Substitute, Snatch, Knock Off, Gravity, Heal Bell, Trick. Personally, I love using an all-out attacking set with Thunder in the rain... Ancient Song makes for great mind games as the more they try to switch around it, the better chance you have of sleeping something. Shrang's mixed set seems very very potent right now as it can smash through Gliscor, Ferrothorn, and a lot of other defensive pokemon. For such a defensive mon, she sure has great stallbreaking potential!
I feel like Meloetta will turn out like mew. It's all about surprise, and figuring out the set. AFter figuring out the set, won't be too hard to counter.
I'm currently testing sets to write up in the Meloetta analysis, and one thing I've thought up is Specially Defensive Meloetta:

Meloetta @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD (May change)
Nature: Calm
- Perish Song
- Psyshock
- Thunder Wave / Thunder
- Shadow Ball / Focus Blast / Heal Bell

This is probably the best counter to Reuniclus to exist in OU, IMO. Calm Mind versions are swiftly put on a timer by Perish Song, while Trick Room variants are looking at 5HKO with Focus Blast without Sand/Hail. In return, you can Shadow Ball the thing. It's also probably the best switch-in to Gengar and Alakazam, as well, since Focus Blast are pretty all they can do to you, which don't hurt much at all. Outside of them, you can also use Meloetta to check stuff like Calm Mind Virizion as well. I haven't actually tested this one just yet, but I may pack it on some generic stall team to give it a shot soon.
I'm currently testing sets to write up in the Meloetta analysis, and one thing I've thought up is Specially Defensive Meloetta:

Meloetta @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD (May change)
Nature: Calm
- Perish Song
- Psyshock
- Thunder Wave / Thunder
- Shadow Ball / Focus Blast / Heal Bell

This is probably the best counter to Reuniclus to exist in OU, IMO. Calm Mind versions are swiftly put on a timer by Perish Song, while Trick Room variants are looking at 5HKO with Focus Blast without Sand/Hail. In return, you can Shadow Ball the thing. It's also probably the best switch-in to Gengar and Alakazam, as well, since Focus Blast are pretty all they can do to you, which don't hurt much at all. Outside of them, you can also use Meloetta to check stuff like Calm Mind Virizion as well. I haven't actually tested this one just yet, but I may pack it on some generic stall team to give it a shot soon.

On paper this set looks like it might have a few problems. The most major one I can think of is that Jirachi does this better in almost every single way. While 100/100 is indeed worse than 100/128, Jirachi has MUCH better defensive typing, access to semi fair recovery in wish that it can properly abuse with t-wave and Iron Head for paraflinching.
But, Keep in mind that Bug and Dark weaknesses are much, much less common than Fire and Ground. Pretty much every Ground and Water type forces Jirachi out. Also, sometimes Alakazam carries HP Fire which can do in for Jirachi. Not to mention usually Jirachi carries protect or Stealth Rock (I've even seen Ice Punch) in the last slot which means it's complete Magnezone bait, if it's not carrying Fire Punch. And if it's carrying Fire Punch, it does not have the easiest time restoring health through wish.
Jirachi vs Meloetta is very interesting, one thing Meloetta has is perish song which is an excellent finisher on stall teams, the lack of recovery and reistances hurts a lot though. One one hand though, it does lack a fire weakness, allowing it to effectively counter Venusaur in the sun, (if anything I think this think should be geared to 1HKO venusaur with psychic/psyshock, thunderwave is cool and all, but vensaur still has respectable speed vs stall in the sun.

72 special attack evs guarantee a 1HKO on Venusaur with psychic after rocks :).
I'm currently testing sets to write up in the Meloetta analysis, and one thing I've thought up is Specially Defensive Meloetta:

Meloetta @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD (May change)
Nature: Calm
- Perish Song
- Psyshock
- Thunder Wave / Thunder
- Shadow Ball / Focus Blast / Heal Bell

This is probably the best counter to Reuniclus to exist in OU, IMO. Calm Mind versions are swiftly put on a timer by Perish Song, while Trick Room variants are looking at 5HKO with Focus Blast without Sand/Hail. In return, you can Shadow Ball the thing. It's also probably the best switch-in to Gengar and Alakazam, as well, since Focus Blast are pretty all they can do to you, which don't hurt much at all. Outside of them, you can also use Meloetta to check stuff like Calm Mind Virizion as well. I haven't actually tested this one just yet, but I may pack it on some generic stall team to give it a shot soon.

Thats a cool idea but i think the Pursuit weakness and the inability to do anything against both Scizor and TTar would really hurt it's effectiveness. It also seems to lack some punch behind it (haven't actually tested this but an unboosted Latias does pitiful damage to anything not horrribly frail and the damage output should be the same with worse coverage) and seems really easy to wall by common OU Pokes.
I think Calm Mind over Perish Song would be cool as it would still allow you to beat CM Reuniclus wich seems to be the main purpose of Perish Song while allowing it to act as a late game sweeper.
Heal Bell or U-Turn also seems much more useful than T-Wave IMO, simply because a shit ton of things learn T-Wave and those other two moves got much more utility for a stall team wich this thing seems to be designed for.
Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 attack/252 speed/4 sp. attack
Nature: Naive
- Relic Song
- Close Combat
- Thunder
- Ice Punch

This set is um AMAZING. And the only you should use if you decide to use her pirouette form.
Yes you must be think another rain abuser?! Mhmm meloetta benefits from the rain with 100%accurate thunders AND 60% chance of paralysis.
With this set Skarmories and gliscors thinking they can wall meloetta crumble as they get hit by an ice punch or striked by a thunder.
(evs are straightforward for now D: im not an ev expert :/)
Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 attack/252 speed/4 sp. attack
Nature: Naive
- Relic Song
- Close Combat
- Thunder
- Ice Punch

This set is um AMAZING. And the only you should use if you decide to use her pirouette form.
Yes you must be think another rain abuser?! Mhmm meloetta benefits from the rain with 100%accurate thunders AND 60% chance of paralysis.
With this set Skarmories and gliscors thinking they can wall meloetta crumble as they get hit by an ice punch or striked by a thunder.
(evs are straightforward for now D: im not an ev expert :/)

Yeah, the EV's are a bit of a question. I would put 4 Atk/252 Sp Atk/252 Spe with a Mild nature. You will probably be spending most of your time in Piruette form, and that form needs the EV's in Sp Atk so that it can still hit hard. Lonely can also be used.
The analysis is using 200 Speed to outspeed Lucario in Aria forme and Tornadus-T in Pirouette forme, 232 Attack evs to make Close Combat strong enough to OHKO standard Tyranitar in Aria Forme, and 84 Special Attack evs which ensure you KO anything you'd want to check in Aria, and still have enough special attack to knock around stuff that switch into Close Combat.
+Spe is necessary to outspeed Tornadus-T in Pirouette Forme and really shouldn't be discarded on a toggle set. Of course, Close Combat isn't going to threaten Tornadus-T much, but even uninvested LO Meloetta-P Thunder has a very good chance to OHKO Tornadus-T after SR.

I had hoped for Meloetta to be able to enter battle as Pirouette Forme in BW2, but oh well. Her best niche is still the stallbreaking toggle set imo, but she has access to a few other niches (Calm Mind, Trick Room, etc.) that make her worth considering. The problem with this is that Reuniclus is generally better at these niches, so as far as OU play she's probably almost always going to be using a toggle set, which is fine. It's unique and is pretty viable and will almost definitely comprise the majority of her OU use once things settle down.
Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 attack/252 speed/4 sp. attack
Nature: Naive
- Relic Song
- Close Combat
- Thunder
- Ice Punch

This set is um AMAZING. And the only you should use if you decide to use her pirouette form.
Yes you must be think another rain abuser?! Mhmm meloetta benefits from the rain with 100%accurate thunders AND 60% chance of paralysis.
With this set Skarmories and gliscors thinking they can wall meloetta crumble as they get hit by an ice punch or striked by a thunder.
(evs are straightforward for now D: im not an ev expert :/)

Lol, I'm using the exact same set but with expert belt and it did quite nice for me catching skarm, gliscor and friends offguard. (I use it on my rain team).
I'm curious as to what the most efficient EV's are to use on the above set. I'm considering using the EVs from the last set on the OP, but has HP Ice instead of Ice Punch.
+Spe is necessary to outspeed Tornadus-T in Pirouette Forme and really shouldn't be discarded on a toggle set. Of course, Close Combat isn't going to threaten Tornadus-T much, but even uninvested LO Meloetta-P Thunder has a very good chance to OHKO Tornadus-T after SR.

I had hoped for Meloetta to be able to enter battle as Pirouette Forme in BW2, but oh well. Her best niche is still the stallbreaking toggle set imo, but she has access to a few other niches (Calm Mind, Trick Room, etc.) that make her worth considering. The problem with this is that Reuniclus is generally better at these niches, so as far as OU play she's probably almost always going to be using a toggle set, which is fine. It's unique and is pretty viable and will almost definitely comprise the majority of her OU use once things settle down.

Tornadus can rarely switch in because if it eats a Relic Song, then it'll face a thunder to the face next turn. It doesn't like taking an HP Ice with LO or Expert Belt either and a Thunder in either forme can either outright kill or paralyze it. I'm not sure how much Pirouette formes' close combat does to it, but it definitely can't take a Thunder afterward. Nobody realizes how fast it is!
How will Meloetta play in the current metagame??? It doesn't looks like it has anything good to abuse Serene Grace which is a let down. Will it be OU??? I think it will be UU at best :/

I think I'll use this set:
Meloetta @ Lefties
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Special attack/252 speed/4 Hp
Nature: Timid
- Calm Mind
- Hidden power-Ice
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

Should I change Hidden power for something???
Has anyone come up with a choiced set yet?

Meloetta@Choice Scarf/Choice Specs
Serene Grace
-Focus Blast (Miss)
-Shadow Ball

Focus Miss and Shadow Ball give perfect coverage and then there's Psychic or Psyshock for your psychic STAB and Thunder in the rain or Thunderbolt outside of it for coverage and a possible chance at paralysis.