I usually don't care about set names, but I would prefer it if Metagross' set names were kept the same as they were in Gen. 4. They're more professional-looking than the ones you currently have. So:
- "AgilityGross" turns to "Agility"
- "BasicGross" turns to "Stealth Rock" [It was named lead in gen. 4, but I dislike the term 'lead' in Gen. 5 due to the advent of team previews]
- "BandGross" turns to "Choice Band"
- "ClawGross" turns to "Claw Sharpen"
- "TrickGross" turns to "Trick + Iron Ball"
Now, onto some real changes! Adamant needs a slash next to Jolly on the Agility set. Some people prefer the added power over the ability to outpace Choice Scarf Garchomp and Choice Scarf Landlos. Zen Headbutt also needs a mention somewhere, mainly because it actually allows you to hurt one of the most common switch ins into Metagross - Rotom-W. Zen Headbutt is also useful for hitting Conkeldurr (such a terrible name) and whatnot.
On the Choice Band set, I'd make Pursuit the first slash over Trick. Seeing as Latios and Latias are so prevalent in the current metagame, Pursuit becomes invaluable, since it can effectively kill both of them if they attempt to flee. This is especially useful if one of your teammates hates the Lati twins. Zen Headbutt should then be the second slash for the same reasons I listed previously. You could shift Trick into Additional Comments if you'd like; I never find myself using Trick all that often when using CB Gross. It does have its merits in hindering 'mons like Skarmory, but I'm usually more concerned about hitting as hard as possible.
On the Claw Sharpen set, I'd probably make ThunderPunch the first slash in the last moveslot. Without it, you aren't going to be able to break through Skarmory, Jellicent, Gyarados, etc. The ability to do all of the aforementioned is better than the priority Bullet Punch provides, IMO. I am also skeptical of the EV spread you have listed. I'll let other QC members weigh in on that. Lastly, why is Light Screen a slash on the Iron Ball set? I'd just put it in Optional Changes or something along with Reflect if someone wishes to use a Dual Screen set. It's definitely not that important of a move for Metagross.
That's all I noticed for now. I'll come back later and give this an approval when everything's been fixed up.