Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer Discussion

I'm quite surprised at how many of you are willing to pay $15 for 3 new maps and 2 maps you've already played. Meh, this is part of the reason I don't play multiplayer games on consoles I guess =/
On principle, I would not buy the maps.

However, when it comes down to it, I don't want to be getting kicked out of lobbies etc just because I don't have the new maps.

Also, my little brother paid for most of it anyway so it was cool.

But yeah, after playing TF2, BFBC2 etc and getting all the stuff for free, £10 for 5 maps sucks. Especially when the CoD4 maps are so ass.

Finally, @ Bailout: This map fucking rocks. Easily the best of the new ones. In fact probably my 2nd favourite of them all, just behind Afghan.
Yeah my friend was getting pissed that I refused to buy the pack so he bought it for me X)

I like Bailout for the most part (definitely my favorite of the new maps). Only problem is that teams start directly across from one another, so a perfectly aimed grenade launcher shot can take out multiple people. Had this happen to me on S&D...but after the first time you learn to gtfo of the spawn immediately, so its fine. The map is pretty good for most game modes too, any problems I would think I have with the map is usually just a problem with the game mode.

I fucking hate Salvage though, especially in Domination. God damn the amount of camping is complete bullshit and there is absolutely no way around. Absolutely. No. Way. Storm is decent from my experiences with it, but its the one I've played the least. Overgrown, omfg. It's as aggrivating when everybody runs M16. Crash is as good as it was in the last game, though I'm not a fan of the the darker lighting (or is this just me?). People tend to get explosive happy though, but again that's a game-wide issue.
I'm home for the weekend, so i've been playing the on my brother's live account, and damn bailout is really fun, can't wait till this pack comes out for the PS3.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
So true.

On thursday I was playing ground war with a team of javelins (6 friends with javelins + me and some random) and holy shit does it fucking destroy on domination. I would have been doing it to but I'm only level 31 right now, but with the javelin support I fucking destroyed. 50+&10 three games in a row, then one game on invasion where I got an ac130 from a care package early in the game then proceeded to go 92 & 8. If you can get 5 people together, try a team of javelins its fucking fun
Anyone bought the Map-pack?

I think it's worth the 1200 points ;o
Oh God....don't joke around. D:

The 3 new maps are garbage, and Crash and Overgrown did not change at all. If you didn't play CoD4, I would buy the pack just for Crash and Overgrown, as they are better than all of the MW2 maps.
I just played ALL the new maps. Storm was easily my best. I got 21 kills my first go around. The map was just.... easy to adapt to for me. Bailout was easily the most fun though. I did terrible, but I liked the maps layout. Crash was fun too, but the first two were better imo.

oh and salvage gave me nightmares.
The only attatchments I ever use, unless trying to get mastery for the weapon, are FMJ, Silencers, or Grips.

MW2 has seasons.... Of hating it and loving it.

FAMAS = Nooby
Nade launchers = Nooby
M16 = Nooby
Scar-H = Nooby (Damage multiplyer for hit in body is the same for that of a headshot with any other weapon, 2 hit/kill w/ FMJ, can get through a riot shield with a silencer from accross the map)
Model 1887 = Nooby (They are basically a result of the Intervention and the Rangers making love)

My favourite maps are Rust and Highrise, least favourite are Wasteland and sometimes Derail.

Favourite Assault Rifle = ACR and M4A1 w/ FMJ

Favourite MG = Aug H BAR w/ Grip

Favourite sniper = They are all awesome

Favourite SMG = UMP .45 and Vector

Favourite Handgun = .44 Magnum and Desert Eagle .50 (although the kick is horrible)

Favourite Machine Pistol = PP-2000 and TMP

Favourite Shotgun = SPAS-12 and AA-12

Favourite Camo = Blue Tiger/Fall

Favourite Launcher = Stinger, Javeline, RPG-7.

Favourite killstreak = Nuke. I mean, COME ON.

I'm fine with iron sights on all weapons.
As of about 2hours ago I reached 10th Prestige, and now I probably won't play this as much as I do now.

Although I am now to do every single challenge e.t.c but I might take a break from it.

10th Prestige - Roughly 17 1/2 Days.

Had a slow start at this game, but towards the end I figured quite a few things about how to gain levels faster e.t.c

But yeah, new maps are OK I guess each have their flaws aswell as there good points. But yeah....


Oh and got a message off of Xbox Live earlier. For buying the Stimulus Map Pack on D1 I got an extra 7 Days off Gold >.>, It's better than nothing I suppose.
Scar-H = Nooby (Damage multiplyer for hit in body is the same for that of a headshot with any other weapon, 2 hit/kill w/ FMJ, can get through a riot shield with a silencer from accross the map)

Don't know where you're getting your stats from mate but you've got some crossed wires.

None of the weapons besides the Sniper Rifles and the FAL get bonuses besides headshots, so the SCAR-H doesn't have any advantage there.

Also, FMJ doesn't add damage anyway, but you're correct about the 2 shot kill (at minimum range at least, 3 shot kill at max range).

On another note, these new maps are really annoying me. Both of the CoD4 maps are just campers heaven (makes me so glad I didn't have XBL when I got CoD4). On Salvage you either go 32-2 or 2-32, either you rape or get raped. Storm is just wierd, it's too big to use SMGs, but doesn't have enough long stretches to use Sniper Rifles on.

Bailout is amazing though, that's the one map that's actually decent.

I'm not having much fun at the minute on MW2 though, I'm in one of those moods where you can't decide what gun you want to use and everything feels shit :s
That IS true, the CoD4 maps were tailor made for CoD4.
MW2's gameplay has changed and the maps are a tad outdated, which again, is why I'm dissapointed that they didn't change Crash or Overgrown at all. They are such great maps, Crash definitely has to be one of the greatest multiplayer maps ever. Shame.....
Also, FMJ doesn't add damage anyway, but you're correct about the 2 shot kill (at minimum range at least, 3 shot kill at max range).
FMJ does add extra damage, though not much. Just pay attention to the stats screen when you add it, there's an extra section added onto the 'damage' bar in red.

Edit: While we are all throwing out multiplayer discussions why don't we just trade XBL accounts and get some private games going? I'm getting a little tired of random Ground War matches (I hate Dom. but love the 18 players =\)
Actually zeromus is correct FMJ doesn't add damage. There are videos to prove it. FMJ only adds damage when getting shot through a wall. So basically if it takes a scar like 7 bullets to kill through a wall FMJ turns it into about 5. However if FMJ is attached and it's not through a wall it's the same damage without FMJ.

FAMAS = Nooby
Nade launchers = Nooby
M16 = Nooby
Scar-H = Nooby (Damage multiplyer for hit in body is the same for that of a headshot with any other weapon, 2 hit/kill w/ FMJ, can get through a riot shield with a silencer from accross the map)
Model 1887 = Nooby (They are basically a result of the Intervention and the Rangers making love)
What stupid reasons. You mentioned all AR's and the 1887 was patched so it's not bad anymore. If you really want to say why this game sucks then mention commando, one man army danger close noob tube kids, thermal sights for blind people, and the 10 year old obnoxious fucks that play it.
Two words: Zombie Nazis.
1. It's Nazi Zombies not Zombie Nazis lol

2. I wasn't disagreeing with him I was just saying that he threw out a claim that WaW was better than MW2 even though he hasn't played MW2 so he doesn't have an opinion on it.
A few things I've been doing...

Been using the RPD and M93 Raffica. RPD Bling with Foregrip (Even though it doesnt have recoil, it makes the accuracy crazy good) and FMJ. I'm working on Bling Pro to get Akimbo + FMJ on my M93 Raffica (its just a fun little gun to use lol... normally I would use G18 Akimbo but I wanted to try something new with this prestige.

Speaking of trying something new, I've been trying a few new perks as well. Cold Blooded Pro is amazing for camping (sorry guys its just a damn good strat). Danger Close Pro is amazing when you die right after getting a chopper gunner or something.

I'm starting to enjoy Salvage a lot. I fucking hate Overgrown, since I'm usually running around and then camping but its hard to get many kills when everybody else camps and snipes (and I'm fucking awful at sniping). Bailout is cool. Storm is still great and.. Crash.. I can't ever get kills on this map. Its well designed but I can never find anybody. So annoying >.<"

Quickscoping with the intervention.. hard but rewarding. But the main thing that interests me right now, is finding hiding spots on the new maps to take advantage of.

Oh also, UMP45 run and gunning too easy lol ^_^


aka pimpdaddyfranky, aka frankydelaghetto, aka F, aka ef
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
i don't even bother with ground war anymore, too many kids running with danger close and stupid rpg and noob tubes.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
A few things I've been doing...

Been using the RPD and M93 Raffica. RPD Bling with Foregrip (Even though it doesnt have recoil, it makes the accuracy crazy good) and FMJ. I'm working on Bling Pro to get Akimbo + FMJ on my M93 Raffica (its just a fun little gun to use lol...
That class works sooo well. Last prestige that was my "not doing so great, guess I have to use it to do well" class. God it was so good.


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
FMJ does add extra damage, though not much. Just pay attention to the stats screen when you add it, there's an extra section added onto the 'damage' bar in red.

Edit: While we are all throwing out multiplayer discussions why don't we just trade XBL accounts and get some private games going? I'm getting a little tired of random Ground War matches (I hate Dom. but love the 18 players =\)
Don't look at the in-game statistics, they are misleading. This is better:
Just got this game about a month ago, and I've been loving it. My brother and I share an Xbox Live account, so we level up pretty quickly. In the month I've had it, I'm on the first prestige level 37 or so. Overall, I think they game is very well done, not as many options as BFBC2, but I really like this game. I also think the game is pretty balanced, except for Noob Tubes w/ Danger Close, the Spas-12's range with grip/RDS, and the AA-12, but those are minor details.

Favorite game mode is either Team Deathmatch or Team Tactical, depending on how I'm feeling. Classes are...

(Insert Primary Weapon Here) w/ Holo Sight or FMJ
PP2000 w/ Silencer
Frag Grenade
Flash Grenade
Scavenger/Slight Of Hand
Stopping Power


M5PK w/ Silencer
M93 Raffica w/ RDS
Stopping Power

First one is pretty general, second one is for Demolition/FFA and other game modes where sneakiness is appreciated. I use almost any primary weapon, assault rifles are my favorite, AUG H-Bar is pretty amazing, Sub Machine guns are fine, but I can't shoot them long range for my life. I use Stopping Power on all my classes. I really should bother checking which guns it doesn't help on, but the only one I know atm is the FAL. Anyways, it's a great game. Maybe I'll see some of you on sometime.
Bought my own 360 2 days ago (was using my brothers account before this) and after playing for pretty much 2 nights (I've got 13 hours playtime already lol) I've got my K/D up to 2.07 and my W/L to 1.57, so it's all good :D

Seeing as I've just bought it I haven't managed to get the DLC and I'll be honest, I'm really not missing the new maps, I'm having much more fun getting Wasteland, Afghan and Estate every 2 minutes instead of being on the new maps 90% of the time. I'm still undecided about whether to buy it at all now tbh.

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