Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Need some major help for id abuse in diamond. I know how to set up the timer and get an id/sid that I want, but the major problem I am having is hitting delay. When the first timer ends, do i keep going or reset like usual? On the second timer, I click A when the TV program ends right?


is a Contributor Alumnus
Need some major help for id abuse in diamond. I know how to set up the timer and get an id/sid that I want, but the major problem I am having is hitting delay. When the first timer ends, do i keep going or reset like usual? On the second timer, I click A when the TV program ends right?
First timer is what you normally do. Second timer is pressing A at the TV program to end it (note that it takes a few seconds before you can end the TV program).
First timer is what you normally do. Second timer is pressing A at the TV program to end it (note that it takes a few seconds before you can end the TV program).
ok, thanks. No wonder my delay seems eons away from my target. So I take it that I have to consider the seconds after hitting the second timer?


is a Contributor Alumnus
Er... when you first reach the TV pressing A does nothing. You have to wait a bit. Once you press A then the ID/SID is almost instant IIRC. That's how it is for Pt.
Just got back to retrying id abuse in diamond again. I hit the right seconds and delay but I'm not getting the id that I've been trying to get. I used the seed to time finder and hit my delay of 5729 and adjusted the time. Am I not doing something right?

Princess Emily

Fear the nice-smelling Princess!
Just got back to retrying id abuse in diamond again. I hit the right seconds and delay but I'm not getting the id that I've been trying to get. I used the seed to time finder and hit my delay of 5729 and adjusted the time. Am I not doing something right?
Maybe you used the wrong date and/or year?
Maybe you entered/copied something wrong in/from Seed to Time? Could you post the seed here and the time/date/delay you just hit please?

Princess Emily

Fear the nice-smelling Princess!
I used the correct ones. The thing is that I'm getting a different id than the one I'm trying to go for and I'm hitting the correct time and delay with it.
So, you got the correct date/year/time and delay, but still the wrong ID?

Hmmm...I really don't know what the reason is...
How about giving us a bit more detail, such as what is the target time & year for your ID/SID combo, and maybe what is your desired ID/SID?
Maybe you entered/copied something wrong in/from Seed to Time? Could you post the seed here and the time/date/delay you just hit please?
trying to hit this seed- 020A166D 6/29/12 time- 10:54:30 delay- 5729 to obtain this ID/SID-

I eventually hit it, but I got an entirely different ID/SID spread.
trying to hit this seed- 020A166D 6/29/12 time- 10:54:30 delay- 5729 to obtain this ID/SID-

I eventually hit it, but I got an entirely different ID/SID spread.
Is your target ID 47974 or is that your target SID? When I put the seed into the Simple Seed to ID/SID Calculator (top of PBox) it says that the ID would be 47974 and the SID would be 00636.

Also, what was the ID that you did get? How do you know you hit your seconds and delay?
Is your target ID 47974 or is that your target SID? When I put the seed into the Simple Seed to ID/SID Calculator (top of PBox) it says that the ID would be 47974 and the SID would be 00636.

Also, what was the ID that you did get?
weird, I guess I got the id backwards :/

Anyways, thanks for your help
I have one question that is related to Ru/Sa RNG Abuse. How do you know whether the battery of the retail cartidge is died or not? I bought my copy in 2004 but berry trees are still growning like nothing after over 500 hours of gameplay. o.O I guess it's because I did update my game with the Pokémon Box GC game years ago (it was called Berry Glitch update or something).
I have one question that is related to Ru/Sa RNG Abuse. How do you know whether the battery of the retail cartidge is died or not? I bought my copy in 2004 but berry trees are still growning like nothing after over 500 hours of gameplay. o.O I guess it's because I did update my game with the Pokémon Box GC game years ago (it was called Berry Glitch update or something).
When you start up the game there is a message that will say the internal battery has died. Not being able to grow berries is one of the effects of having a dead battery.


is a Contributor Alumnus
Alternatively take it out yourself. However if you plan on doing live battery abuse later you would only want to separate the battery from the top contact, then place a small piece of paper in between the contact and battery to ensure it's "dead".
Allright ty from the info, both of you. :) So I guess the battery is still alive after all. I'll try that piece of paper trick when I get some tools to open the cartidge (I don't have a single screwdriver).
Is it likely that Colo/XD abuse will require the opening of a GCN/Wii and tampering with the clock crystal? I read that the 2 possibilities are to do that or sync your GCN/Wii clock with a PC clock, but that the latter would probably be less reliable.

If so, will this process be any easier or otherwise preferable on one of these systems than the other?


is a Contributor Alumnus
One would probably take out the battery that powers the clock while the GC/Wii is off/unplugged. I've done that by mistake once and my clock reset (the battery on the Wii is accessible with a standard screwdriver, no real tampering required).
Hello all :)

I've been playing with the RNG in both Emerald and Platinum lately and I have had pretty decent success with it in both games. Well, at least with method 1 Pokemon in Emerald XD Anyways, my question today is has to do with Emeralds broken PRNG.

My wife asked me to RNG her a shiny, female Snorunt that she could make into a contest Pokémon and I decided that it would be a good challenge to try to get one of those for her (especially considering the 10% encounter rate). So I restarted Emerald a few times to get a decent shiny early frame (in this case, bashful at frame 4096) and went about my merry way to the shoal cave.

Okay, enough boring back story and on to the question! XD

I noticed a few things while calibrating that I was hoping someone could clear up. What I noticed was that the same Pokémon always showed up on the same frames. What I mean is if I hit frame 4132 it was always a female Zubat or if I hit 4092 is was always a female Spheal. I never once got a Zubat of 4092 or a Spheal on 4132. And I got a female Snorunt to show up 4 times in a row cause I hit 4076 4 times in a row.

Of course, these frames are just what I remember from last night. I don't have RNG open right now so they might be different but that is beside the point :P

So, my question is, does the frame decide what Pokémon appears or is this just a really interesting coincidence? What I mean is if I hit my shiny bashful frame and it's a Zubat will it always be a Zubat or is there a chance that it could eventually be a Snorunt?

Thank you for your time! :)


is a Contributor Alumnus
In RNG reporter look for wild spreads under Method H-2. Method H takes encounter slots into account. H-4 and H-1 are possible but uncommon (although I hear H-1 is common for fishing).
I am using Method-2 for my wilds (using sweet scent) but I don't see Method H-2. I am using RNG Reporter 8.31 and 9.75 (for BW when the time comes). Is Method H-2 in a different version of the reporter?


is a Contributor Alumnus
Encounter slots for 3rd gen were added starting in 9.94 IIRC. The latest public version is 9.95 but if you go to the IRC channel #smogonwifi you can find a link for 9.96 alpha 6.

Synchronize and Cute Charm leads are supported but if you ever play R/S remember they don't have an effect.
I knew about synchronizers but I didn't know about cute charm. Very interesting *plots* Thanks for the info on that :)

Ah, I see. I can't get to any chats now but I should be able to later. I'll have to update my version then. On that topic though, what does the encounter slot do and is it something that can be manipulated?


is a Contributor Alumnus
Basically Method H-2 associates a Method 2 spread to a specific encounter. 9.95 has a list of encounter slots under a link at the top toolbar. So H-2 will give an encounter slot + a spread for each specific frame.

Edit: Example

On my Emerald save if I have a Quiet sync lead I have all these frames that can be shiny. Note how they're all the same spread but with different encounter slots.
I just grabbed a copy of 9.95 and I see what you mean now. Snorunt only shows up in encounter slots 6, 9 and 11 so I would have to shoot for a frame that has that as the encounter slot ( in my case the first shiny frame with one of those encounter slots is 92131 D: ).

Thank you for the information. I would have otherwise been trying and trying for a Snorunt that would have never appeared at the frame I had chosen. I guess she'll have to settle for an Aggron lol.

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