OM room
Typing: Bug/Psychic
Stats: 110/53/110/120/110/105
+ Calm Mind + Psychic + Recover
Battle Armour / Swarm / Iron Fist
Typing: Bug/Fairy
Stats: 93/71/90/127/100/109
+ Moonlight + Moonblast + Defog + Focus Blast
Compound Eyes / Magic Guard / Shield Dust
Typing: Bug/Dark
Stats: 80/140/90/100/90/90
+ Knock Off
Poison Heal / Mold Breaker / Insomnia
Typing: Bug/Water
Stats: 100/85/115/90/115/85
Intimidate / Levitate
New typing: Poison/Dragon
New Stats: 80/125/89/87/109/100
Movepool Additions: + Outrage + Fire Blast + Dragon Dance + Draco Metoer
New Ability: Intimidate / Shed Skin / Multiscale
The Reptile
New Stats: 80/105/130/60/130/85 BST 590
New Typing(if any): Poison / Steel
Movepool Addition(s): Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Slack Off
New Abilities(if any): Stench / Weak Armor /
Rough Skin (HA)
New Stats: 95/95/145/95/100/60 (BST 590)
New Typing(if any): Poison/Rock
Movepool Addition(s): Rock Slide, Wish, Stealth Rock, Rock Blast
New Abilities(if any): Levitate/Solid Rock/Aftermath
New Stats: 75 / 130 / 75 / 130 / 75 / 105 BST: 590
New Typing(if any): Poison / Dark
Movepool Addition(s): Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Nasty Plot
New Abilities(if any): Strong Jaw /
Infiltrator (HA)
Name: Golurk
New Stats: 109/145/90/65/90/73
New Typing: Ghost/Ground
Movepool Additions: +Rapid Spin +Shadow Sneak +Taunt +Swords Dance
New Abilities: Iron fist / Mold Breaker / No Guard
Name: Dusknoir
New Stats: 95/110/140/65/140/40 (590)
New Typing: Ghost
Movepool Addition(s): +Drain Punch, +Dark Void, +Hammer Arm, +Signal Beam
New Abilities: Pressure/Iron Fist/Intimidate
Name: Mismagius
New Stats: 75/75/75/130/120/115
New Typing: Ghost/Fairy
Movepool Addition(s): +Moonblast +Focus Blast +Moonlight +Magic Coat
New Abilities: Levitate / Magic Guard / Cursed Body
Name: Drifblim
New Stats: 150/80/80/100/80/100 (590)
New Typing: Ghost/Flying
Movepool Addition(s): Roost, Wish, Flamethrower, Hurricane
New Abilities: Cloud Nine/Unburden/Flash Fire
Name: Sunflora
New Stats: 105/65/75/135/125/85
New Typing: Grass/Fire
Movepool Additions: +Overheat +Will o Wisp +Fire Blast +Sleep Powder
New Abilities: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Drought
Name: Jumpluff
New Stats: 85/105/100/65/105/130
New Typing: Grass / Flying
Movepool Additions: +Tailwind + Defog + Spore + Roost
New Abilities: Chlorophyll / Aerialate / Prankster
Name: Cacturne
New Stats: 90/130/80/130/80/80 (590)
New Typing: Grass / Dark
Movepool Additions: +Pursuit +Heatwave +Knock Off +Wood Hammer
New Abilities: Sand Rush / Solar Power / Dry Skin
Pika Xreme
Name: Ludicolo
New Stats: 110/70/90/110/120/90 (590)
New Typing: Grass/Water
Movepool Additions: Hurricane, Thunder, Thunderbolt
New Abilities: Swift Swim/Rain Dish/Drizzle
Name: Beartic
New Stats: 100 / 145 / 95 / 80 / 95 / 75
New Typing: Ice/Fighting
Movepool Additions: Earthquake, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Ice Shard
New Abilities: Tough Claws, Thick Fat, Swift Swim
Name: Vanilluxe
New Stats: 71 / 105 / 90 / 130 / 95 / 99
New Typing: Ice
Movepool Additions: Spikes, Rapid Spin, Tri Attack, Focus Blast
New Abilities: Snow Warning, Water Absorb, Refrigerate
Name: Avalugg
New Stats: 110/120/185/40/107/28 (BST 590)
New Typing(if any): Ice/Steel
Movepool Addition(s): Ice Shard, Knock Off, Body Slam, Iron Head
New Abilities(if any): Filter / Refrigerate / Regenerator
Name: Dewgong
New Stats: 110/110/80/100/120/75
New Typing(if any): Water/Ice
Movepool Addition(s): Work Up, Freeze-Dry, Slack Off, Heal Bell
New Abilities(if any): Thick Fat / Technician / Fur Coat
Name: Regirock
New Typing: Rock/Fighting
New Abilities: Rock Head / Iron Fist / Regenerator
New Stats: 80/120/180/40/110/60
Movepool Additions: + Close Combat + Head Smash + Mach Punch + Recover
Name: Registeel
New Typing: Steel
New Abilities: Pressure/Filter/Light Metal
New Stats: 80/90/135/90/135/60 [BST: 590]
Movepool Additions: +Recover, +Gyro Ball, +Volt Switch, +Knock Off
Name: Regice
New Typing: Ice/Electric
New Abilities: Analytic/Heatproof
New Stats: 80/50/120/120/200/20
Movepool Additions: Recover, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Energy Ball
Name: Regigigas
New Typing: Normal/Ground
New Abilities: Sheer Force/Unaware
New Stats: 105/155/100/60/100/70 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Whirlwind, Rest, Slack Off, Bulk Up
Name: (Mega) Audino
New Typing: Normal -> Normal/Fairy
New Abilities: Healer/Regenerator/Simple -> Wonder Skin
New Stats: 148/70/106/90/116/60 (BST 590) -> 148/70/146/110/156/60 (BST 690)
Movepool Additions: Moonblast, Recover, Focus Blast, Nature Power
Name: Steelix
New Stats: 83/105/200/65/80/57 -> 83/145/230/65/110/57
New Typing: Steel/Ground -> Steel/Dragon
Movepool Additions: Outrage, Dragon Rush, Coil, Glare
New Abilities: Sturdy, Strong Jaw, Sheer Force -> Iron Barbs
Name: (Mega) Camerupt
New Typing: Fire/Ground -> Fire/Ground
New Abilities: Soild Rock/Dry Skin/Mold Breaker -> Sheer Force
New Stats: 105/115/90/130/110/40 (BST 590) -> 105/135/120/170/140/20 (BST 690)
Movepool Additions: Slack Off, Superpower, Dark Pulse
Name: Glalie
New Stats: 90/110/90/105/90/105 -> 90/150/90/145/90/125
New Typing: Ice/Steel -> Ice
Movepool Additions: Flash Cannon, Shell Smash, Rock Polish, Icicle Crash
New Abilities: Sturdy, Solid Rock, Battle Armor -> Refrigerate
Name: Yanmega
Abilities: Speed Boost / Tinted Lens / Analytic
Typing: Bug/Dragon
Stats: 110/76/95/130/79/100 (BST: 590)
Movepool Additions: Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Quiver Dance, Boomburst
Name: Luxray
New Stats: 90/130/80/110/80/100
New Typing: Electric/Dark
Movepool Additions: +Sucker Punch +Pursuit +Dark Pulse +Parting Shot
New Abilities: Strong Jaw / Intimidate / Moxie
Name: Mesprit
New Stats: 80/100/105/110/105/90
New Typing: Psychic/Fairy
Movepool Additions: +Moonblast +Wish +Taunt +Fire Blast
New Abilities: Levitate / Prankster / Magic Guard
Name: Muk
New Typing: Poison/Dark
New Abilities: Stench/Water Absorb/Poison Touch
New Stats: 130/105/90/70/145/50 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Recover, Knock Off, Drain Punch, Earthquake
Name: Bellossom
New Typing: Grass
New Abilities: Chlorophyll/Serene Grace/Flower Veil
New Stats: 95/60/100/115/120/100 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance, Baton Pass, Rapid Spin
Name: Corsola
New Typing: Water/Rock
New Abilities: Magic Guard/Natural Cure/Regenerator
New Stats: 95/105/135/85/135/35 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Razor Shell, Spiky Shield, Spikes, Heal Bell
Name: Tropius
New Typing: Grass/Flying
New Abilities: Multiscale/Thick Fat/Harvest
New Stats: 129/68/123/102/137/31 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Ancient Power, Earth Power, Glare, Hurricane
Name: Alomomola
New Typing: Water
New Abilities: Healer/Serene Grace/Regenerator
New Stats: 195/80/90/65/75/85 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Heal Bell, Body Slam, U-Turn, Heart Stamp
Name: Unown
New Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 105 / 90 / 105
New Typing: Psychic
Movepool Additions: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Psychic
New Abilities: Synchronize, Protean
Name: Delibird
New Stats: 85 / 125 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 115
New Typing: Ice / Flying
Movepool Additions: Drain Punch, Grass Knot, Bulk Up, Baton Pass
New Abilites: Vital Spirit, Thick Fat, Refrigerate
Name: Delcatty
New Typing: Fairy
New Stats: 80/105/85/95/75/105
New Abilities: Fur Coat/Pixilate/Wonder Skin
Movepool Addition(s): Moonblast, Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam
Heroes and Cons
Name: Ninjask
New Typing: Bug/Fighting
New Stats: 75/120/85/50/90/180
New Abilities: [Unchanged]
Movepool Addition(s): Superpower, Close Combat, Smack Down, Steel Wing
Heroes and Cons
Name: Klinklang
New Typing: Steel/Electric
New Stats: 80/120/135/70/95/90
New Abilities: Clear Body/Speed Boost/Technician [HA]
Movepool Addition(s): Drill Run, Baton Pass
Name: Aggron
New Typing: Steel/Rock
New Abilities: Rock Head / Sturdy / Lightning Rod
New Stats: 80/130/180/60/70/70
Movepool Additions: +Swords Dance +Dragon Dance +Wild Charge
the someone
Name: Mawile
Typing: Steel/Fairy
New Stats: 75/135/135/85/85/75
New Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Sheer Force (HA)
Movepool Addition(s): Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Trick, Lovely Kiss
Name: Bronzong
New Typing: Steel/Ghost
New Stats: 97/109/130/79/130/45
New Abilities: Levitate / Flash Fire / Bulletproof
Movepool Additions: +Shadow Sneak +Phantom Force +Heal Bell +Volt Switch
Name: Magmortar
New Typing: Fire/Fighting
New Stats: 85/105/67/135/95/105
New Abilities: Flash Fire / Mega Launcher / Vital Spirit
Movepool Addition(s): +Aura Sphere +Dragon Pulse +Dark Pulse +Eruption
Heroes and Cons
New Typing: Fire/Poison
New Stats: 70/115/150/115/100/40
New Abilities: White Smoke/Simple [HA]
Movepool Addition(s): Gunk Shot
the someone
Name: Pyroar
Typing: Fire/Normal
New Stats: 91/82/90/129/90/108
New Abilities: Mold Breaker / Pressure / Justified
Movepool Addition(s): Boomburst, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun, Lava Plume
Name: Rapidash
New Stats: 90 / 120 / 85 / 90 / 90 / 125
New Typing: Fire / Fairy
New Abilities: Flash Fire, Unburden, Reckless
Movepool Additions: High Jump Kick, U-Turn, Work Up, Play Rough