QC: Magnemite / GrimoireGod / Raiza.
GP: Snobalt / P Squared
Mr. Mime finds itself with a great niche in the PU metagame because of its access to Healing Wish and its powerful STAB combination, especially when boosted by Life Orb, that makes it very difficult to wall. With Choice Scarf and Filter, Mr. Mime becomes a very good revenge killer with fast utility and Healing Wish, and is able to take on super effective moves more efficiently. It fits well on more offensive and balanced teams because of this. On the downside, Mr. Mime is hindered by its low Speed and Defense stats that give it trouble sweeping against offensive teams.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Dazzling Gleam
move 3: Healing Wish
move 4: Focus Blast / Baton Pass
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Filter
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Psychic is Mr. Mime's strongest STAB move that can hit neutral targets for good damage. Dazzling Gleam is another STAB move that allows it to deal super effective damage to Dark-types that are immune to Psychic and deal with opposing Mr. Mime. Healing Wish is a great utility move that allows Mr. Mime to fully heal a teammate that is weakened or crippled by status. Focus Blast is a great coverage move that allows it to hit Steel-types such as Probopass and Pawniard for super effective damage. Baton Pass allows your team to gain momentum when you know your opponent is going to switch out, while Trick allows Mr. Mime to cripple walls such as Lickilicky.
Set Details
A Timid nature along with maximum Speed investment and a Choice Scarf allows Mr.Mime to outspeed Pokemon such as Raichu and Choice Scarf users such as Rotom-F, making it a great revenge killer. It also allows Mr. Mime to use Healing Wish first to heal weakened sweepers on its team unless it is against foes with priority moves. Maximum Special Attack is beneficial to Mr. Mime to hit as hard as possible. Any other investment is useless because Mr. Mime is too frail to reliably take hits. Filter allows it to take a hit from super effective moves such as Dusknoir's Shadow Sneak and Machoke's Bullet Punch.
Usage Tips
Mr. Mime should be used as a revenge killer once one of your Pokemon has fainted. Late-game when your Pokemon are weakened and Mr. Mime is no longer needed, Mr. Mime can be brought in against a foe that it outspeeds to use Healing Wish. Make sure to revive sweepers that don't have any recovery rather than bulkier Pokemon and be wary about using Healing Wish, because it could still be needed later in the game. Don't switch Mr. Mime into strong attacks such as Ninetales's Fire Blast and Pawniard's Knock Off, as it is already worn down very easily and has a hard time taking powerful hits.
Team Options
Mr. Mime is helpful to teams that lack Speed, and it fits especially well offensive teams because of its ability to revive late-game sweepers. Mr. Mime works well alongside Fighting-types such as Poliwrath and Machoke, which can take on its weakness to Steel-types. Offensive sweepers that lack recovery, such as Pawniard, Carracosta, and Ninetales, pair well with Mr. Mime because it can fully heal them with Healing Wish. Mr. Mime also appreciates strong wallbreakers, such as Stoutland and Ursaring, that can break through special walls. Pokemon that are naturally bulky such as Tangela, Poliwrath, and Carracosta are helpful to Mr. Mime for their ability to take on strong physical attacks. Probopass is a great partner for Mr. Mime because it provides a slow Volt Switch and good type synergy. It also traps opposing Steel-types with Magnet Pull, allowing Mr. Mime to spam its main STAB moves. Entry hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble make for good partners, as Mr. Mime forces a lot of switches against offensive Pokemon.
name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Dazzling Gleam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Healing Wish
item: Life Orb
ability: Filter
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
A Life Orb-boosted Psychic can deal serious damage to anything that doesn't resist it. Dazzling Gleam is another STAB move that hits very hard with a Life Orb, but it can additionally hit the Dark-types that Psychic can't, which makes Mr. Mime hard to counter. Focus Blast is a great coverage move that allows Mr. Mime to hit Steel-types such as Probopass extremely hard with a Life Orb boost. Healing Wish provides Mr. Mime with utility, allowing it to fully heal a teammate that is low on health or crippled by status. Future Sight is another great option that allows Mr. Mime to force switches and does more damage than Psychic.
Set Details
Life Orb allows Mr. Mime to punch holes in teams without having to worry about being locked into a move. With a Life Orb, Mr. Mime hits harder than it would with a Choice Scarf, but it is slower and loses a bit of HP every time it attacks. Filter allows Mr. Mime to take a hit from super effective moves such as Dusknoir's Shadow Sneak and Machoke's Bullet Punch. A Timid nature along with maximum Speed and Special Attack investment allows it to be as fast as possible while still hitting very hard.
Usage Tips
Mr. Mime can switch into weaker special attackers such as Pelipper and Torkoal to take hits and retaliate back with a lot of damage. Be wary that Mr. Mime is easily worn down, especially when using Life Orb, so it is limited in how many times it can switch into attacks. Once Mr. Mime is of no more use attacking, usually in the late-game, it can use Healing Wish against a Pokemon it outspeeds to fully heal another teammate that is severely weakened or crippled by status. Make sure to revive sweepers that don't use recovery rather than walls or bulkier Pokemon and be wary about using Healing Wish, because it could still be needed later in the game.
Team Options
Mr. Mime works well on offensive and balanced teams alongside partners who can take down Pokemon in a higher Speed tier than Mr. Mime, such as Ninetales and Simipour. Mr. Mime can be helpful in weakening opposing teams and then fully healing a sweeper, such as Pawniard, Carracosta, or Ninetales, to allow them to sweep. Probopass is a great partner for Mr. Mime, as it can trap Steel-types and provide a slow Volt Switch, giving Mr. Mime a free switch in. Pokemon that appreciate Mr. Mime's wallbreaking capabilities, such as Jumpluff and Mightyena, pair well with Mr. Mime to help deal with bulkier Pokemon. Fighting-types such as Poliwrath and Machoke are also great partners for Mr. Mime, as they take care of the Steel-types that Mr. Mime struggles to take on. Leavanny is a good partner for Mr. Mime because it can slow down faster threats to Mr. Mime such as Ninetales and Zebstrika with Sticky Web, while Thunder Wave support can also be helpful to slow these Pokemon down. Entry hazard setters such as Roselia and Dwebble make for good partners, as they allow Mr. Mime to take on Pokemon such as Lickilicky much more easily because it can't stall out Life Orb for Mr. Mime.
Other Options
Nasty Plot can be used over Healing Wish to break through bulkier Pokemon such as Lickilicky, while Substitute can be helpful to protect Mr. Mime from Pokemon that attempt to inflict status upon it. Calm Mind is another setup move that allows Mr. Mime to set up on weaker special attackers such as Torkoal and Pelipper. Nasty Plot + Baton Pass is another viable option for Mr. Mime thanks to its relatively high Speed. Psyshock can be used to take on specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Ninetales. Shadow Ball can be used to hit opposing Psychic-types such as other Mr. Mime and Grumpig. Hidden Power along with Technician can be used as a relatively strong coverage move. In particular, Hidden Power Fighting can be used as a more accurate yet weaker alternative to Focus Blast. A downside to this is Mr. Mime becomes unable to OHKO Probopass. Magic Coat is a good move to avoid status moves such as Jumpluff's Sleep Powder and Grumpig's Thunder Wave. Soundproof is a viable option that gives Mr. Mime immunity to sound moves such as Chatot's Boomburst. Encore allows Mr. Mime to lock setup sweepers into a single move, while Taunt allows Mr. Mime to take on special walls much more effectively, preventing Lickilicky from using Wish and Grumpig from using Thunder Wave. The downside to this is that it will miss out on a strong STAB attack or coverage move.
Checks and Counters
**Tanks**: Mr. Mime struggles to take down tanks such as Misdreavus and Beheeyem, which can hit Mr. Mime back for a lot of damage and beat it single-handedly.
**Fire-types**: Fire-types such as Ninetales and Rapidash check Mr. Mime because they resist Dazzling Gleam and can retaliate with a strong neutral hit.
**Faster Pokemon**: Because Mr. Mime is so frail, faster Pokemon that outspeed non-Choice Scarf Mr. Mime such as Ninetales and Ninjask leave Mr. Mime extremely vulnerable.
**Priority**: Because most priority moves are physical attacks, which Mr. Mime has trouble tanking, it is unable to effectively take on a lot of Pokemon with priority attacks, such as Dusknoir.
**Special Walls**: Mr. Mime has a lot of difficulty beating special walls such as Lickilicky and Grumpig, which are able to quickly wear down Mr. Mime by using status moves against it such as Thunder Wave or Toxic or dealing damage to it with moves such as Knock Off and Shadow Ball.
**Residual Damage**: Sources of residual damage such as entry hazards and status moves from Pokemon such as Roselia and Grumpig limit the number of times Mr. Mime can switch in to revenge kill the opponent's Pokemon.
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