I don't have time to re-breed. I'll do flawless for flawless if it's female. Let me know.Jolly Moxie Heracross spitbacks for Tyrunt spitbacks?
I can do that. I'd like a male nicknamed Chomper (b/c childhood)I don't have time to re-breed. I'll do flawless for flawless if it's female. Let me know.
I'm just battling Diantha and then I can nickname your Tyrunt.I can do that. I'd like a male nicknamed Chomper (b/c childhood)
Woot woot, thanks.I'm just battling Diantha and then I can nickname your Tyrunt.
CMT for the adamant male Gible
Unfortunately they're only in Pokeballs, I know I'm lame >.<.Female flawless Modest Squirtle, if it's in a Dive Ball or at least some kind of cool ball. :D
Jolly | Infiltrator | MaleDude, I really like that Quick Ball Timid Noivern (Female). You like Repeat Ball Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling (Female)?
Unfortunately they're only in Pokeballs, I know I'm lame >.<.
Sorry Scruffy I traded for a Male, 31/X/31/31/31/31 Modest Dive Ball Aura Sphere / Dragon Pulse Squirtle and now just need it's female counter part so I can breed them for the thread. I can't even tell you how many people turned down my Froakie for not being in a dive ball, so I'm only going to breed squirtle if I can find a female in a dive ball.
I feel like the devil, but I spent so much time breeding these monsters that I've fallen behind in school and so I have to be picky in what I trade them for and if I didn't already have squirtle I'd take yours for personal use but now all I need is one for breeding and smogoners are very picky about their ball types. Sorry man. *feels guilty*Yea I understand, I don't really understand the importance in the type of ball pokemon are in but it is what it is and it's all good
I feel like the devil, but I spent so much time breeding these monsters that I've fallen behind in school and so I have to be picky in what I trade them for and if I didn't already have squirtle I'd take yours for personal use but now all I need is one for breeding and smogoners are very picky about their ball types. Sorry man. *feels guilty*
i can offer leftoveres for a honadge?
Are you interested in high IV flabebe? If not, I will trade Battle Maison items for a spit back tyrunt.
OT: Pokéguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Strong Jaw
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang
31/31/X/X/31/31 Jolly Female
All are -atk. I have a 5IV Flower veil Calm, 5IV Modest Symbiosis. I also have a 6IV Timid one.
Would you like to trade one of these Tyrunts for a 31/ 31/ 31/ x/ 31/ 31 adamant contrary Inkay inside a Heal ball? (can be male or female). If not I can offer one life orb for a 31/31/X/X/31/31 Jolly Female spitback. Let me know if you're interested.Update:
Tyrunt/Tyrantrum (Able To Nickname On Request)
OT: Pokéguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Strong Jaw
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang
Tradeable Stock:: 5![]()