31/X/31/31/12+/31 Protean Timid Male X 8i would love a protean froakie i been looking for one for a while! anybody can help??
Pokeguy, im interested in a tyrunt spitback, anyway we can work a deal to get one?
Still have the perfect 6iv goomy?
Would you like to trade one of these Tyrunts for a 31/ 31/ 31/ x/ 31/ 31 adamant contrary Inkay inside a Heal ball? (can be male or female). If not I can offer one life orb for a 31/31/X/X/31/31 Jolly Female spitback. Let me know if you're interested.
Okay, I'll hop on now.
Thanks but how do you evolve it to Rotom Wash?
I'm going to hold that Galvantula/Sash for you, and I'm adding your FC now. Mine is 3239-3094-8000. We'll have to set up a trade at some point
I want an aegislash spitback pm me please.
floor 2 prof sycamore's lab by those cardbox boxes
Choose which BP item you want for the follow tyrunt spitbacks.
31/31/31/X/10+/31 Jolly Male X2
X/31/31/X/31/31 Jolly Female X2
I've added you and am online. :DI'm sorry for confusing you. I meant to say I'll trade a item for either the first or second option. I can trade a Choice Scarf for either one. My 3DS FC 1289-8301-1482 and IGN is jjenk
Would you be willing to trade either a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Larvitar (with Pursuit) or a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Rough Skin Gible for a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with the eggs moves: Defog, Brave bird, and Hypnosis
Could I trade you for an adamant agieslash? My stuffs in my trade thread that I can offer.
Yes, if it is male. Which do you want? EDIT: can I give you Larvitar for a male zubat please?
Sure, that's what I preferred anyway
31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Gastly for a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Protean Froakie ?
Adding you now.
Sorry, already have what you're offering.
How about a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Flame Body Larvesta ?
You're welcome.
Sorry sir, I checked your thread and don't need anything. I have Volcarona on 5th Gen and I don't use it, so I can wait until december for the transfer service. I'd have taken that Fighting Flying Bird if you bred it to flawless, but as it stands I've asked Azure Demon to check my thread for his. Sorry again!
Squirtle/Blastoise (Able To Nickname On Request)
OT: Pokéguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Modest - Ability: Torrent (Mega Launcher)
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Water Spout
Tradeable Stock :: 0![]()
Notes: Currently Breeding. No Flawed. The only female I have is 31/X/31/31/31/X so these are harder for me to breed.
Zubat/Crobat (Able To Nickname On Request)
OT: Pokéguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Infiltrator
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Brave Bird, Defog, Hypnosis
Tradeable Stock :: 0![]()
Notes: Breeding on Request only. No Flawed available.
Inkay/Malamar (Able To Nickname On Request)
OT: Pokéguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Contrary
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: No egg moves
Tradeable Stock :: 2![]()
The Flawed:
-To be listed later. Just ask about them I have loads.
I can breed a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Hawlucha, should just said so lol :P working on it now.