Muse [Looking for 24 Monsters for 'Dex]

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Hey, i dont have a whole lot tp offer but when i can offer is a lvl 1 mawile. It knows fake tear,s bite, sweet sense and vice grip.
I would like a female gooey goomy i dont care about IVs to much. But because i dont have a wholelot to offer you right now what i can do is favorite you and on a later time trade you whatever egg moves i can get onto goomy
Hey, i dont have a whole lot tp offer but when i can offer is a lvl 1 mawile. It knows fake tear,s bite, sweet sense and vice grip.
I would like a female gooey goomy i dont care about IVs to much. But because i dont have a wholelot to offer you right now what i can do is favorite you and on a later time trade you whatever egg moves i can get onto goomy

I'm looking for Leftovers at the moment. I can trade you a Flawed Goomy of your choice for Leftovers, which can be found in less than 2 minutes:

Hello, I can offer an adamant drillbur 31/31/31/x/31/31
Ability of your choice, including DW

Sorry, already have Drillbur.

cmt for 6 flawless chomp. will do 2 for 1s and battle items, or anything u might wanr to request

Sorry, don't need anything you're trading. Thanks anyways.

Updated Stock.
I have some Eevees and Protean Froakie around with 4 IVs 31. Can I ask you for a pair of the Squirtles you have ? Sorry my thread isn't up to date with 6th Gen as I only have the game 10 days now.
Finished breeding the flawless Female Mareep, and Flawless Scrappy Kangaskhan.

Female Rough Skin Gible and Male Tyrunt are on X. I'll switch games and come online now.

I have some Eevees and Protean Froakie around with 4 IVs 31. Can I ask you for a pair of the Squirtles you have ? Sorry my thread isn't up to date with 6th Gen as I only have the game 10 days now.

Let me know about the deal I PM'd you with, I'm flexible with the terms, so we can work that out tomorrow.

Oook i have your leftovers

Thanks for the leftovers. Enjoy Goomy.

Don't quite understand, you can get a Jirachi pre poke-bank? If so damn so willing to trade

I PM'd this confused soul. :D


Pokéguy (Y, 16123) (Lv. 51)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Dark Aura
IVs: 31/06/14/31/31/31 Hidden Power Ice 60
Notes: Used Disable until it died in the battle you're forced to use it in. Then Rare Candied one level to make sure it wasn't 30 Speed IV. 17 points from flawless, just like my Suicune. Will probably be ev trained soon. Metal Kid's Calculator said Hidden Power Ice 70, but it's nuked to 60 this generation. This took 11.5 hours of game play + ~6 hours Hours of Soft Reseting. This was my whole weekend.
CMT for Male Squirtle

Sorry man, I have all those already, but I am looking for these:

Shiny Porygon2 in a Dive Ball Modest Download 31/X/31/31/31/31 Tri Attack, Recover, Discharge, Ice Beam Ev trained 252 HP / 252 Special Attack / 6 Defense Also Ev trained 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP Porygon-Z Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam as a Porygon-Z - Open - worth two credits.

Shiny Charizard Timid 31/X/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Roost 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP - Open

Roserade Calm 31/X/31/31/31/31 - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Giga Drain, Rest 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed - Open

Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense - Open

Thank you very much for the squirtle and for the semi-redis rights. :)

Thanks for all of the monsters you've traded me!
Hey, I saw yr request for a TSpikes Female Froak with T Spikes.

I could do that, but I might ask for a little trickyness in return?

One of those Zubats with Hypnosis, Defog and Brave Bird..... But in a Dusk or Premiere Ball ? ??
im not sure if i truly have a preference but...

actually now that i think about it, could the female pass the egg moves and ball thru Ditto tho?

Get back to me! Thx ^_^
Hey, I saw yr request for a TSpikes Female Froak with T Spikes.

I could do that, but I might ask for a little trickyness in return?

One of those Zubats with Hypnosis, Defog and Brave Bird..... But in a Dusk or Premiere Ball ? ??
im not sure if i truly have a preference but...

actually now that i think about it, could the female pass the egg moves and ball thru Ditto tho?

Get back to me! Thx ^_^

I just bred you a 31/31/31/X/31/31 Female Jolly Premier Ball Infiltrator Zubat. Got it on the first egg; lol I'm so lucky. Well, that and I have flawless parents.
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I need a 4IV Female Squirtle, anything specific you'd want for one? I have a 4 IV Female Bold Heal Ball Eevees which are equally annoying to breed.
Hello Pokeguy, in response to your cmt I would like that Yveltal for my female eevee =P In all seriousness though it did take me like 100 eggs to get a flawless one. Apart from the female I use for breeding though I have no flawless females so would you be interested in trading a 4IV female for one of your 4 IV female Squirtles. I figure thats pretty fair right, a 12% gender for a 12% gender? Let me know!
Hello Pokeguy, in response to your cmt I would like that Yveltal for my female eevee =P In all seriousness though it did take me like 100 eggs to get a flawless one. Apart from the female I use for breeding though I have no flawless females so would you be interested in trading a 4IV female for one of your 4 IV female Squirtles. I figure thats pretty fair right, a 12% gender for a 12% gender? Let me know!

Oh sorry I thought you had a flawless female. I don't want a four flawless eevee but thanks for the offer. Have a nice day!

I need a 4IV Female Squirtle, anything specific you'd want for one? I have a 4 IV Female Bold Heal Ball Eevees which are equally annoying to breed.

No thanks, I already have eevee on fifth gen. But if you want a squirtle, I'd gladly trade one for one of these:

Shiny Porygon2 in a Dive Ball Modest Download 31/X/31/31/31/31 Tri Attack, Recover, Discharge, Ice Beam Ev trained 252 HP / 252 Special Attack / 6 Defense Also Ev trained 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP Porygon-Z Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam as a Porygon-Z - Open

Shiny Charizard Timid 31/X/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Roost 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP - Open

Roserade Calm 31/X/31/31/31/31 - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Giga Drain, Rest 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed - Open

Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense - Open
Oh sorry I thought you had a flawless female. I don't want a four flawless eevee but thanks for the offer. Have a nice day!

No thanks, I already have eevee on fifth gen. But if you want a squirtle, I'd gladly trade one for one of these:

Shiny Porygon2 in a Dive Ball Modest Download 31/X/31/31/31/31 Tri Attack, Recover, Discharge, Ice Beam Ev trained 252 HP / 252 Special Attack / 6 Defense Also Ev trained 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP Porygon-Z Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam as a Porygon-Z - Open

Shiny Charizard Timid 31/X/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Roost 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP - Open

Roserade Calm 31/X/31/31/31/31 - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Giga Drain, Rest 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed - Open

Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense - Open

I was offering for sixth gen but okay I suppose
Updated Wants list:


Event Chansey / Blissey with Wish and Seismic Toss, Toxic, Protect 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense [Trading two pokemon for both Blissey and Chansey] - Have been looking for this since 2007...

Shiny Porygon2 in a Dive Ball Modest Download 31/X/31/31/31/31 Tri Attack, Recover, Discharge, Ice Beam Ev trained 252 HP / 252 Special Attack / 6 Defense Also Ev trained 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP Porygon-Z Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam as a Porygon-Z - Open - Worth two credits!

Shiny Charizard Timid 31/X/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 60, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Roost 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP - Open

Roserade Calm 31/X/31/31/31/31 - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Giga Drain, Rest 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed - Open

Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense - Open

6th Gen Wants:

*Flawless* *I don't want flawed* IV bred Female monsters in cool balls, just offer if you have 'em.

31/X/31/31/31/31 Timid Protean / Dive Ball / Toxic Spikes / Female Froakie - GTS

31/X/31/31/31/31 Bold Anticipation / Heal Ball / Dive Ball / Dusk Ball / Wish / Female Eevees - Open

31/X/31/31/31/31 Modest / Bold / Calm Rain Dish / Dive Ball / Female Squirtle - Open

31/X/31/31/31/31 Modest Xerneas Great Ball -Expert Evan

Good Zapdos before December.
Hi, im interested in:
Froakie/Greninja (Able To Nickname On Request)
Pokéguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Protean
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves:
No Egg moves
Tradeable Stock:
: 2

The Flawed:

31/31/31/31/12+/31 Protean Timid Male X 2 ------------One of this

Jolly Moxie Female Heracross
IVS: x-31-31-31-31-31

I'll wait your answer, blessings.
Sorry ValentineCobain, I have a flawless Jolly Moxie Female Heracross already. Don't really want to breed them either.

Updating with this, my next breed.

Bulbasaur/Mega Venasaur (Able To Nickname On Request)
Pokéguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Timid - Ability:
Chlorophyll / Overgrow (Thick Fat)
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves:
Giga Drain
Tradeable Stock :
: 0
: 0

Note: Breed on Request only. No Flawed Available.

On that note, Zubat has been stocked and my next batch of Garchomp will come with Iron Head, which will be bred just after Bulbasaur.
CMT for Inkay. :D


31|31|31|xx|31|31 · Careful · Natural Cure · : 1

Clefable and Medicham look cool too, if you see anything else, but I must have Phantump. I don't have one yet.

Also this thread now has 11 Species of monsters. Not including Yveltal which isn't for trade yet:











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The thing that sparked my interest was the Defog, Hypnosis, Brave Bird Crobat Infiltrator. I saw on the post that you have a Shiny Dragon Dance Outrage Charizard as well? I could really use Ability Capsule, especially on Azumaril! 5 IVs on a Ditoo is really amazing! Wish there was someway we can make out a deal with all of the things I just mentioned!
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