Are you interested in high level Pickup Pokemon? (leftovers picking level)
Sorry sir, as it stands I have four leftovers + 1 on Y version that needs to be transfered over. But if you're looking for a spit back or something I can give you one for helping me transfer the leftovers. Anything but a female starter.
@Pokeguy - Hey there, my apologies for making this post if this considered spamming. But if I may give you a suggestion about trading with members who you have reported to the Blacklist, why not trade with people who have been members on smogon much longer and who have proven themselves trustworthy, instead of trading with some of strangers, new members who have just registered on smogon and who you are not familiar with?
I mean think about it Redbaronnn has joined smogon on Oct. 20 this year which was 2 days before you reported him to the blacklist after he has scammed you, right?
Just like Skyguy737 has joined smogon on Nov. 8 which was the same day you reported him for scamming you?
I had personal experiences and the same problem as you did, when I got scammed and ripped off by JKfrankko and The_Coza when they have given me so many hacked pokemon. That was the reason why I stopped trading and do business with strangers and new members who I'm not familiar with until they have proven themselves trustworthy.
I just thought I tell you this just to help out and for future reference. Hopefully this suggestion helps. :)
Thanks for posting, it's always nice to hear from friends, but with the sixth generation just coming out, there is a large influx of people starting to play this game and I remember what it was like to have less than 10 posts, so I never turn people down for having a low post count. I personally don't mind catching scammers as it stops them from scamming more members of the community and I check every trade, every time, no matter who, just to be sure they didn't give me the wrong one by mistake. It's good advice, don't get me wrong, but I like to live dangerously with my video game data. So no worries.
Besides, some people join smogon just to trade with me. It would be rude to turn them away, and smogon needs people to refresh the page to build ad revenue, so the more the merrier. By giving everyone a fair and equal chance, I'm basically helping Chaos pay the bills; lol. *runs off to breed something*
np but I just thought maybe we could made an deal anyway with items for example of doing a project for you etc multiple options
Yeah I have a projects board if you're interested in breeding / reseting / RNGing something. With that Bulbasaur project I can even provide a flawless Male parent, to help you out. But like I said before, Yveltal isn't for trade until I can clone it.
Event Chansey / Blissey with Wish and Seismic Toss, Toxic, Protect 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense [Trading two pokemon for both Blissey and Chansey] - Have been looking for this since 2007...
Shiny Porygon2 in a Dive Ball Modest Download 31/X/31/31/31/31 Tri Attack, Recover, Discharge, Ice Beam Ev trained 252 HP / 252 Special Attack / 6 Defense Also Ev trained 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP Porygon-Z Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam as a Porygon-Z -
Open - Worth two credits!
Shiny Charizard Timid 31/X/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 60, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Roost 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP -
Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense -
6th Gen Wants:
*Flawless* *I don't want flawed* IV bred Female monsters in cool balls, just offer if you have 'em.
31/X/31/31/31/31 Calm / Natural Cure / Nest Ball / Female Roserade - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Leaf Storm , Sleep powder Note: I want to train it 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed -
Jcpdragonx for Jolly Rough Skin Garchomp w/Iron Head and Outrage
31/X/31/31/31/31 Bold / Dive Ball / Dusk Ball / Wish / Female Eevees -
31/X/31/31/31/31 Modest Xerneas Great Ball -Expert Evan
31/X/31/31/31/31 Modest / Chlorophyll / Nest Ball / Female Bulbasaur -
Hi, I'll take one of these for a credit:
Meditite/Medicham (Able To Nickname On Request)
OT: Pok
éguy (X, 13099) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly -
Ability: Pure Power
IVs: 31/31/31/X
Egg Moves: Bullet Punch, High Jump Kick, Drain Punch, Psycho Cut
Tradeable Stock :
Note: Breed on Request only.
I'm pretty sure my partner,]Flute[/URL]
wants a male one.
lol I just bred a female one. You realize females pass egg moves this generation, right? I'll keep breeding for Male, but female passes the ball too; most people desire females, but it's okay to like boys ooh_shiny. XD