Muse [Looking for 24 Monsters for 'Dex]

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im actually at work, i can trade in two hours though. also, im out of zapdos clones, can you clone? feel free to move this to vm so we dont clutter your thread if you want :)

Oh, haha, the post you quoted the heatran in was me asking for a cloner if you remember (so no I can't clone). I have a spare Heatran for Dizzybanana21x and you, but then I'm down to 1 again. Just post back here when you can trade. I should be around.

wow im a bonehead. ill edit this post when im ready

You know how you didn't get a notification for this edit? Yeah, I wont get one for yours either. Now you have to PM me when you're ready; lol bonehead.
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Oh, haha, the post you quoted the heatran in was me asking for a cloner if you remember (so no I can't clone). I have a spare Heatran for Dizzybanana21x and you, but then I'm down to 1 again. Just post back here when you can trade. I should be around.
wow im a bonehead. ill edit this post when im ready
I can pickup the HEatran whenever ur free

I can trade now.

Also, Updating:


[384] Shiny Rayquaza
OT: Galileo (08055) (Lv. 70)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Air Lock -> Delta Stream
IVs: 30/31/31/X/30/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Soft Reset this myself. The second of two downloaded wifi events.
Confirming I have given Pokeguy permission to redistribute the following Diancie from my thread (once our trade for his Hoopa has been completed). Those who he trades with are not given redis rights, however. Thanks for the trade and best of luck.

Hasty | Clear Body
31 / 24 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 30
Hidden Power Fire
07245 OT: Hope​
Can you cmt for this Pokemon, please?

[720] Hoopa
OT: Manesh (08195) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Magician
IVs: 30/31/31/X/31/31
Moves: Hyperspace Fury, Brick Break, Gunk Shot, Trick Room
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: This was reset by Dizzybanana21x on a legitimate wondercard. Only re-distributable by the two of us.
Possible change of plan... Are you free to trade within the next couple of hours?

I'm available most days, but usually not on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Try me this weekend maybe.

Confirming I have given Pokeguy permission to redistribute the following Diancie from my thread (once our trade for his Hoopa has been completed). Those who he trades with are not given redis rights, however. Thanks for the trade and best of luck.

Hasty | Clear Body
31 / 24 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 30
Hidden Power Fire
07245 OT: Hope​

Thanks, I have the Hoopa cloned and ready.

Can you cmt for this Pokemon, please?

[720] Hoopa
OT: Manesh (08195) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Magician
IVs: 30/31/31/X/31/31
Moves: Hyperspace Fury, Brick Break, Gunk Shot, Trick Room
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: This was reset by Dizzybanana21x on a legitimate wondercard. Only re-distributable by the two of us.

Hmmm, well, if you could breed this into a 6 IV shiny (Gender doesn't matter), I'd take the 6 IV Shiny Snorunt and trade rights for the Hoopa and the credit you owe me. Let me know:
Diabolico's Snorunt (♀)
Nature: Naive
OT: Henkyo
Ability: Inner Focus
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
w/Hex, Spikes, Switcheroo, and Disable.
I'm available most days, but usually not on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Try me this weekend maybe.

Thanks, I have the Hoopa cloned and ready.

Hmmm, well, if you could breed this into a 6 IV shiny (Gender doesn't matter), I'd take the 6 IV Shiny Snorunt and trade rights for the Hoopa and the credit you owe me. Let me know:
Diabolico's Snorunt (♀)
Nature: Naive
OT: Henkyo
Ability: Inner Focus
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
w/Hex, Spikes, Switcheroo, and Disable.

I wish I could breed you a shiny version of the amount, pokeguy, but I'm afraid I can't. Because I don't know how to breed a shiny and I'm really not good at it. I'm sorry. :(
I wish I could breed you a shiny version of the amount, pokeguy, but I'm afraid I can't. Because I don't know how to breed a shiny and I'm really not good at it. I'm sorry. :(

It's really simple. Just breed 6 flawless eggs (Hell sometimes 3 works), have them SV checked in the sticky thread on wifi and check reddit/smogon for users who can hatch. Are you sure you can't do it? I've done it several times myself.

Yes I am positive. Also, I'm really not trying to avoid by making excuses. I have other reasons why I can't. One, I'm supposed to be job hunting, two, I'm supposed to helping my family getting our new house organize. That's why I posted on the sqsr thread to notify everyone that I am taking a break from breeding Pokemon (including non shiny).

Okay, well, thanks anyways, I'll stop by your thread another time when we are both less busy. Good Luck!
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It's really simple. Just breed 6 flawless eggs (Hell sometimes 3 works), have them SV checked in the sticky thread on wifi and check reddit/smogon for users who can hatch. Are you sure you can't do it? I've done it several times myself.

Yes I am positive. Also, I'm really not trying to avoid by making excuses. I have other reasons why I can't. One, I'm supposed to be job hunting, two, I'm supposed to helping my family getting our new house organize. That's why I posted on the sqsr thread to notify everyone that I am taking a break from breeding Pokemon (including non shiny).

Okay, well, thanks anyways, I'll stop by your thread another time when we are both less busy. Good Luck!
okie dokie
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Could you see my thread for your Naive Meloetta and Genesect? I can also do shiny breeding projects.
#361 - Snorunt
Ability: Moody (HA) | Nature: Naive
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg Moves: Hex | Switcheroo | Spikes | Disable
Available PokéBall(s): Luxury

Breed me that female six IV shiny and I'll clear the 4 credits you owe me and give you both the legends you seek for trade rights.

In other news, I'm updating with these 2:

[151] Shiny Mew ミュウ
OT: Sugar (55699) (Lv. 30)
Nature: Modest - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/04/31/31/31/31
Tutor Moves : Vacuum Wave, Counter, Defog, Anything
Tradeable Stock : 1
Note: This is Skymin_Flower's Shiny Mew. RNG abused on an Emulator. Comes with original Japanese name ミュウ, or Nicknamed "Mew" on request. Not re-distributable by anyone I trade it to.


[719] Diancie
OT: Hope (07245) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Hasty - Ability: Clear Body
IVs: 31/24/31/30/31/30
Moves: Hidden Power Fire for Scizor switch-ins. It's a thing.
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Tortured_Soul's Diancie. Not re-distributable by those I trade it to.
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[151] Shiny Mew ミュウ
OT: Sugar (55699) (Lv. 30)
Nature: Modest - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/04/31/31/31/31
Tutor Moves : Vacuum Wave, Counter, Defog, Anything
Tradeable Stock : 1
Note: This is Skymin_Flower's Shiny Mew. RNG abused on an Emulator. Comes with original Japanese name ミュウ, or Nicknamed "Mew" on request. Not re-distributable by anyone I trade it to.

Confirming rights for this one
Hello! I'd like to offer a:

Pokemon: Sneasel
OT: Devin
ID: Not sure how to check sorry :(
No. 215
Nature: Jolly
Ball: Dreamball
Egg moves:Fake Out,Pursuit,Ice Shard,Icicle Crash
Gender: Male
Nickname: Mr.Claws
Hello there,

Hope you're doing well! After taking a look at your thread, I came across this Pokemon that I am very interested in:

[243] Shiny Raikou (Friend Ball)
OT: Kagura (10716) (Lv. 40)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Pressure
IVs: 30/X/30/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Hidden Power Ice, Sleep Talk
Tradeable Stock : Infinite

Since you supposedly have infinite stock for it, I was wondering if you'd like to trade it for any of the following shiny, female 5/6 IV Pokemon:

- Shiny English Lapras, Female, 6 IV's, Level 18
OT: Richie (50720), Kalos/Hoenn-bred in Lure Ball
Modest Nature, Water Absorb Ability
Moves: Avalanche, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Freeze-Dry

- Shiny English Machop, Female, 5 IV's (missing SpA), Level 12
OT: Emile (47889), Kalos/Hoenn-bred in Level Ball, SPA (w/ an English name)
Adamant Nature, Guts Ability
Moves: Foresight, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch

If you're interested in trading, feel free to let me know at your own convenience. Thanks for your time!!
IGN: Nick Ketchum, FC: 3050-8204-5112
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Hello! I'd like to offer a:

Pokemon: Sneasel
OT: Devin
ID: Not sure how to check sorry :(
No. 215
Nature: Jolly
Ball: Dreamball
Egg moves:Fake Out,Pursuit,Ice Shard,Icicle Crash
Gender: Male
Nickname: Mr.Claws

Sorry, I already have a Weavile for trade in this thread, but thanks for the offer. For future reference you should probably list the monster you're asking for in the request post.

Hello there,

Hope you're doing well! After taking a look at your thread, I came across this Pokemon that I am very interested in:

[243] Shiny Raikou (Friend Ball)
OT: Kagura (10716) (Lv. 40)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Pressure
IVs: 30/X/30/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Hidden Power Ice, Sleep Talk
Tradeable Stock : Infinite

Since you supposedly have infinite stock for it, I was wondering if you'd like to trade it for any of the following shiny, female 5/6 IV Pokemon:

- Shiny English Lapras, Female, 6 IV's, Level 18
OT: Richie (50720), Kalos/Hoenn-bred in Lure Ball
Modest Nature, Water Absorb Ability
Moves: Avalanche, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Freeze-Dry

- Shiny English Machop, Female, 5 IV's (missing SpA), Level 12
OT: Emile (47889), Kalos/Hoenn-bred in Level Ball, SPA (w/ an English name)
Adamant Nature, Guts Ability
Moves: Foresight, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch

If you're interested in trading, feel free to let me know at your own convenience. Thanks for your time!!
IGN: Nick Ketchum, FC: 3050-8204-5112

I have both those already but thanks for the offer. I always feel a little reluctant to give other peoples monsters out for free or I'd probably just give it to you.

In other news, Suicune is now fully re-distributable, as it was the first monster I offered to the Smogon Facebook page. Stay tuned to see if you can get this and other amazing resets for free!


[245] Suicune
OT: Pokéguy (56512) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/23/31/30/31/31
Moves: Surf/Scald , Ice beam / Icy Wind / Sleep Talk / Hidden Power Electric , Rest, Calm Mind
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense or UT
Notes: This was soft reset by myself, on Omega Ruby. Flawless HP Electric Suicune. Trophy Case. Now fully re-distributable!
[485] Heatran
OT: Joe (14883) (Lv. 81)
Nature: Modest - Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 31/XX/30/31/31/31
Moves: Hidden Power Ice, Earth Power
Tradeable Stock :
Notes: Reset by Impact, who said it was only re-distributable by him and me.

would you be interested in a 30/31/30/31/31/31 shiny HP ice timid heatran for this? or maybe a hexflawless calm cresselia SR'd by me?
I'm available most days, but usually not on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Try me this weekend maybe.

Thanks, I have the Hoopa cloned and ready.

Hmmm, well, if you could breed this into a 6 IV shiny (Gender doesn't matter), I'd take the 6 IV Shiny Snorunt and trade rights for the Hoopa and the credit you owe me. Let me know:
Diabolico's Snorunt (♀)
Nature: Naive
OT: Henkyo
Ability: Inner Focus
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
w/Hex, Spikes, Switcheroo, and Disable.

Alright, Pokeguy. I'll try as hard as I can to get the shiny snorunt for you. If I'm lucky. If someone has managed to get the shiny naive snorunt for you before I did, please let me know by sending me a pm. Thank you.
Looking for cloning services if possible. I have multiple flawless Pokémon from previous generations that I need to have cloned. Thanks for your consideration ☺
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