my UU team

this is my UU team my team doesnt besa around the one pokemon and if i do anything wrong telll me .... and now lets get to the team

at a first glance


going into detail


omnaster @ leftovers
jolly nature
shell armor ability
evs hp 4/ atk def/ spd 252

toxic spikes
ice beam
iron defence

omnastar i have took over drapion becausei need a pokemon to toxic spike that has high defence and with iron defence his defence goes sky high he should beat out alot of pokemon with high defence and strong moves like ice beam and muddy water and has evs of 252 so he can at least get one lair of t spikes down


venusaur @ leftovers
jolly nature
overgrow ability
evs hp 4 / atk 252/ spd 252

swords dance
seed bomb
sleep powder

venusaur usually makes my foe go to sleep and then i use one or two swords dances and usually eliminates my enemy and sometimes gets rid of more but its main problem is fire pokemon my biggest problem is arcinine with extremespeed becuae he kills me before i make him go to sleep


houndoom @ leftovers
rash nature
flash fire ability
evs atk 158/ spd 100/ spatk 252

shadow ball
sucker punch
hidden power electric
fire blast

houndoom is the one that can get rid of fire pokemon as i switch to houndoom and because of venusaur the enemy usually uses a fire pokemon and flash fire can absorb it and hp electric is new and i have used this since it is the only electric move on my team plus with basty plot hes is very stong and can deal out great damage

registeel @ leftovers
adament nature
clear body ability
evs hp 252/atk 132/def 24/ spdef 100

thunder wave
iron head

registeel uses thunder wave to paralyz the enemy and iron head to flinch it and rest if my oppoments hp is low earthquake is for fire pokemon that houndoom couldny defeat and other pokemon but pokemon with fighting,ground or fire moves can defeat him but i usually can defeat them before i put him on


slowbro @ leftovers
bold nature
oblivious ability
evs def 252/hp 252/ spatk 4

slack off
calm mind

new to my team over espeon is slowbro thanks to frankie at first this dude could fit in about five or maybe even six calm minds with his high defences and and with all the calm minds he has he could OHKO a grass pokemon with surf also when im setting up my calm minds i use slack off when my hp is low slowbro's main weekness is dark but i could probobly destroy it with surf


donphan @ leftovers
adament nature
sturdy ability
evs atk 252 / spd 252 / def 4

rapid spin
ice shard

donphan is in my team because i needed a rapid spinner and he was the strongest i could think of ice shard for low hp pokemon earthquake is so i can beat lots of other types with high attack and adament ability
new changes have been made with peoples comments
well thats me so comment and stuff
I normally don't do these but I suppose you could use some help without dramatically changing your team...

drapion @ Leftovers
Jolly nature
sniper ability
evs hp 4/ atk 252/ spd 252

night slash
Taunt/ Substitute
Swords Dance

Taunt will prevent setups and Swords Dance will help give you a early offensive advantage as well as allowing Drapion to become a good late game sweeper.

houndoom @ Life Orb
Rash nature
flash fire ability
evs / spd 64/ spatk 252/ 192 Atk

dark pulse
Fire Blast
Sucker Punch

MixDoom. Ev's allow you to outspeed Adamant Honchkrow. Note: you won't be speeding past the metagame so be aware of that. Houndoom is about prediction the better you are at predicting the more effective this set comes.

espeon @ leftovers
timid nature
synchronise ability
evs spd 252/spatk 252/ spdef 4

Calm Mind
Baton Pass

espyjump. First Move substitue to scout and Baton Pass out to an apporiate counter. While only one pokemon (Houndoom) would appreciate Calm Mind to the fullest passing the +1 SDef boost aint exactly a bad thing.

rhyperior @ choice scarf
jolly nature
solid rock ability
evs atk 252 / spd 252 / def 4

Stone Edge

ice punch/ thunder punch

Rhyperior has near perfect coverage with stab.. not to mentionm hits harder with it.

Good Luck I suppose.
i like your ideas but i wouldnt use all of them like pursuit because i dont know when a pokemon is going to switch out and other stuff but is hard to explain
Several things to look for. First and foremost, Stealth Rock. Its needed to help your sweepers, sweep efficiently mid-game or late game. Simple patch up to this is replacing Rest over Stealth Rock on Registeel. There are so many openings to throw in Stealth Rock and it shouldn't be too hard to place on the field.

Secondly, you have a serious weakness to Rock Polish Rhyperior and Fire-type and Fighting-type threats like Blazike and Gallade. Rhyperior can set up on Drapion or even Registeel with ease thanks to its ability Solid Rock, and its going to give you a hard time. The way I see it, you can form the famous RegiBro combo to check a lot of threats. Slowbro will do well over Espeon currently.

@ Leftovers
Bold Nature (Def+ / Atk-)
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpA

- Surf
- Slack Off
- Psychic
- Thunder Wave

Slowbro forms the Regibro combo and with Registeel and Slowbro together, they can wall a shiton of threats. Slowbro in particular is much needed because this teams needs a bulky water and you can never go wrong with Slowbro. Slowbro checks Rock Polish Rhyperior, as well as Fire-type threats, and Fighting-type threats like Gallade, Hitmonlee, and Technitop. Surf / Psychic for dual STABs and good coverage overall while Thunder Wave cripples Blaziken or Gallade, helping your entire team beat it. Slack Off keeps you alive the entire match.

On moveset nitpicks, I'd try Power Whip on Venusaur over Seed Bomb. This way you can shed through stall, as well as OHKO non-defensive Modest Moltres on the switch with two consectuive Power Whip's. Of course this needs Stealth Rock to work, and if you take the suggestion it should work out. On Houndoom replace Shadow Ball, as Dark Pulse is clearly the better option for STAB and to actually hurt Slowbro as hard. Life Orb on Houndoom helps get the OHKOes with Sucker Punch on Dugtrio and whatnot.

I'm not entirely sold on the Drapion lead, but if you want place go for Toxic Spikes / Taunt / Crunch / Earthquake. This way you can use Taunt on non-suspecting Froslass' who will usually Spike first, then you can set up your own Toxic Spikes, which help Rhyperior sweep lategame with bulky waters poisoned. Crunch / Earthquake provides good enough coverage as Ice fang won't really hit anything except Torterra and Altaria in UU, which isnt a concern right now. I'd go for an EV spread of 216 HP / 40 Atk / 252 Spe to help cushion Fake Out from Ambipom or tke Ice Beam from Froslass well. 40 Atk helps by 2HKOing Ambipom who tries to stay in.

As for other options, Rhyperior could run the Rock Polish set as its clearly superior to Choice Scarf. Rhyperior is an excellent lategame sweeper with the right bulk and and attack. With Toxic Spikes and everything sufficiently weakened, Rhyperior can now sweep with ease. Go for Rock Polish / Earthquake / Stone Edge / Aqua Tail. Eq + stone edge provides good coverage while Aqua Tail is there to hit opposing Rhyperior, Donphan who attempt to ruin your sweep. overall gl.
frankie i dont need stelth rocks not many teams can beat me i i dont use stealth rocks and not many people use rhyperior and when i do see them i would use venusaur to sleep powder then seed bomb i had dark pulse on houndoom and i will go back to that i like your idea on slowbro over espeon i like that idea im not using your moveset on drapion since all he is to do is eliminate the lead and blaziken and gallade that you say is a threat to me i can eliminate them in no time

i am sure to use slowbro though thanks again
Your team lacks an efficient set up sweeper, so I figure changing Houndoom to a Nasty Plot Set will remedy this.

Houndoom @ Life Orb
Timid Nature
6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

~ Nasty Plot
~ Fire Blast
~ Dark Pulse
~ Hidden Power Flying

Very easy to use and very effective, with Flash Fire and its resistances, it should be relatively easy to switch in and set up. Dark Pulse and Fire Blast are dual STABs that receive a nice boost from Nasty Plot. And HP Flying just provides better coverage against things that resist Dark Pulse and Fire blast, but other than that its basically filler.

gl with the team
frogbandit im not going to go with your idea since i will never use nastyplot and by the time i use them a water pokemon would wipe me out
Well, if you keep rejecting everyone's suggestions, your team is never going to get better, and theres no point in posting an RMT ...

I'm just asking you to considering NP Houndoom as an option
Honestly, the way you use Rhyperior, he sucks. No STAB, choice with Base 40 speed... change it.

Go with an RP set - Stone Edge/EQ/RP/(AquaTail/Megahorn).

Good luck, and hope you consider the suggestion.
If you don't like Rhyperior, I suggest using something like Donphan, who can spin as well, helping your Houndoom. Go with Rapid Spin/Assurance/Ice Shard/EQ.
First thing that I would change is your attitute to peoples constructive critisism. These people are giving you genuine, honest, good advice. Yet you are too cocky to take any of it because you believe yourself to be correct. If you can't change your attitude you're never going to get any better.

All of that asside, the team needs improving, drasticly. You are using lots of sub-par moves and Pokemon. I would change your lead to a Pokemon that can either set up Stealth Rocks or U-Turn into an option. For a Stealth Rocker I would reccomend Steelix or Omastar. Steelix is a great wall and has some nifty moves such as Stone Edge and EarthQuake. Omastar is also good because he has a good type combination and can set up Toxic Spikes aswell.

Venasaur looks OK. Houndoom is weird, please, use the Nasty Plot variant. You have Venasaur to sleep things then Houndoom can come in Plot away and make holes approximatly 15.34 feet big in teams. His attacks should be Dark Pulse, Flame Thrower if you want accuracy or Fire Blast if it is power you desire. Its final move should be Hidden Power Electric, you don't have any electric types so this is pretty useful. Also, throw a Life Orb on it, for power.

On Registeel, change the Nature to Careful for beef, and run some better attacks. Thunder Wave is good, so is Iron Head. The third move should be Explosion, this can finish off Pokemon if they need finishing off, and posseses high power. The fourth move should be either Stealth Rock (then run Spikes on Omastar) or Rest. These are good utility. Ryhperior should run Stone Edge for stab and have a Life Orb...
i absolutly love your idea and i promise i will change my attidude although im not putting explosion on registell but ill use all of your other suggestions
Just to be curious, how do you deal with SubCM Raikou? It can come on your Slowbro, or on Donphan if it is locked on Rapid Spin or Ice Shard and start to set up. I may imagine you could try Registeel, but if Raikou gets Spikes support you are in for a world of pain.

Now, I know that Raikou (and Mismagius, and Gallade etc) is not easy to check at all, let alone counter. Especially with Froslass easily guaranteeing Spikes support if played right. However, it would not be a problem if you had a very offensive team. I for one have no answer to a set upped Raikou on my team, but Raikou never gets the chance to set up against me. On the contrary, there are a lot of situations you could find yourself in where you give it a free set up (like the one I outlined above).
zarator i see your point im useless against subCM raikou but to be honest ive never faced one but if i do could you think of any changes i could put to my team to defeat it