SPOILERS! Mysteries and Conspiracies of Pokemon

I've always assumed that what the legos are supposed to represent is Blue building up his new gym to replace Giovanni's old gym, but due to general time and cartridge-space constraints with Kanto they didn't really flesh out the concept beyond... well, legos. That's speculation, of course, but otherwise I have no idea why they would have gone for green legos.

Unrelated, but I've been replaying X and Y lately and it's led to me thinking about ZA: I'm very curious to see if we'll get any resolution, or at least any further continuation, to the ghost girl in Lumiose or the writing on the wall in the train station. I've always assumed that these were meant to be fun easter eggs more than serious hints at anything, but they're certainly memorable, and I'm curious to see if GF follows up on them at all.
Unrelated, but I've been replaying X and Y lately and it's led to me thinking about ZA: I'm very curious to see if we'll get any resolution, or at least any further continuation, to the ghost girl in Lumiose or the writing on the wall in the train station. I've always assumed that these were meant to be fun easter eggs more than serious hints at anything, but they're certainly memorable, and I'm curious to see if GF follows up on them at all.
If I’m not mistaken, the only time Game Freak’s ever actually followed up on a ghost girl story was with the Unova one on the Marvelous Bridge. That being said, with the knowledge that Kalos could have had definitive versions or even full sequels, it’s always possible they followed up on this one. The fact that this one appears in Lumiose City specifically means a reference to this isn’t completely off the table.
We'll probably get a reference but I don't think there'll be any other real details about it

In fact, I can easily see doing the same gag as they did in ORAS: have the exact same scene play out in the exact same way, complete with the same dialog.
Bonus points if it's the same hex maniac design.
At some point in SV's development, you could swim underwater. Not like gen 3 dive, but just a little bit to get items on the riverbed or something. I have 2 pieces of evidence for this:

1. The music gets muffled when you go underwater. I don't think that they would implement something like this just for the <1 second splashdown we have in the games now.

2. Some aquatic Pokemon stay well below the surface. While they can be auto-battled by swimming Pokemon or targeted, they're annoying. I think these Pokemon would be encountered normally by diving down to them.

It was removed because it's redundant.
It's a pain in the ass to make a new form of movement that wouldn't actually take you anywhere new. It would require a new camera mode and a seamless transition from surface to diving. It would require design for where to place items underwater and texturing for lakebeds and sea floors, most of which would be empty and pointless anyways. It would be frustrating for players to have to switch between swimming modes, especially if they do so accidentally. They would have to debug every waterway and pond in the game for collision issues for something that would only be useful for a couple of set pieces. Most players view water as an obstacle to be crossed rather than an environment to explore, so they would ignore the feature unless they absolutely had to use it. There's not much that can be done underwater that can't be done on the surface.

Now if we're underwater for too long the game assumes that we're stuck on geometry and voids out.
alright guys, I've come to a realization. Magearnas signature ability is Soul-Heart Now, what kind of name is soul heart. that seems kinda arbitrary and redundant. But consider:

This probably means nothing, and it likely wasn't the same words in Japanese. however, what if it was. Im not fluent enough in any language really to see if it is the same in other languages, but if both the games and the ability have the same name in even half of the languages, I'd say that's some decent evidence for... something.
alright guys, I've come to a realization. Magearnas signature ability is Soul-Heart Now, what kind of name is soul heart. that seems kinda arbitrary and redundant. But consider:
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This probably means nothing, and it likely wasn't the same words in Japanese. however, what if it was. Im not fluent enough in any language really to see if it is the same in other languages, but if both the games and the ability have the same name in even half of the languages, I'd say that's some decent evidence for... something.
while soul heart is the name in all languages, i feel like its referencing the much broader concept of... heart and soul, and not the hgss titles (which im pretty sure were picked for that word play and just sounding nice)
while soul heart is the name in all languages, i feel like its referencing the much broader concept of... heart and soul, and not the hgss titles (which im pretty sure were picked for that word play and just sounding nice)
Yeah it's just various similar concepts

But also in Magearna's case it is extremely literal. It's that thing in the middle of its chest that powers the rest of the body and is the actual consciousness. Thus it's a heart that contains its soul, itself powered explicitly by the life energy of other beings.
So I just discovered that the Japanese uploads of Pokemon Evolutions have been taken down. I tried every Japanese search term you can think of with online translator and Bulbapedia help and yeah, no, they're gone. None of the other animated short series they've posted over the years have been hit, literally just Evolutions.

When did this happen and why?
So I just discovered that the Japanese uploads of Pokemon Evolutions have been taken down. I tried every Japanese search term you can think of with online translator and Bulbapedia help and yeah, no, they're gone. None of the other animated short series they've posted over the years have been hit, literally just Evolutions.

When did this happen and why?
For whatever reason, the Japanese Evolutions episodes are region-locked to Japan. ie:
this is the link to episode 1, but you get "Video unavailable
The uploader has not made this video available in your country"

Checking through bulbapedia's history it's been like this since the episodes premiered the first time.
The Eevee that Bill gives to Gold in GSC is implied to have been accidentally brought to the future while Bill was working on the Time Capsule, so Gold decided to send it back to the past, in the process giving Red the Eevee that would later become his Espeon. In HGSS, the Time Capsule doesn't exist (the Eevee is now implied to have been accidentally sent over Nintendo Wi-Fi), so Red still has the Lapras that he traded to Gold in GSC.
The Eevee that Bill gives to Gold in GSC is implied to have been accidentally brought to the future while Bill was working on the Time Capsule, so Gold decided to send it back to the past, in the process giving Red the Eevee that would later become his Espeon. In HGSS, the Time Capsule doesn't exist (the Eevee is now implied to have been accidentally sent over Nintendo Wi-Fi), so Red still has the Lapras that he traded to Gold in GSC.

Possibly, but I always assumed this to just be a random Eevee that somehow got into the machinery and got transported, with the Espeon on Red's team being the one from Celadon. Being a Pokemon master, he's probably got multiple Pokemon in rotation and in HGSS's timeline he just brought his Lapras to Mt Silver instead. Gold/Kris/Lyra don't have a canon team like he does, but I always thought it'd make for a nice bit of symmetry if they kept their Eevee and evolved it into Umbreon.
Y'know, considering how much Dragon is the go-to legendary type, I realised something earlier: there hasn't yet been a Dragon-type mythical Pokemon. That's funny.
Feels like after the first three generations -where Psychic was the go-to typing- they decided to back off and just do more variety in typing.

Like the only pyschics after that have been Victini, Meloetta, Hoopa, and otherwise there's been: water, water, dark, grass (/flying), normal (....also everything, I Guess, but no one treats ARceus like dragon so), water/fighting, bug/steel, rock/fairy, water/fire, steel/fairy, fighting/ghost, electric, steel (& steel, again), grass/dark, poison/ghost

a pretty varied mix compared to the 3 pure psychics and a psychic/steel of the first 3 gens. & even Meloetta is only sometimes psychic to make the form gimmick it has function. I think the lack of dragon mythics might also be an attempt to deviate from all the dragon legends, too, which would have kicked off in earnest around the same time as moving away from all the psychics.
Yeah I wondered maybe if Dragon would be seen as more "desirable" (everyone always wants the new dragon) which is why it's left to the bog-standard legendaries instead. With mythicals there's a bit more freedom to experiment conceptually: the first few gens it's cute cute cute, but a few gens in we're branching out a bit more. Whereas dragon legendaries/mascots are pretty much all big flashy powerful titans.

Psychic used to be that desirable typing but sadly it has long since lost that status. Feels as though Steel & Dark still have that instant-cool quality (like if I were discussing leaks for a new game and said "the new legendary is part Steel-type" that'd be enough) but idk if that's just my own perspective.

Ice or Ground haven't been used for mythicals either - would be interested to see either/both of those used. The former seems like it'd be a relatively easy type to design around, the latter less so.