Mythology Mafia - Day 3

Intent on lynching Myriad, you proceed to do so - not that he tried to defend himself. Thus, you effortlessly rip Myriad apart. Poor Myriad :(

Dear Myriad,

You are Loki.

You are both a giant and one of the Aesir, and you’ve done numerous fucked up things like change yourself into a female horse and giving birth to Odin’s horse, Slepnir. You are also the sire of many monsters such as Fenrir and Midgarmsorm, but have chosen to ally with the good guys this time for your own mysterious reasons.

If you are ever targeted by a role at night, you will be able to use your shapeshifting powers to assume that form. Your role will change to the last role that targeted you. This doesn’t work on certain roles, however.

You win if Raikage’s Minions win.

It looks like Myriad was indeed telling the truth. It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end in 48 hours, 1400 hrs Greenwich Mean Time.
See, this is why when a village leader is established, you give them your role PM - to prevent mislynches like this. I'm not talking about myself as leader, I'm talking about iiMKUltra. An inspector was going to inspect him night 1, so on day 2, if iiMKUltra was mafia, the inspector would have stepped forward to lead the lynch or at least spread a "Don't trust iiMKUltra" rumour around (given that it would be either that or the village getting the shit moled out of it).

Similarly, this is why I was hoping for something a bit more definite to go on. If iiMKUltra genuinely told virtually everyone to idle for the first three nights in the game then he's a crap leader. If not, then I want to know why the fuck did virtually nobody tell me what they did night 0, night 1 and night 2. Yes, I did ask for that information.

And it gets worse. While villagers like Myriad have been as co-operative as a headache, a certain bad guy managed to extract certain information about some of our most vital roles from me. In other words, I got moled. Yes, my noobish leadership is partly to blame, but frankly if you're not going to help me do my job, then you're most likely going to be lynched regardless of whether or not you're actually a bad guy. And if we lose because of this, then we deserve to lose.

The only bright side I can see right now is that Myriad's role wasn't particularly useful without knowing which roles would trigger his power.
loling at the last three posts. Why the hell did Myriad not defend himself? And not sure what is going on in the first paragraph of Objection's post: he did claim, otherwise how did you know his role PM? Also, the third paragraph: you can't blame getting moled on us, however uncooperative we probably have been.
If there's anything that i've learned, it's that when you follow a leader, most of the time the leader is clean. COME ON GUYS!!!! MAKE YOUR FRIGGIN CLAIMS AND FOLLOW YOU'RE ORDERS!!!
Just because he is clean, does not mean he is a good leader. He got badly moled, and ordered a lynch on a village. I know there are people uneasy with giving him more information, even though he is almost definitely village.
Just because he is clean, does not mean he is a good leader. He got badly moled, and ordered a lynch on a village. I know there are people uneasy with giving him more information, even though he is almost definitely village.

Have you been reading? I suggest you read the reason WHY such stuff happened.

Btw, is it day or night?
It is night three. And the fact that he got moled has nothing to do with how everyone played with him. He trusted the wrong person, and no amount of information from us could reasonably be expected to have stopped that. It also would not have stopped the lynch. It looked like a flimsy excuse, and he claimed anyway. It was really a flimsy excuse for both, although I understand that it would be annoying for him.

And send in your night actions, people. These have been going overtime by ages each time.
It is night three. And the fact that he got moled has nothing to do with how everyone played with him. He trusted the wrong person, and no amount of information from us could reasonably be expected to have stopped that. It also would not have stopped the lynch. It looked like a flimsy excuse, and he claimed anyway. It was really a flimsy excuse for both, although I understand that it would be annoying for him.

And send in your night actions, people. These have been going overtime by ages each time.

The reason he got moled, and mislynched, was because nobody claimed or defended themselves, or told them what they were doing. No one was cooperating with him so obviously when he tries doing something, he's doing on a prayer hoping that what little info he has pulls through for him.
Today you saw no dead bodies, so you got suspicious and checked the houses instead. There were quite a few corpses.

The first corpse was Raseri. He had been sliced into many bits and was barely recognizable.

Dear Raseri,

You are Horus.

You are an Egyptian god with the head of a falcon. Being the son of Osiris and Iris, you are one of the most notable Egyptian gods and thus possess vast powers over various forces, including light.

At night, you may send a PM to Raikage with the title ‘Night X - Illuminating USER. You will use the power of light to illuminate the specified user, causing you to obtain his full role PM.

You win if Raikage's Minions win.

The second corpse was quite familiar - Objection, who had been speaking out recently. He must have been silenced for this.

Dear Objection,

You are Ra.

You are the Egyptian sun god. Your appearance is that of a man with a falcon head, closely resembling that of Horus’. As the power of this sun is one of the most powerful in Egyptian mythology, you deem yourself too powerful to fight from the start.

At night, you may send a PM to Raikage with the title ‘Night X - Shining on USER’. You will use the power of the Sun on the specified user and find out everything there is to know about him, granting you his full role PM. However, you may only do this after the current inspector is dead. You will be notified when you can start using it.

You win if Raikage’s Minions win.

That seemed to be all for the day, but when you returned to the gathering place, closer searching yielded a third body -Athenodoros'.

Dear Athenodoros,

You are the Phoenix.

You are a mythological bird of flame who symbolizes the cycle of death and rebirth. You are said to sing beautifully and can count yourself as one of the most famous mythological animals. Your powers of rebirth will be of use in the upcoming conflict.

At night, you may send a PM to Raikage with the title ‘Night X - Rebirth Flame USER’. If the targeted user kills you that night, you will be able to send a PM to Raikage at any point of the game with the title ‘Day/Night X - Resurrect’. You will come back to life as soon as the host reads your PM. This power may be used more than once, but you must target the right user each time.

You win if Raikage’s Minions win.

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end in 48 hours, 17/1/2011 1400 hrs Greenwich Mean Time.
ok i would advise against claiming to dan for the time being.


Objection sent me this on Tuesday, and even though there are some odd things about this log, it's the best lead i have for now.

Objection said:
IRC said:
21:17 StevenSnype: hmm
21:17 StevenSnype: i'm thinking
21:17 StevenSnype: of
21:17 StevenSnype: the
21:17 StevenSnype: dudes
21:17 StevenSnype: Gmaxes
21:17 StevenSnype: kill Objection
21:17 StevenSnype: i want to use
21:17 StevenSnype: another hook
21:17 StevenSnype: on
21:17 StevenSnype: one of our hooks
21:17 StevenSnype: on Raseri
21:17 *** Omnomjection is now known as Objection
21:17 Objection: Surprise!
21:17 *** StevenSnype left #myth

Lynch StevenSnype
What I would like to know about the log: (nice try with using timestamps when faking it btw) is that if I were mafia/wolf, why would I out myself as mafia? I don't quite understand that.

I would also like to say that in that log that I would "hook Raseri." Do tell as to if I were mafia, why I would want Raseri hooked when he clearly died. Seems very pointless to me.

I would very well like to defend myself from being lynched by saying that looking at the way things are going, my role will assist the village. I will admit that it is a role that cannot be used yet, but based on the way things are going, I have to be alive for Raikage's Minions to win.

Okay, guys, I'm back. I've just sent my PM to Raikage so I'm back in the game, although I will probably only last until daybreak tomorrow. I hope the giant picture of the phoenix grabbed your attention. I hope it grabbed it enough to make you read the whole post.

I'm going to take control of the village. You now know that I am one of Raikage's Minions because you saw it when I was killed in the night. For this reason, I want everyone to claim to me during the day, so that I can organise a decent lynch, work out this StevenSnype business (I got PM'd the same log by Objection), organise night actions and find a way of having a successor who will not be killed in the night. I think we can still win this, but we've been separated all the time. I hope that with a confirmed Village, we can now rally together. I also want your night actions from each night so far. Actually do it this time. I am above suspicion, so there is no reason not to claim to me. Also, note that I will not be getting anything from iiMKUltra or Objection because this wasn't planned, so don't assume anything.

On to more mundane matters: Do not claim to Danmantincan. I'm not sure about him, so given I can lead now, just don't. About StevenSnype, chill out guys. I got the same log, and I did think the timestamps where suspicious, but they are definitely possible. I don't want a lynch until I have some information. But StevenSnype, claim to me ASAP. If your role is that important, I need to see it.

Oh, and lol at that night. Three kills, of which two were inspectors. We're in trouble.

Raikage said:
You may be dead, but you got the right target. You can return to life.
Would like to request whether or not this is deadtalking.

[19:20:33] <StevenSnype> hey
[19:20:56] <LightWolf> hello
[19:21:18] <StevenSnype> can you read the Mythology Mafia Thread to see whether or not Athenodoros is deadtalking?
[19:21:41] <LightWolf> ok
[19:24:13] <LightWolf> His role states is instanteous
[19:24:34] <LightWolf> so it isn't deadtalking
Athenodoros is now back in the game. It seems that he has used his powers successfully.\

loudkirbyking has been subbed in for AlphaJolt. I still need more subs.

auramaster has been subbed in for ChiboSempai. I still need more subs.