Nat Dex [Ubers] Ultra Necrozma


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Necrozma-Dusk Mane @ Ultranecrozium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 92 Def / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Photon Geyser
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Sunsteel Strike

Ultra Necrozma bursts into action in NatDex Ubers with its potent Dragon Dance set! Its raw power, in addition to Light That Burns the Sky, lets it tear through even the sturdiest walls in Zygarde-C and Primal Groudon, making it a fantastic wallbreaker and sweeper for the metagame's hyper offense structures. It takes advantage of its base form's typing, ability, and bulk to easily set up against Eternatus, Calyrex-I, and Zacian-C among others. The EV investment enables Ultra Necrozma to survive priority such as Marshadow's Shadow Sneak and Arceus’s +2 Extreme Speed while outspeeding Chi-Yu. Earthquake lets Ultra Necrozma take down threats such as Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C, while Stone Edge removes Yveltal and Ho-Oh. Sunsteel Strike provides a good STAB attack in its Necrozma-DM forme and removes Arceus-Fairy. Dark types like Arceus-Dark and, if not using Stone Edge, Yveltal can easily wall Ultra Necrozma, so Zacian-C and Marshadow can make for great partners to handle them. Other offensive partners such as Arceus, Yveltal, and Primal Groudon can help wear down tanks that might stop it from sweeping, such as defensive Primal Groudon and Zygarde-C. Leads such as Grimmsnarl and Deoxys-S can set up dual screens to help Ultra Necrozma set up quicker or set entry hazards to wear down checks.

[Characters: 1096]

Watch Ultra Necrozma's performance during a NatDex Ubers Trios Game!
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Great work, QC 1/1 when implemented

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Necrozma-Dusk Mane @ Ultranecrozium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 92 Def / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Photon Geyser
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Sunsteel Strike

Ultra Necrozma bursts into action in NatDex Ubers with its potent Dragon Dance sets! The raw power it has, in addition to Light That Burns the Sky, tears through even the sturdiest walls in Zygarde-Complete and Primal Groudon, making it a fantastic wallbreaker and sweeper for the metagame's Hyper Offense hyper offense structures. It takes advantage of its base form's typing and ability And bulk to easily set up against Eternatus, Calyrex-Ice, and Zacian-Crowned among others. Ultra Necrozma's EVs maximize its power while still being able to meet benchmarks, such as avoiding the OHKO from Arceus's +2 Extreme Speed after a layer of sSpikes, an OHKO from Marshadow's Shadow Sneak after rocks as Necrozma-Dusk-ManeM, and avoiding a 2HKO from Bulky Calm Mind Arceus Form's Earth Power. The sSpeed EVs outrun Chi-Yu. Earthquake lets Ultra Necrozma take down threats such as Necrozma-Dusk-ManeM and Zacian-Crowned while Stone Edge removes Yveltal and Ho-oh. Sunsteel Strike provides a good stab attack in its Necrozma-Dusk-Mane M forme and removes Arceus-Fairy before it can burn it with Will-O-Wisp. Dark types like Arceus-Dark and, if not using Stone Edge, Yveltal can easily wall Ultra Necrozma so Zacian-Crowned and Marshadow can make for great partners to handle them. Fast threats such as Offensive Eternatus, and Deoxys-Attack also give it great oppertunities opportunities to set up so Dual Screen setters like Grimmsnarl and Deoxys-Speed can help enable it. Dual screens setters are great regardless of these partners. I would rather say dual screens setters are great in their own sentence, and then teammates that can wear down mutal checks and create setup opportunities.

[Characters: 1190]

Watch Ultra Necrozma's performance during a NatDex Ubers Trios Game!
Necrozma-Dusk Mane @ Ultranecrozium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 92 Def / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Photon Geyser
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Sunsteel Strike

Ultra Necrozma bursts into action in NatDex Ubers with its potent Dragon Dance set! The Its raw power, in addition to Light That Burns the Sky goofy name imo, tears lets it tear through even the sturdiest walls in Zygarde-C and Primal Groudon, making it a fantastic wallbreaker and sweeper for the metagame's hyper offense structures. It takes advantage of its base form's typing, ability, and bulk to easily set up against Eternatus, Calyrex-I, and Zacian-Crowned among others. The EV investment enables Ultra Necrozma to survive priority such as Marshadow's Shadow Sneak and Arceus’s +2 Extreme Speed while outspeeding Chi-Yu. Earthquake lets Ultra Necrozma take down threats such as Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C, (AC) while Stone Edge removes Yveltal and Ho-oh Ho-Oh. Sunsteel Strike provides a good stab STAB attack in its Necrozma-DM forme and removes Arceus-Fairy. Dark types like Arceus-Dark and, if not using Stone Edge, Yveltal can easily wall Ultra Necrozma, (AC) so Zacian-C and Marshadow can make for great partners to handle them. Other offensive partners such as Arceus, Yveltal, and Primal Groudon can help wear down tanks that might stop it from sweeping, such as defensive Primal Groudon and Zygarde-C. Leads such as Grimmsnarl and Deoxys-S can set up dual screens to help Ultra Necrozma set up quicker, (AC) or set entry hazards to wear down checks.

[Characters: 1087] after changes is 1093 but double check

Watch Ultra Necrozma's performance during a NatDex Ubers Trios Game!
1/1 GP Team done