I'm probably one of the more ban happy people in this community (just ignore the time I voted Do Not Ban on Mega Blastoise, which I still stand by btw), but I'm going to vote Unban on a bunch of Pokémon in this slate. Reason for that is because the meta is drastically different than when most of the 'mons on the slate is here, the playerbase is like 100x bigger (a lot of bans happened when we had like, 5 people playing this) and it's a lot easier nowadays to find out what stuff is broken / unhealthy and what not, especially with the tour coming up. Now, the playerbase isn't big enough for an entire UUBL unban sadly, but I still think the opportunity to unban a large portion of 'mons is here and we should definitely take it.
My personal unban-list down below, with very small and brief explanations to support it.
Aegislash is a 'mon that never saw much time in the tier, as it was very swiftly quickbanned months ago after it first dropped. Since then, a lot has changed. Krookodile, Gastrodon, Moltres and Amoonguss have seen a lot more use, which all can check Aegislash well to an extent. Pokemon like Skarmory and Earthquake Buzzwole are solid checks, and I feel like Aegislash can be pressured enough to not be an overwhelming force in our tier to be considering unhealthy. We'll probably see the rise of different sets and counterplay, like Mandibuzz, Galarian Moltres, Bulky SD Knock Off Scizor, EQ Buzzwole. Maybe more Infiltrator Chandelure to deal with SubTox sets. Band Shifu also cleanly 2HKO's and hits through King's Shield.
I'm going to vote unban on this purely because I think we didn't give it enough time in hindsight, and in such an unbanning slate I think this should be included. Despite Mega Aero nuking nearly every offense team in existence, it did still have counterplay, albeit limiting. Strong priority is pretty easily accessible, and pivots can be made around it to get checks in safely. Now, Hippowdon not being here kind of really sucks as it always forced big Helmet chip on Aero, but I still think trying it out to make sure it's actually broken isn't a bad idea, especially in such a big unban voting.
Celesteela, SpDef Skarmory, Jirachi, bulky Bulu are all good checks vs this. Mega Sableye isn't horrible per se, Slowking can check and Teleport into offensive check, faster Pursuit users are everywhere (Scarf Krookodile, Weavile). Indeedee support could be annoying but Indeedee is a shit 'mon which would kind of make it a 5v6. This is purely speculation of course and I might be entirely wrong, but I still think we should give it a try, especially now that most bulky Steels can focus on checking Alakazam now that Latias and Mega Diancie are gone.
Will vote unban on this purely because I do think we had checks for it and was banned too quickly to adapt vs it fully. Specs and Scarf were not broken, and SubCM sets lack the initial power to actually kill things from full. It can't really run Boots meaning it's not hard to chip, lacks opportunities to come in vs most of our tier. It'll probs still be centralizing and maybe it is indeed broken, but I don't think it'd hurt to try it out a bit more.
This 'mon is mid and should just be unbanned without thinking about it twice.
Was less sure about this one, but when Diggersby was here it did still have some problems. Its choiced sets were extremely easy to punish and SD sets do still lack the actual speed tier to sweep every team out there. Maybe if the meta shifts to a more balance-y state it would prove to be overbearing, but in an offensive meta I just don't think that'd be the case and think it deserves another try in the tier.
Salamence isn't broken and has been shown to never even be problematic at all imo. Dragonite, while being better than Salamence for sure, has some of the same problems. First of all, it suffers from 4MSS. It wants Z-Fly to break, DD to set up, Fire Punch for steels, ESpeed for revenge killers like Ice Shard Weav, Dragon stab for Rotoms etc. Fire Punch isn't even strong vs a lot of steels so often you'd want EQ, which would leave you walled by Skarm and Steela. It also needs Z to break, meaning it can't run Boots and has to take rocks damage, thus it often can't keep its Multiscale intact. I really feel like Dnite has a good chance to stay in the tier and we'll see if that happens.
Probably very broken but I still feel like base 110 speed strong breaker, despite near unwallable, can be offensively pressured enough to not set up and revenged in a lot of games. Though to be honest, the more I think about it the more this thing just sounds unhealthy considering you can't even Intimidate it anymore due to Inner Focus being immune.
Still think this 'mon struggles with bulkier cores and even though its 4th slot can make it so it gets through its checks, should it not have that 4th move it can sometimes prove to struggle a lot in a match. I'm kind of iffy about this still and would probably end up being pretty unhealthy, but 100 base speed, trappable, and decent pivots for it means I don't think it'll be a large problem initially.
I do think we have enough counterplay vs this, especially if Aegislash ends up being actually unbanned. Set up opportunities aren't always going to be there, Mega Altaria is dominant, strong prio is fairly common, Skarm is goat. Will probs be very solid but I doubt it'd be broken. This was also a 'mon we banned very quickly after it dropped and thus I do think it deserves more time here anyway.
hoopa-u lacks the speed tier to be broken and has a shitload of good offensive counterplay. its physdef bulk is horrible thus makes it trappable, has no latis to abuse for a free switch and like the entire tier is physical. might be problematic later on if we shift into a more balance-y state, but in a new meta when everything's offensive i rlly doubt this'll be extremely busted.
I just want to see chaos :)
Want to see if we can give this a bit more time to see if we can manage to find counterplay vs this. Will probably still be hard but if we end up unbanning stuff like SpDef Aegislash, Mega Garde, maybe others, I could see this thing staying. Meta is going to drastically change anyway.
This 'mon actually has genuine potential to be here. Should we unban Aegi, Deo-D and Mew we gain solid defensive counterplay upon the already two we have, being Reuniclus and Mega Sableye. Not to mention base 100 speed is just enough to be considered dumb broken imo. It's susceptible to being revenge killed a lot of the time by the loads of faster 'mons we have. You can also def pivot around this considering Psychic and fighting STAB both have immunities. Definitely wanna give this a shot.
Mew was originally banned due to it being too good of a suicide lead but times has changed heavily. Most of the dumb breakers from back then are gone, boots are used a lot more, and we're used to good dual hazard leads in Skarmory. Mewnium Z could be problematic but then we just ban mewnium z.
Edge Buzz, Skarm, Flame Steela, Aegi if it returns, defensive Scizor all annoy this. It needs Z-Water, Megahorn, Poison Jab and thus lacks EQ leaving it walled by mons like Empoleon and lacks breaking power vs mons like Mega Aggron. Strong prio like Accelrock Duskroc, Shard mamo & weav, BP sciz hurt this too and even twave klefki and grimm can hurt this things sweeping capabilities. it'll be good but not broken imo.
ALRIGHT. Band Raptor is very very fucking strong but base 100 speed, like mmedi, is just not enough to be a broken behemoth. Rocks weak, both STABs force a shitload of recoil on you and ur easily revenged. scarf fixed the speed problem but lacks the breaking power to be considered overbearing. I think this 'mon has a very good chance to be balanced esp if we get stuff like Aegi here.
lele wasn't that absurd when it was here and esp if we unban stuff like mew and aegi it'll be a lot more manageable. its speed tier sucks to sweep teams and psychic/fairy can be pivoted into fairly easily since we have a shitload of good steels. z-fight was very good but not uncounterable cause rachi, spdef skarm and steela still took it well. mega garde is wayyy stronger than this and can easily switch up moves. i think this deserves a 2nd chance.
im iffy about this thing but im interested. rocks weak, trappable, base 100 (again) isnt that crazy. it's very very versatile but i think we could manage this due to the general power level of the tier and offensive counterplay. we could adapt to this like using more incin, physdef gastro, cune, rhyp, twave heattom. z-celebrate looks very cool but i don't think it'd be gamebreaking (tho no tran and bliss/chans hmm).
Aurora Veil
alolan ninetales is shit and grimm will likely just be a better screen setter.
that's basically my thoughts. might have a lot of hot takes but i genuinely think we should take this moment to try out most of the UUBL list and i voted unban on these as i think these all have the biggest chance to stay. see y'all on sunday for results!