Resource National Dex Viability Rankings (Pre Tera Ban)

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I’m going to start the talk here as it has been a bit of time since DLC2. Here are my not very qualified thoughts on the VR right now:

:gliscor: S- -> S
The face of the metagame, dominant and flexible. Spikes, pivot, sd and even the underrated taunt are all amazing sets. Every team can justify a gliscor and every team should prepare for one. Clearly way more dominant than ival before the DLC (which was S-).

:landorus-therian: A+ -> A/A-
Lando is probably in one of its weakest spots so far. Scarf and sd are underwhelming while bulky sets are just a maybe worse version of gliscor. While its still bulkier than gliscor, it hardly justifies its spot considering the worse movepool. Comparing these two is natural considering they compete for a slot. Lando is better at what it does (walling and zmove breaking) but it does very little aside from that. Lando will do its job in the average match but it brings less flexibilty than it ever did.

:charizard-mega-y: B->B+
This is at least one step above mega swampert, pelipper and ursaluna (all of which are B). Comparing its weather synergy to the first two, sun is by far the dominant weather right now and zardy works perfectly with the popular proto mons in the meta as the only offensive weather setter and the only one which provides more than its weather (ok torkoal has hazard control but 0 offensive presence). Comparing its breaking power to ursaluna, its clearly weaker but still outputs considerable damage at a decent speed tier with nice coverage. Also rocks feel easier to keep off the field while gliscor made spikes the more relevant hazard currently.

:enamorus: B- -> B
This got a great new toy in tera stellar and I am surprised it was left untouched in the shifts, considering it got a straight upgrade. While its not amazing, scarf enamorus is now a legitimate late game cleaner clicking contrary tera blast for neutral damage on everything. In most games I would rather have a scarf kartana (B+) but enamorus has its upsides as well and is at least comparable.
putting lando anywhere below A+ is just objectively wrong in my eyes. it has passed the test of time well in the meta as its remained a top pokemon on a lot of playstyles; defensive lando is the best defensive ground for offense/BO/even some balances, sd lando is still a threat in play and even in the builder occasionally, scarf lando is a good speed control option when needed and you still see lead lando being quite good these days as well. you can definitely say that gliscor is better than lando, but in no world is lando just outclassed by it.

otherwise i can agree with a yard raise and maybe an enam raise (havent seen tera stellar win that much ngl). but putting glisc in S is kinda OD tbh
I wanna make a few proposals.

:charizard-mega-x: C+ -> B-

As far as I am concerned, this is just as good as it has been. Yes, it consumes your Mega slot and yes it has no means to Tera or hold boots. But the cons kind of stop here. For one, it's both faster and stronger than Gouging Fire and the teamstyle it fits on, usually HO, does not care for hazards in most scenarios. Being able to stack dances and its stronger immediate offensive power gives it some admirable qualities. Not something to underestimate.

:Kingdra: UR -> C/C+

This is probably some personal bias but this thing has been used more and more and is just a better Basculegion due to a superior STAB combo and Hurricane. This thing only fits on rain and rain can be underwhelming at times (with many of the best abusers just banned, otherwise rain would probably be dominant.) And Kingdra has just enough power to get by when piloted effectively. I honestly think that being in the C range is fair since it's niche is relatively legitimate in my eyes due to being a special Mega Swampert that can pair up with Mega Swampert for offensive pressure. I would suggest a consideration for this old Johto relic.

:aegislash: UR -> B+

This thing is a seriously underrated threat seeing that it can fit on a variety of bulkier teams. It's a great answer to Tapu Lele as it can wall and punish certain sets very nicely, only afraid of Shadow Ball which isn't the most common. A favorable match up against bulkier threats like Garganacl and Glowking are also very good for it. This thing is not to be underestimated and needs to be highlighted since it will just get better as people find ways to support it more. Seriously kind of surprised it's not on peoples radars
:Tyranitar:UR - C-/C
Id agree that non mega tar has to be ranked now, Zard-Y + banded ttar structures are still as strong as ever and it also has a place with smooth rock sets now that excadrill can run tera blast such as electric or fire and easily break past fat waters such as dondozo, slowbro, alomomola and birds like zapdos, moltres, skarmory and corviknight along with rotom wash.
:sv/banette-mega: -> C- / C


maybe it's stockholm syndrome, but to be honest this mon isnt too terrible. prankster wisp + encore + dbond lets it disrupt ho teams heavily and annoy wincons ala idbp zama/sd glisc in the short-term.

Not too mention those poltergeists...ooooh boy! Strong guy right there. But the signature move? The ultimate technique, where Mega Banette sacrifices itself for the good of its teammates to take down an absolute behemoth on the other team. So noble.

In all seriousness, has decent utility & hits hard, i think it's viable.


velvet vs Soul king0 [ND Circuit QF] - not the most illustrious example, but it does shut down the SD Glisc early before then trading with velvet's speed control in scarf rachi who is forced to Tera out of fear of being OHKOd by Poltergeist.

hidin vs Seraphz [ND USA v RoW] - Shuts down idbp zama, takes 80% off heatran, then shut downs idbp zama again and claims a kill on LandoT. (was unable to perform the epic final act where it DIES for the good of its teammates - ladder replay vs the incredible xurkitree/bu tusk core that my goat is able to disrupt WHILE burning mlop??? AND trades for the serp?????? It's too much, who's doing it like him? courtesy of about15guys

(these replays r admittedly not the highest quality; a lot of them were courtesy of Soul king0's runs in ND Last Chance & Summer Seasonal which are now gone, or were anecdotal experiences on ladder that I didnt bother to save or lost to time)

Haha/Angry/Sad/Wow = you LOVE Mban and want to see it in C...
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:sv/banette-mega: -> C- / C


maybe it's stockholm syndrome, but to be honest this mon isnt too terrible. prankster wisp + encore + dbond lets it disrupt ho teams heavily and annoy wincons ala idbp zama/sd glisc in the short-term.

Not too mention those poltergeists...ooooh boy! Strong guy right there. But the signature move? The ultimate technique, where Mega Banette sacrifices itself for the good of its teammates to take down an absolute behemoth on the other team. So noble.

In all seriousness, has decent utility & hits hard, i think it's viable.


velvet vs Soul king0 [ND Circuit QF] - not the most illustrious example, but it does shut down the SD Glisc early before then trading with velvet's speed control in scarf rachi who is forced to Tera out of fear of being OHKOd by Poltergeist.

hidin vs Seraphz [ND USA v RoW] - Shuts down idbp zama, takes 80% off heatran, then shut downs idbp zama again and claims a kill on LandoT. (was unable to perform the epic final act where it DIES for the good of its teammates - ladder replay vs the incredible xurkitree/bu tusk core that my goat is able to disrupt WHILE burning mlop??? AND trades for the serp?????? It's too much, who's doing it like him? courtesy of about15guys

(these replays r admittedly not the highest quality; a lot of them were courtesy of Soul king0's runs in ND Last Chance & Summer Seasonal which are now gone, or were anecdotal experiences on ladder that I didnt bother to save or lost to time)

Haha/Angry/Sad/Wow = you LOVE Mban and want to see it in C...

Isn't :banette-mega: completely shut down by dark types? Prankster status moves are blocked, dark types resist Poltergeist, and some mons like :samurott-hisui: have taunt to stop Destiny Bond from activating. Others like :greninja: and :choice-band: :weavile: can try to OHKO it before it can use Destiny Bond with their STAB priority moves too. Other mons like :garganacl: and :toxapex: are bulky enough to live Poltergeist (although tbf they are pretty strong) and are not threatened by status, apart from Encore.

isn't gliscor Just shut down by bronzong, bronzor, skarmory, corvikniggt, celesteela And orthworm? it's Not Because a pokémon can be walled by multiple pokémon that a pokémon is unviable.

Nobody uses :bronzong:. Nobody uses :bronzor:. Nobody but you uses :orthworm:. :corviknight:, :celesteela: and :skarmory: are medicore mons. :gliscor: isn't a breaker/disruptor like :banette-mega:, and it still isn't COMPLETELY shut down like how :banette-mega: is to dark-types AND tera-dark mons like :slowbro: and even :clodsire: to an extent (:gliscor: can still setup hazards, remove hazards, setup with Swords Dance, it can pivot out with U-Turn, etc).
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Isn't :banette-mega: completely shut down by dark types? Prankster status moves are blocked, dark types resist Poltergeist, and some mons like :samurott-hisui: have taunt to stop Destiny Bond from activating. Others like :greninja: and :choice-band: :weavile: can try to OHKO it before it can use Destiny Bond with their STAB priority moves too. Other mons like :garganacl: and :toxapex: are bulky enough to live Poltergeist (although tbf they are pretty strong) and are not threatened by status, apart from Encore.
isn't gliscor Just shut down by bronzong, bronzor, skarmory, corvikniggt, celesteela And orthworm? it's Not Because a pokémon can be walled by multiple pokémon that a pokémon is unviable.

isn't gliscor Just shut down by bronzong, bronzor, skarmory, corvikniggt, celesteela And orthworm? it's Not Because a pokémon can be walled by multiple pokémon that a pokémon is unviable.
This is, frankly, ridiculous. While it's true that a Pokemon being walled by multiple other Pokemon can make it unviable in certain scenarios, this is a false equivalency. Mega Banette's purpose is to be a wallbreaker and disruptor, both of which are walled by what S0A0 said. Gliscor being walled by random PU Pokemon and the Steel birds is both far different from being walled by viable Pokemon, as well as Gliscor's main role not being to wallbreak but rather to support its team (also idk why we're pushing the Orthworm agenda, it is terrible in this metagame if you know what its ability is)

On another note:
:sm/heracross-mega: UR --> C (-)

Mega Heracross has barely ever seen the light of day in National Dex; however, it's a VR-worthy threat in my eyes. Not only is it insanely powerful in terms of its base 185 (!) Attack stat, but it also gets CC as its Fighting STAB and a guaranteed 5-hit Pin Missile as its Bug STAB. AoA sets with both Bullet Seed and Rock Blast are sometimes seen, but I find SD + 3 Attacks to be the best. It easily rips through fatter teams, as well as threatening the common defensive cores involving Galarian Slowking and Alomomola. SD / CC / Pin Missile hits a lot of the metagame already, and Mega Heracross has decent coverage in the form of Bullet Seed and Rock Blast for Alomomola and Flying-types respectively. It's also not wanting for opportunities to set up, as its Ground and Fighting resistances give it quite free entry on Great Tusk and Gliscor, while it's got quite good bulk across the board at 80 / 115 / 105.

vs. Rain: This replay shows the power of the Rillaboom + MegaHera pairing, one that has been tried before. Mega Heracross, when it finds an opportunity to get onto the field, is always a threat, and that can be evidenced here as it claims the KO on Archaludon and Tera Ghost Ferrothorn to let Rillaboom win late-game.

vs. Kyurem Balance: Again, this replay shows how Rillaboom can win games after its checks are removed by the wallbreaking monster that is Mega Hera against bulky teams. As seen, Ferrothorn gets 2HKOed by Pin Missile and forces about15guys to sacrifice Slowking-G just to get his answer onto the field. Mega Heracross then comes in again after H-Sam goes down and forces a Tera Ghost from Ferrothorn to try and predict Close Combat, but it just gets SD'ed on. This SD lets Heracross both 2HKO Ferrothorn with Bullet Seed in Terrain (!) and OHKO Torn-T with Pin Missile (!!) It is then sacked, but the damage has been done. Now nothing can stop Rillaboom from winning with Grassy Glide. This is another example of Heracross's ability to force defensive cores to break thanks to its sheer power, as well as its decent bulk in eating weaker hits from defensive mons.
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isn't gliscor Just shut down by bronzong, bronzor, skarmory, corvikniggt, celesteela And orthworm? it's Not Because a pokémon can be walled by multiple pokémon that a pokémon is unviable.
Sami gave example of some meta mons who you have a very chance of encountering on the ladder.You gave example of mons i have not heard outside of encountering them in the wild, like who uses bronzong, bronzor and orthworm to counters glisc?The only valid ones u gave are skarm,corv and steela which isn't that big of a problem anyway since gliscor is always paired up with mons that can take care of its checks.
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isn't gliscor Just shut down by bronzong, bronzor, skarmory, corvikniggt, celesteela And orthworm? it's Not Because a pokémon can be walled by multiple pokémon that a pokémon is unviable.
Swords dance gliscor beats most of these pokemon if im not mistaken (zong and zor are free, skarm is a pp war, celesteela is probably a win, so only corv is really left as a glisc counter (and corv sucks). Also Id just like to say that out of all these pokemon, skarm is the only one that has seen the light of day in a significant way (though i do think corv could be used more)
just my opinion but : (sorry for the lack of any punchuation )

:sv/Iron-Crown: B+-->A(-)
has so many good sets right now like av , stored power, expanding force and psychic noise piviot , often forcing mindgames on deciding how to check it and many times resulting in crown vs crown calm mind wars to see who crits first .unlike most mons crown can be used on every type of playstlye (except hard stall) boasting high versitlity. it should be A+ but i think A- is ok for now (ban stored power free espathra)

:sv/gliscor: s- -->A(-)
it used to be splashable on every team but now everything in the meta is powercreeped to the maxed e.g max spdef gliscor gets ohkoed by specs raging bolt in sun , max def gliscor gets ohkoed by plus 1 heatcrash or flareblitzs in the sun from gourging fire tera normal facade from ursa luna ohkos it and 95 base attack univested does no damage to most mons barely doing 60% to gourging fire plus everything has an ice move these days and the few things that dont like sandy shocks which gliscor would wall just tera ice and ohko it still (good not great ) )
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from UR to C+/B-
Base Latios has some notable niches when compared to its mega counterpart, primarily its ability to hold an item. Specs Latios is a very threatening offensive pivot, able to utilize its above-average speed tier and great special attack stat paired with its good movepool with strong STAB options in Draco Meteor and Luster Purge to deal immense damage and good coverage options in Mystical Fire for Ferrothorn and Iron Crown alongside Aura Sphere for Heatran. It also has a good matchup when compared to other choiced psychic types in that it has access to the move Flip Turn, allowing it to chip down pursuit answers like Tyranitar or keep up momentum vs Blissey and Chansey. It's also a great abuser of tera, as Tera Dragon Draco Meteor does immense damage to most neutral targets, including resists like Heatran and Iron Crown, quickly racking up hazard chip. Levitiate is also very helpful for it, as unlike Lele, Latios is completely immune to spikes, affording it greater longlevity as well as getting more opportunities to come in with the additional immunity it provides.

In this tour match from SSNL, my specs latios is able to force lots of trades against notable defensive answers, and quickly wear down RL's team when combined with spikes and rock dealing large amounts of chip to Iron Crown
In this room tour replay, Latios picks up notable kos, and very quickly wears down the steel into draco range, cleaning up the match once its able to be brought in
Here even though Latios is stonewalled, its able to use its powerful offensive presence to repeatedly force Grimmsnarl in until it dies to chip, opening up the game and letting it sweep
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just my opinion but : (sorry for the lack of any punchuation )


:sv/gliscor: s- -->A(-)
it used to be splashable on every team but now everything in the meta is powercreeped to the maxed e.g max spdef gliscor gets ohkoed by specs raging bolt in sun , max def gliscor gets ohkoed by plus 1 heatcrash or flareblitzs in the sun from gourging fire tera normal facade from ursa luna ohkos it and 95 base attack univested does no damage to most mons barely doing 60% to gourging fire plus everything has an ice move these days and the phew things that dont like sandy shocks which gliscor would wall just tera ice and ohko it still (good not great egg:) )
I don't particularly like the personal jabs but whatever...
Regardless I can see maybe A+ but any lower than that is just... weird like it's kinda one of those things that it just does so many different things and is so versatile that you can't really justify having it lower than that.

c+ -> b-/b

bu corv is crazy and autowins a lot of matchups. checks lele well and cm val solidly well as well and beats broken sd gliscor. overall cool mon

a+ -> s- super splashable ground, by far the second best ground rn and has crazy set variety and does it well. rise him.

a- -> b+ overrated mon, sun is a fishy playstyle and its not even the most consistent there. rocks weak unless ur boots, does 0 damage unless ur z. msun variants do 0 damage and are walled by a lot, not on the same tier as alo and friends.

b- -> c use iron valiant or lele lol

b -> c no one is using this mon and for good reason

remove half the mons in c please and just merge all 3 in one, these mon suck balls the difference in how much they suck is negligible. some examples include:

:basculegion::lilligant-hisui: :Ninetales-Alola: :Aegislash: :Magnezone: :Basculegion-F::Cresselia:
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c+ -> b-/b

bu corv is crazy and autowins a lot of matchups. checks lele well and cm val solidly well as well and beats broken sd gliscor. overall cool mon

a+ -> s- super splashable ground, by far the second best ground rn and has crazy set variety and does it well. rise him.

a- -> b+ overrated mon, sun is a fishy playstyle and its not even the most consistent there. rocks weak unless ur boots, does 0 damage unless ur z. msun variants do 0 damage and are walled by a lot, not on the same tier as alo and friends.

b- -> c use iron valiant or lele lol

b -> c no one is using this mon and for good reason

remove half the mons in c please and just merge all 3 in one, these mon suck balls the difference in how much they suck is negligible. some examples include:

:basculegion::lilligant-hisui: :Ninetales-Alola: :Aegislash: :Magnezone: :Basculegion-F::Cresselia:

hello i havent posted rankings in a while so heres how i feel about some mons
A -> A+
i think zamazenta has came a long way from what it was originally used to do, choice band sets nowadays while effective are handleable and not that big of a concern to most good teams, but when paired with future sight support can be a little problematic. nowadays though, other sets like 4a and iron defense + body press have finally came to life and both of them are excellent. 4a is a consistent wallbreaker that does a good amount of damage while outspeeding the whole unboosted relevant meta and iron defense + body press is just a straight up win against balance and offense teams. tera steel iron defense + body press is one of the best wincons in the tier at the moment to me for its tendency to just come in, set up, sub up, and then go to town. overall zamazenta has finally been utilized the correct way to me and i feel like its a top 10 pokemon in the metagame because of it. also iron defense + body press was never a mu fish why did that get normalized

B -> B+
yard sun has once again been fueled by new protosythesis pokemon and has been on the scene as a absurd wallbreaker, even though its always been one to be honest. with a lot of new dragon types you might think that its gotten worse but when you realize said dragon types usually are easy to chip down with fire blast/weather ball and scorching sands it isnt that big of an issue after all. not much to say here but yard has always been a respectable wallbreaker, it definitely needs a raise to reflect that.

B- -> B+
this should always be on the same level or above latias, how to me its definitely became better than it due to a lot of reasons; luster purge being buffed and finally having some more freedom in the coverage slots with psychic noise and draco meteor (i guess) has made it an incredible wallbreaker that will often always claim one or heavily dent a pokemon in any game. also helps against weather matchups and with archaludon as the main steel on rain it genuinely has a good chance of 6-0ing rain by itself which is something cool. its been so underrated for no reason and i dont really know why we have let mega latias be ranked higher when mtios has more values offensively while not lacking much defensively besides like one boosted ogerpon calc if i recall.

B- -> B+
tera blast has woken people up to this mon and while its an amazing addition i dont think thats the main selling point for it. it has a good defensive profile that helps out offense teams a lot against stuff like wellspring and has some good utility options with glare and subseed, so its always going to be a pain somehow which is something that should be accounted for; serp isnt the mon you want to slouch over anyway. when it comes to tera blast though i think ground and rock are the good ones, you can probably get away with tera water but i dont think you want to be revenge killed by raging bolt. tl;dr serps been good even without the tera blast addition

C+ -> B-
corv being passive is actually just a lie lol, its a good role compression pokemon thats a lele and lop check as well with bulk up sets being quite viable as seen in the other vr post here that focuses on that. however, i think that defog corv is one of the best defoggers right now since it can consistently defog against common rockers barring heatran, but no good fogger is beating heatran anyway...
ive also seen a lot of shoehorning themselves to not use it which is really weird, its a usable and honestly a good pokemon, dont be afraid to use it in times where you need it, it wont disappoint often

C- -> B+
actual criminal ranking LOL this mon is an elite trader, you can see how it makes an impact pretty often on teams like rain and even regular teams because of its tendency to trade with nearly anything in the meta, and its typing is amazing and with it being a dragon it adds another wellspring check!! shouldnt have never been in C rank at all, glad that people are starting to realize that too since this mon is like so neat
S- -> A+
controversial a little bit but i dont think gliscor has ever been a S rank pokemon, and while ive had some weird takes on what is S in this tier ive realized that there is truly no S or S- rank pokemon existing at the moment. while gliscor is incredibly consistent, sometimes it can be pretty awkward in offensive matchups and can have its poison heal recovery outpaced or pressured by even some bulky offense teams that you would expect it to perform well into. swords dance is the best set for it and its easily a top 5 wincon in the metagame, but as i mentioned before gliscor can be pressured by good teams that naturally handle it. i dont see myself going out of my way to prep for gliscor unless its like swords dance, its always been a great pokemon without a doubt but not to the point where it should be anywhere in S- rank.

A+ -> A-
ive always thought iron defense + body press garganacl is one of the most obnoxious things to face and it still holds up well, but in the current metagame it is either chipped too easily to the point where it cant be a usable wincon or put against very hard matchups that either outlast it, exploit it, or damage/cripple it hard enough. with all of the hazard stack going around too garganacl is going to have a struggle into most teams unless they are quite passive. it also doesnt help that with alomomola now relevant it can be easier to just sponge salt cures and heal up your teammates and yourself on your team to just make it have the impact of a wet tissue. its still good, but not as effective as it used to be in the past, and not an A+ contender.

A -> A-/B+
this mon is really just an HO tool, its effective usually but if you load into landorus or something else like tusk you are going to have a hard time trying to clean, and it hurts that its a mon that is weirdly good at making progress but is meant to just sweep instead with its booster in tact. and without a booster you now actually have issues into darkrai and scarf kart and become less of a pain against offensive teams and that can be a let down. B+ might be too harsh but since it only fits on one playstyle effectively in my opinion and also isnt the most obnoxious set up sweeper in the tier, but of course its not on the same level as something like kartana or garchomp when it comes to setting up so A- is workable too.

A- -> B+
definitely going to rank this lower because its became pretty not common to see it and when you do it literally will just spike once and try its hardest to get another opportunity to do so. i think if youre not SD on it its going to be pretty annoying to do your job consistently, the job in question being a strong hitter while spiking up as well. just think that what i see it using is pretty handleable and okay so i think that it should be a rank lower, nothing too striking about it. SD is the good one though!!
e: stuff like encore might not be too bad but i think SD is still the selling point

B+ -> B
getting this mon in and trying to do something is actually such a task oh my days...its got an elite typing but trying to actually clean with it is a nightmare since its slow and most revenge killers (or anything faster than it lol) dont really care about a sucker punch and then would proceed to kill you instead, also doesnt help it gets worn down so quickly. it was good in dlc1 when the meta was heavily balance focused but now in a meta with so much variety i think mmaw is having a pretty hard time right now.

B -> B-
a fraud to me IMO but ive seen it pull games out of nowhere on occasion. if you want my opinion on why i think its a fraud its because it doesnt have an immediate impact even at +1, only when its at +2 is when things are actual concerning when you face it, and if youre getting to +2 in the current metagame where so much trades with it or revenge kills it you probably deserve to win the game with it, since its weirdly a hard feat. dont think its worth a mega slot on HO often when you can use shifu or wellspring instead but it still has its applications sometimes.

C+ -> C-
in my eyes gouging fire has just put this mon out of a job in its entirety, literally the only advantage it has is being faster than lele after a DD and having a better damage output. besides that, it cant hold boots, cant recover as often, cant tera, and is generally more easy to take advantage of than gouging fire. i would UR but its still usable
if you have any comment about this lmk and ill respond, i will be ranking these mons with the proposed ranking i gave them on the next vr slate as well (if i dont forget...)
also free mega banette
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I hope Iron Treads is rated in the next VR update, it is better than Excadrill outside of sand
I do think iron treads is good enough as a suicide lead to warrant a placement. Probably the most reliable suicide lead at getting you rocks on them + clear field on you. Worse than drill in the stall MU but any good HO team should beat stall IMO.
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