Gonna agree with Nash on this one. Talking about Garchomp and Tusk viability, if anything should move Tusk should drop to B+ too. I don't agree Garchomp is good enough for A- at this point in time. While Z sets are good for wallbreaking, that's kind of the one standout thing it has working for it. It's not especially amazing outside this set, as bulky sets are quite passive and struggle to keep hazards up against Defoggers like TornT or Gliscor (there are probably more but my brain is mush atm) thanks to their longevity, and many bulky sets that run dragon tail are very vulnerable and can end up taking damage too quickly. It also suffers from having rather frustrating speed that leaves it behind a lot of relevant pokemon from Iron Valiant to Ogerpon-Wellspring, Mega Diancie and slightly less relevant but still good mons like Kartana, Mega Latias and Weavile.
I really don't agree that it;s better than every mon in A-. Not by a longshot. Both Mega Diancie and Mega Medicham are great in their respective roles, with Mega Medicham being especially potent at tearing open common structures (and some players opting for Psycho Cut to bypass contact punishing abilities and rocky helmet), while Mega Mawile is even more efficient at cracking defensive structures as well as packing sucker punch to help vs some faster threats. Honestly even Gouging Fire is a better mon and set up threat, as it's got better longevity and unique variety in sets. So I think Garchomp is fine in B+. Not horrible at all, but not really remarkable either. And since it was mentioned,

There's no denying Tusk is a strong offensive rapid spinner, but it really suffers from a middling speed stat and really poor longevity which results in it getting worn down quite quickly in games. There's the fact it also wants ice spinner so it isn't getting walked on by Gliscor and LandoT, which while not a bad move, is pretty limiting to its moveset as you also need rapid spin and ground stab, really only leaving one open slot. Dropping knock off ensures Tusk struggles to generate consistent progress vs teams with mons like Zapdos and TornadusT, while dropping fighting stab means Ferrothorn has no issues stuffing it longterm, and even Ting-Lu relatively easily can outlast a Tusk lacking CC. It also is somewhat tera dependant if it wants to try things with Bulk Up. Tusk is a solid mon, but I don't think it's currently as good as A-.