Resource National Dex Viability Rankings (Pre Tera Ban)

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:archaludon: from C- to C

Archaludon is a weird pokemon in this metagame. It's an absolute beast on rain teams, often requiring an immediate response before it punches a hole through your opponent. For rain teams it's a phenomenal trading machine, and a great button clicker to boot. It falters slightly outside of rain however, which is why I'm not nomming it any higher than C+, but it is by no means a pokemon you can write off.
Bit of a VR update for y'all, check it out. Plenty of low tier movement

New Additions:
none lol

Slowking-Galar: A -> A+
Zamazenta: A -> A+
Raging-Bolt: A- -> A
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: A- -> A
Volcarona: A- -> A
Mawile-Mega: B+ -> A-
Weavile: B+ -> A-
Dragonite: B -> B+
Rillaboom: B -> B+
Barraskewda: B- -> B
Dondozo: B- -> B
Iron-Moth: B- -> B
Latios-Mega: B- -> B
Meowscarada: B- -> B
Ogerpon-Cornerstone: B- -> B
Serperior: B- -> B
Archaludon: C- -> B
Corviknight: C+ -> B-
Excadrill: C+ -> B-
Magnezone: C- -> C
Tangrowth: C- -> C

Garganacl: A+ -> A
Iron-Boulder: A -> A-
Zapdos: A -> A-
Alomomola: A- -> B+
Samurott-Hisui: A- -> B+
Tyranitar-Mega: A- -> B+
Clefable: B+ -> B
Greninja-Ash: B -> B-
Gyarados-Mega: B -> B-
Iron-Hands: B -> B-
Enamorus: B- -> C+
Kommo-o: B- -> C+
Moltres: B- -> C+
Tapu-Fini: B- -> C+
Victini: B- -> C+
Charizard-Mega-X: C+ -> C
Glimmora: C+ -> C-
Hydrapple: C+ -> C-
Amoonguss: C -> C-
Gastrodon: C -> C-
Lilligant-Hisui: C -> C-
Basculegion: C+ -> UR
Basculegion-F: C -> UR
Buzzwole: C -> UR
Moltres-Galar: C- -> UR

Here's the latest doc
Bit of a VR update for y'all, check it out. Plenty of low tier movement

Here's the latest doc

For transparency's sake and because I got some questions about it, there seems to be an issue with how the doc is calculating rankings and we've had some other minor inconveniences with it. So with that in mind I'm going to just overhaul the entire VR doc probably sometime this weekend and a few mons might shift accordingly
For transparency's sake and because I got some questions about it, there seems to be an issue with how the doc is calculating rankings and we've had some other minor inconveniences with it. So with that in mind I'm going to just overhaul the entire VR doc probably sometime this weekend and a few mons might shift accordingly

Thank you all for your patience and also thanks to those who noticed the inconsistencies with the last VR doc. I've done a total overhaul and rebuilt all the formulas for rank calculation from scratch, so hopefully we can avoid any more issues going forward. It should look pretty much like what we had before, but it's a lot less complicated behind the scenes.

Here is a full list of errors caught and adjustments that will be made to VR placement. Keep in mind that council member votes have not changed since my post from last Tuesday. These movements are due to corrections in the doc.
Banette-Mega: UR -> C-
Buzzwole: UR -> C- (Was incorrectly dropped to UR rather than C- in the last update)
Kingdra: UR -> C-

Glimmora: C- -> C (Was incorrectly dropped to C- rather than C in the last update)

Weavile: A- -> B+ (Was incorrectly moved up a rank to A- when no movement should have occurred in the last update)


Celesteela: Was unintentionally omitted from the doc. It will remain at C- and receive new votes in a future update.

Heracross-Mega: Received a nomination to move up from UR. It will not be included in the current doc as only 1 replay was provided.
We will consider it for future voting if more replays are provided to demonstrate potential viability.

The new VR doc can be found here.
some vr noms post kickoff:

:iron boulder: -> drop to B+ / B
fraud mon, super tera reliant and still has issues w prio in the tier / 4mss

:tapu lele: -> rise to S-
this is the single best speed control option in a tier with dogshit longterm speed control options

:ogerpon-wellspring: -> rise to S-
no real checks, fits on nearly all playstyles from fat to BO to HO, forces insane amts of progress every game and has significant defensive utility compared to smth like MDia

:ogerpon-cornerstone: -> rise to B+/A-
very offensively threatening (more than waterpon), doesn't fit on all structures and can be awkward to fit in the builder, but much better vs torn/zap structures

:hatterene: -> rise to B-
role on offense is unique (other mbounce user doesnt provide similar defensive utility / wincon ability) and is a (semi tera reliant) strong wincon vs offense

:hoopa-unbound: -> rise to C
not amazing but v good mus into fat with choiced / boots mixed and can still trade 1 for 1 vs offense (similar role to iron hands w more immediate power)
:hoopa-unbound: -> rise to C
not amazing but v good mus into fat with choiced / boots mixed and can still trade 1 for 1 vs offense (similar role to iron hands w more immediate power)
WIll have to get replays of course but I 2nd this nom 100%, How in the world is this mon not ranked? Theres definitely been some long standing bias against it due to its reputation as a noob trap where they see insane stats in the builder and throw it on any random team. When used effectively it can 100% carry match ups vs slower teams that have become increasingly common as the meta settles down. Ive found defensive tera poison sets great along with mixed assault vest and classic choiced sets on either attack stat. One defensive tera to eat a uturn and your opponent will often be forced to sac something or take insane amounts of chip. When built properly on a team with u-turn punishes such as helmet chomp it can be a serious threat. Its known for being frail on the physical side however its 80/130 special bulk is really good. Comparing it to other C- mons like gastrodon, amoongus, aegislash, kingdra and buzzwole, this offers way more value and imo is more viable in the tier and lest niche then all of these, I feel its deserving of the C- rank atleast. Like Taka said its a mon that can absolutely carry some matchups and at worst trade 1 for 1 into bad matchups. Generally all you need is to be able to click 2-3 times with this mon a game for it to be well worth its slot.
WIll have to get replays of course but I 2nd this nom 100%, How in the world is this mon not ranked? Theres definitely been some long standing bias against it due to its reputation as a noob trap where they see insane stats in the builder and throw it on any random team. When used effectively it can 100% carry match ups vs slower teams that have become increasingly common as the meta settles down. Ive found defensive tera poison sets great along with mixed assault vest and classic choiced sets on either attack stat. One defensive tera to eat a uturn and your opponent will often be forced to sac something or take insane amounts of chip. When built properly on a team with u-turn punishes such as helmet chomp it can be a serious threat. Its known for being frail on the physical side however its 80/130 special bulk is really good. Comparing it to other C- mons like gastrodon, amoongus, aegislash, kingdra and buzzwole, this offers way more value and imo is more viable in the tier and lest niche then all of these, I feel its deserving of the C- rank atleast. Like Taka said its a mon that can absolutely carry some matchups and at worst trade 1 for 1 into bad matchups. Generally all you need is to be able to click 2-3 times with this mon a game for it to be well worth its slot.

I'm in agreement, I've been using a team with av poopa on ladder and it's been putting it a great amount of work. It's definitely a buildaround so its not going anywhere higher than C but it's very hard to deal with and can force insane amounts of progress vs fat teams while also sponging special hits insanely well with AV

I'll get some replays later
free my boy

:sv/iron jugulis:
UR --> C- / C

Jugulis is a niche pick, certainly, but its positives mean it deserves a spot on the VR. Dark/Flying/Ground coverage is nigh-unresisted, while Jugulis hits very hard with Specs or a Booster boost. It also gets U-turn on Specs sets to keep momentum, and Taunt on Booster sets to shut down defensive answers.

Replays will be posted once I come home.
I'm in agreement, I've been using a team with av poopa on ladder and it's been putting it a great amount of work. It's definitely a buildaround so its not going anywhere higher than C but it's very hard to deal with and can force insane amounts of progress vs fat teams while also sponging special hits insanely well with AV

I'll get some replays later
keep this guy unranked dawg
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:Meowscarada: -> B+
Been using Choice Scarf on a team I made and its quite good speed control in this tier imo. Very fast and decently strong, with Axel to KO some common opposing leads like Ribombee, (which is everywhere rn for some reason), Lando-T, Torn-T etc + dealing high damage to other frail mons like Tapu Lele . Fast U-Turn and Knock are also very good tools currently, with Knock being useful against Corv and Skarm (which I see fairly commonly) to get rid of their Helmet, as well as other switch-ins such as Volcarona. The fast Flower Trick is also good vs some other annoying targets like ID + BP Zamazenta if Tera isn't in play. Its speed being so high is just really nice in this metagame, where keeping up with some of the random speedsters you'll see on the ladder like Tera Normal Specs Boomburst Swellow (yes, something I have seen), Trailblaze Ogerpon-W, Booster Val, etc is difficult. Of course, its not entirely perfect, its reliance on contact moves is a big annoyance against mons like Zapdos, Volcarona, etc. and it can thud into others like Mega Scizor, but Mega Scizor + Heatran can be worn down over time by hazard chip + support from other partners like Lando-T, while Volcarona / Zapdos don't like to switch in due to the possibility of losing their boots.
:sv/ogerpon-wellspring: A+ --> S
Nothing can possible wall this thing. Its decent bulk, Very Good movepool and variety of sets make it impossible for a team to just "play around it". SD+Ivy cudgel Is on Most sets, and then You have wood hammer, power whip, horn leech, superpower, stomping tantrum, grassy glide, play rough, low kick, encore, Sub, and the list goes on and on. I'm having real connexion issues so i Cant give a replay, but play rough ogerpon-w imo Is the go-to of Most ogerpon. It Simply obliterates Most of Its checks, would It be (tera Dragon) Skarm and corv or Raging bolt. It can only tera water, and I think that's what maintains it manageable (is it tho?)
:Tapu-Lele: -> S-
agreeing with Taka on this one. ,The best most reliable speed control in the tier. It’s also a terrific breaker if one needs it to be, and as a whole Lele is such a splashable, efficient Pokémon it deserves the bump. It's such a no nonsense, always useful pick.

:Ogerpon-Wellspring: -> S-
Incredibly potent atm and very difficult to truly answer safely. Has a very annoying ability to invent new ways past would be checks or just irritate the opponent with utility between its good offensive movepool and utility options. Classic SD+3A is strong enough, but I find SD+Encore to just dumpster most bulky structures that give it any free turn at all. Whether it's problematic is maybe contentious (or maybe not idk) but it's undeniably one of the strongest and most centralising mons in the tier right now. Every team needs a gameplay against this mon.

:Gouging-Fire: -> A
DD+Breaking Swipe is cracked at times while bulky DD is difficult to remove. An impressively versatile mon that I think is undersold on the VR is all.

:Ogerpon-Cornerstone: -> B+
I think B+ is more accurate a ranking given how strong this mon is, and has an even more offensively potent stab combo that Wellspring, But it is harder to fit as a result of the lesser defensive usefulness of the type+ability, and Wellspring being so splashable does put some level of opportunity cost there.
Where is Clefable? I think it should be in B- because it just isn't bulky enough to keep up with the metagame, but has enough diversity to be a niche pick.
:Garchomp: A-

Garchomp should be ranked in the same tier as Great Tusk. While they don't do the same thing, they're both ground types so naturally they're competing for a team slot. Garchomp is one of the best breakers in the tier, capable of ohkoing defensive landorus at +1 and great tusk with z outrage. Defensive sets are much less common due to fierce competition but still viable and speaks to its versatility. One of the biggest advantages Garchomp and Gliscor have over other ground types is the ability to set spikes. Garchomp takes this a step further by punishing spinners and offensive sets threatening deffogers. SD scaleshot doesnt see much use but it should be said its very underrated.
:Garchomp: A-

Garchomp should be ranked in the same tier as Great Tusk. While they don't do the same thing, they're both ground types so naturally they're competing for a team slot. Garchomp is one of the best breakers in the tier, capable of ohkoing defensive landorus at +1 and great tusk with z outrage. Defensive sets are much less common due to fierce competition but still viable and speaks to its versatility. One of the biggest advantages Garchomp and Gliscor have over other ground types is the ability to set spikes. Garchomp takes this a step further by punishing spinners and offensive sets threatening deffogers. SD scaleshot doesnt see much use but it should be said its very underrated.
or a better move would be :Great Tusk: A- -> B+
The biggest problem of both tusk and chomp is that they're competing the role of ground-type with gliscor and lando which are both amazingly good now.
or a better move would be :Great Tusk: A- -> B+
The biggest problem of both tusk and chomp is that they're competing the role of ground-type with gliscor and lando which are both amazingly good now.
True all of the ground types are competing for a spot but there’s a place for all of them. And due to how efficient and versatile both of these mons are, I don’t think they should be ranked in the same tier as ting-lu and even mola. Garchomp definitely feels of the same level as those in A-. Iron Boulder for example is not better than Garchomp or Great Tusk, extremely limited with the teams and sets it can work with and has a case of move slot syndrome with sd. You can make arguments for Garchomp being better than every Pokemon in A-.
Gonna agree with Nash on this one. Talking about Garchomp and Tusk viability, if anything should move Tusk should drop to B+ too. I don't agree Garchomp is good enough for A- at this point in time. While Z sets are good for wallbreaking, that's kind of the one standout thing it has working for it. It's not especially amazing outside this set, as bulky sets are quite passive and struggle to keep hazards up against Defoggers like TornT or Gliscor (there are probably more but my brain is mush atm) thanks to their longevity, and many bulky sets that run dragon tail are very vulnerable and can end up taking damage too quickly. It also suffers from having rather frustrating speed that leaves it behind a lot of relevant pokemon from Iron Valiant to Ogerpon-Wellspring, Mega Diancie and slightly less relevant but still good mons like Kartana, Mega Latias and Weavile.

I really don't agree that it;s better than every mon in A-. Not by a longshot. Both Mega Diancie and Mega Medicham are great in their respective roles, with Mega Medicham being especially potent at tearing open common structures (and some players opting for Psycho Cut to bypass contact punishing abilities and rocky helmet), while Mega Mawile is even more efficient at cracking defensive structures as well as packing sucker punch to help vs some faster threats. Honestly even Gouging Fire is a better mon and set up threat, as it's got better longevity and unique variety in sets. So I think Garchomp is fine in B+. Not horrible at all, but not really remarkable either. And since it was mentioned,

:Great-Tusk: -> B+
There's no denying Tusk is a strong offensive rapid spinner, but it really suffers from a middling speed stat and really poor longevity which results in it getting worn down quite quickly in games. There's the fact it also wants ice spinner so it isn't getting walked on by Gliscor and LandoT, which while not a bad move, is pretty limiting to its moveset as you also need rapid spin and ground stab, really only leaving one open slot. Dropping knock off ensures Tusk struggles to generate consistent progress vs teams with mons like Zapdos and TornadusT, while dropping fighting stab means Ferrothorn has no issues stuffing it longterm, and even Ting-Lu relatively easily can outlast a Tusk lacking CC. It also is somewhat tera dependant if it wants to try things with Bulk Up. Tusk is a solid mon, but I don't think it's currently as good as A-.

Edit: Edit because I also forgot one thing

:Iron-Crown: -> A-
Honestly this mon is unexpectedly pretty good. I think it's held back by the limited offensive coverage and dependance on Focus Miss, but the generally good stats and just good enough toolkit allow it to do pretty well. It's rather good on Koko teams, as well as being helpful against them with it gaining a boost (I'm partial to speed boosting but spatk boost is great). It's a nice pivot for teams wanting a non passive check to Lele, and if you can accept the slightly weaker power, Psychic Noise offers useful utility in denying recovery from certain switch ins like Heatran or Zapdos, letting it chip them. There are also CM sets, both with and without Stored Power which are decently effective as well. In general I find this mon good, and if at least slightly better than stuff in B+.
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Gonna agree with Nash on this one. Talking about Garchomp and Tusk viability, if anything should move Tusk should drop to B+ too. I don't agree Garchomp is good enough for A- at this point in time. While Z sets are good for wallbreaking, that's kind of the one standout thing it has working for it. It's not especially amazing outside this set, as bulky sets are quite passive and struggle to keep hazards up against Defoggers like TornT or Gliscor (there are probably more but my brain is mush atm) thanks to their longevity, and many bulky sets that run dragon tail are very vulnerable and can end up taking damage too quickly. It also suffers from having rather frustrating speed that leaves it behind a lot of relevant pokemon from Iron Valiant to Ogerpon-Wellspring, Mega Diancie and slightly less relevant but still good mons like Kartana, Mega Latias and Weavile.

I really don't agree that it;s better than every mon in A-. Not by a longshot. Both Mega Diancie and Mega Medicham are great in their respective roles, with Mega Medicham being especially potent at tearing open common structures (and some players opting for Psycho Cut to bypass contact punishing abilities and rocky helmet), while Mega Mawile is even more efficient at cracking defensive structures as well as packing sucker punch to help vs some faster threats. Honestly even Gouging Fire is a better mon and set up threat, as it's got better longevity and unique variety in sets. So I think Garchomp is fine in B+. Not horrible at all, but not really remarkable either. And since it was mentioned,

:Great-Tusk: -> B+
There's no denying Tusk is a strong offensive rapid spinner, but it really suffers from a middling speed stat and really poor longevity which results in it getting worn down quite quickly in games. There's the fact it also wants ice spinner so it isn't getting walked on by Gliscor and LandoT, which while not a bad move, is pretty limiting to its moveset as you also need rapid spin and ground stab, really only leaving one open slot. Dropping knock off ensures Tusk struggles to generate consistent progress vs teams with mons like Zapdos and TornadusT, while dropping fighting stab means Ferrothorn has no issues stuffing it longterm, and even Ting-Lu relatively easily can outlast a Tusk lacking CC. It also is somewhat tera dependant if it wants to try things with Bulk Up. Tusk is a solid mon, but I don't think it's currently as good as A-.
Offensive Chomp is amazing in its own right, we both agree on that but I don’t think defensive chomp is worthless even compared to landorus and gliscor. First of all having spikes and rough skin allows it to separate itself from Lando who is limited to rocks and punish spinners. Both of them fail to threaten tornadus outside of toxic. And I consider spikes to be the best hazard in the tier right now and I always try to slot it on my current teams. Landorus offers other forms of utility and has access to defog so even with spikes I agree defensive chomp is hard to justify. Not impossible though. One of your criticisms of Garchomp was its one sided-ness and I believe that same point can be applied to most of A tier. Medicham is a Great Wall breaker but its average speed and liability defensively is bad for any team. Being exceptionally threatening to common defensive teams is great but so is offensive Garchomp. Gouging Fire is much more awkward to fit on teams and out of sun is much less efficient than offensive Garchomp.

I am okay with Great Tusk dropping and Garchomp remaining. I still think Garchomp is A- material but I think it comes down to preference whether it’s A- or B+. And I’m also pretty tired writing this so excuse some of my rambling lol

A --> B+
Garg just struggles to do much in this Gliscor-infested world, and although I'll agree removing Poison Heal healing is a nice trait to have, it just doesn't feel as splashable as it did before Gliscor propagated the metagame. It also struggles against HO teams. I'll say its IDBP set is pretty decent as well as being a Rocks setter on bulky teams, but I just struggle to fit it a lot nowadays with how tera-reliant it is and how vulnerable it is to meta staples like the aforementioned Gliscor as well as Sub + IDBP Zama.
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