Type: Dark
Stats: 150/80/120/110/90/50 (BST:600)
Ability: Levitate, Hidden: Dark night
Since the "moon"(the black circle) is blocking the "sun"(the white ray) and it's dark I thought it would be a dark type. The moon is also strong and a huge rock so I thought it should be very defensive and have lots of health. Since there is a bit of sun and the sun is like a "ray" I thought it should be a bit special attacking. Moon revolves around the earth slowly and solar eclipses take a while to happen so I thought it should be slow. Since the moon floats around it should have levitate and I wanted to get another ability so I made one up. Dark Night basically just lowers the accuracy of the opponents when it's out since a solar eclipse makes everything dark and stuff. I might make another form based on lunar eclipses but not sure yet.