NB's spriting thread

Hey yall! Back with some more sprites. Reused the chopper sprite I made a while back and edited the samuari sprite to be a psychic-ish trainer.
Untitled (58) (1).png
Untitled (59).png
Untitled (37) (2).png

Until next time!
Hey yall! Been traveling for a while so haven't had a chance to post anything or do much spriting. Anyway, I'm probably gonna be posting more now.

View attachment 365238
Here you go PokeKids2! I'm not sure if this is how you wanted it, but I thought u meant by that.

Until next time!
Looks okay...But thank you for that.

But can you do Cubchoo in Beartic´s size? and Pancham in Pangoro´s size?
Hey yall. Tried making a new fakemon based on a solar eclipse.
Solar eclipse no shin.png
Solar eclipse shin.png
Type: Dark
Stats: 150/80/120/110/90/50 (BST:600)
Ability: Levitate, Hidden: Dark night
Since the "moon"(the black circle) is blocking the "sun"(the white ray) and it's dark I thought it would be a dark type. The moon is also strong and a huge rock so I thought it should be very defensive and have lots of health. Since there is a bit of sun and the sun is like a "ray" I thought it should be a bit special attacking. Moon revolves around the earth slowly and solar eclipses take a while to happen so I thought it should be slow. Since the moon floats around it should have levitate and I wanted to get another ability so I made one up. Dark Night basically just lowers the accuracy of the opponents when it's out since a solar eclipse makes everything dark and stuff. I might make another form based on lunar eclipses but not sure yet.

Until next time!
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Hey yall! Tried making a few fusions that turned out pretty good.
Y+X fus.png
X+Y fus.png
Y+X+Mor alo fus.png
Hope yall enjoy! Until next time!
Hi hi I saw that you made hisuian electrode, have you ever thought of doing hisuian Zoroark and Zorua?
Hey yall! Legends Arceus officially got released today! I made a few of the new hisuian forms from the game.

H-Typhlosion White-stripe Basculin H-Qwilfish
I'll come back with some more hisuian forms soon!
Hey yall! Haven't been doing much lately. Noticed that gen 9 got a trailer a few days ago and its starters were shown! Made one of them and plan on making the rest either this week or next month depending on how lazy I get lol. Also made a hisuian zorua for Daki.
Until next time!