NB's spriting thread

Hey yall. Welcome to my art thread. I recently got into spriting and I enjoy playing around with it. I don't think I am very good but I think I do ok. I enjoy playing around with the colors and changing them up. I also do cosplays and other stuff but I mainly enjoy changing the color of a mon to something that either looks good or goofy. I am only a beginner so I don't know how to sprite stuff from scratch. I know I can improve a lot so if you have any suggestions please give me some. For some reason a lot of my sprites are huge and I have no idea why.
828 (1).png
Spr_BW_School_Kid_M (3).png
darkrai (2).png
giratina-origin (1).png
leafeon (1).png
jolteon (1).png
flareon (1).png
glaceon (1).png
scizor (1).png
garbodor (1).png
blissey (1).png
snorlax (2).png
Spr_HGSS_Juggler (1) (1).png
798 (6).png
charizard (2) (1).png
kyogre (2) (1).png
mewtwo (2) (1).png
100px-554Darumaka-Galar (1).png
exeggutor (1) (1).png
blastoise (1).png
torterra (1).png
839_g (1).png
094_g (1).png
006_g (1).png
groudon (1).png
kyogre (1).png
792 (1).png
791 (1).png
Untitled (5) (1) (1).png
800_3 (2).png
383_2 (2).png
382_2 (2).png
800_2 (1).png
813 (2).png
weavile-f (2).png
801_1 (3).png
Spr_DP_School_Kid_F (1)2 (1).png
815_1 (2).png
lopunny (1).png
Spr_DP_Jogger (1).png
Spr_HGSS_Pryce (1).png
kyurem-black (1).png
bouffalant (2).png
Spr_HGSS_Blaine (2).png
Spr_B2W2_Norman (2).png
382_2 (1).png
383_2 (1).png
mesprit (2).png
Spr_Pt_Cynthia (1).png
arceus-normal (1) (1).png
Spr_Pt_Dawn (1).png
Spr_Pt_Lucas (2).png
lugia (1).png
giratina-origin (2) (1).png
798 (1).png
798 (4).png
798 (3).png
798 (5).png
798 (2).png
Spr_BW_Psychic_F (1).png
haxorus (1).png
charizard (1).png
Spr_HGSS_Red (1).png
384_2 (1).png
Armor Team plazma (2).png
Untitled (12).png
drilbur (1).png
garchomp-f (1).png
bronzong (1).png
Spr_DP_Flint (1).png
hippowdon-f (1).png
bastiodon (1).png
Fantina%28DPP%29Sprite (1).png
Spr_DP_Crasher_Wake (1).png
Spr_DP_Maylene (1).png
g (1).png
Roark%28DPP%29Sprite (1).png
chansey (4).png
mewtwo__1_-removebg-preview (1) (1) (1).png
magnemite (3).png
Spr_GS_Beauty (1).png
bulbasaur (2).png
starmie (2).png
dragonite-removebg-preview (1) (2) (2).png
Untitled (10).png
Untitled (9).png
Untitled (6).png
Untitled (4).png
Untitled (3).png
dragonite (1) (1).png
Spr_DP_Cyrus (1).png
Untitled (11).png
Hatterene-gmax (1).png
Untitled (1) (4) (2) (5).png
Untitled (1) (4) (2) (4).png
Untitled (1) (4) (2) (5) (2) (2).png
Untitled (1) (4) (2) (5) (2).png
Untitled (1) (4) (2) (5) (2) (1).png
Spr_DP_Fisherman (2) (2).png
Spr_DP_Fisherman (2) (1) (1).png
jumpluff (1).png
jumpluff (1) (6).png
jumpluff (1) (1).png
jumpluff (1) (5).png
cleffa (3) (1).png
cleffa (5).png
cleffa (4).png
cleffa (3).png
Untitled (2) (1).png
Untitled (2) (1) (1).png
Untitled (2) (1) (3).png
Untitled (2) (1) (4).png
Untitled (7).png
Untitled (8).png
litwick (2) (1) (1).png
lampent (1).png
Chandlieur (1).png
Chandlieur (3) (1).png
Chandlieur (3) (2).png
Chandlieur (2).png
Untitled (1) (1).png
Untitled (1) (2).png
Untitled (1).png

I am open to request but I can't do stuff like making an anime character from scratch. I can make a few pokemon from scratch but nothing too hard. Hope yall enjoy my sprites!

All pokemon before gen 5 was taken from Here
All pokemon after gen 5 was taken from
Here, Here, and Here
All trainers taken from Here
All props from here.
Website used is
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Hey yall. Mini update! Made a few new sprites and found some sprite that I forgot I made.
384_2 (1).png
382_2 (1).png
383_2 (1).png
Changed the colors on the pokemon and changed a bit of the trainer too.
mewtwo__1_-removebg-preview (1) (1) (1).png
I also tried making an anime character. I think the result ended up pretty good and you can actually tell who it is.
Spr_DP_Cyrus (1).png
Hope yall enjoy!
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Hey yall. Was playing around with some pokemon and kept recoloring them. Kept changing them to look like a different pokemon or just look darker. I also did a revamp and some Trainer and pokemon sprites.
Spr_BW_Psychic_F (1).png
haxorus (1).png
Spr_HGSS_Red (1).png
charizard (1).png
839_g (1).png
094_g (1).png
006_g (1).png
torterra (1).png
blastoise (1).png
groudon (1).png
kyogre (1).png
792 (1).png
791 (1).png
dragonite-removebg-preview (1) (2) (2).png
Recoloring a lot of those mons and changing them to look like another mon was really fun. Hope yall enjoy!
Hey yall. Diamond and Peral remakes got announced yesterday! I made a few sprites that all come from Diamond and Peral to celebrate that.
mesprit (1).png
Spr_Pt_Cynthia (1).png
arceus-normal (1) (1).png
Spr_Pt_Dawn (1).png
Spr_Pt_Lucas (2).png
mesprit (2).png
giratina-origin (2) (1).png
lugia (1).png
Spr_HGSS_Juggler (1) (1).png
lopunny (1).png
Took long enough for those remakes to be announced. Can't wait till they come out. Hope yall enjoy these sprites!
Used the court jester hat and any other prop from here.
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Hey yall. Made some more sprites. Made all Sinnoh gym leaders and Elite four and Champion with their strongest mon from Diamond and Peral. Also tried making a Deoxys cosplay which I think I could still fix.
garchomp-f (1).png
bronzong (1).png
Spr_DP_Flint (1).png
hippowdon-f (1).png
bastiodon (1).png
Fantina%28DPP%29Sprite (1).png
Spr_DP_Crasher_Wake (1).png
Spr_DP_Maylene (1).png
g (1).png
Roark%28DPP%29Sprite (1).png
Spr_DP_Jogger (1).png
Couldn't get some of the gym leader and elite four from bulbapedia, so I had to use this
Hope yall enjoy!
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