Sticky X/Y Sprite Project


Alas poor Yorick!
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
In this thread, we'll be creating BW-styled sprites for all the Generation 6 Pokemon, which will be used in Pokemon Showdown should players choose the BW Sprite option. These sprites are also free for use as long as the spriter or the project itself is credited.

If you are looking for other Generations, you can find them as follows:
Generation 7
Generation 8 Onwards

Applications for spriters are currently closed. Applications for animators are open, to apply please DM either Grand Emperor of Zelron or Antiant. Sprites from non-approved users will be deleted.

Here is a spreadsheet of the finished sprites.

For GBA-sized sprites with the same style, check the Gen VI DS-Style Sprite Project.

For the sake of transparency, these sprites are free for non-profit use.

Before posting read this and check the google docs chart:

See release v1.1 here

If you are looking for the Sun/Moon Sprite Project click here

The Smogon XY Sprite Project

Co-led by Layell and princessofmusic, and contributed to by the talent of Smogon forums along with spriters from across the online pokemon community. For full credits on each individual sprite check our chart.

Note: This thread is for project purposes only, useless posts will be deleted.

Hello all artists and spriters, I am Layell and this is the second official smogon sprite project (the first one was for April 1st 2013 so this one will actually be good). Our goal is to create sprites of all confirmed Pokemon in X/Y with the intention of keeping faithful to the sprite style of B/W sprites. All sprites made will be custom for the project or with the specific permission of the original creator (if they were already made). As with the April Fools Day project these sprites will be used in Pokemon Showdown and Smogon. Others sites and projects can use them but require sending notice to the manager (user Layell) before implementing them (more on this down below). This system will involve levels of progress to track the ideal progress of the sprite.

Rules for sprites:

1. 96*96 with a transparent background

2. 15 colours in the Pokemon (this can be broken for mons like Xerneas but I'd like to keep it to stop people from using too many)

3. In the gen 5 style.

4. Sprites submitted are open to modification by more experienced spriters, edited for gender/shiny/animations or replaced outright for higher quality sprites (though we encourage you to take unmade pokemon rather than pull the rug out of somebody else)

5. Static sprites will not be replaced with animated ones if the animated sprite is of lesser value.

6. We encourage sprites to be made of all the pokemon before we go on an animation spree of our favs, if you really want to animate something though feel free to reserve it.

7. Spriters are expected to do the static sprites of the front and back, spriters who continue to make only fronts may not have future sprites accepted (backsprites can be harder with lack of available references, lots of people can take official art and make it a sprite). In addition to this if you're going to animate for us it would be ideal to also do the front and back.

8. Pokemon can be reserved for a week, but if there is no sign of progress the reservation will be dropped. Animation reserves can last longer

9. The pose for front and back sprites should be the same.

10. For the love of God don't steal from somebodies deviantart account and pass it as your own sprite I can find those a mile away.

11. Special animation and shiny rules are here:

Badge goals
-Spriters who can make good front and back sprites, their work being largely self-motivated and are capable of producing work that can be easily QC'd.
-Animators that will create regular and rare animations, who edit sprites to make them more suitable for animations, such as adding poses
-Quality Control Spriter: art can be up for interpretation but all sprite projects will be following a specific style. Spriters with a high degree of QC work have an eye for quality and are helpful to bring other spriters to a higher level of work. No one spriter is perfect and QC people should help in how they know best.

This will largely be handed out by myself in consultation with the artist badge leaders Birkal and Zracknel based on a large quantity of work.

Tools of the Trade:
- to make transparent gifs
- Palette grabber
Animated stuff

If you would like to use these sprites in your project
You are free to use this in any project that is not a for-profit product. You must make a credit page and link back to this thread. If you are only using a few sprites we appreciate you crediting the individual spriters. Please do not redistribute these sprites as it gives the false impression you created all of them. These sprites are not open source, because we do not have the rights to the characters depicted. Please respect these rules and enjoy the sprites. If you have a completed game or project, feel free to PM me or post it here

General FAQ

Q: Why doesn't _______ have a shiny/animation
A: We didn't do it yet, animations take time and shiny mons aren't a priority. Once a sprite is deemed perfect we then make a shiny and eventually an animation.

Q: How long until you update?
A: I tend to update whenever I feel like it, if there is something important that needs updating, such as a new form I tend to get on that relatively quickly. I'm the only one that sends in updates to Smogon and PS and that is to ensure consistency and we are only putting on what we want to put on the Smogon website or PS battle system.

Q: Sprite _____ doesn't look right on the sim, who should I tell?
A: Don't tell the admins, or on smogon, here ought to be fine if it isn't fixed in a week. If anyone is paying attention to how the sprites looks it's me. I know what is wrong and what is right. I spectate a ton of gen6 matches. I don't use the PS forums much but I'll try to check this every so often.

Q: Can I use these sprites for my website/fangame/project?
A: It really depends, for one thing I went out to find spriters that would contribute specifically for PS/Smogon. If you want to use a specific spriters stuff ask them on Smogon, Deviantart, or PS. Many of the spriters will say yes, some of the Deviantart ones will say you can with credit right on their page. But take the time to find out, and link to them and the XY project if it was a collaboration between many spriters of the project. Personal use for avatars/threads should link to the artist and/or sprite thread especially when outside of Smogon/PS.

For use of the project on the whole do take the time to contact Layell, it's a public project but we like to know where and how they are being used. Layell might also help send updates easily if need be. We do require the site and project to have a credits page to link back to this thread. Any games that charge money will not be accepted as a rule, but asking individual spriters to use their work is still possible.

Q: Can I sell perlers or crafts with these sprites?
A: I would prefer nobody crafts these with the intent of profit, nobody is paying us and we put in much more effort than you did.

Q: Hey I found some random DA artist who has sprites can we use them?
A: I have personally sought out every DA spriter, I probably don't want or don't need to use their work. If they have only fronts I really don't care.

Q: Trainer sprites?
A: See here:

Q: I'm going to post this somewhere on the internet and claim I made them all.
A: On behalf of everyone who contributed to this I will find you, and if I don't somebody who does know about this will.

Q: With the 3D models on PS will this project end?
A: Nope, the 3D models are nice but we will keep going because we believe the pixels are useful for tiers such as Doubles, CAP, and anyone who has good taste. In addition with the fact that ripping the models will likely be more difficult in the coming generations it is all the more important to keep this project going.

Q: Why are leaders Layell and princessofmusic so flirty?
A: Because we're dating irl (we met through this).

Q: Wow good job you guys are amazing!
A: Thanks.

A sprite generator is also here:

The PS thread is here:

Current Sites/Projects that have asked to use the XY sprites and have shown formal recognition for them:

Note: I am no longer writing every single project using the sprites, I am going to be reformatting this since I've gotten a ton of small fangames that don't go anywhere. Soon enough I will be posting featured projects that are really cool and fleshed out. But until then I just have too many things to feature them all. I will always update wall of shame though!

Wall of Shame: Why didn't you just post credit, was it that hard?

- and their damn hilarious hypocritical support banners
-A collection of random tumblr artists as resourced here:

I can't remember ever getting a request from you and I can't read Hebrew so until I see a credit page enjoy being on this list

If you would like GBA sized Kalos sprites check out the Gen VI: DS-Style 64x64 Pokemon Sprite Resource:

If you are a good spriter and would like to help out post in this thread, reserve a mon and begin spriting! If you are new to spriting this may not be the project for you but keep at it.

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I do have some premade sprites for the XY mons and this may be a silly question but can we have the sprites in different poses? Also, I am very inexperienced with animations so I can't help with that.
Anyways, I'll take Helioptile (only the front if that's okay but I could do the back if you want).
What I've had so far, in anticipation for something like this:


Edit: Pancham line.

Edit: Scatterbug and Spewpa.

Edit: Honedge, Spritzee, and Swirlix.

Edit: Litleo, Flabebe, Clauncher, and Skrelp.

Edit: Oorotto*0.9.

Edit: Starters*0.8

Misc (maybe outdated):






(Quality may vary, though I can touch up some of them.)

Not including the Sylveon, Mewtwo, Xerneas, and Yveltal sprites, which I made no attempt to preserve in-game style.

Doing what Wyverii's suggesting, mostly. Exception is Clauncher's sprite, which I tried to keep similar in pose even if the shell layers imply foreshortening.
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Quany you spriting maniac, I do agree with 'quality may vary' in particular your starters are really large compared to other starters, some look more like your spriting style rather than gen5 style. but I do love both your pandas, scatterbug, spewpa, honedge, spritzee, skrelp and the tree. Clauncer is your most gen5 styled too and it looks really. Those I would take as is right now, I wouldn't mind making some backsprites for any of those.

I'm going to reserve Sylveon

which is coming along nicely
I might come back to Slvy in a bit but for now this is fine.

Also bluehoundoom if it's isn't obvious I prefer sumorgi art but so long as it is a fine sprite I am fine!

and quany nice backsprites yet again, some of those colours are references from Leafeon I'm using to get the right shade of skin.
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Edit of Layell's sprite, which was a good start to Sylveon (apologies if you're still working on it, your phrasing made it seem that it was done for now):


(the ribbon at the back was shifted because it was causing too many odd overlaps and tangents with the backsprite)

To Quan:
The Honedge, Spritzee, Swirlix sprites are good as they are.
Remove the AA on Scatterbug's antenna (remember this has to go on more than one background!), and isn't Spewpa supposed to be bigger than it's pre-evo? Seems a bit weird to have it so similar in size.
Flabebe, Clauncher and Skrep look decent, seems to need a little more work but quite workable now. Clauncher's backsprite is at a different angle than its front. Litleo doesn't seem to be as good as the rest.
I agree with Layell that your starters are rather large.
You could probably add Vermillion to the lineup if you make it a little larger, so its markings come through better.
In general, watch how much AA you use in a single area, like on Spritzee. Less is more when it comes to mimicking Gen5. You should also remove those highlights on the Pancham evo's fur.

It seems that other people have getting these sprites out well in hand for the moment. I'll come around to animate and edit sprites. Fully evolved 'mons will take precident on what gets animated first (sorry LC!). Layell, you should also poke me about what you think is ready to be animated. I may do Noivern if nobody else does in the next week.

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Woo thanks @Wyverii you da best, regarding Sylv I just got sick of looking at the colours, it's one of those sprites that I need to put down and come back to later. If something seems ready to be animated then go ahead with it, we are at a good point with sprites where we have yet to be overloaded with new pokemon. However I will always prioritize new static sprites over animations, and of course fully evolved stuff too.
Really need a list of what's done, pending, undone, etc to keep these sprites straight.

Had an old Yveltal sprite that I've tweaked. I'll add the back later:


(Edited, to be more inline with gen5 sprites. Also, which animation is better in regards to the right wing [our right]?)

Fletchling was also added to the post above.
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Here's Helioptile:

And I'll get to the back sprite soonish.
EDIT: I don't know why it went blurry, open it on a new tab.
EDIT 2: Back sprite is done!
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NOTE: I've pretty much retired from sprite work. Sorry that a lot of my stuff is unfinished and not fully animated, but I guess the animations aren't being used regardless (?). That being said, I hope what I've contributed can still be useful :)

I'm gonna just put all of my stuff in this post and keep it up to date.






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@Quanyails needs to learn how to make new posts because that is helpful

@bluehoundoom Having seen some of your past sprites and what you've submitted here you are going in over your head, there is nothing wrong with using Sumorgi art as the base. But it at least should be used as a reference. Helio is a slim and cute bugger and your sprite of it ought to reflect that.

@Branflakes325 Good sprite but yeah we do have one already that works fine, there will always be more mons revealed and probably more mega evolutions coming our way. For advice I'm not sure I would make a flat mouth, and the big Panda does have the cape and I'm not sure if the fists in a sprite should block all of it.

Everyone: Well I was there for the Kangha reveal live and was really hyped but as a note on mega evolutions: If Game Freak isn't going to change much of there designs I see no reasons why we can't just edit the base sprite for some of these. I don't call it being lazy I call it being practical!
Urf got some things going on IRL and therefore the gogoat sprite will take a while :/
(also it's pretty darn hard to make, I fail at posing stuff(Better at shading stuff))
WIP - I think it is ok at moment, but I haven't touched to mother Kangaskhan yet.
I will leave this as it is, until we get scans of it. If there is something off please point out (or go ahead and edit sprite).

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In working on the Abol Mega Form I've become relatively certain that the megas should be edits or use the same palette and size for the sake of consistency (if they are the same as normal form)

While Quany's was good it was very much bigger in height and different enough in colour that if you switched from one sprite from another it would look odd.

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I figured I'd go take Xerneas because he's complex, and a sprite nightmare to boot.

Those, fucking, horns.


Horns were still a problem. In making them readable in the first version the back horns were far too long. They'll always be somewhat of a mess as long as the deer has to look to the downleft. The newer sprite should be more balanced. Changed horn colour to Layell's.
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Praise Wyverii



Yeah I took a crack at them horns too and that is quite the sprite Wyv, my ONE thing is that I don't feel that the yellow is that pronounced


This allows the yellow horn lights more room to breath, also wow this is 15 colours exactly too, it's hard to critique greatness.

ALSO: Gonna take my own go at Vivilon!
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I really like that Xerneas sprite so far.


I'm not too experienced with animations so this is a little rough. It's the idle animation and only the first half of the "big animation" as I'm going to have Pangoro do a little fist-to-palm thing ("im gonna beat you up" or whatever), with the stomping being the first half of the animation. Hence why there currently isn't any transition from the stomping back to the idle animation and it appears choppy. The second half of the animation will have Pangoro lift his arms and show some of the cape on his back as well, so he doesn't have to hide it from his front sprite entirely.

Problems I see so far:
-foot is too floppy
-fist squeezing is a bit awkward
-all movement is a bit static
-i guess i should try to throw in a bit of his cape somewhere while his hands are still down

EDIT: I decided to reserve/make Mega Ampharos and base it off the 5th gen sprite. If you compare his official art to normal Ampharos's 5th gen sprite and Sugimori artwork, Mega Ampharos is noticeably bulkier and anatomically different in a few areas. his neck and body also seem longer


Let me know what you guys think. I'm going to work on a back sprite and hopefully an animation at some point too. With Pangoro and Ampharos to finish, my plate is pretty full for now and I probably wont reserve anything else for a while.

-edited with more pronounced shadow curve on tail (did i do this right?)
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As an outsider looking in, I think Branflakes325's Pangoro sprite is a lot better than Quanyails's sprite. Branflakes325 matched the proportions of the official art better, and Quanyails's sprite just looks weak, like it starved itself for a month. His sprite doesn't look like it's almost seven feet tall and 300 pounds. I do agree that Branflakes325 could have brought the cape into view on the frontsprite though, it looks a lot different without it.

Nothing against Quanyails of course~

also I'd help if I had spriting skills, but I don't q.q
Yeah my plan is to use Bran's big ol' panda, especially after Quany urged me to use it instead! Amphy is looking fine there, if anything from seeing all of the genies from worlds livestreams in Vancouver I feel like the cloudy tail can have a more pronounced shadow curve up.

Vivillon is proving an interesting sprite I have a decent frontsprite but the back petals were proving a pain. Luckily I tons of butterfly mon references, use references for shapes, they help us all.

Arctic it's never too late to learn!
Hey, just wondering if I could reserve Noivern. I already started working on it, but I wanted to make sure it was OK before I continued with it. At the moment it's just solid colors + outline, but I will add shading tomorrow (it's late here). I also need to fix some minor things.


Vivvy is looking ok but those legs are a pain, I'm going to try a few things but if people have ideas I'm all for them.

ALSO: If you were there for the April Fools Day project you may remember I would just write my name and say I did something, I'll only do this for simple stuff like Absol Mega as a shiny, that's just how I work.
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Uhg, not the best shading in the world, but I finished Noivern's shading. Might come back to it, but I'll come back after I at least have the unshaded line art for the backsprite. Also, I'll probably post individual parts of the sprite later for the animators.


EDIT: Removed the black spots that Layell was talking about (It's a really bad habit of mine to add those black spots. Don't know when I started doing that, but whatever. There's probably still some there that I didn't catch). There's probably still some, and I still need to fix some of the shading. Also, changed one of the feat a bit; might change the other one too, as it currently doesn't have a back talon. I'll do these things later though, as it is getting late here.
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The shading I don't mind as much as the random black splotches that are on the fur, wings, chest and a few other places and look really out of place, compare Salamence and Hydreigon to your outline and shading and lines to help improve. The latter is black as well so that may assist you a bit.

So after a while I decided that I cannot pose a sprite, so instead I looked at Quan's Gogoat and saw that he was missing the brown-red ish marks on his back, so I puzzled around a bit, managed to delete two colors while still looking good and I made the marks.
Sorry for using your sprite if I wasn't allowed, Quan.