New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

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i'd like my name to be changed to Mellow please, without the formerly tag underneath. i should be eligible now as i have a badge and the account hasn't been used in years.

eien: you cannot avoid the formerly mellowyellowhd CT for a month. do you still want the name? message me if so

eien2: done
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Can my birth year be changed to 2001 please? I initially put the current year that I have because I never thought I would have it public, so I didn't care about what I put, but I don't want people thinking I'm 28 if I do end up making it public in the future.

eien: done
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Requesting to change a letter in my name. I want the lower case w to be upper case in wave.

So it will be: Wildwave -> WildWave

It's just a letter, cut me some slack. Thanks. :]

eien: slack has been cut. done
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I would like to change my name to psang1203, similar to what I use on showdown. I made this account a long time ago and the name makes me cringe lol.

eien: you need 100 posts sorry
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i'd like to revert back to my old forum name, mad0ka. thanks!

eien: done
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Excuse me, I would like to change my name to Mixedtiers because I made a spelling error when registering.

eien: done
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Hi guys,

is this possible to remove the capital letter of my nickname please? I'm using raspberry for years, only my smogon account has a capital letter now.

Thank you in advance.

eien: done
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Hello, I would like to get the name "Der Sweitzer". I want this name because i have this nick since 1 year in other forums and is my main account in Showdown and the people know me with that name

eien: done
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Can you change my birthday to 10/11/2000? i forgot to ask for it previously, it was probably a missclick idk.

eien: sorry, but I can't know if you want october 11 or november 10. please message me if you want the change and to which date.
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can someone unlock my profile and take away my ''formerly beralred2103''? Thanks.

eien: done
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I would like to change my name to Zakdos64, as I no longer use this tag (Golden Blissey) and Zakdos64 is a variation of my Showdown tag.
I would like uniformity with all my user names.

And also the year on my birthday is incorrect. It needs to be fixed from June 16th, 1991 -> June 16th, 1995

eien: I changed your birthday. You need 100 posts to get a name change, though.
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I would like to get name change to Jase The World. I been using the name on ps and wanna start fresh with name change. I hope this could get done soon so I can get my ubers voice on my new main alt. Please and thank you

eien: done
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Requesting unlock of my profile. I changed my name back in September! Thanks =)

eien: done
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Profile unlock please

eien: done
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Hello, my current account on PS is DubbsPlays and I have been getting back into pokemon and I made the account a long while ago back in middle school when I still had dreams of being a youtuber. Those dreams have been squandered by time and I now wish to not have to look at this name every time I log on and move past that time of my life. I'm not sure if it will go through as I made the account for the name change but alas.
The name I would it changed to is Tetanus Shot which I checked and appears to be unregistered.
Thank you in advance.

eien: I'm not sure I understand your request. You can simply take the name Tetanus Shot on Pokemon Showdown, as it is currently unregistered. if you need a smogon profile change, can you please clarify?
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Id like to change my name to Mysil Bergsprekken. I trolled a bit with this account a long time ago and made a new account so I wouldnt be associated with this one (I was unaware of the rules), but the new account recently got banned. I still dont wish to have this name so a name change would be nice thanks.

eien: no you have an active infraction for doing that, so please wait until that is over.

Edit: is my infraction still active?
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I would like the permission to use the nickname Mimas because it is the nickname that I use in all games and sites I visit, and the article translation team knows me by that nickname in Discord.

Thank you.

eien: done. also please don't multipost in this thread!
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I would like to change my username to Serpico, as I got bored of my old username and people often confuse me with other people (like Christo). The ps alt doesn't belong to me, but it's disabled for some reason (I wonder if there's a way to take it too).

ok - tdp

Well, three months later, most people still call me Christos and to be honest I also have trouble getting used to my new username. Therefore, I would like to go back to my old username and if possible, make it simply Christos.

eien: the name "Christos" is taken. do you want Christos21 or christos21 back?

Edit: Are you sure ? I just checked it and didn't manage to find a user named Christos, there's only Christo. Anyway, if it's impossible to make it Christos, I'd have Christos21 back. Thank you !

eien: ok done
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