New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

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I'd like to change my nickname from sceptross to Sceptross. However, I only want this done if it doesn't count as a namechange (in case I want to change it in the future) because I don't mind it that much. I want to change it because I use the S uppercase literally everywhere except on Smogon, since I used to use it lowercase. However, it looks better uppercase imo.

it does not count, done - ant
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I would like to remove the extension from my username now. I would like the original one back: Tory

Reason: To match my Smogon Discord and the battling emulator, Pokemon Showdown.

I don’t regret having this temporarily extension towards my username. It wasn’t really a name change after all, but I did had a blast with it. The opportunity on Pokecommunity, you can have different usernames in certain years in the future. One day, I hope Smogon University gets that way. I am momentarily a Smogon user for 13 years, and I understand I have never been banned or WiFi blacklisted before.

last change - ant

UPDATE: Thank you again ant, for the name change. This was even quicker then the other time. (which was still fast).
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Please change my PS username to Kamek Porygon. It would help, because that is my showdown username.

"you may not request a name change if you have less than 100 posts total;" - ant
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Requesting a name change to MysticalHaze. Damn, I never wanted to change my name but there is a thing called typos xd.

E: so does this count as a name change or no? I don't see like the "formerly someone" but my account has been locked so just wondering?
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Hello, I would like my name to be changed to TDA. These are the initials that I am referred to on Showdown, and it is how I now go by on places such as Discord nowadays. Thank you very much.

got it -ant
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Name changed to pants in January, can i get rid of this CT now and get my profile unlocked or w/e

yes! - ant
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Requesting to revert back to my previous name: Escoffier -> akaFila
Reasoning being: akaFila directly reflects my social media handles, so I'd prefer go back for sake of uniformity.

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May you please change my name from NintendoVsPlaystation to ShinyLegendary?
That is my most common online name at this point ( I use it in almost every online name like Facebook, Twitter and SmashBoards. ) NintendoVsPlaystation is getting old on me.

Thank you. :)

see OP, need 100 posts sorry
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I would like to change my nickname in Universe. There are two problems: I already requested a name change like one or+ years ago but i want to change in Universe because it's my known nickname also in other games. The second problem is that there's an account named Universe but i can give proofs that it's a my account that i created for mistake. Lemme know, thank you in advance.

fine, no future changes though
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Requesting a name change :
Wally The Bully -> Wally

I'm owning the Pokémon Showdown account (, I'm using it as a room mod in the overused, french and help room. Wally is also my irl name and my discord username.

Wally (on smogon) has less than 10 posts, was registered 13 years ago and didn't come back to smogon forums (

Thanks in advance

you need a badge to take an existing name sorry
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changed my name to washibon a while ago and tahu changed his to goao, he changed his name back but apparently mine was changed as well?
give me washibon, thanks

rejected, active tourban sorry
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