It's not that I want him gone, I want to have a plan for when he leaves. He's not the problem and he's honestly pretty good, but let's be real, he won't be on the Vikings 3-5 years from now.
cus outside players like Justin Jefferson and that ilk (the ones they be like "LOL keep wishing" on trade offers) Kirk is the best option for some ACTUAL TRADE RETURNS cus Kirk is a good QB he's just not the Mahomes, Allens, Herbets, Lawrences , Hurts. Jacksons, etc of the world.
He's really good but he don't "Elevate" (media loves this word) to make the team take "The next step"
(this is no hate i always for some reason enjoyed the Vikes) they could get a great return, try and go into this next draft pool for QB (who we'll see).
personally i think Kirk is good enough to keep his job but I could understand going that way. Kirk may not demand a one but what you could get from a Kirk trade in picks to potentially move up could be interesting.