I used the generic Landorus / Tyranitar / Keldeo core that everybody has been playing with. Ironically, if anything, I felt that Keldeo was the scariest thing to a lot of teams. There is, flat out, pretty much nothing that takes Keldeo even remotely well bar three Pokemon - Celebi, Amoonguss, and Jellicent. Celebi works well, but can't run U-turn or it gets OHKOed, Jellicent has to be speed creeping the hell out of Tyranitar to succeed, and Amoonguss definitely works, but doesn't hold up all that well otherwise. Once you get rid of your opponent's faster Pokemon / Keldeo counter, it's a free sweep half the time.
Oddly, I saw far less Landorus than Keldeo. I'm assuming that's just shitty ladder opponents and not overpreparation, but I couldn't get a very good feel of how powerful it is.
Oddly, I saw far less Landorus than Keldeo. I'm assuming that's just shitty ladder opponents and not overpreparation, but I couldn't get a very good feel of how powerful it is.