Hello, its time for the longest post i've ever made in my life. So welcome to Bella's extremely extremely early PU meta thoughts on 54 different PU pokemon!!! I want to cry!
We will start off with all the Legendary Pokemon because why not:

I'm broken. This is def getting banned today or tomorrow, heck it might be banned before i finish this post. Anyways, SD and Scarf and Band are all probably really good sets and everything not named Plume drops to its STABs or Coverage.

Probably Broken(?) Maybe a suspect down the line but its not as immediately an issue like Terrakion is. I think SD sets are probably the best with LO, and Stone Edge + stabs hits everything in the tier so...

This is the thing im most worried about after Terrakion, to be honest. Its just so fat and can muscle through pretty much every mon in the tier. Both Resttalk Body Press shitter sets and support rocks sets look good.

This thing probably handedly makes stall good again, to be honest. Very fat, probably on the QB slate.

This is probaby fine as it was last gen, happy to see it back. Having Tera is going to make it alot better imo.
Im not sure how well this is gonna be but Rock Polish sets seem interesting. Honestly probably not even our best ice type though.
It does not have Polish anymore lol. Boltbeam Twave sets seem fine i guess.

It seems fine. SD sets under TR seems fine. thats all i have to say on it.

Seems balanced. Specs are fine, Rocks sets are also fine. Happy to see it back.

Seems cute and maybe broken, just kinda overshadowed by literally everything else.
and now for... literally everything else.

He's back! Probably decent too, makes Sandslash A scary and now snow teams are probably ok

She's a fairy and we have like -1 fairies right now so can't be that bad. Probably better after all the quickbans

Outclassed by Lilligant.

Esper Wing + CM sets seem like a fun sweeper set. Defog too. It'll be interesting to see how it develops as the meta goes on.

Currently outclassed by Registeel but once its gone it'll be solid.

Defog sets seem good, SD sets seem good too. Probably our best defogger in the long term and im excited to see it used.


It seems ok? Specs seems fun, but im not sure how it will compare against Arbolivia. Eviolite sets too seem fun....

Unfortunately bad i think, maybe Choice sets can work but no Jump Kick rly sucks for it.

Coil and CM sets both seem good. Glare sets aswell seem ok. Maybe broken in the long run.

He's finally here. Probably functions as just a better Electrode-K the same way Electrode-K worked in pre dlc.

Broken. It clicks CC and Flare Blitz and everything drops.

It does not seem that good. Maybe Specs or subseed sets can function? Tera also helps its awful typing, but we will have to see.

Tera + QD + Ice Scales seems really really good. That's about it, just solid overall and idt itll be broken(?)

Fairy n2 for the tier, and probably better than Alcremie. Intim sets could be nice.

Guts sets could be fine...? If you can't tell im running out of things to say about stuff here. Bulk Up thick fat sets could also be fine too.


I can see some Bulky Pivot sets working. No more Heal Bell or Toxic really sucks for it though.

QD sets can just going to do the same thing as it always done. Probably not broken again but we will have to wait and see.

Lead sets will be fine. CC sets also probably could be fine.

Niche wallbreaker with Specs. It does hit alot of stuff with its coverage though! Will be interesting since we don't have alot of other Fire-types who can do the same thing Magmortar can do atm.

Scarf + Specs sets will just do what it did before. Probably fine in the long run i want to say.

Superpower + Knock seems ok but it does not do anything after that. Probably not that good if i have to guess.

I hate these two so much and with Marrill they are my least favorite Pokemon so im glad they are both shit.

Bad, outclassed by Raichu-A.

Choice and Sub sets both seem decent. Quite strong and Quite fast, and it gets piled on to our 110 other Ghost-types.

Both are maybe broken in the long run. QD sets are just QD sets, yknow?

Probably statchecked too hard now.

Bad, see Plusle thoughts.

No more defog sucks but it still is a functioning Scarf mon. Plot sets are also probably fine.

This is exciting imo. With both Palossand and Rhydon gone now this is the Ground-type for the tier. Glare seems stellar, and i could see people making Coil sets work too! Very happy to see this guy come down.

This and Abomasnow make Snow teams decent. Choice Band or SD sets under there could be pretty good. Rapid spin defensive sets outside of Snow also seem alright!

HO Machine w Indeedee and Thwacky. An Unburden mon has been needed for a long time and im glad we have one now. It'll be nice to have.

Interesting mon. Tailwind + Wind Rider seems nice and it still can opt for stuff like Choice Scarf or LO too. Tera is also probably really stellar for it. Def something i need to try out.

Mixed sets probably could be decent but im not high on it. Outside of that it seems pretty bad.

Choice Specs and Scarf + Eruption is the one thing it has going for it and tbf it does that well. Its bad outside of that.

QD sets are interesting and having Poison STAB and Powder gives it enough of a niche over Frosmoth. Once again, just another Strong QD user.

Best sticky web mon now. Specs and HBD sets are also probably decent. Maybe offensive Pivot potential?

Probably our best Poison now. Extremely bulky and our best "check" to Virizon, Terrak, and others. It still has most of its tools from past generations, so im really happy to see it here and im ready to use it.

Do i even have to say anything? You get the drill, its a QD mon.

ngl i have no idea why people were hyping this mon up, it sucks still.
At the end of the day, these shifts are extremely interesting and basically is another tier reset. It'll be interesting to see what goes down over the course of the week and to see what gets banned!