Metagame np: Stage 6: Begin Again

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i don't have a lot to say rly besides i think lazzle is the only real semi issue atm. the fire checks are rly bad and lazzle pairs well with most answers to them (mainly fightings or pivots) so it usually gets multiple chances to just click, and the speed tier is great. it can also reliably live random priority like jet from scarfed waters (which lose to endure salac variants in the 1v1). scyth is good but it is way easier to check in builder than lazzle and is basically just broken glue atp.
So, a teamstyle I have been playing around with is grassy terrain teams, and I have to say they are pretty amazing.
Besides the obvious thwackey to set up grassy terrain (which can actually hit hard with wood hammer mind you, don't sleep on its power), the flexibility of the team is quite astonishing. However, I believe three mons are crucial to grassy terrains success, though not using them won't be an automatic loss for you.
:sv/grafaiai: :sv/bronzong: :sv/decidueye hisui:
These three mons are all exteremly threatening into the majority of the metagame, but I'll go through them one by one. At the end I'll share the teamates I've used in my testing, some mons I could see being great on this teamstyle and share the team I have used.
Grafaiai is the clearcut best unburden sweeper in the tier, sceptile is nowhere close to it's power. With a simple set of sd, poison jab, acrobatics and knock off, grafaiai can hit the majority of the tier for a lot of damage. This allows for massive holes to be punched into the opposing team which can be easy cleanup for the rest of the team. This is an amazing mon that is really underslept rn.
I'm a champion of bronzongs greatness, I have used it in NU to great success, and I think with the lower power level of PU, it can absolutely shine. Bronzong is quite an interesting mon for grassy terrain teams, as it can not only use grassy seed + calm mind to become an unstoppable sweeper, but due to grassy terrain weakening earthquake, it can run its once signature ability (it was given to rolycoly and the sinistcha line), heatproof. This gives it a lot of setup opportunities as the common salazzle can't do anything noteworhy to it, maybe get a toxic off but it will crumple to psyshock, though stored power could also be used if you can deal with special walls. I've also used charge beam to deal with flying types and boost bronzongs power sometimes. Overall, a really great mon for grassy terrain teams that can threaten tier staples with massive damage and wall large swathes of the meta.
:sv/decidueye hisui:
This one is also interesting for grassy terrain teams, but H-Decidueye is a great stall breaker for these teams. With triple arrows + scrappy, H-decidueye can deal with pesky ghost/steel types that may threaten the team sweep. It also is the strongest mon (besides cacturne, but I'll get to that later), with access to grassy glide, which can suprise an opponent expecting it to be slow. This means that decidueye can help with both faster, frailer teams and slower, bulkier teams. Whenever I have used H-Decidueye, it has put in amazing work.

Now, for the two teamates I have used which haven't been the best.
Sceptile has overall been underwhelming from my testing, but maybe that's just me. It cannot really threaten a sweep as easily as mono-grass is poor defensively and it has to decide between losing to steel types if it picks rock slide, or losing to bulky flying types if it chooses drain punch. Maybe with some work, it could work, but I don't really know if this is it chief.
With the strongest grassy glide available for PU, cacturne was interesting to me, however it feels outclassed by H-Decidueye in most regards, as the extra bulk and neutrality to u-turn is great. Maybe it could work with dual priority, but it feels like H-Decidueye is much better most of the time.

Now, for the mons that I haven't tried, but I could see working.
With access to aurora veil + grassy glide, abomasnow could potentially be a devastating mon. With its high defense thanks to snow and neutrality to ice, this could be a good mon for g-terrain teams.
If you want a different decidueye, then normal decidueye isn't that bad. With only 5 less attack, it still hits pretty hard and is faster. Maybe the right team can fit it, maybe swapping out H-Decidueye for virizion could work.
A devastating offensive mon, it's main issue is its low speed, which is fixed by g-terrain. It's wide coverage movepool could also help, which means it could fit on a g-terrain team quite well.
This is a weaker, but faster version of H-Decidueye (I hate spelling that name, it's so confusing). With the right substitutions, it could work, but I personally prefer the power increase on H-Decidueye due to grassy glide fixing the speeed issue a bit.
A good allround mon, shaymin could see use as a bulkier grassy glide abuser with respectable speed. Plus, seed flares will hurt, so it could have a niche.
Acrobatics mons
Any mon that gets acrobatics could be put in a grassy terrain team. Some suggestions are Honchkrow, Scyther and Mespirit. Idk how well these would work, but testing out different mons will show the results (And I want to see an acrobatics mespirit win a game cause that would be funny).

Overall, as shown above, grassy terrain teams are a great playstyle in SV PU, and I think adaptation could really boost their viability. This is just the tip of the iceberg, I am a low level scrub that figured out how to put together a semi-competent team. I wish you the best on your grassy filled adventures. :)
Team I used:

Edit: Use charizard as the second acrobatics mons. It is so great and has clutched me many games. A set of dd, acro, flare blitz and brick break with tera fighting can clean teams even at 50% hp due to needing to hold grassy seed.
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