Hello just dropping in to give my opinions on kyurem, because of some people not being fair and co-operative, people giving invalid or faulty arguments on both stances and people not productively criticizing either stance, i will be providing arguments for both stances.
Watching this thread alone ive seen people laugh at ctc cuz he allegedly said zapkinglu cores will come back and the meta will be boring, broken checks broken is not what he meant, hes trying to say kyurem isnt any more broken than the other giants in the tier like kingambit or raging, and that removing it will create a more boring meta that would be less enjoyable in general, i have not seen one person ask ctc for some arguments as to why he thinks kyurem is fine, nor have i seen a person try to tackle his stance by providing good arguments for ban rather than haha reacting. Which made me realise that its a lose lose to just hop on a wave/stance because NEITHER side are understanding of the other, very immature and childish behaviour from both sides. Finch, it might not be my place to play peacemaker but the way this thread is divided with a high level of ignorance is starting to piss me off. I'm gonna focus on making both sides happy so here are BOTH ban and dnb arguments:
1. Each set has different counters, if you have a counter for one set, you will lose to the other, so lets look at subtect, some answers for it are weavile, roar moltres, rest talk ting lu with tera, all of these things lose to specs and dd loaded dice, lets see specs and dice counters now, take scizor, which is arguably the most consistent one, sciz loses to subtect tera ground, tank s 2 bps easily without tera, if it tera steels ep kills and it can tank 1 tera steel bp post tera.
2. High bulk and splashability, these zap/king/lu cores synergise well with kyurem, and it actually makes these cores even more powerful, cause chilly boosts kyurem, its the most splashable gking partner because not only does it give the snow boost, it provides a powerful breaker thats almost impossible to stop in the snow if you dont guess the set right. Kyurem makes alot of structures so much dumber especially zap/king/lu, and glisc/lando cinderace ones, it also creates new annoying ones with roar molt, which leta be honest flame body molt + gking + gambit + zama + kyu is dumber than zapkinglu by far, glisc + tusk + kyu + gking + molt + gambit is way more powerful than zapkinglu, and just for the record, zapkinglu isnt coming back we have new healthy tools that deal with it now, like np deoxys, np rai, cm tera bug raging, can even use taunt to muscle past lu, and sd tera normal glisc(which is the only broken thing on this list fight me lol), we also have unique ways to beat it like sd weav, ursaluna on tr which is good , tera ground volcanion, wake sun with literally any gking answer, growth eq mixed venu sun which is amazing rn, and stuff like plot tank ghold, and even dd taunt moon, and besides, some of these are better than kyurem at breaking this core, it was only relevant last dlc cause nobody cared to innovate some nice unique cores to beat it, myself included, im sure gen 8 would have ugly defensive cores if i didnt fill 90% of the gen with unique offense and BO cores like lando ferro(which i almost single handedly defined that gen with btw lol, nobody was using that shit before i tore spl down with it in 2021) , weavile venu sun(sun in general tbh), specs zapdos, aegislash BO, beat up weav, lele slowbro fs offense, trick np gking, band assurance ttar, future sight lele BO, all the volcanion bandpult offenses, the nihilego offenses, eleki rain, flame body tran being the biggest one, lots of melm kart BO, blacephalon offense, bulu grass spam, and sub swarm volcarona, sorry if i "ruined" that tier by introducing flame body tran in my 5+ massive team dumps that are flooded in gen8 smogon disc servers, without me, these most likely wouldnt have existed in gen8 and hippo skarm, ttar drill clef pex along with other defensive cores would still be ugly and people would fear monger gen8 too. But this is not the place to discuss that, im still salty about getting tourbanned and not getting a trophy in my own gen and my own tier resulting in me joining smogon masters with HIGH motivation. But this is a stray, sorry finch, my point is this shitty core would NEVER rise if people cared to innovate, which makes me regret not dropping team dumps, taking the gen more seriously, hiding my teams and only saving them for tours, which makes no sense cuz i ladder in plain sight, so if the fear mongering for an easy to counter core is what you're worried about, ill gladly drop some unreleased innovations to counter it in an rmt later in this tier.
3. Good matchup vs most standard SV Comps and arguably forces balance to run more boring options, im sure youd rather wanna see hydrapple skeledirge gweez, or meowscarada molt garg rather than lu gking, or gking tinka rai, but yeah most comps ive seen have been losing to a kyurem set, lets take an example, the bea team which has kyurem, if you kill his kyurem, your sub kyurem becomes unstoppable and itll just beat that entire team, any gliscor comp ever loses to dice mixed, tusk gambit or lando gambit cores lose to subtect, clod clef balance loses to dice mixed, clod comps are a nice addition to the meta, say clodsire skarm meowscarada skele with a boots raging , and even mandibuzz fez cores, since mandi walls entire teams rn, weavile should rise, scream tail too, and rillaboom stuff which im sure would have things to counter lu gking like sd cornerpon, kyurem also just wins vs rain, rain should be a good archetype rn, with raging, overqwil and torn, gambit too, its not as bad as people say it is and everyone's go-to answer is kyurem thats mostly why they say its bad, sub kyurem also destroys sun which should be good since this is the gen which introduced protosynthesis, and it destroys sand, its become anti weather, this dynamic is unhealthy, you can't have a good matchup vs almost an entire meta.
4. Most of the reasons why dnb was voted earlier on in this meta are gone now, when the kyurem test went up, archaludon rain didnt pop off until like half way into the suspect, who couldve predicted that rain would become this broken, nobody, it was one of the only things scaring the rain usage, also we still had volcarona in the tier, which made it more bearable because it countered every set that wasnt specs tera dragon draco, or scale shot dice, and those two sets had arguably the same counters , and volc could even tera fairy against those, with volcarona gone kyurem has become unbarable, and i can understand why they want to bring volcarona back by banning terablast(which honestly is a stupid move that broke volc) ,i never thought volc was broken without it, itd lose to tran dnite skele, and thirdly, back then, sub protect wasnt a set yet in sv , it was a set in previous gens but not in sv, so it wasnt there to blow out 90% of its would-be answers.
5. Freeze, this would never be an issue if sub protect didnt exist, it would be a faulty argument if the move wasnt spammable by set of choice, sub protect gives multiple chances to freeze since it subs on so much, which indirectly breaks it, but ONLY because its so spammable on the sub set, on ANY other set freeze wouldnt be a valid argument, on specs if they freeze u , u can call hax, its not spammable enough to call uncompetitive, the only set where its spammable enough to be called uncompetitive is sub protect.
Alright now that we got the Ban stance, lets look at the DNB Stance:
1. On the contrary to the ban argument above, although each set has different counter play, theyre still counterplay, remember scouting/guessing sets has become the norm in the gen9 meta, its no different from any tera sweeper, u guess the wrong gambit set you almost auto lose, you guess the wrong raging bolt set you can lose, you guess the wrong valiant or moon set u can lose, its a teambuilding adjustment you have to make, you need to build with more backup answers to threats this gen its how you build SV, for say gambit, pack a fighting type AND a wisp/encore/destiny bond user, not just a fighting type, for dnite , pack an ice type AND a tera ghost or bulky fighting or water type for its tera fire/normal. Id say this is the norm for sv, as long as we have tera, so this argument that each set can beat the other sets' counters is invalidated, and is not a reason to ban kyurem, scout its set and have backup ready in the form of priority or a defensive tera and you should be fine.
2. Very weak to hazards in a gholdengo and spikes dominated meta, if its boots it cant be dice, subtect(with longevity) or specs, and boots is easy to check/revenge kill with anything really, the other sets get destroyed by hazards, glimmora is a staple of this tier if it gets tspikes kyu is scared to come in, itll set rocks, ting lu can tera and get max layers(or get max layers on subtect cuz fdry does 30), garg can set rocks and can also run ironpress spdef to check it, if hazards are up, kyurem has a hard time making progress due to it being weak to it, which gives a valid reason not to ban it in my opinion.
3. Kyurem feels underwhelming compared to other giant threats in this tier that people say are fine like gambit and zamazenta, it feels like just another mon in a tier of tera sweepers. This is NOT a kingambit stray argument its just a logical approach to the kyurem arguments. Personally, i think gambit is stronger than kyurem, so if people are universally agreeing that kyurem is dumb and should be banned, then they should be arguing gambit also, and if people are universally agreeing that gambit is fine, then kyurem is not broken by any means because it does significantly less than the giants of this tier like zamazenta and kingambit, the only thing kyurem has over these two is breaking , they've got kyurem beat in EVERY other area.
4. Feels slow and easy to lure in a tier with a bunch of dangerous sweepers especially booster sweepers and fast breakers in general, lets take wellspring for example, kyurem would normally swap into it, if ogerpon clicks play rough its suddenly not a check to oger anymore, booster valiant clicks destiny bond, and suddenly tera fire is no longer dangerous and is forced out immediately or is forced to trade, tera dark glasses sucker from gambit merks kyu after rocks, or any tera really, spdef cloak corv beats it, cloak avoids freeze, cloak tera steel latios/cress cm also stops it completely,and both of those are amazing in this tier, any tera ice ever, and let me say something about tera ice, it might be one of the worst defensive tera typings in the game but its probably the BEST offensive tera typing rn, due to the high usage of grounds and dragons, its not that bad to use tera ice on anything even tusk or Lu, if anything tera ice lu gets a defense boost in the snow so u can completely wall dnite while potentially terablasting it, and completely shutting down non cc tusk and dd moon, tera ice can also be used offensively on stuff like lando, valiant, zapdos, with blast ofc, and on hydrapple defensively cuz its 4x ice weak, and u turn to a resist and wall weavile, ice on gking is useful too just to strengthen ice beam to kill gliscor/lando, but mostly scor, so you see ice is not a bad tera typing in this specific meta where grounds and dragons run wild.
5. It lost roost, so it has no reliable recovery outside of wish passing, protecting lefties(which is fair tbh since atleast tect sub is spammable), its still a significant nerf for a mon thats hazard weak in a gholdengo meta where its almost impossible to safely and effectively keep the hazards down, so if it takes rocks + spikes, likely itll remain at 70 forever or eventually die if u keep the pressure up.
So now that we have concluded both the ban and dnb stances, lets weigh the pros and cons of each outcome:
1. more diverse balance with nice mons like skele, clod,drapple etc
2. More diverse offense, not fearing subtect can really boost offense and make it better because its a strain to prep for that in the builder
3. BO can focus on beating other things like stall rather than worrying about kyurem sets so hard.
4. Weather teams become significantly more viable especially rain/sun.
1. Un-interactive play will rise for example gliscor will be everywhere rewarding no skill structures clicking protect and sd or protect toxic spikes
2. Offensive monsters like gambit, raging, moon, dnite, ogerpon become even stronger and the ripple effect could possibly break those blowing the tier into disarray and setting off entire chains of bans potentially.
3. The balance of physical and special attackers is no longer there, kyurem gone is one less special breaker, and we already have significantly more physical breakers than we do special breakers which can become an issue.
4. Kyurem had high splashability, so ALOT of structures that were once viable would need lots of editing to become viable again, or they would disappear completely, every structure that was good into kyurem like scizor ones all get worse, scizor will remain good but it would lose its biggest reason to stick around which is checking kyurem.
Do Not Ban PROS:
1. Splashable check to the powerful dragons and grounds that would otherwise dominate the tier, and making offense less powerful than it is. Any mon that punishes click offenses like pon gambit bolt, dnite glimmora oger, glimmora oger booster tusk, is healthy.
2. It will prevent un-interactive, skillless play from broken structures like gliscor Bulky offense, glowking pivot BO, garg etc.
3. We keep another special breaker in the tier to fight against the physical walls like skarm and dozo, like i stated above theres no balance in physical/special attackers, theres too many physical breakers and not enough special breakers, raging darkrai deo iron crown alone wont suffice with all the physical breakers dnite moon gambit tusk zama weavile ogerpon gliscor, just to name a few.
Do Not Ban CONS:
1. Most team structures and playstyles will struggle vs other matchups like stall and hstack due to the fear of losing to one of the many kyurem sets.
2. Defensive and balance structures are heavily altered to less enjoyable structures, i would much rather see pecharunt meowscarada skarm/roarless molt, clef clod skele meow/weav than lu gking corv and blissey zama scor.
3. It enables other powerful hyper offensive and defensive threats like waterpon/gambit/raging bolt/gking, for example kyurem kills most if not all grounds, that heavily benefits stuff like gking and raging bolt.
I am concluding this post by saying i won't be voting here due to the sole reason that there are too many cons for each outcome, and because of this my stance is right in the middle, I am directly on the fence. So instead my contribution here is providing good arguments for both stances, providing both pros and cons for each outcome and letting people decide off that.