Nuzlocke Challenge

Trouble in Paradiso... Loaned My Diamond, but my empty Pearl has been located...
I shall now began my Nuzlocke challenge using these rules:
1. Capture the first pokemon you see per new route. Pokemon seen on routes before having pokeballs means no pokemon on that route.
Note: Towns count as seperate areas...
2. Fainted Pokemon means dead pokemon, and will either be released (most likely choice) or traded (received pokemon will be released)
3. Nickname all pokemon, to promote friendship.
4. Pokemon that live from poison (1hp) are dead.
5. No items outside of battle EVAR!!! If poison lingers after battle, pray a pokemon center is near....
6. Battles will be set, no changing pokemon before the enemy.

Prologue: Adventure Time!
Name: Onyx (MALE)
Rival: Pancake (hehe)

"Ugh... I hate mornings" I yawn as I get out of bed, barely listening to my wide screen television. As I brush my teeth and freshen up, the news begins a late breaking broadcast of some weird organization trying find some red Gyrados... So unnecessary for 1 shiny pokemon. As I finish getting dressed in the morning I realize that I am old enough to get my on pokemon (though I was 5 years ago... stupid overprotective mom...) I walk down the stairs, to see my emotionally detached mom staring at the t.v.

"Son! I think you should go on an adventure!!" My mom yells, and pushes me out the door. And I thought she was overprotective. I decided to visit my spasmodic neighbor, Pancake. As I walk to knock on the door, Pancake comes running outside, charging into me.

"Dood!! We should totally find that Red Gyrados!!" Pancake yells, then runs off, only to return seconds later. I follow him inside, to see of he has any important stuff to tell me. He looks at me, and tells me that I need to meet him on route 201 or he's fining me 10 million yen (codename for pieces of candy) if I'm late. I quickly run to route 201, because I don't have 10 million pieces of c- I mean yen. As I catch up, he yells something about going on a great adventure, and we quickly walk to Lake Verity, meeting this weirdo professor who babbles something about pokemon, and his hawt assistant (10 my arse...)

"Dood!! He totally left his briefcase!! Lets go get it by walking into the tall grass, even though there are wild pokemon!!" So Pancake drags me along, and tries to open up the briefcase. I hear something rustling in the bushes.

"Starly!!!" Two starlys fly out the bushes, and began to peck and claw at us with their sharp beaks and claws. Lucky for us, the briefcase has three pokeballs in it, and I grab the first ball I can found.

"Lets go pokemon!!" In a flash of red light, cute little turtwig appears, and growls longingly. The starly growls, in an act to lower my turtwigs attack. She ignores it, and tackles the starly, who tackles her back. A few tackles later, the starly was fainted, but then I saw how gruesome these creatures are. My turtwig jumped on top of the starly, crushing its spine until the bird stopped twitching. It was awful... Pancake seemed ignorant of how his chimchar had killed the straly, and escorted me outside, where the weird professor and the hawt assistant were waiting. He invited me to meet him in Snadgem town, and I nodded in agreement.

As I entered my house, my mom healed my pokemon, and told me I should follow my what the professor said. So I walked, avoiding any contact with wild pokemon. As I reach the town, the hawt assistant escorts me inside, where Pancake awaits.

"Dood! This professor says we can keep our pokemon!!" He excitedly covets his chimchar, who affectionately jumps around.

"Ah Hm- You two young boys look like good canidates to work under my tutelage... Here, take these pokedexes, and go catch me some pokemon!!" Without getting in a word edge-wise I look at my turtwig, and give her a nickname... Staccato.... That'll work. I return home to tell mom what's going on. She hands some running shoes, and I quickly zip through route 201, only to be stopped by an annoying bidoof (curses)

"Go Staccato!!" Staccato tackles the bidoof, which weakly growls back. Staccato tackles the bidoof again, scoring a critcally hit, and knocking the poor creature into a tree, breaking its back and neck... I press on, ignoring the starly that tries to attack me. As I try to walk through town, the hawt assistant Dawn shows me around town (If you know what I mean...) And then she directs me to some tall grass.

"I will teach you how to catch pokemon!"

Yeah, I can teach you things.... But anyway, she gives me 5 pokeballs, and I try to escape, only to meet a shinx.

"You'll make a nice addition!" I say as Staccato is released. She tackles the shinx as it counters with tackle. One more tackle/counter, and I throw my pokeball... One, two, three.... Caught!! He shall be named... Fortissimo!

After healing up, Part One: Trainer battles and the Poketech!!

Current Team:



Turtwig (Staccato)-Lv. 7


ShinX (Fortissimo)-Lv.5

After placing the package in the "Doomsday Devices" cabinet,

OMG, I couldn't stop laughing.

Just out of curiosity, if I don't run in the grass on Route 24, come back later, and use a Super rod, does that break the rules sinse I will still capture the first pokemon I encounter?

This is what I did for places like the Ruins of Alph and Cherrygrove and whatnot. You won't be able to catch a Pokemon in Viridian City without a rod anyway. BTW, you'll probably just get a Magikarp using a rod anyway, so you might just want to catch something in the grass. Also, I forgot to name a lot of my Pokemon, too. Just pretend they have nicknames until you get to the Name Rater (Lavender?) and change them then.

Day 1
Day 2 Part 1
Day 2 Part 2
Days 3 and 4
Day 5

Day 6

So I start off by defeating all of the trainers between Olivine and Cianwood and defeat the three Ace Trainers below Goldenrod and get the Power Herb. Gamefreak really should have left the Soft Sand here. After that, I head back to Mahogany to face Pryce. Sesqui is able to 2HKO his Seel while sets up Hail and they bring in Piloswine. I switch Torpedo in to hopefully take it out quickly but I find that he'll get 2HKOd by Mud Bomb.

After trying to stall for a miss with a few Super Potions, I realize that the only way I'll win without losing a Member is to switch Mothra into a predicted Mud Bomb and put it to Sleep. After a few more switches, a Super Potion, and Piloswine waking up, I end up switching Mothra in to put it to Sleep one last time before I bring in Sesqui. I figure I press my luck as long as I can and then switch between Sesqui and Mothra until it wakes up and put it back to Sleep. Luckily, Sesqui KOs it with two Magnet Bombs while its asleep.

After a bit more grinding, I go and fight Jasmine. I OHKO her first Magnemite with Rocky's Magnitude before it even gets a chance to attack. She sends out Steelix next, like I predicted. I figure Rocky can take an Iron Tail so I leave him in to hit it with Magnitude 8 as it uses Sandstorm. I hit it with a Magnitude 6, which brings it down to just above half health and it hits me into red with an Iron Tail.

I know Torpedo can take an Iron Tail and take Steelix out, so I switch him in and Iron Tail misses. I KO Steelix with Surf and Jasmine brings in her second Magnemite. I figure it has Sonic Boom, which would KO Rocky, so I switch Sesqui into a Thunderbolt instead. I first Paralyze it with Thunder Wave before pounding away with Sonic Boom while it uses Supersonic and Thunder Wave. I eventually beat it with about half health remaining.

When I leave the gym, Professor Elm calls me and tells me about the calamity at the Goldenrod Radio Tower. (He doesn't seem to suspect that Team Rocket actually returned. He must have heard about the War of the Worlds broadcast.)

I get to Goldenrod and fight Team Rocket and my rival and whatnot. The Team Rocket Guy that mimics people was fairly easy, once I realised that he didn't have any Pokemon with Selfdestruct and Sesqui was able to completely wall him. Sesqui took out most of my rivals Pokemon as well.

The other Team Rocket heads are taken out by Sesqui since it completely walls all of them (besides the guy with the Houndour/Houndoom, he was taken out with Torpedo). Magnet Bomb was great against all of the Smokescreen users as well. The one woman's Vileplume put Sesqui to Sleep, but it kept getting fully Paralyzed. So now, I can finally go to Blackthorn and I'll be sure to do more Pokeathlon, tomorrow. Sesqui will be grinded up to Lv. 40 to learn Discharge so I have a chance against Clair.

Also, I just got a Fire Stone from Jack (School Boy). Seriously, these people need to learn that I need a Water Stone.




Poliwhirl (Torpedo) @ Mystic Water
Lv. 33 (M) - Damp (Wasn't useful at all since he almost got 2HKOd by the first Koffing's Sludge and Sesqui completely walls all of Team Rocket.)

Body Slam
Mud Shot (Bubblebeam wasn't very useful anyway.)


Raticate (Chompy) @ Silk Scarf
Lv. 34 (M) - Guts

Super Fang (I don't know if this will be useful, but I never used Sucker Punch anyway.)
Quick Attack


Graveler (Rocky) @ Quick Claw (Quick Claw is insanely useful, BTW.)
Lv. 34 (M) - Sturdy

Rock Blast
Rock Smash
Rock Polish


Butterfree (Mothra) @ Amulet Coin (King's Rock never seemed to activate.)
Lv. 34 (M) - Compoundeyes

Silver Wind
Sleep Powder


Fearow (Kenya) @ Sharp Beak
Lv. 34 (F) - Keen Eye

Return (Got this today and forgot to mention it. Chompy already has Strength so she doesn't really need it.)
Aerial Ace


Magneton (Sesqui) @ Magnet (Probably the MVP of this run through so far. Electric is an amazing STAB in game.
Lv. 36 (N) - Sturdy

Magnet Bomb
Sonic Boom
Thunder Wave

In Alive Box: (Same as yesterday.)

Spinarak (Aracnia) Lv. 3 (F) - Insomnia - Lax - Poison Sting/String Shot
Rattata (Remmy) Lv. 3 (M) - Run Away - Docile - Tackle/Tail Whip
Hoppip (LOLZ) Lv. 6 (F) - Leaf Guard - Naive - Splash/Sythesis
Togepi (Eggy) Lv. 1 (M) - Serene Grace - Relaxed - Growl/Charm/Extrasensory
Aipom (Goku) Lv. 3 (F) - Pickup - Timid - Scratch/Tail Whip
Sandshrew (AJ) Lv. 6 (M) - Sand Veil - Modest - Scratch/Defense Curl/Cut
Rattata (Esquire) Lv. 11 (M) - Guts - Lax - Tail Whip/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Bite
Drowzee (Dremcachr!) Lv. 14 (F) - Insomnia - Quirky - Pound/Hypnosis/Disable/Confusion
Metapod (3rd? WTF) Lv. 9 (F) - Shed Skin - Brave - Harden
Zubat (Batman) Lv. 15 (M) - Inner Focus - Hasty - Leech Life/Supersonic/Astonish/Bite
Rattata (TAFKAR) Lv. 16 (M) - Run Away - Bashful - Focus Energy/Bite/Pursuit/Hyper Fang
Koffing (BOOM!) Lv. 14 (F) - Levitate - Mild - Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Smokescreen
Raticate (Ratty) Lv. 17 (M) - Run Away - Naughty - Focus Energy/Bite/Pursuit/Hyper Fang
Pidgey (Phoenix) Lv. 13 (M) - Keen Eye - Naughty - Tackle/Sand-attack/Gust/Quick Attack
Magikarp (Drachen) Lv. 20 (M) - Swift Swim - Docile - Splash/Tackle
Magikarp (Splash) Lv. 20 (M) - Swift Swim - Jolly - Splash/Tackle
Magikarp (Fishy) Lv. 20 (F) - Swift Swim - Naughty - Splash/Tackle
Magikarp (Flail!) Lv. 20 (M) - Swift Swim - Naughty - Splash/Tackle
Tentacool (Jellyfish) Lv. 16 (M) - Liquid Ooze - Adamant - Supersonic/Constrict/Acid/Toxic Spikes
Fearow (Gryphon) Lv. 21 (F) - Keen Eye - Lax - Leer/Fury Attack/Pursuit/Aerial Ace
Mareep (Baah) Lv. 15 (F) - Static - Careful - Tackle/Growl/ThunderShock/Thunder Wave


Wooper (Woopah) Lv. 18 (F) - Water Absorb - Naive - Mud Shot/Water Gun/Slam/Tail Whip
*Got taken out by a critical hit Rock Smash from Sudowoodo. She didn't even get a chance to evolve. :'(
Bayleef (Qat) Lv. 26 (M) - Overgrow - Mild - Magical Leaf/Headbutt/Poison Powder/Reflect
*Taken out by a critical hit Rock Slide from Chuck's Primeape. I don't know what I'll do against Water types without him.
Quagsire (Mudkipz) Lv. 26 (F) - Water Absorb - Sassy - Surf/Mud Bomb/Slam/Amnesia
*Hax takes down another one of my best Pokemon. Chuck's Poliwrath got in a Focus Punch when Mud Bomb missed and hit her after a few Accuracy drops.
Tentacool (BJellyfish) Lv. 25 (M) - Clear Body - Modest - Acid/Toxic Spikes/Bubblebeam/Wrap
*Took a Thunderbolt for Mothra. He didn't even get a chance to attack.
Hi, I have decided to take on this challenge using HeartGold.

Rules said:
1. Capture the first pokemon you see per new route. Pokemon seen on routes before having pokeballs means no pokemon on that route.
Note: Towns count as seperate areas...
2. Fainted Pokemon means dead pokemon, and will either be released (most likely choice) or traded (received pokemon will be released)
3. Nickname all pokemon, to promote friendship.
4. Pokemon that live from poison (1hp) are dead.
5. No items outside of battle EVAR!!! If poison lingers after battle, pray a pokemon center is near....
6. Battles will be set, no changing pokemon before the enemy.
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These images were quickly hand-drawn and lazily photographed using my laptop's camera. I played around making the first one pretty, but figured I should probably keep it rough if wasn't going to use MS Paint after all. My game character is based off my Gaia Online avatar.

My only question now is if I've "lost" Pokemon due to letting my DS battery die, should I consider them "dead" or should I consider my challenge reset (considering I'm at the beginning again)?
Hi, I have decided to take on this challenge using HeartGold.

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Page 5

These images were quickly hand-drawn and lazily photographed using my laptop's camera. I played around making the first one pretty, but figured I should probably keep it rough if wasn't going to use MS Paint after all. My game character is based off my Gaia Online avatar.

My only question now is if I've "lost" Pokemon due to letting my DS battery die, should I consider them "dead" or should I consider my challenge reset (considering I'm at the beginning again)?

Nice pics, and you should consider it restarted since you're in a alternate time line (sort of) and haven't actually gotten to those routes yet. I hope you get atleast one Geodude, it's the best Pokemon for the first three gyms (just teach it Rock Smash for Whitney).
I was mad since everything I caught was female too, so Whitney would've been kinda fun to smoke.

I really liked the Nuzleaf ghost in the comic on the first post, maybe I can still work the "dudettes" into the story like that somehow.
@EvilBob: Great story, I don't think it's too long at all! Can't wait for the next part!

@Wilhemina: Nice pics, although it's a little hard to read some of the sections. Like the other, I say just start over as if you had never gone beyond that point where you saved, since it wasn't your intention to "reset" the game.
Thanks for the commentary. :) As I get to them, I'll try to at least add in typed words to make it easier to read.

I think it's fun to just draw everything rough and as I think of it, maybe I should see if I have any crayons. >.>; The new timeline should hopefully be easier to read at least.
Thanks for the commentary. :) As I get to them, I'll try to at least add in typed words to make it easier to read.

I think it's fun to just draw everything rough and as I think of it, maybe I should see if I have any crayons. >.>; The new timeline should hopefully be easier to read at least.

Just go over the words in pen after you draw it.
Fucking Absol. I got it down to red and paralyzed it and the Nest Ball shook once. My last poke ball. Fuck.
Currently raining up my Spoink (Piggy), and i'm carefully avoiding that trainer who I know has a Milotic because it gives me hell on other playthroughs. I'll wait until I have a Vileplume...
lol I keep forgeting to update well anyway im at fallarbor town in my emerald run my team:
manectric (sparky) bashful lvl 26 just evolved good special sweeper newest member
chicken (combusken) hardy lvl 26 my starter who with the help of suuuumoooo stormed 3rd gym
linoone (morning) naughty lvl 26 my ball picker also is good at battling
hariyama (suuuumoooo) quiet lvl 26 with the help of chicken stormed the 3rd gym
buetifly (fly) brave lvl 26 my first catch and a very powerfull pokemon
swellow (tailglow) rash lvl 26 my flying type also a good physical sweeper

in box:
numel (eruption) lvl 16 backup
slugma (lava) lvl 16 backup
lombre (pineapple) lvl 21 backup
tentacool (jelly) lvl 19 backup
oddish (flower) lvl 18 backup
gyarados (lil an bad) lvl 21 backup

poochyena (puppy) died in a crit while training death level 11
loudred (wishy) died to mays mudkips water gun critical death level 20
@EvilBob: Great story, I don't think it's too long at all! Can't wait for the next part!

@Wilhemina: Nice pics, although it's a little hard to read some of the sections. Like the other, I say just start over as if you had never gone beyond that point where you saved, since it wasn't your intention to "reset" the game.

Thanks. I'm glad at least there's people reading it, just worried that if I make it all the way through the game and keep writing at this pace, it would end up being almost a short novel in length.
Made it to Lilycove (Also made a Secret base for my shady operations). No casualties, though I missed out catching a Duskull as I have no balls (hahaha hilarious).
May was stood outside the department store. I want some dolls and posters. Move bitch.
So a battle commenced and I annihilated her. Grovle may be a hard hitter but Mushy the Breloom swept that bitch up. Low defences. Sheesh.
Piggy evolved at the end of the battle due to the Exp. Share so I now have a Grumpig for soaking up Sp.Attacks.
The team:
Vortex the Marshtomp
Mushy the Breloom
Zoon the Linoone
Weed the Gloom (May evolve into Vileplume soon as it only learns 2 more moves as a Gloom)
Tommy the Vibrava (Flygon here I come)
Piggy the Grumpig.

Also have 2 Kecleons for back-up (One of them has a lot better stats than the other, in everything except Def (It is Gentle), so i'm hoping the IVs are good).
Chapter 1: The Great Gonzalez
Chapter 2: Strange Books and Stranger Boxes
Chapter 3: New Companions and Old Rivalries
Chapter 4: The First Gym
Chapter 5: In the Mountains...

Once again I start a chapter hoping to make it shorter than the previous ones. Once again, that backfires. So, here's the next chapter of Pokemon Fire Red, TL;DR Edition.

Chapter 6: Waterside Warfare

As I travel down the path, I can't stop myself from thinking about my father. This was the road he was found dead on three years ago, with not a single sign of injury except for his unnaturally blank eyes. Now knowing that there's a gym in this city makes me even more raged thinking back on his death. The way he died couldn't have been done by a human. If it was a pokemon that did this, though, where was the league when it happened? Where was the league during the three days that passed before his body was found?

The Pokemon League was originally founded, according to what my father told me, to assist humanity in safely coexisting with Pokemon. Even though today, they rarely take action outside of their little gyms, they used to be responsible for dealing with wild pokemon, and stopping criminals that use pokemon as weapons. Yet I can't shake the feeling that my father died cleaning up a mess that the league should have been dealing with. I pick up my pace heading toward the city. Someone here must know what happened. I'll find them and I'll find answers.

Despite picking up my pace, nightfall hits long before reaching the city. Trying to find out anything at this time is probably pointless, so I decide to locate the pokemon center first. Gonzalez is probably tired from beating up the pokemon of that nerd and that low class crook we ran into in the mountain. After wandering around town for a few minutes, I locate the pokemon center. Yet again, an girl identical to every single other girl I've seen working at these centers is sitting behind the counter. Maybe these centers are family owned and there's just a strong family resemblance or something. I place my pokeballs on the counter and end up passing out in the corner of the lobby while my pokemon receive treatment.

The morning sunrise hits my eyes and I wake up, curled up on the pokemon center floor. Guess the people that work at these places don't mind drifters using their lobbies as free hotels. The girl at the counter hands me my pokeballs, and after a quick stop by a convenience store to pick up some food for myself, I take a quick walk around the town. It doesn't take long to find the gym, and it looks like it's already open for business. I can feel my blood almost begin the boil as I open the door. Like in Pewter, engraved columns sit in front the door way, I silently read the inscription on my wall to myself. "Cerulean Gym. Leader: Misty. Winning trainers: Gary." Looks like Gary's still a step ahead of me, but he's not my concern right now.

Misty, the Cerulean Gym's leader. Misty, the Pokemon League official that sat idly by while my father died dealing with a supposed crisis in this town. My hands tremble as I reach for Gonzalez's pokeball, remembering the six pokemon rule that limits how many of my companions I can travel with, the League's rule. The earlier realization of my pokeballs being controlled by these rules begins to sink more heavily onto my mind. As I take my first step past the pillars, I release Gonzalez from my pokeball.

The main hall of the gym resembles a giant swimming pool. Ladders line the edges of the pool, and sets of diving boards are on the back walls. A narrow walkway extends through the large pool, branching off at points, but finally leading to a large platform in the center. At the back of the platform sits a podium with three segments at different heights marked with the numbers '1', '2', and '3', similar to the podiums used during competitions to show the winners. Sitting on the top of the '1' level of the podium is an orange-haired girl wearing a two-piece swimsuit. She looks a bit young to be a gym leader, but then again, Brock's the only other gym leader I've met and he looked like he was just in his late teen years himself. The moment she sees me, she raises her hands and clap twice. Two people climb out of the water onto the walkway as three aquatic pokemon rise to the water's surface. I look down at my own pokemon, as I prepare to fight with them. Gonzalez is trembling even more than I am in what looks like anticipation, as he sinks down into a crouching position. Is he responding to my own emotion, I wonder, or is it his own lust for battling that's kicking in.

One of the trainers, a tall lanky man wearing swim shorts and goggles, points at me, and two of the pokemon in the water begin swimming in my direction. My pokedex identifies them as a "Horsea" and a "Shellder". "Take them down, Gon-" Before I finish my command, Gonzalez is on the offensive. Two great vines extend from the plant on his back and thrust into the water, wrapping around the swimmer's pokemon. Seconds later, Gonzalez's vines pull the horsea and shellder out of the water. Suddenly, the vines swing towards one another, causing the two trapped pokemon to collide together. A loud crash echoes through the gym as the pokemon make impact. Gonzalez releases the vines, and both pokemon are out cold before they even hit the walkway, their bodies bouncing off into the water as the swimmer dives in after them.

My initial shock at my companions aggressiveness quickly turns to excitement as I start walking down the path toward the gym leader. The other trainer, a dark blond woman wearing a one-piece swimsuit, begins to retreat at first, but then orders her pokemon to attack, her voice quivering as she speaks. A large horned fish jumps out of the water and rams its horn into Gonzalez, but the green beast shrugs off the attack, and easily dispatches the fish. The woman takes a step back, as Gonzalez and I keep advancing down the walkway. Eventually she jumps into the water as well, and the road to Misty becomes clear.

"Didn't take long for you to get past my assistants," Misty casually states as I approach the podium she's still sitting on.

"Didn't expect a gym leader's assistants to have such lousy pokemon."

"Don't get cocky just because that little monster of yours is pretty strong. My pokemon are far tougher than what you've just faced." She claps her hands again and two star-shaped pokemon jump out of the water, one with several more points on it than the other.

"Before we battle, I have a few questions to ask you." For a moment I nearly forgot the reason I was in such a rush to face her, but I remember that this is about more than just taking another one of those league battles.

"No, I'm not interested in dating any trainers right now, boy." She replies, flipping a lock of her bright orange hair with her hand.

"That's not what I was going to ask!" I shout back at her as I feel my face turn red.

"Oh? The look on your face seems to disagree." She giggles for a moment, then a more stern expression appears on her face. "I'm not sure what you mean by 'questions' then, but you're going to have to earn the right to earn the right to ask them!" The smaller of the star shaped pokemon slides forward, then shoots a blast of water from the end of its top point at Gonzalez. The blast has little effect on the ivysaur, however, and Gonzalez shoots his vines into the air, then slams them down upon Misty's pokemon. The star wobbles around for a moment, then flops over on its back.

"I thought your pokemon were supposed to be tougher." I sneer at her while she drags the beaten pokemon back to the water.

She once again claps her hands, and the larger star pokemon springs into action. What appears to be a red gem in the center of the pokemon begins to glow, and dozens of star shaped lights fly out at my companion. Gonzalez braces himself as the lights make impact, but ends up being pushed several feet backwards. As the starts stop, Gonzalez roars with glee, finally seeing a pokemon capable of putting up a fight. Gonzalez's vines once again shoot out, attempting to grab his new opponent.

"Starmie, break free!" Misty shouts to her pokemon, and the star begins spinning rapidly, causing the vines around it to unravel. The gem glows again as more stars shoot out, causing Gonzalez to tumble across the platform. Not sure how much more of that attack Gonzalez can take! "Looks like your ivysaur's having trouble." Misty says with a smile, once again calmly sitting upon her podium. She's right, though. As I stand there trying to think of what to do, Starmie continues its assault on Gonzalez, the star's red gem glowing brightly as it launches more stars, pausing only momentarily between attacks.

Wait! The gem! "Gonzalez! Break the glowing gem those stars keep shooting from!" The green beast gets back to its feet after hearing my command, and the moment Starmie takes another pause, a green vine flies straight at the gem, causing the star to stumble back. Starmie goes on the defensive at this point, spinning and flying through the air to avoid the vines. Eventually, Gonzalez lands another clean shot. Starmie's gem cracks, and the pokemon falls out of the air, making a large splash.

Misty screams and stares at the water where her pokemon made impact for a moment. The large starfish rises to the surface, still apparently able to move, but in no condition to fight. Her eyes fill with tears as she looks at the floor, before regaining composure and looking back at me. She reaches behind the podium, then holds her hand out in front of me. A badge shaped like a drop of water sits in her hand.

"Here's the Cascade Badge. Guess you earned it pretty easily," she says to me with a slight smile. "Now, what were those questions you wanted to ask?"

My hands begin to tremble again as I try to speak, "Last year, a retired pokemon trainer by the name of Johnathan Richards was found dead one the road outside this city. The way he died was almost unnatural. Do you know anything about what happened to him?"

She stares blankly at me for a moment, then her eyes widen briefly. "I, I don't know..." she turns her ahead away from me, "I've only been the gym leader here for a couple months, and I lived in Vermilion City until then. Lorelei was the previous gym leader, but she works up at the league's headquarters now. Only way you'll be able to talk to her is to get to HQ, and security won't let trainers head through the road leading there without eight badges"

My shoulders slump as I let out a sigh. I got so worked up thinking about getting some answers that I didn't even consider the possibility that she wasn't here at the time. She doesn't look too much older than me though, so it does make sense that she hasn't been a gym leader very long. "Do you know anyone that might be able to help me out?"

Misty faces me again "Well, there's Bill. He's been sort a techie for the league for a few years now. Lives in a little house by the cape north of town. Be careful though, he's a little weird."

"I'll try asking him then. Thanks." No idea if what she's saying is reliable, but going over to see him will be a lot quicker than getting eight badges and finding that Lorelei person. I call Gonzalez back into his pokeball, and start walking back down the pathway to the gym's entrance, having new direction on where to go.

Pokemon Report!
Gonzalez - Level 20 Ivysaur
Shiz - Level 15 Pidgey
Chim-Chim - Level 12 Mankey
Stallone - Level 14 Geodude
Wiggler - Level 12 Beedrill
Monty Jack - Level 9 Rattata

Not trying to go too starter heavy on my run, but Gonzalez was pretty much the only pokemon I have good at taking on water types, and I didn't do any grinding on searching before hitting the gym. So, Gonz gets a quick lead here. The rest of the team has mostly caught up since then.
Prologue: Adventure Time!

Woah DDR, You skipped straight to Pryce... Never tried that before (Because I am lazy >.>) Seems like someone is cheating the game by going to Pryce before Jasmine (note: sarcasm)

Now back to our regularly schedule program:

Part 1: Trainer Battles and the Poketech!

As I leave the Sandgem pokecenter, a new found vigor in my eye. As I walk through the grass, I let Fortissimo grind until he is caught up with Staccato. I watch with cool indifference as Fortissimo tackles the bidoofs and other shinx, and then eat there remains. Somehow, I have become use to the gruesome deaths in the pokemon world. Better them then us... I think reassuringly. After one more trip to the pokemon center, I leave this tiny town for the time being.

As I trek through the long grass, defeating any opposing pokemon in my wake. I walk obviously through a clearing, when I here an annoying little voice.

"Hey! You! You're a trainer, and we meet eyes, so we must battle!!" I open my mouth to kindly refuse, but he sends out his starly. Fortissimo sees its gender, and creates a Rivalry with the starly, trying his hardest to defeat it. After a battle of tackles, Fortissimo reaches Lv. 5, and learns leer. Time for some scary looks. As I like at the boy, he seems to be in denial, grabbing his dead starly, acting like nothing happened... Poor sap.

I continue onward, meeting a nice young lass who I promptly have se- a battle with. Her Lv.3 bidoofs died quickly to a couple of tackles by Fortissimo. Lv. 6 now!! Since Fortissimo was getting a little damaged, I let Staccato battle in the lead.

"Hey you! Lets battle!!" Another young kid trying to battle me. Quickly, Staccato tackles his bidoof and starly, until they are all broken up. Lv. 8, and someone is now sucking the life out of pokemon with Absorb. I enter Jubilife City, and travel north, to route 204... It must be my lucky day because the first pokemon I see in the grass... Budew (Female).

"Go Fortissimo!" The little shinx sees its feminine charm, and decides to take it a little easy on her. Lucky for me, Fortissimo has no crt hax on him, and I bring the budew into the yellow. Hoping not crt, I throw my pokeball... And it is caught!! Sharp will make a good addition to the team... After a little grinding, and a trainer battle, Sharp learns water sport (useless). I talk to some creepy clown, who kindly tells me to GTFO, and visit the trainer school. I hate clowns.

As I walk into the Trainer School, Pancake tells me how he was on a great adventure that led him to the school. He runs out, and I begin to battle two trainers with Abras. They have monsterous special attack at this time, and cause me to switch pokemon a couple of times. Almost murdered Sharp, but a lucky crt hax absorb almost renewed all her hp... Lv up for all!! After battle I receive hidden power (not using now... maybe never), and leave, only to talk to some weirdo who makes talk to FREAKING CLOWNS!!! RRRRAAAGGEE!!1!! Just to get a watch... I decided to heal up after getting my poketech, and continue my journey...

Next time on:
Part Two: Pancakes and Boss Numero Uno!!

Current Team:


Turtwig (Staccato)-Lv. 9


ShinX (Fortissimo)-Lv.8

Budew (Sharp)-Lv.7
Naughty/Natural Cure
Water Sport

Nuzlocke Challenge Update 1: Gender-Confused Professor --> Mr. Pokemon
Nuzlocke Challenge Update 2: Red-Headed Punk-->Party in the Making

Nuzlocke Challenge Update 3: Climbing the Tower--> Under the Train

-I decided to check up on the Trainer school that I found out from the main teacher. I then decided it’s time to climb the Sprout Tower.

-I ran into a Gastly, which I promptly caught using Belle. I nicknamed him Zili, the quirky little guy.

-I managed to run into Silver, who just destroyed Elder Li’s team. (“I love how Li referred to Silver as using his pokemon as “tools for war” I didn’t know we were at war??? :P)

-I managed to defeat the Elder using my love of pokemon (or Tycho’s Ember and Aza’s Thundershock) and got a new shiny Flash TM. Also, Tycho evolved into a Quilava (Schweet, my first evolution.)

-I then healed and headed to the Gym where I challenged Falkner to a fight to the death Here’s the log:

Finn v. Falkner

Finn sends out Aza Lv. 11
Falkner sends out Pidgey Lv. 9

I HATE THAT DEMON BIRD, ever since it almost ended my game early.

Foe’s Pidgey uses Tackle.
Aza uses Thundershock.
It’s super effective!
Foe’s Pidgey fainted.
Aza grew to Lv. 12.

Schweet. A 1HKO, plus gaining a level. I like Aza’s power against whatever will be sent out next.

Falkner sends out Pidgeotto Lv. 11

Really? I have to face the DEMON BIRD’S DADDY?!?!?! X_X. Come on Aza.

Foe’s Pidgeotto uses Tackle.
Aza uses Thundershock.
It’s super effective!
Foe’s Pidgeotto uses Tackle.
Aza uses Thundershock.
It’s super effective!

SHOOT. So close. I have Pidgeotto down to red, but I’m afraid that another Tackle will take out Aza. Will Falkner heal his Pidgeotto or what? Better not take any chances at the moment. Alena’s Rock Smash will be useful against Pidgeotto

Finn switches in Alena

Pidgeotto uses Tackle.
It’s not very effective.

Good choice to switch. Now, if Pidgeotto roosts, I can hopefully KO him with Rock Smash, since he loses his flying type.

Pidgeotto uses Gust.
It’s not very effective.
Alena uses Rock Smash.
Foe’s Pidgeotto fainted.
Alena grew to Lv. 11.

Leader Falkner was defeated.

WOW. Pidgeotto didn’t use Roost? That worked out nicely. Of course, I learn Rock Throw AFTER I defeat the demon bird user -_-. O well

-I won and gained the Zephyr Badge and a Roost TM. Sweet action. :D

-Elm must be psychic, because he calls me to watch over the egg I gave him the moment I left the gym (You know what this means…Omelets :D)

-A Kimono Dancer catches me the moment I left the Pokemart with my breakfast and she tells me she likes the egg. (Fuck, I can’t eat the egg now. It’s a chick magnet. Gotta keep you then :P). Any pretty lady who thinks that egg is important is worth keeping the egg. Now the egg is the pokemon I attained from Violet City.

-Headed down Route 32 to fight some trainers and did some training.

Here’s my roster now.

Tycho from New Bark Town
Level 14 Careful Quilava
-Quick Attack

Tycho is the powerhouse of the team with a nice speed stat and balanced otherwise (slightly physical due to the Careful nature). Ember and Quick Attack allow it to attack on two spectrums and pretty much 2HKO every pokemon at the moment, except for maybe a Rock type.

Belle from Route 31
Level 11 Calm (+SpD/-Atk)
-Vine Whip

Belle is the first pokemon I caught in the wild, so I am ecstatic that I caught something pretty good. I know Belle will have a hard time later on in the game, but hopefully Belle can contribute a lot to the team. Vine Whip will just be used for a loooooooong time. Wrap isn’t too bad, as it slowly damages the foe. I just need a powder to help me out to complement the Miracle Seed I got.

Alana from Dark Cave
Level 11 Jolly(+Spe/-SpA) Geodude
-Rock Throw
-Defense Curl
-Rock Smash
-Rock Polish

I was hoping for a Zubat to serve as my flyer, but I stumbled into a Geodude (who I wanted to see on Route 46, instead of a Rattata that likes to be critical hit). Geodude’s Nature, while not particularly amazing, is still useful, since I won’t be needing to use Earth Power or another special move, plus I’ll be able to outrun other Geodudes. Rock Smash and Rock Throw are my power moves, which makes him my physical tank on the team.

Aza from Route 32
Level 12 Lax (+Def/-SpD) Mareep

Yay, I have another Pidgey counter. Mareep will definitely be a powerhouse on my team. Her nature will make it able to deal with both sides of the defensive spectrum. Aza was able to almost beat up Falkner, if Aza were faster. Otherwise, Aza is an awesome member of this team and Static helps compensate for the speed.

Zili from Sprout Tower
Level 12 Quirky (none) Gastly
-Mean Look

Zili is the newest member of my team. It’s high SpA and speed make my team that more dangerous. I definitely need the speed to complement Tycho, so now I just need another offensive move for Zili to use. Lick cannot do much damage yet, but I know Gastly will be awesome for this team.

Places visited and gained Pokemon:
-New Bark Town (Ty, Cyndaquil)
-Route 31 (Belle, Bellsprout)
-Dark Cave (Alana, Geodude)
-Route 32 (Aza, Mareep)
-Sprout Tower (Zili, Gastly)
-Violet City (???, Egg)

Places visited but no Pokemon can be gained:
-Route 29 (Pidgey, no Pokeballs)
-Route 30 (Metapod, no Pokeballs)
-Route 46 (Rattata, Tackle critical hit by Ty)

Places I visited and can gain Pokemon:
-Ruins of Alph
-Union Cave (not entered yet)
-Route 33(not entered yet)

What lies ahead:
Union Cave and the Slowpoke Saga
-A Kimono Dancer catches me the moment I left the Pokemart with my breakfast and she tells me she likes the egg. (Fuck, I can’t eat the egg now. It’s a chick magnet. Gotta keep you then :P). Any pretty lady who thinks that egg is important is worth keeping the egg. Now the egg is the pokemon I attained from Violet City.

That made my night. I'll start my own Nuzlocke soon, hopefully on Leaf Green.
I tried this on emerald: nothing (of value) fainted so it just felt like a normal playthrough. Same with firered. AND platinum. What can I say, I guess I'm too good at in-game or whatever. So I said fuck it and tried emerald 386 (google it if you don't know what it is)

HOLY FUCK EVERYTHING KEPT DYING LIKE MAD. Caught a few sirskits, which died early on, then my starter died, and my noctowl, and I just got so pissed off at having to catch new pokemon each route and grind them up to speed I gave up around the 3rd gym and made it into a normal run. Shit's way too intense. Seriously I'm fighting level 60's before the elite four what the hell man

I was considering Emerald 386 at one point. But then I remembered my first playthrough. You know, the one where everything died. Over, and over, and over, and over. Well, there's always loading Savestates! (If you play Emerald 386, and beat it without SS abuse, then you have pulled the pokemon equivalant of beating Kaiso without savestates.

As for my challanges... I lost the data to them all. -_-. CURSE MY HORRIBLE LUCK!
Ok, time for my update: (soul silver)

Just got to GoldenRod City. Just outside it my new party member, Omega (Kakuna) died from a Rattata's Pursuit (Because I didn't know it goes before the switch.) But luckily i had a revive :). Now i need to do some serious training on all the trainers outside GoldenRod becuase I have 4 new party members:

Quilava (Belias) - lv.18
Quick Attack
Raping everything, unfortunately it's Sp.Attk is 8 above its Attk.

Spearow (Cloud) - Lv.12
Keen Eye
Quick Attack
Pretty average, although still being trained

Rattata (Red XIII) - Lv.17
Hyper Fang
Tail Whip
...Not much to say

Togepi (Carbarnical) - Lv.7
Second time I've every trained one, and this time I can get a Togekiss :)

Kakuna (Omega (Was going to be a Omega Sister but is a boy) ) - Lv.6
Shed Skin
Hmm... what to say...

Drowzee (Famfrit) - Lv.10
My latest addition to the team

Zubat (Fang)

Unown G (Gamma)

Pidgey (Valafor) - Weedle crit with poison

Overall it's going pretty good, I've added a rule to my playthrough, that i can buy 5 items every time i get to a new mart. (Cannot be revives)

Probably going to do some gambling now then some training :)
(Fuck, I can’t eat the egg now. It’s a chick magnet. Gotta keep you then :P).

Lol... Eggs are always "chick magnets." I think you should call it omelet when it hatches...

Prologue: Adventure Time
Part One:Trainer Battles and the Poketech

Lets began Part Two: Pancake and Boss Numero Uno!

Jubilife City

As the I leave the pokemon center, I decided to go left, to route 218, where a hearty fisherman gives me a useless old fishing rod that is basically a string on a stick, and tells me how important this rod is... As I continue outside, I notice the blue waters, that seem to team with pokemon. I decided to skip out on catching some awesome fish pokemon (magikrap.) So I move westward, on to Route 203, where Pancake awaits me.

"Hey dood!! How are your pokemon doing!? Mine are great, and my chimchar is itching to battle!!" Pancake yells as he grabs his pokeball, throwing it into the air, releasing a starly. I nod in agreement as I release my Fortissimo, who attacks the starly by leering it into fear. It tackles my Fortissimo, which retaliates with another tackle. Knocking it into the red, Fortissimo is knocked into the yellow, almost fainting in the process. Fortissimo tackled the starly, crushing its bones. Pancake returned the broken starly to its ball, only to release his chimchar. How the heck does he find these things?!!

"Alright Staccato! Go!!" After one crt hax tackle, chimchar is gone again, just as broken as ever. Pancake mumbles something about training more, and runs off...

This is why drugs are bad kids...

I walk right into the grass and find a cute little starly. Sharp, the budew, goes in and absorbs the starly, causing minimal damage. The starly tackles, and cause minimal damage. I throw a pokeball, and luckily I catch the starly, Fiesta is her name now. After healing up, and dispatching a couple of lasses and youngsters, I reach the Oreburgh Gate, and retrieve Hm 06. I run into a little zubat, who nips at the the air. Fortissimo tackles the zubat, and I throw another pokeball. Zubat is caught, and Mezzo is a part of my team. I quickly dispatch some campers and picnickers, continue to Oreburgh City. I go to the pokemon center, and head to route 207, where I OHKO a geodude... Oh well.

I travel down to the Oreburgh Mine, where I catch a geodude (NOT MACHOP) I wanted one so bad- I find out that there be gym leader in this here mine, so I travel down, dispatching the various geodude with Sharp and Staccato. Is I defeat a coal worker, I notice this guy with an orange hat. He shows me how rock smash works (P.S: It smashes rocks), and then told me to challenge his gym. I run out the mine, picking up some stardust from the coal heap, and walk into the various apartments, grabbing a dusk and heal ball while I pass through.

Checking my pokemon's levels, I head to the Oreburgh gym, where I kill/murder two youngsters with my Sharp. Lv.12 Now!! I step up the rocky steps, as my "rock hard" determination sets in.

"Ah! Trainer, you are hear to get your first page right? Well I'll test you to see if your pokemon can handle my "rock hard" pokemon attacks!

Battle set

Turn 1: Sharp uses absorb; Geodude in red
Geodude Uses stealth rock
Turn 2: Roark uses potion
Sharp uses absorb
Turn 3: Sharp use absorb; Geodude faints

Turn 1:Onix uses rock throw; misses
Sharp uses Growth
Turn 2: Onix uses rock throw
Sharp uses absorb; Onix faints
Sharp leveled up; learned mega drain.

Turn 1: Cranidos uses pursuit; Sharp almost at half hp
Sharp uses Mega Drain; regains almost all health
Turn 2: Cranidos uses pursuit
Sharp uses mega drain.
Turn 3: Cranidos uses pursuit
Sharp uses mega drain.
Cranidos faints.
Sharp Levels up!!

So I get my badge, and stealth rock tm. Save and heal up, readying myself for gym 2....

Next time; Part Two: Flowers in Eternia; Boss Numero Deux!!

Current Team:


Turtwig (Staccato)-Lv. 13
Razor Leaf


ShinX (Fortissimo)-Lv.9

Budew (Sharp)-Lv.12
Naughty/Natural Cure
Mega Drain
Water Sport
Stun Spore

Starly (Fiesta)-Lv.10
Modest/Kenn Eye
Quick Attack
Wing Attack

After watching a boring TV show and watching her rival make a fool of himself, Verity received her first Pokemon, a male Chimchar who has a Mild-ish nature. She chose to name it Tierney, which means "lord," as he will likely be a huge part of her team. Stomping Barry into the ground, she is later told by her mother to go thank Prof. Rowan for her Pokemon

Verity and Barry decide to check out Lake Verity (I know, right?), and they encounter a blue-haired man. They hear the cry of a legendary Pokemon, but as neither of them can swim, they both abandoned their search.

Verity recieved a Pokedex from Prof Rowan, and after saying goodbye to her mother, and receiving a parcel to give to Barry (she can't say no to even stupid requests), she leaves Twinleaf for a long time.

After Lucas unnecessarily shows her how to catch Pokemon, she encounters a Bidoof! However, the RNG had other plans. Tierney burns it with Ember, which causes it to faint. Verity screams at the "God" who made this happen, and continues up Route 202. She defeats a few weak trainers, and then arrives in Jubilife City.

Lucas inadverdently introduces her to a man codenamed Looker, who gives her the utterly useless VS Recorder, and then Lucas takes off. Verity chooses to visit the school, where she encounteres Barry, and delivers the Parcel. She flaunts Tierney's power and beats up all the school kids, and leaves satisfied.

After recieving an ugly watch, she ventures out onto Route 204, where she encounters a female Starly, who came off as rather Impish. Verity catches it, and names it Daya, which literally means "bird." She then decides to dominate all of the trainers on the route with her new Pokemon. She heads back to Jubilife, relishing the fact that she has already obtained two of the most broken Pokemon available in the game.

Heading out onto Route 203, she is ambushed by Barry, who challenges her to a battle. Verity's Starly and Chimchar are far too strong for Barry's Starly and Piplup, and he rand off crying to Oreburgh City. Verity then decided that she had had enough for today, and rents a room at the Jubilife Pokemon Center for the night.

TL;DR: I made it to the second rival battle without a casualty on my team, though I failed to catch the first Bidoof I encountered on Route 202. I'm also beginning to think I may have chosen an easy version to do this challenge on.

My team thus far is:


Tierney the Chimchar (from Route 201)
Lv 12 / Mild Nature


Daya the Starly (From Route 204)
Lv 12 / Impish Nature
~Quick Attack
~Wing Attack

Dead- None

Missed- Bidoof from Route 202
I actually did skip straight to Pryce in my first Gold playthrough since I had Quilava, even before facing Chuck.

Day 1
Day 2 Part 1
Day 2 Part 2
Days 3 and 4
Day 5
Day 6

Day 7:

I start off by heading to Route 44 and fight all the trainers there. I figure I might as well try and catch something in the grass since I already have 4 Magikarp and a Poliwhirl. I manage to catch a Lv. 24 Careful Weepinbell and name him OMNOMNOM.

I head into Ice Cave and catch a Lv. 22 Naughty Golbat and name him Dracula. I was hoping for an actual Ice-type to hopefully help me against Clair, but it probably wouldn't do me much good anyway.

Once I get out, I head toward the gym to catch a Pokemon in the water there. All I'll be able to get if I Surf, is a Magikarp so I decide to try my luck fishing and catch a Lv. 20 Quirky Poliwag and name him Leviathan.

I know I'm going to need to get Discharge for Sesqui, so I grind it on Pokemon on Route 45 as well as some of the trainers there. I manage to catch a Lv. 25 Modest Graveller and name her IWannaRock, in the process.

Once Sesqui gets Discharge I head over to the Pokeathlon dome to get a Moon Stone and try out the new Pokemon I just got. I didn't get any new records, though, so I won't bother posting it again.

After that, I head back to Blackthorn to teach Sesqui Tri Attack and to face the rest of the trainers on Routes 45 and 46 and any trainers that happen to call me. Sesqui gets to Lv. 42 and I figure I can take on Clair at this point. Also, at one point, I run into Raikou and hit it with Discharge.

I start off with Sesqui (Lv. 42) and she starts with Gyrados. Sesqui outspeeds and OHKOs it and she sends out Dragonair next. I figure this is the one with Fire Blast (unless they both have Fire Blast) so I send in Torpedo to take it (Lv. 35). He takes little damage from it, but gets hit hard with Dragon Pulse the next turn as I Body Slam. Luckily, Body Slam Paralyzes them and they get fully Paralyzed the next turn, so I can 3HKO it before it takes him out (he'd be a goner without that).

Clair sends out her next Dragonair and I decide to switch to Kenya for some reason (. (I know Rocky could have taken the possible Thunderbolt but there's no way he could take a Surf.) Anyway, It hits Kenya with a Thunder Wave on the way in and hits her over half with Dragon Pulse next turn. Fortunately, Kenya strikes it down with a critical hit Return and she levels up. (I'm not sure that was neccessary, but it probably was.) Clair sends out her Kingdra and I know Kenya can't take any of its attacks, so I switch Sesqui in to (hopefully) take a Dragon Pulse.

Kingdra does use Dragon Pulse and Sesqui takes it reletively easily. Kingdra then proceeds to use Hydro Pump which leaves me with 1 HP! and I fire back with Discharge which hits it down to just over half. I know nothing on my team can take a Hydro Pump, so I decide to use Hyper/Max Potions to stall it out of its Hydro Pumps and pray it doesn't crit. The last Hydro Pump misses so I get a chance to fire off another Discharge but Kingdra hits me with a critical hit Dragon Pulse which hits just as hard as Hydro Pump. -_- I use my last Max Potion as Kingdra uses Smokescreen. Kingdra strikes with another Dragon Pulse and I go for the kill with a Discharge and... it misses. (Is there an emoticon for a facepalm?) Kingdra hits me with another Dragon Pulse, which brings me to just over half health, as hax screws me over again. (I guess I got to make up for the hax I had earlier.) Clair decides to go for another Smokescreen and Discharge finally decides to hit. Moral of the story: UBER GRIND BEFORE CLAIR. Seriously, without that hax, Torpedo and Kenya would be dead.

So now I can finally head into the Dragon's den but I soon find that Sesqui is the only one who can really take these trainers on. I manage to get past the whirlpool before running into my first Pokemon and it ends up being a Dratini! I manage to catch him, after Mothra puts it to Sleep, and he's Lv. 13 and I name him Basilisk. I take the test and head back out to get Dragon Pulse from Clair. Unfortunately, I can't get the Extremespeed Dratini.

I head back to New Bark Town to pick up the Master Ball from Prof. Elm and remember how terribly I did against the Kimono Girls in my first playthrough so I decide to grind on 47, once I delete Whirlpool on Torpedo and give him Waterfall. In the Cliff Cave I realize I never caught a Pokemon there so I decide to catch the Lv. 22 Bashful Kingler I ran into and I name her KrustyKrab. So now I'm grinding on Route 47 so the Kimono Girls don't rape me. Also, would anyone prefer having the battles in a log format? I think that's how I'm going to do it from now on.




Butterfree (Mothra) @ Amulet Coin (King's Rock never seemed to activate.)
Lv. 35 (M) - Compoundeyes

Silver Wind
Sleep Powder


Poliwhirl (Torpedo) @ Mystic Water
Lv. 35 (M) - Damp

Waterfall (I never actually used Hypnosis. :/)
Body Slam
Mud Shot


Fearow (Kenya) @ Sharp Beak
Lv. 35 (F) - Keen Eye

Aerial Ace
Assurance (Slightly more useful that Pursuit.)


Raticate (Chompy) @ Silk Scarf
Lv. 36 (M) - Guts

Super Fang (Turns out, this is very useful for catching Pokemon.)
Quick Attack


Graveler (Rocky) @ Quick Claw
Lv. 36 (M) - Sturdy

Rock Blast
Rock Smash
Rock Polish (Still filler after all this time...)


Magneton (Sesqui) @ Magnet
Lv. 44 (N) - Sturdy

Tri Attack (Takes out all those pesky Electrics.)
Magnet Bomb
Thunder Wave
*Two move changes in one day? Blasphemy!

In Alive Box:

Spinarak (Aracnia) Lv. 3 (F) - Insomnia - Lax - Poison Sting/String Shot
Rattata (Remmy) Lv. 3 (M) - Run Away - Docile - Tackle/Tail Whip
Hoppip (LOLZ) Lv. 6 (F) - Leaf Guard - Naive - Splash/Sythesis
Togepi (Eggy) Lv. 1 (M) - Serene Grace - Relaxed - Growl/Charm/Extrasensory
Aipom (Goku) Lv. 3 (F) - Pickup - Timid - Scratch/Tail Whip
Sandshrew (AJ) Lv. 6 (M) - Sand Veil - Modest - Scratch/Defense Curl/Cut
Rattata (Esquire) Lv. 11 (M) - Guts - Lax - Tail Whip/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Bite
Drowzee (Dremcachr!) Lv. 14 (F) - Insomnia - Quirky - Pound/Hypnosis/Disable/Confusion
Metapod (3rd? WTF) Lv. 9 (F) - Shed Skin - Brave - Harden
Zubat (Batman) Lv. 15 (M) - Inner Focus - Hasty - Leech Life/Supersonic/Astonish/Bite
Rattata (TAFKAR) Lv. 16 (M) - Run Away - Bashful - Focus Energy/Bite/Pursuit/Hyper Fang
Koffing (BOOM!) Lv. 14 (F) - Levitate - Mild - Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Smokescreen
Raticate (Ratty) Lv. 17 (M) - Run Away - Naughty - Focus Energy/Bite/Pursuit/Hyper Fang
Pidgey (Phoenix) Lv. 13 (M) - Keen Eye - Naughty - Tackle/Sand-attack/Gust/Quick Attack
Magikarp (Drachen) Lv. 20 (M) - Swift Swim - Docile - Splash/Tackle
Magikarp (Splash) Lv. 20 (M) - Swift Swim - Jolly - Splash/Tackle
Magikarp (Fishy) Lv. 20 (F) - Swift Swim - Naughty - Splash/Tackle
Magikarp (Flail!) Lv. 20 (M) - Swift Swim - Naughty - Splash/Tackle
Tentacool (Jellyfish) Lv. 16 (M) - Liquid Ooze - Adamant - Supersonic/Constrict/Acid/Toxic Spikes
Fearow (Gryphon) Lv. 21 (F) - Keen Eye - Lax - Leer/Fury Attack/Pursuit/Aerial Ace
Mareep (Baah) Lv. 15 (F) - Static - Careful - Tackle/Growl/ThunderShock/Thunder Wave
Weepinbell (OMNOMNOM) (M) Lv. 24 - Chlorophyll - Careful - Sleep Powder/Poison Powder/Stun Spore/Acid
*Terrible STAB aside, this could be useful.
Golbat (Dracula) Lv. 22 (M) - Inner Focus - Naughty - Astonish/Bite/Wing Attack/Confuse Ray
Poliwag (Leviathan) Lv. 20 (M) - Water Absorb - Quirky - Hypnosis/Water Gun/DoubleSlap/Rain Dance
Graveler (IWannaRock) Lv. 25 (F) - Sturdy - Rock Throw/Magnitude/Selfdestruct/Rollout
*Anyone else think this icon looks like it's trying to grope someone?
Dratini (Basilisk) Lv. 13 (M) - Shed Skin - Hardy - Wrap/Leer/Thunder Wave/Twister
Kingler (KrustyKrab) Lv. 22 (F) - Hyper Cutter - Bashful - Harden/Bubblebeam/Mud Shot/Metal Claw
*I actually had to catch her in an Ultra Ball.


Wooper (Woopah) Lv. 18 (F) - Water Absorb - Naive - Mud Shot/Water Gun/Slam/Tail Whip
*Got taken out by a critical hit Rock Smash from Sudowoodo. She didn't even get a chance to evolve. :'(
Bayleef (Qat) Lv. 26 (M) - Overgrow - Mild - Magical Leaf/Headbutt/Poison Powder/Reflect
*Taken out by a critical hit Rock Slide from Chuck's Primeape. I don't know what I'll do against Water types without him.
Quagsire (Mudkipz) Lv. 26 (F) - Water Absorb - Sassy - Surf/Mud Bomb/Slam/Amnesia
*Hax takes down another one of my best Pokemon. Chuck's Poliwrath got in a Focus Punch when Mud Bomb missed and hit her after a few Accuracy drops.
Tentacool (BJellyfish) Lv. 25 (M) - Clear Body - Modest - Acid/Toxic Spikes/Bubblebeam/Wrap
*Took a Thunderbolt for Mothra. He didn't even get a chance to attack.