(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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Hosted an official on October 25th, 7:00 P.M. EDT (11:00 P.M. GMT)

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Andy Snype for QC'ing (this was from two months ago).

Winner: A Phantom
2nd place: Soft Flex
3rd place: Aichoozyu
4th place: dangerdogs
5th place: Meiboo
Consolation Prize: Devoxys

The player can play a match of tic-tac-toe with Pikachu at this in-game location.|Cobalt Coast
This move was the first to debut in Pokémon Adventures.|Water Gun
This machine was developed in response to the seizures caused by Electric Soldier Porygon in order to check for and analyze flickering video.|Anime Checker
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Incognito Official!
Friday October 25th at 1pm EST.
Thank you dangerdogs + Andrew for the qcs <3

1st place: Made in Saudi [01:34].
2nd place: Gallant Spear ✘ [04:08].
3rd place: Litt♥enstein [05:35].
4th place: CryoGyro [06:25].
5th place: 666ace666 [08:48].
Consolation Prize: AbuBatata [09:38], A Phantom [11:28], Aichoozyu [17:46], Zimmy D [27:28], Prof. Spooking [32:32]

1) Hala is the same height as this other character in Gen 7. [professor burnet]
2) The first 5 letters of this Pokemon's name are also a form of a Pokemon of the same height, from a different generation. [sandygast]
3) A unique fade in animation was programmed into the Gold+Silver games for this Pokemon but was never used. [hoothoot]
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lovemathboy and Level 51 present a Twist Odyssey! Mark your calendars: 27 October, 13:00 UTC (9am Eastern)!
Thanks to Elgino and LittEleven for QCing! :D

Thank you to everyone who played, and congratulations to everyone who finished!
1st place: xfix (47:27)
2nd place: The Frozen One (01:02:25)
3rd place: peetles (01:13:54)
4th place: Gallant Spear (01:24:00)
5th place: p0ip0le (01:42:09)
6th place: killerASCII (02:00:17)
7th place: Devoxys (02:26:10)

  1. This is the first anime episode to feature Ledyba. [THE WHISTLE STOP]
  2. This radio music broadcast, available in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver but not Gold and Silver, has no effect in the field, but changes the sound effects. [POKEMON PAST ARCHIVE]
  3. This is the full name (4 words) of the Team Rocket Strategy Guide deck that contains Gengar and Wigglytuff. [HYPNO'S CROWD CONTROL DECK]
  4. A trainer in Celadon Condominums uses a Pokemon with a Dark-type move. What is the name of this trainer's organization? [GAME FREAK]
  5. In Pokemon Sun and Moon, this Festival Plaza product can be used on a Level 15 Pokemon but not on a Level 35 Pokemon or a Level 45 Pokemon. [RARE BREAKFAST]
  6. This is the only Pokémon to fit the following hangman prompt: _ _ _ K O _ _ _ _ [CHIKORITA]
  7. In Pokemon X and Y, this overworld weather effect varies based on factors including the player's birthday. [DIAMOND DUST]
  8. In the Pokemon games, the Secret Base contains a decoration that has a non-cosmetic effect on reachability. What is the decoration called? [SOLID BOARD]
  9. One section of a city contains exactly three buildings, one of which sends the player to the other part of the city. What is the name of the Key Item that can be received in this area? [GOOD ROD]
  10. A certain move has a base power of 80, and its Bulbapedia page shows the move being used by Alolan Sandslash on Wailmer. What is the English translation of its Japanese name? [SUCK BLOOD]
  11. A certain card in the Pokemon TCG contains two moves. The first move requires 1 Water energy while the second move requires 2 Water energies. One of the moves is Amnesia. What is the name of the other move? [BUBBLES]
  12. This is the only move from the Pokemon TCG that deals damage and prevents your opponent from playing cards from their hand during their next turn. [HEAVY ROCK GX]
  13. META: https://i.imgur.com/W8Mq5YU.png [Note: This puzzle must be solved by using other answers.] [TRIPLE THREAT]
  1. This is the first course in the game Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure. [ALT ROCKY RANGE]
  2. This ability, available in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon but not Sun and Moon, has no effect in the field, but changes the effects of sound moves. [LIQUID VOICE]
  3. This is the full name (3 words) of the Pokémon Card GB2 theme deck that contains Nidorino and Tangela. [SWEAT! ANTI-GR1 DECK]
  4. A Tamer in Celadon City teaches a Pokemon a Dark-type move. What is the name of this tutor's move? [BADDY BAD]
  5. In Pokemon Sun and Moon, this item can be found via Pickup by a Level 35 Pokemon but not by a Level 15 Pokemon or a Level 45 Pokemon. [PEARL STRING]
  6. This is the only Pokémon to fit the following hangman prompt: _ _ _ D A _ _ _ _ [CYNDAQUIL]
  7. In Pokemon Gold and Silver, this move's damage calculation varies based on factors including the user's and the target's type. [PRESENT]
  8. In the Pokemon games, the Options menu contains a setting that has a non-cosmetic effect on battles. What is the non-default option of this setting? [SET]
  9. One room of Laverre City Gym contains exactly three teleporters, one of which sends the player to the top-left room. What is the name of the trainer that can be fought in this room? (Exclude trainer class.) [BLOSSOM]
  10. A certain move has a base power of 85, and its Bulbapedia page shows the move being used by Alolan Sandslash on Mimikyu. What is the English translation of its Japanese name? [ICICLE DROP]
  11. A certain location in Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs contains two quests. One of the quests involves a basic Pokemon that evolves into a pseudo-legendary. What is the name of the other quest? [MY LUNCH]
  12. This is the only move from the Pokemon TCG that has a special effect if and only if your opponent has 6 prize cards remaining. [DIVINE PAPER]
  13. META: https://i.imgur.com/W8Mq5YU.png [Note: This puzzle must be solved by using other answers.] [TRIPLE THREAT]
Question 13 presented users with this picture:

After filling in the answers from each of the two hunts (or however many answers a solver might have), each line between the first two columns pairs up two answers. For example, Q3 of Hunt 1 pairs to Q1 of Hunt 2, forming the pair HYPNO'S CROWD CONTROL DECK and ALT ROCKY RANGE. After examining a few pairs like this, solvers may notice that each of these pairs form two out of three parts of a well-known phrase or set: for example, the above example produces HYPNO'S CROWD CONTROL DECK and ALT ROCKY RANGE to form two parts of the common keyboard shortcut CONTROL ALT DELETE. This pair links to a row of length 6 in the "Answer" grid, which is just enough to fill in DELETE! Filling in all of these answers and reading down the letters placed along the green line gives the final answer TRIPLE THREAT.

Below is the filled grid:

The sets, in final answer order:
  • (the) GOOD, (the) BAD, (and the) UGLY
  • STOP, DROP, (and) ROLL
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Hosted an official for Tuesday, October 29th at 1PM EST.

QCed by Dot Agumon and 111ace111

1st place: Prof. Spooking [09:45].
2nd place: AbuBatata [11:55].
3rd place: Zimmy D [17:18].
4th place: Gallant Spear ✘ [19:34].
5th place: Discordual [26:29].
Consolation Prize: CryoGyro [28:16], ckilgannon [31:24]

1) These Pokemon gain unique abilities when they mega evolve (alphabetical order).
2) Of all of the Pokemon that are weak to all fighting type moves but one, these two Pokemon that can't evolve have abilities that make them immune to one of each other's STABs (alphabetical order).
3) Out of all of the Pokémon that can appear out of a Poké Ball in the Super Smash Bros series, one of them doesn’t use any moves or abilities or do any kind of damage to the fighters. Alphabetically list all of the Pokémon not introduced in the same generation as that Pokémon that use a move in the series that would always hit that Pokémon for 4x damage.
1. Kangaskhan Rayquaza
2. Rhyperior Rotom-Frost
3. Abomasnow Articuno Kyurem Suicune
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Reserving an official for October 29th at 11pm GMT
Thanks to Gallant Spear and ckilgannon for the QCs

1st: Soft Flex (07:48)
2nd: 111ace111 (21:11)
3rd: Kluvs (21:28)
4th: KillerASCII (24:05)
5th: Andrew (26:13)
Consolation Prize: Tapler (27:00), Ratisweep (27:10), Aichoozyu (28:40), Merlee (32:11), A Phantom (32:45), Spooky Mioda (34:56), Spookysaur (36:53)

Questions and Answers:
1) This is the first Pokemon in National Dex order who's name appears in the national dex before its own entry [Pidgeot]
2) If every Pokemon (excluding forms) is listed out in national dex order as one word, the name of this berry (without "berry) can be found, but it is not contained within the name of a Pokemon [Kee; Kee berry]
3) If every Pokemon (excluding forms) is listed out in national dex order as one word, this is the first non-Gen 1 Pokemon to be listed [Aron]
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Mini Official Roundup (Oct 1 - Oct 30th EDT):

1st place: broil and trouble [00:43].
2nd place: Made in Saudi [00:48].
3rd place: dangerdogs [01:00].
Consolation Prize: 666ace666 [01:01], spookysaur! [01:05], MukUsedDrillPeck [01:05], Annika0 ^_^ [01:17], Man(un)kind [01:30], Zipzapadam [01:31], Pixelationscaire [02:34], Prank [02:45], Torooru ◉◡◉ [04:34], imjustgrave [04:47], Mega Eevee X [07:47]

1st place: Made in Saudi [03:44].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [04:41].
3rd place: broil and trouble [04:42].
Consolation Prize: hell✿cyon [05:03], Cheese555 [06:24], woe! unto! me! [06:43], Spooki Mioda [07:52], Man(un)kind [10:00], dangerdogs [11:12], Alex [22:31], boredcollegekid [30:03]

1st place: dangerdogs [02:08].
2nd place: Annika0 ^_^ [02:10].
3rd place: Litt♥enstein [02:23].
Consolation Prize: undefeated 1v1 [03:28], madeinsp(O_O)ki [04:49], Wan the Avatar [30:03]

1st place: 666ace666 [03:09].
2nd place: Zimmy D [03:45].
3rd place: powergo [05:50].
Consolation Prize: Gallant Spear ✘ [06:02], vamPart [09:19], killerASCII [13:50], Prof. Spooking [15:45], The Frozen One [24:36], aQrator [36:51]

1st place: Cheese555 [00:49].
2nd place: scoobydoobydrew [01:55].
3rd place: dangerdogs [03:17].
Consolation Prize: 666ace666 [08:12], p^_^okemonvortex. [10:18], Zimmy D [12:17], A Phantom [12:25], YveltalNL [13:39], aQrator [19:56], ckilgannon [20:18], Discordual [21:20]

1st place: scoobydoobydrew [01:46].
2nd place: spooktune [01:58].
3rd place: Litt♥enstein [02:11].
Consolation Prize: pokemondeadchannel [02:59], Zimmy D [03:30], vamPart [04:49], Spearit Shackle [05:56], Mrs Fame [06:38], smii [08:26], ZipzapadaM ㋡ シ [09:58], coldmamo [23:05], ZardMX [25:04]

1st place: Devoxys [03:10].
2nd place: dangerdogs [04:17].
3rd place: 666ace666 [04:44].
Consolation Prize: A Phantom [05:46], ckilgannon [05:47], hell✿cyon [06:27], Nolnis ♫ [07:53], tidal otter [11:11]

1st place: dangerdogs [01:04].
2nd place: Soft Flex [01:56].
3rd place: A Phantom [02:14].
Consolation Prize: spookysaur [03:31], Mrs Fame [04:18], pokemondeadchannel [12:06]

1st place: dangerdogs [01:09].
2nd place: Elgino ♫ [01:48].
3rd place: 666ace666 [02:04].
Consolation Prize: SMII [02:24], Aichoozyu [03:04], Prof. Spooking [04:55], aQrator [05:47], AbuBatata [06:18]

1st place: Made in Saudi [01:24].
2nd place: 666ace666 [01:24].
3rd place: Tapler [01:50].
Consolation Prize: AndrewThePenguin [02:11], Prof. Spooking [02:41], Litt♥enstein [02:49], Mega Eevee X [03:09], A Phantom [04:16], Merlee [13:42]

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [08:53].
2nd place: MeiBOO [09:33].
3rd place: broil and trouble [10:13].
Consolation Prize: ckilgannon [14:14], Cheese555 [17:12], Pixelationaire [21:11], killerASCII [22:43]

1st place: SMII [03:19].
2nd place: killerASCII [05:29].
3rd place: Aichoozyu [18:49].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥enstein [26:43]

1st place: ckilgannon [03:03].
2nd place: Spooki Mioda [03:16].
3rd place: 111ace111 [03:17].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥enstein [04:01], AbuBatata [06:12], A Phantom [06:29], Prof. Spooking [08:39], Zimmy D [11:46], Aichoozyu [19:40]

1st place: spooky! saur! [01:39].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:00].
3rd place: broil and trouble [02:03].
Consolation Prize: dangerdogs [02:27], Gargoyle31 [02:39], Nolali ♬ [02:56], 314dgeot-Mega [03:01], Sebastian [03:44], cleo [03:47], ZipzapadaM ㋡ シ [06:15]

Last Month's Results
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The Spooktober Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: dangerdogs in first place with 931 points, 666ace666 in second place with 666 + 121 points, and Littenstein in third place with 748 points!
dangerdogs 931
666ace666 666 + 121
Littenstein 748
ckilgannon 631
vamPart 467
Prof. Spooking 455
A Phantom 433
smii 419
The Frozen One 356
spookysaur 343
AbuBatata 260
Zimmy D 253
Made in Saudi 246
Gallant Spear 241
Aichoozyu 230
Spooki Mioda 215
Merlee 208
Mrs Fame 196
Cheese555 167
Andrew 150
AndrewThePenguin 148
Soft Flex 140
pokemonvortex 139
broil and trouble 135
peetles 127
MeiBOO 116
ZardMX 106
ZipzapadaM 98
killerASCII 97
Nolali 88
Meicoo 87
CryoGyro 85
Elgino 78
aQrator 76
Criticisms 74
314dgeot-Mega 71
woe unto me! 69
Tapler 67
Manunkind 63
Devoxys 61
YveltalNL 59
LustySalazzleMaid 58
Spearit Shackle 57
scoobydoobydrew 52
Discordual 52
p0ip0le 50
xfix 50
imjustgray 47
Add23456 46
boredcollegekid 44
geenesface 43
Snow Forme Shaymin 41
Snecko 41
Made in Spooki 39
Darth 37
Beedrill-Mega 37
Mega Eevee X 36
sparkychild 35
A Quail's Query 34
shin shine spark 34
Alex 33
myster17 31
aegii 31
spooktune 30
SakSome Blood 28
Kluvs 27
Gwynt 22
Pixelationaire 21
hellcyon 21
Annika0 21
pokemondeadchannel 20
And Boo 18
Tigromata 18
captanpasta 17
lilyac 17
underkale 17
kingtroller 17
tidal otter 16
Lunala Taxel 16
Gargoyle31 16
Marlon Togedemaru 16
undefeated 1v1 16
HauntingDevil 15
SergioTests 14
Christmas 14
Barry000 13
Shadoweavile 13
Torooru 13
Viraj Vora 12
Dawn of Ares 12
Sedmelluq 12
Gwyndylow 12
Tapo Collino 11
powergo 11
Tigermatt03 11
KawaiiiiPotato 11
pokemangoes 11
megumatt 11
MukUsedDrillPeck 10
cleo 10
terror otter 10
Barnaba 10
legendarymouse 9
Intatashoru 9
RandomPopplio14 9
Atad666 9
mgperson 8
terrapieseven 8
pumpkin violations 8
broil 7
Level 51 7
ajmarcopolo 7
Atad777 7
Shadecession 7
imjustgrave 7
Ratisweep 7
Midnightsecrets 7
shrugs and shrubs 6
Andy 6
Bronzecrank 6
L. Lovegood 6
Geene 6
smii dies 6
moo 6
WeepingDevil 6
a wanderer 6
Painter Skeleteon 5
ShadowPhoenix99 5
Wan the Avatar 5
Parcly Taxel 5
Mitral Prolapse 5
chaitu 5
SergioRules 5
Skybounds 5
Whimper 5
poipoltergeist 5
askdf 5
zushift ch 5
Almm41 5
Jahkxun 4
Bright Noa 4
Snaquaza 4
Nolnis 4
Ju1ceBox 4
thegreatgatsly 4
Benjgbro 4
pumpkin qn 4
Squirtell 4
ZiO II 4
Lucario1582 4
keepingitspooky 4
myster killer 3
G1an B0lada0 3
Mr Mime Mania 3
coinboy 3
Observe Ze Spark 3
GameCenterCX 3
DarkDex 3
0a0 3
Pisxel 3
athleteandy1 3
UnderratedRacket 3
Dodger50 3
Plimsoll Punks 3
DCSyntro 3
kvothe the red 3
VigilanteVigoroth 3
zyg 3
Pumpkin Alcremie 3
WzK 3
peetlejuice 3
Leader Undici 2
DanDaMan99 2
Ibuki Miod 2
Skeletal Purgatory 2
CircuitBreakerZ 2
Team Yell's Marnie 2
schiavetto 2
expunged 2
spookylanturn 2
Grrrryeah 2
Sebastian 2
coldmamo 2
bananaben15 2
triangle lancer 2
Awanderingcaelum 2
blackburn009 2
Tushavi 2
TheAura 2
TheToxicGuy 2
Cyllage 2
McLemore 2
celesteeal 1
Orion's Sign 1
Battling King 1
AndrewGoncel 1
Killerwinner19 1
Gianth 1
m15t3rb3r 1
AndrewBOOcel 1
conabzb 1
derpeddeath 1
LookHereLookListen 1
TheyCallMeSweeper 1
Bunguin87 1
Prank 1
Bandstand 1
EeveeLutionArmy 1
avengers assembled 1
Pixelationscaire 1
a train wreck 1
BoltSapphire 1
Charli XCX 1
Daddy Chey 1
spooky xernn 1
Trivia Machine 1
draft002 1
keepingiticy 1
Pyumpkin 1
Kari x Kurumi 1
Illusio 1
ZUSHIFT Yoink! 1
ThelifeYouLive 1
Grayson Voorhees 1
Elisier 1
FifthBug 1
SiderealSummer 1
floooood 1
Wonter 1
Zommy B 1
Kiwigamer0039 1
ptelzcra 1
The ladder twist for the month of November will be an old favorite: Every regular official will consist of four questions! As such, the Blitz period will be extended to 80 seconds! (This twist does not affect mini-officials.)

As a reward for winning the Spooktober Ladder, this twist was chosen by dangerdogs from the submissions. As this is a repeat of a past twist, it is not worth the typical 5 points for submitting a valid twist, nor the additional 30 for submitting the winning twist. However, other valid twists submitted but not chosen are still worth 5 points each (with a maximum of 20 points earnable), so for a full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
aichoozyu: 20
shrugs and shrubs: 20
smii: 5
zacians: 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Speed past the competition on the November Ladder!

Lastly, big congratulations to 111ace111 on Room Moderator and Pants (zacians) on a return to room staff!
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Mini Official Roundup (Oct 1 - Oct 30th EDT):

1st place: broil and trouble [00:43].
2nd place: Made in Saudi [00:48].
3rd place: dangerdogs [01:00].
Consolation Prize: 666ace666 [01:01], spookysaur! [01:05], MukUsedDrillPeck [01:05], Annika0 ^_^ [01:17], Man(un)kind [01:30], Zipzapadam [01:31], Pixelationscaire [02:34], Prank [02:45], Torooru ◉◡◉ [04:34], imjustgrave [04:47], Mega Eevee X [07:47]

1st place: Made in Saudi [03:44].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [04:41].
3rd place: broil and trouble [04:42].
Consolation Prize: hell✿cyon [05:03], Cheese555 [06:24], woe! unto! me! [06:43], Spooki Mioda [07:52], Man(un)kind [10:00], dangerdogs [11:12], Alex [22:31], boredcollegekid [30:03]

1st place: dangerdogs [02:08].
2nd place: Annika0 ^_^ [02:10].
3rd place: Litt♥enstein [02:23].
Consolation Prize: undefeated 1v1 [03:28], madeinsp(O_O)ki [04:49], Wan the Avatar [30:03]

1st place: 666ace666 [03:09].
2nd place: Zimmy D [03:45].
3rd place: powergo [05:50].
Consolation Prize: Gallant Spear ✘ [06:02], vamPart [09:19], killerASCII [13:50], Prof. Spooking [15:45], The Frozen One [24:36], aQrator [36:51]

1st place: Cheese555 [00:49].
2nd place: scoobydoobydrew [01:55].
3rd place: dangerdogs [03:17].
Consolation Prize: 666ace666 [08:12], p^_^okemonvortex. [10:18], Zimmy D [12:17], A Phantom [12:25], YveltalNL [13:39], aQrator [19:56], ckilgannon [20:18], Discordual [21:20]

1st place: scoobydoobydrew [01:46].
2nd place: spooktune [01:58].
3rd place: Litt♥enstein [02:11].
Consolation Prize: pokemondeadchannel [02:59], Zimmy D [03:30], vamPart [04:49], Spearit Shackle [05:56], Mrs Fame [06:38], smii [08:26], ZipzapadaM ㋡ シ [09:58], coldmamo [23:05], ZardMX [25:04]

1st place: Devoxys [03:10].
2nd place: dangerdogs [04:17].
3rd place: 666ace666 [04:44].
Consolation Prize: A Phantom [05:46], ckilgannon [05:47], hell✿cyon [06:27], Nolnis ♫ [07:53], tidal otter [11:11]

1st place: dangerdogs [01:04].
2nd place: Soft Flex [01:56].
3rd place: A Phantom [02:14].
Consolation Prize: spookysaur [03:31], Mrs Fame [04:18], pokemondeadchannel [12:06]

1st place: dangerdogs [01:09].
2nd place: Elgino ♫ [01:48].
3rd place: 666ace666 [02:04].
Consolation Prize: SMII [02:24], Aichoozyu [03:04], Prof. Spooking [04:55], aQrator [05:47], AbuBatata [06:18]

1st place: Made in Saudi [01:24].
2nd place: 666ace666 [01:24].
3rd place: Tapler [01:50].
Consolation Prize: AndrewThePenguin [02:11], Prof. Spooking [02:41], Litt♥enstein [02:49], Mega Eevee X [03:09], A Phantom [04:16], Merlee [13:42]

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [08:53].
2nd place: MeiBOO [09:33].
3rd place: broil and trouble [10:13].
Consolation Prize: ckilgannon [14:14], Cheese555 [17:12], Pixelationaire [21:11], killerASCII [22:43]

1st place: SMII [03:19].
2nd place: killerASCII [05:29].
3rd place: Aichoozyu [18:49].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥enstein [26:43]

1st place: ckilgannon [03:03].
2nd place: Spooki Mioda [03:16].
3rd place: 111ace111 [03:17].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥enstein [04:01], AbuBatata [06:12], A Phantom [06:29], Prof. Spooking [08:39], Zimmy D [11:46], Aichoozyu [19:40]

1st place: spooky! saur! [01:39].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:00].
3rd place: broil and trouble [02:03].
Consolation Prize: dangerdogs [02:27], Gargoyle31 [02:39], Nolali ♬ [02:56], 314dgeot-Mega [03:01], Sebastian [03:44], cleo [03:47], ZipzapadaM ㋡ シ [06:15]

Last Month's Results
(I apparently made a lot of minis).
reserving official hunt on November 6th at 4 PM UTC
1st place: dangerdogs [02:25].
2nd place: Zimmy D [05:30].
3rd place: PartMan [10:24].
4th place: The Frozen One [17:42].
5th place: ProfSapling [18:57].
Consolation Prize: Aichoozyu [24:23]

1) These generation 4 trainers are the equivalent of Gabby and Ty from generation 3. (alphabetically) [oli roxy]
2) A building in this city/town features Ghost Leg puzzle. [azalea town / azalea]
3) These forests in Pokemon main games can only have 1 entrance. (alphabetically) [berry forest lostlorn forest / berry lostlorn]
4) In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team, this Pokemon can't relearn any moves it has forgotten. [deoxys]
Thanks to Pants c.kilgannon for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Hosted an official on Tuesday, November 5th at 1PM EST.

QCs by c.kilgannon and Andy Snype

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: The Frozen One [08:18].
2nd place: Julius Caesar I [09:11].
3rd place: Zimmy D [13:25].
4th place: ProfSapling [13:35].
5th place: AndrewThePenguin [14:37].
Consolation Prize: Aichoozyu [22:56], PartMan [23:00]

1) A rival of a main character in the anime comes from Snowpoint City. The only moves that any of her Pokémon know that are super effective on Ice are learned by these LC Pokémon (alphabetical order).
2) Mismagius is used, and later released, by a certain character in this manga (ignore diacritics).
3) Beating this Super Boss in Pokémon Rumble Rush unlocks Mismagius.
4) The only Swimmer battled in the water on a sea route to use a Pokémon that doesn’t fly, swim, or use Levitate to float is based on this anime character.
1) chimchar mankey riolu
2) phantom thief pokemon 7
3) servine
4) lizabeth
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On Saturday, October 26th, at 7 PM EDT, and on Sunday, October 27th, at 12:00 PM EDT, Scavengers Room and Trivia Room held a pair of collaborative Point Rally events known as Trivengers!

October 26th Point Rally - Hosted by Meicoo

Winner: Cheese555
2nd: pokemonvortex
3rd: Snecko
4th: broil and trouble (broil)
5th: Merlee
6th: Nolnis
Consolation Prize: Tapler, A Phantom (zacians), Pumpkin Alcremie (Emboar02), Haunting Devil (WeepingDevil), Soft Flex, dangerdogs, A Quail's Query, Schiavetto, Dodger50, Mega Eevee X, SpookyLanturn, VigilanteVigoroth
1-1 Capoeira Couple, 1-2 Mienfoo, 1-3 Korrina
2-1 Sancho Panza, 2-2 Incitatus, 2-3 Philip V
3-1 Ghetsis / Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius, 3-2 Rock Polish Swords Dance, 3-3 Extreme Evoboost Shell Smash
4-1 Jamuna, 4-2 Danube, Ilz, Inn, 4-3 Pittsburgh
5-1 Healing Wish, 5-2 Araquanid, Dewpider, Galvantula, Joltik, 5-3 Memento
6-1 Hercules, 6-2 Drake, 6-3 Chrysalis 1x1=1 To Be One ColorIz Emergency Quantum Leap
7-1 Scratch Cat Girl, 7-2 Samuel Aurea Augustine, 7-3 Zenryoku
Hunt 1 (by celesteeal)
1-1 This Doubles Trainer class is made up of a Black Belt and a Dancer.
1-2 The only Capoeira Couple in the main-series games uses two of these Pokemon.
1-3 In the Pokemon anime, Mienfoo appeared under the ownership of this Gym Leader.

Hunt 2 (by Ryota Mitarai)
2-1 This character acts as Don Quixote's squire in the Don Quixote novel by Miguel de Cervantes (first and last name).
2-2 This was the name of Roman Emperor Caligula's favorite horse.
2-3 This was the first member of the French House of Borbons to become a Spanish king.

Hunt 3 (by celesteeal)
3-1 This is the only member of the Seven Sages that can be battled in Pokemon Black and White.
3-2 All other Seven Sages give the player a TM upon meeting them after Ghetsis is defeated. List the moves contained in those TMs that raise a stat by 2 stages, excluding the effects of abilities. (alpha order).
3-3 Consider the stats that are raised by Rock Polish and Swords Dance. List the moves that natively raise both of these stats by 2 stages, excluding the effects of abilities. (alpha order).

Hunt 4 (by Made in Saudi)
4-1 The Bangabandhu Bridge spans this river (do not include the word ‘river’ in your answer).
4-2 A certain town in Germany is known as the ‘City of Three Rivers’ as it is located at the confluence of three rivers. List in alphabetical order the three rivers that meet at this town. (do not include the word ‘river’ in your answer).
4-3 This city in the United States of over 300,000 people lies at the confluence of three rivers.

Hunt 5 (by c.kilgannon, bulbasaurbuddy, and xfix)
5-1 c.kilgannon: Alphabetically list the two status moves with no Z-Effect (excluding moves that call other moves).
5-2 bulbasaurbuddy: A move that was formerly signature to Spinarak & Ariados is now learnt by these other Pokemon by level-up. (alphabetical)
5-3 xfix: This stat lowering status move cannot be reflected by Magic Bounce.

Hunt 6 (by aegii and PokemonDeadChannel)
6-1 aegii: This is British singer Elton John's middle name, shared with a Greco-Roman mythological hero.
6-2 PokemonDeadChannel: A single by this artist has a picture of the 1993 World Series as its cover
6-3 aegii: Name the English translations of the 4 debut albums of the groups that formed through the Korean Produce series.(in order of release)

Hunt 7 (by p0ip0le, aegii, and c.kilgannon)
7-1 p0ip0le: An ingame event in USUM revealed that the player's mother was a trainer with this nickname.
7-2 aegii: Name, in order of introduction, all the revealed first names of Pokemon Professors who give the player their starters.
7-3 c.kilgannon: According to a book in the Malie Library, the 'Z' in Z-move stands for this Japanese word in the Japanese games.
October 27th Point Rally - Hosted by LittEleven

Winner: smii
2nd: Zipzapadam
3rd: AbuBatata
4th: Nolnis
5th: The Frozen One
6th: captanpasta
Consolation Prize: Annika0, Cheese555, Gwyndylow (Gwynt), Observe Ze Spark, dangerdogs, Ratisweep, Geenes Face (Gui Shark), Tigromata, killerASCII, BananaBen15, scoobydoobydrew, Prof. Spooking (Prof. Sapling)
1-1 UAE / United Arab Emirates, 1-2 Croatia / Republic of Croatia, 1-3 Croatia, Ecuador, Mongolia, Pakistan
2-1 Vaniville / Vaniville Town, 2-2 Wurmple, 2-3 Earthquake, Focus Punch, Rest
3-1 1 3 6, 3-2 Tiptron, 3-3 Yomiel
4-1 Snorlax, 4-2 Yanmega, Steam Siege, 4-3 Braixen Jigglypuff Pikachu
5-1 Comoros, 5-2 Lao, 5-3 Letsie III / Letsie III of Lesotho
6-1 Beheeyem Elgyem Oranguru, 6-2 Qwilfish, 6-3 Meloetta-Pirouette
7-1 Alfred Nobel, 7-2 Linus Pauling Marie Curie / Marie Curie Linus Pauling, 7-3 Peace Norway / Peace Prize Norway
Hunt 1 (by Made in Saudi)
1-1 This country’s capital city is the first alphabetically.
1-2 This country’s capital city is the last alphabetically.
1-3 These countries' capital cities do not share the first letter of the name of their capital city with any other country's capital city. (Alphabetical Order)

Hunt 2 (by p0ip0le and 111ace111)
2-1 p0ip0le: This Kalos town has the smallest number of permanent residents.
2-2 111ace111: This is the highest leveled Pokemon you can battle in the Murky Forest
2-3 111ace111: In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you can get the TMs for these moves with the ability Pickup (alpha order)

Hunt 3 (by xfix and PokemonDeadChannel)
3-1 xfix: In Super Mario Bros., these are the final digits of the timer that cause fireworks to appear after beating the level. (ascending order)
3-2 PokemonDeadChannel: In Super Paper Mario, after beating the game you can pay Francis 999 coins to receive this.
3-3 PokemonDeadChannel: This is the name of the character Sissel took the appearance of at the beginning of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Hunt 4 (by c.kilgannon, p0ip0le, and Level 51)
4-1 c.kilgannon: The first Pokemon-GX card in the TCG, released as a promotional card, was this Pokemon.
4-2 p0ip0le: This Pokemon was the first one to have the move "Assault Boom" in the TCG. (format your answer as Pokemon, English expansion)
4-3 Level 51: These three NFE (non-LC) Pokemon are featured on Pokemon GX cards in the TCG. (Alphabetical order)

Hunt 5 (by Made in Saudi)
5-1 This Muslim majority country reaches the furthest south.
5-2 This language, which has official status in at least one country, has the shortest English name (i.e. the fewest amount of letters in its name).
5-3 The country whose flag depicts a black Mokorotlo has this individual as their current Monarch (answer with their current name, and include their Regnal number formatted as Roman numerals).

Hunt 6 (by Andrew, c.kilgannon, and bulbasaurbuddy)
6-1 Andrew: In alphabetical order, name the Pokemon that have access to Telepathy and don't have it as a hidden ability.
6-2 c.kilgannon: This is the only Pokemon with Swift Swim as their secondary Ability.
6-3 bulbasaurbuddy: This Pokemon had a unique type combination until halfway through Generation 6. (Format as shown in /dt)

Hunt 7 (by LittEleven)
7-1 This Swedish inventor was known as "The Merchant of Death" for inventing dynamite and producing it commercially. (first + last name)
7-2 These two people have won two Nobel Prizes in different fields. (first + last names for both, as given on the Nobels awarded to them.)
7-3 Among the Nobel Prizes, one of them is distributed in a different country from all of the others. Name it, and the country it is distributed in. (in that order). Don’t include the word “Nobel” in your answer.
Thank you to c.kilgannon and Seraphus (Darth) for being the primary organizers,
thanks to LittEleven for hosting the second Point Rally,
and thanks to the following users for helping to make and/or check questions: 111ace111, aegii, Andrew, bulbasaurbuddy, celesteeal, c.kilgannon, Darth, Devoxys, Elgino, Level 51, LittEleven, Made in Saudi, Meicoo, p0ip0le, PokemonDeadChannel, Ryota Mitarai, and xfix!
Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone who participated, and we hope you all had a great time!
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For Halloween this year, on Thursday, 2:00 PM EDT, October 31st, Scavengers held a collaborative Spooky Odyssey in our events subroom, Treasure Town. It was brought to you by The Fame (Mrs Fame) and Cheese5555 (Cheese555) as organizers, with Mrs. Fame, Cheese555, Pants (zacians), BulbaBuddy (bulbasaurbuddy), dangerdogs, GoodMorningEspeon, c.kilgannon, Gallant Spear, and myself providing at least one question each!

Winner: 111ace111 [30:05]
2nd: vamPart (PartMan) [46:02]
3rd: Criticisms (Made in Saudi) [57:31]
4th: Aichoozyu [01:42:10]
5th: LittEleven [02:15:11]
6th: AndrewThePenguin [04:59:12]
Consolation Prize: SergioRules [05:50:52]
(1) Rapp, (2) Scary Face, (3) Thunderbolt, (4) Night Slash, (5) Frillish, Jellicent, (6) Ariados, (7) Shadow Hold, (8) Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Nihilego, (9) Begone, (10) Ghost Eraser, (11) Gastly, (12) Hau'oli Cemetery, (13) Jessie / Jesselina, (14) Darknight Relic, (15) Special Band, Zinc Band, (16) Misdreavus, (17) Hypnosis, Nightmare, (18) Valor Lakefront, (19) Abra, (20) Greedy Rapooh / Rapooh, (21) Spell Tag, (22) Froslass, (23) The Phantom, (24) Mummy, (25) Cursed Flute, (26) Focus Sash Endeavor Quick Attack Rattata, (27) Yamask, (28) Girafarig, Meloetta, Oranguru, (29) Poke Doll, (30) Eldritch, (31) Drifblim, Froslass
Preliminary Note Included in Q1) Throughout this spooky hunt, format your answers in alphabetical order unless stated otherwise, and exclude diacritics from your answers. Have fun!
Q1) bulbasaurbuddy: This trainer's Pokémon have used Leech Life in the anime.
Q2) dangerdogs: Zygarde learns one status move at level 1. That move shares its animation with this move in Generation V.
Q3) bulbasaurbuddy: Mimikyu's song directly mentions it using this move in the English translated lyrics.
Q4) gallant's pear: This move's Japanese name is a samurai act of killing random defenseless passersby to test their new sword.
Q5) zacians: These are the only Ghost type Pokémon that can be found on the Starlight Islands outside of Halloween Village.
Q6) Cheese555: In Halloween Village, this is the only fully-evolved Pokémon that has a type that is not shared with any other fully-evolved Pokémon in Halloween Village.
Q7) Mrs Fame: This shadow move prevents foes from switching out.
Q8) bulbasaurbuddy: These Poison-type Pokémon would gain a 8x resistance to Poison after Trick-or-Treat has been used on them.
Q9) zacians: This Magikarp Jump event requires you to turn the TV on and off a total of 14 times.
Q10) zacians: Haunted Man is a trainer class that appears in this Pokéstar Studios series.
Q11) zacians: This Pokémon's beta name is contained within the name of a unique move belonging to a Ghost-type Pokémon. (excluding forms)
Q12) zacians: A certain fake Pokémon was thought to be the evolution of Gengar. The item whose name contains this fake Pokémon's name can be found in this location in USUM.
Q13) dangerdogs: This character magically flies with a broom in the animation of one of the Pokémon anime ending themes.
Q14) zacians: Buying the Secretive Forest Friend Area in PMD unlocks this dungeon.
Q15) zacians: In the Darknight Relic dungeon, these items can only be found on the first three floors.
Q16) bulbasaurbuddy: In Pokémon Conquest, the Ghost-type kingdom has moving statues of this Pokémon on its battlefield.
Q17) zacians: In Pokémon Adventures, a certain character debuted in a flashback in "Lapras Lazily." These are the moves of his first known Pokémon.
Q18) GoodMorningEspeon: The player can use Rock Climb in order to find a Rare Candy at this location in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, but not Platinum.
Q19) c.kilgannon: In the games, your character makes contact with human ghost inside a house. The first time she appears, she uncertainly calls out for her mom, dad, and this Pokémon.
Q20) bulbasaurbuddy: In the anime, a Totem-sized ghost-type was accidentally unleashed by Team Rocket and later, caught and given this nickname.
Q21) c.kilgannon: In GSC, you could receive this item only on a certain day of the week. In HGSS, however, you can only receive this item at Night.
Q22) zacians: This uniquely-typed Pokémon gets a non-signature/non-unique ability that is exclusive to Ghost-types.
Q23) zacians: Jack Walker's only nicknamed Pokémon originally belonged to this character.
Q24) dangerdogs: This ability has the fewest unique letters in its name. (e.g. Adaptability has 9: A, D, P, T, B, I, L, T, Y)
Q25) gallant's pear: After the Pokémon who holds this item faints, it confuses surrounding Pokémon.
Q26) Meicoo: The Pokémon strategy "F.E.A.R." is used as an acronym to stand for two moves, an item, and a Pokémon that represent the strategy. Name the four terms in F.E.A.R. order.
Q27) GoodMorningEspeon: This Pokémon and its evolution are being released for Pokémon GO's 2019 Halloween event, including their shiny forms.
Q28) dangerdogs: If these dual-typed Pokémon were hit by Trick-Or-Treat, their sole weakness would be Dark.
Q29) bulbasaurbuddy: In Generation 1, the player can skip the Rocket Hideout specifically and progress through the game with the use of a glitch involving this item.
Q30) GoodMorningEspeon: In Pokémon DPPt, it appears that this NPC's son is being haunted. (first name only)
Q31) dangerdogs: The character from the Pokémon Adventures manga who was born closest to Halloween has used these Ghost-type Pokémon.
Thanks to the following users for Quality Cursing by committee: Mrs Fame, bulbasaurbuddy, dangerdogs, zacians, and Dot Agumon (pokemonvortex)!
Results of the official on Thursday 7 November 8 pm GMT

1st place: gallant's pear [19:51].
2nd place: 111ace111 [34:58].
3rd place: zacians [38:12].
4th place: myster~‿~17 [44:31].
5th place: ProfSapling [01:23:13].
Consolation Prize: Aichoozyu [01:39:38]

Questions and Solutions:

1) This Pokemon can be only encountered on a specific day of the week in a certain Pokemon game, shares its typing with 4 Pokemon including its pre-evolution, and gives Special Attack EVs despite it being its lowest stat. Give the Pokemon followed by the location and day (that order) you can find in that specific game [Mandibuzz Route 4 Thursday]
2) This Pokemon is a static encounter in a certain location in a total of 5 main series games. It's always female in the games where the gender is shown despite it having a 50/50 gender ratio. You need a certain item to encounter this Pokemon. Give the Pokemon followed by the item you need to encounter it. [Marowak Silph Scope]
3) This Pokemon is a gift Pokemon in a certain pair of games. It's used by 6 characters that appeared more than once in the anime. This Pokemon also had a unique typing, but lost it one generation later. Give the Pokemon followed by the name of the character that gifts the Pokemon to you. [Lucario Korrina]
4) Use /viewhunt to find one specific move that links the three Pokemon mentioned, but no other Pokemon outside their evolutionary lines. [Bone Rush]
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Official Hunt for November 8th at 12:00pm EST
thanks to andrew+litt for the qcs

1st place: AbuBatata [15:10].
2nd place: Darth [17:17].
3rd place: YveltalNL [22:39].
4th place: 111ace111 [27:08].
5th place: Made in Saudi [27:28].
Consolation Prize: PartMan [27:50], The Frozen One [33:00]

1) In Oddish's Japanese Red and Green Pokedex entries, this is said to be its alias. [Arukimendesu]
2) This move's German name is also a Key Item introduced in Gen III. [detect]
3) This Black/White exclusive feature allows you to transfer select Pokemon/event items from Gen 4 games. [relocator]
4) This non-signature/non-unique move can be learned by exactly one Pokemon forme introduced in Gen 6, but it won't be able to use it successfully. [belch]
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Hosted an official on Sunday, November 10th at 3pm EST.
QCs by LittEleven and Andy Snype

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Christmas [07:49].
2nd place: Merlee [11:42].
3rd place: killerASCII [18:17].
4th place: 314dgeot-Mega [41:18].
5th place: PartMan [46:26].
Consolation Prize: Aichoozyu [52:07], bulbasaurbuddy! [54:09], ZipzapadaM ㋡ シ [01:03:14], keeping it icy [01:11:48]

1) Gengar-Mega is immune to a certain move that Gengar is not. Alphabetically list all LC Pokémon that can learn that move that aren’t weak to either of Gengar’s STABs.
2) These two Pokémon have an interaction in the Compare function in the XY Pokédex unique to them and Gengar-Mega (alphabetical order).
3) These simulation characters in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness use Pokémon with Shadow Tag (alphabetical order, include trainer class).
4) The entry and service fees for this in-game location are dependent on age and gender of the person entering it.
1) Inkay Klink Psyduck
2) Diglett Dugtrio
3) Casual Dude Hector Matron Acel
4) Kantonian Gym
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Reserving Official Hunt on November 11 at 4 PM UTC
1st place: Snecko [06:47].
2nd place: 111ace111 [08:31].
3rd place: p0ip0le ∆ [09:14].
4th place: Andrew [20:28].
5th place: Litt♥Eleven [21:50].
Consolation Prize: Aichoozyu [22:12], aQrator [24:58]

1) Ash's Pikachu participated a Pokemon Contest in this city/town. (full name) [terracotta town]
2) Ash's Pikachu participated a Pokemon race by riding this Pokemon. [squirtle]
3) In a certain Pokemon Mini game, Pikachu and Tyrogue form this combo. [someday]
4) In Pokemon TCG, an Ash's Pikachu's card has I Choose You! attack that has the exact same effect as this supporter card. [trevor]
Thanks to Zacian's Buddy for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Results of the official collab with Mrs Fame on Monday 11 November at 6PM GMT
Thanks to LittEleven and BulbasaurBuddy for QCing

1st place: Merlee [04:28].
2nd place: AbuBatata [05:54].
3rd place: 111ace111 [07:03].
4th place: Snecko [08:10].
5th place: Andrew [08:21].
Consolation Prize: gallant's pear [08:44], PartMan [10:49], Aichoozyu [11:12], ProfSapling [14:29], zacians [15:25]


1) This Pokemon and its pre-evolution have very obvious gender differences, but only have 1 menu icon that shows the male version [Hippowdon]
2) This Pokemon forme has a gender difference while the regular Pokemon does not (format as PS! would) [Eevee-Starter]
3) Eevee learns these moves by level up in LGPE at a later level than in Pokemon USUM. (alpha order) [Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Swift, Tail Whip]
4) In the same anime episode in which Sand Attack made its debut, these Pokemon made their anime debut in a dream. (alpha order) [Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle]
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Hosted an official on Wednesday Nov 13 at 3AM GMT, hosted by Bulbabuddy, qc by Bulbabuddy and Andrew.

1st place: 111ace111 [01:20].
2nd place: Meicoo [01:56].
3rd place: Christmas [01:59].
4th place: smii [03:10].
5th place: killerASCII [04:25].
Consolation Prize: AndrewThePenguin [06:45], Mega Eevee X [08:01], The Frozen One [11:55]


1) This Key Item, which is obtainable in every game from Gens 1-6, can be obtained in the same location in Kanto in 4 different generations of Pokemon games. [super rod]
2) This character, whose only known Pokemon is Croagunk, never battles the player and appears in 4 different generations of Pokemon games, in 5 different regions. [looker]
3) This gym leader makes an appearance in FRLG, but does not battle the player. [janine]
4) This NPC with whom the player makes an unrefundable purchase appears in Kanto and Unova. [magikarp salesman]

Thanks for playing!
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I got an official for November 13th at 7 PM EST (GMT -5), QC'd by 111ace111 and Meicoo !

1st place: Merlee [03:58].
2nd place: ckilgannon [04:15].
3rd place: Snecko [04:39].
4th place: mgperson 幹 [05:16].
5th place: ProfSapling [05:35].
Consolation Prize: Mrs Fame [08:44], boredcollegekid [09:21], Litt♥Eleven [10:41], AndrewThePenguin [10:45], PartMan [35:42]

1) These Pokemon fought in Restaurant Le Wow cannot be acquired without either Friend Safari or trading them from outside a Kalosian-based main-series game. Name them in alphabetical order. [Milotic Togekiss]
2) A dex-holder in the Adventures manga has a Togekiss. That Togekiss's parents are owned by this trainer. [Jasmine]
3) There are two trainers with Jasmine's Trainer ID that the player can trade with in-game. In alphabetical order, name all the items held by the Pokemon received from these trainers. [Gold Berry Soothe Bell]
4) If the player successfully completes this challenge, the prize is to fight either Liam or Celeste. [5-Maid Knockout Exact-Turn Attack Challenge]
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Hosted an official on November 14th, 5:00 P.M. EST (10:00 P.M. GMT)
Thanks to Andy Snype and Meicoo for QC'ing.

As a side note, this will be held in Treasure Town.

Winner: 111ace111
2nd place: Snecko
3rd place:
4th place:
5th place:
Consolation Prize:
Christmas, Aichoozyu, Tapler, ProfSapling

Greetings, Scavenger. We have heard of a state-of-the-art group of Internet users that have exceptional abilities in Pokémon trivia, puzzles, and data collection. As such, we have come to enlist you in a mission of national importance and utmost secrecy. We have received reports regarding an illegal underground trade happening very soon, so this completing this mission is an urgent matter. We have received an anonymous tip stating that the information can be found on a website, but we are unsure of the name. We know it is a Weebly website without its own domain, and we know that it's "[Someone]'s Decor" and has an address of "[someone]sdecor.weebly.com". The anonymous tip told us that the [someone] is a first name that is the same English voice actor of Ash's Gible in the Pokémon anime. Report your findings to us with "/scavenge [Someone]" and head to the website to await further instructions.|Tom

Nice job, Scavenger! Do not be fooled by appearances; there is definitely something illegal going on with this website. We just need to crack the secret. We've received another anonymous tip in the form of a haiku: "Three lonely flowers, rising up from the bottom, secret in footer." The ending isn't very graceful, but we won't complain. See if it leads anywhere (maybe an image, perhaps?) and report back to us with "/scavenge [findings]" after deciphering anything you find.|Timburr

Timburr, huh? Hm... well, it was from an image with two people in it, so it might actually be a name: Tim Burr. Is there anywhere you can input a name? Make sure it's capitalized correctly with only one space and no other characters. If you mess up, you'll probably be able to input it again, though. Maybe we'll actually find out some logistics of the deal, such as the in-between or someone else. Remember, report your findings with "/scavenge [findings]" when you have something.|Painter Espeon

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First official on this Friday, 1 AM IST! (For other timezones, uhh, it's Thursday, 2:30 PM EDT; or Thursday, 7:30 PM GMT) QCs by the penguin Andy Snype and the hosting hunt queen c.kilgannon!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [05:23].
2nd place: Merlee [06:01].
3rd place: 111ace111 [06:05].
4th place: Snecko [07:24].
5th place: Christmas [09:56].
Consolation Prize: Elgino ♫ [11:09], Aichoozyu [13:05], Prof. Sapling [19:38]

1) If the player has a certain Pokémon in their team, and they visit a place, a mysterious person will attack them with a screeching growl. In the resulting battle, the player battles a certain Pokémon (A). There is a card called B's A, where B is a possible ability of A. What is the English translation of the move on this card? [Crisis Claw]
2) On a quiet little island, a certain trainer gives out two items in B/B2, and two different items in W/W2, after being defeated. However, they cannot be battled unless the player shows them a certain Pokémon from their party. In ascending order, list the possible amounts of money that can be won by defeating them. [1392, 1632, 1872]
3) In a certain Gen V location, a Pokémon can be encountered in the overworld and battled once a week. The gender of this Pokémon depends on the version of the game being played. The Pokémon can be found in this location in BW, but not B2W2. [Driftveil City / Driftveil]
4) A certain TCG main expansion had cards for both Jellicent and Zoroark. Coincidentally, the Japanese name for the expansion could have allowed a Genesect's Techno Blast to change type if it existed as an item in the main-series games. Alphabetically list the Theme Decks of this expansion. [Explosive Edge, Voltage Vortex]

Congratulations to all finishers for, uhh, finishing!
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Reserving an official on 17/11/19 Sunday, 12 PM EDT. QC'd by Bulba and Pants.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Devoxys [04:48].
2nd place: The Frozen One [05:57].
3rd place: PartMan [08:58].
4th place: Andrew [09:10].
5th place: Anno-nyme [11:58].
Consolation Prize: c.kilgannon [13:41], myster17~‿~ [30:26]

1) A certain feature that is installed into your Pokedex by a Scientist in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal is replaced by a Key Item in the remakes, HeartGold/SoulSilver. Name the Key Item. [Unown Report]
2) This location that houses only Ground type Pokemon leads into a branch of a location where you can catch Unown-? and Unown-!. [Maniac Tunnel]
3) A character met in this city gives you a Nugget, claiming they dug up a lot of them in the Sevii Islands. [Malie City / Malie]
4) This location can only be accessed when atleast 3 of the Pokemon in the user's party have maxed out EVs. [Pathless Plain]

Congratulations to everyone who finished it, I hope it was fun to solve :]
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Official hunt by me and c.kilgannon on Sunday November 16 2019 at 12 AM EST (5:00 AM GMT). QC'd by BulbaBuddy & 111ace111 ! Hope yall enjoy!

1st place: Made in Saudi [03:49].
2nd place: Merlee [04:13].
3rd place: Aichoozyu [05:50].
4th place: PartMan [06:51].
5th place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [07:03].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥Eleven [12:05], AndrewThePenguin [22:21]

1) A glitch present in one generation can cause the interaction of an ability and a held item to apply multiple held item effects twice. Name the item that has this interaction with that ability. [Eject Button]
2) If this Key Item is used in battle in Generation I, the HP Bar turns to letters [Pokedex]
3) In a Japanese copy of Pokemon Red & Green, an item that fails to work properly can be found in the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island. [Rare Candy]
4) Picking up that broken Rare Candy inside the Cinnabar Island Pokemon Mansion prevents another similarly behaving Rare Candy to be found in this location. [Cerulean Cave]
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Reserving a collab official with Litt for Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 3 PM EST (8 PM GMT). QC'd by c.kil and Pants! :)

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: ZipzapadaM ㋡ シ [14:17].
2nd place: 111ace111 [17:15].
3rd place: Cheese555 [21:50].
4th place: Andrew [27:06].
5th place: Gwynt ^-^ [37:38].
Consolation Prize: DaApplePeel [37:56]

1) This person with a unique trainer class will only battle you if you have a full party of 6 Pokemon. [Justy]
2) In a PMD game, this species of Pokemon pretended to be invincible by actually being composed of a trio. [Haunter]
3) These locations in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia have the only catchable wild Pokemon in the area be a Staraptor, when visited as a Top Ranger. (alphabetical order) [Altru Park, Shiver Camp]
4) This Pokemon Conquest warrior (excluding the Hero/Heroine) has a Perfect Link with a Pokemon that shares no types with their type specialty. (ignore diacritics) [Gen'an]
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Reserving an official for 10 PM EST on Mon Nov 18

1st place: Cheese555 [04:59].
2nd place: Merlee [05:22].
3rd place: smii [05:51].
4th place: bulbasaurbuddy! [08:21].
5th place: 111ace111 [10:29].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥Eleven [11:20], AndrewThePenguin [11:20], Meicoo [14:11], YashGreninja✵ [16:09]

1) In Generation 3, A Key Item in Hoenn is given in exchange for the TM containing Return. Which NPC hands this Key Item to the player in FRLG? [Bill]
2) This NPC will call the player up with random trivia about Bill, such as who he fancies and information about his family. Answer with the Trainer class and the name. [Pokemaniac Brent]
3) One of the Pokemon Storage System maintainers can be fought in a certain generation. Name the Pokemon the maintainer uses in battle with the player that can be acquired only in certain games of that generation (alpha order). Don't count LGPE. [Bisharp Sandslash-Alola]
4) A certain Pokemon Storage System developer will give the player special Pokemon that know specific moves they wouldn't have otherwise known. Which of these moves does not share a type with the other special moves? Name the Pokemon and the special move in that order. [Pichu Surf]
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