(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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Mini Official on August 15th at 4 PM UTC
1st place: celesteeal [01:16].
2nd place: derpeddeath [01:24].
3rd place: 111ace111 [01:29].
Consolation Prize: The Frozen One [02:44], Ninetales Alolan<3 [03:27], powergo [04:08], Elements 101 [04:39], Shadecession [07:17], Mrs Fame ✿ [08:44]

1) These types of pokepuff grant the most affections. alphabetically [supreme honor supreme wish]
2) In 2008, Junichi Masuda announced that the player must play Pokemon Diamond and Pearl on this date for a surprise. format dd-mm [12 01]
3) Since 2016, every event pokemon distributed during Pokemon World Championship have this move. [celebrate]
Thanks to supposedly Rory (sorry) Andrew for QC

May the Pyuks be with you.
Official hunt by c.kilgannon at 5:00 pm (EST) August 16th.
thank you to : 111ace111 and andrew for QCs!!

1st place: killerASCII [03:16].
2nd place: Seraphus [04:06].
3rd place: powergo [04:58].
4th place: Snecko [05:11].
5th place: LookHereLookListen [07:17].
Consolation Prize: Mrs Fame ✿ [07:27], Snow Forme Shaymin [21:53]

1) Before Diamond and Pearl were released, fans who purchased a special issue of Corocoro received a ticket to vote for a move's name. This was the winning move's name. [draco meteor 16]
2) This move is the only one of its type whose English name is only one word. [Autotomize 21]
3) A certain fully-evolved Pokemon can be obtained in the Pleasant Forest Dream World area. However, if this Pokemon is transferred to a Gen 6 game, its Hidden Ability will change. In this order, list the Pokemon and its Gen 5 Hidden Ability. [scolipede quick feet 41]
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Official hunt by Andrew + c.kilgannon at 6:00 PM EDT (GMT -4) August 19th!
Thanks to ashiemore & Meicoo for QCs!

1st place: Mrs Fame ✿ [02:11].
2nd place: Ilikebugs [02:34].
3rd place: Rory Mercury [03:04].
4th place: 111ace111 [03:51].
5th place: BulbasaurBuddy [03:52].
Consolation Prize: Snecko [04:55], A Year in Advance [05:19], Seraphus [05:53], p^_^okemonvortex. [06:40], S12 [07:29], zacians [08:02], Prof. Spalding [08:18], Cheese555 [15:46], killerASCII [51:03]

Hunt and Solution:
1) A certain character of the day's bike is shaped like Zapdos. In their anime episode, they award Ash this nickname [Awesome Ash 18]
2) To catch Zapdos in Generation I, the player only needs three badges before they can legitimately encounter it without involving any external games. Name the badges in alphabetical order. Don't include Badge in your answer. [Boulder Cascade Soul 26]
3) In Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, Zapdos is the only Pokemon that learns this move by level-up that doesn't learn it upon evolving or at level 1. [Magnetic Flux 27]
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Mini Official, August 18 at 8:00 PM GMT (4 PM EST); QC: Gallant Spear

1st place: Rory Mercury [01:03].
2nd place: Wan the Avatar [01:04].
3rd place: irokei [01:26].
Consolation Prize: Embo (ar02) [01:29], Mrs Fame ✿ [01:35], Elgino ♫ [01:36], powergo [01:38], Seraphus [01:43], Ibuki Miod [01:53], PartMan [02:04], Benjgbro [04:30], DCSyntro [04:32]

1) This Pokemon city shares its slogan with the motto of the real life city of Homer, Alaska. (exclude 'city') [Lilycove]
2) In the Ever Grande Conference, Ash battles this trainer, whose hometown happens to be Lilycove City. [Katie]
3) According to the anime, Katie's favourite food is spaghetti with a certain berry. The berry can be found in this Dream World Location, in the Gen V main-series games. (exclude 'the') [Windswept Sky]

Thanks to everyone who tried it out!
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InCoGnItO hunt by ckilgannon! .. August 21 at 4pm est.

Thank you elgino and Rory Mercury!! (Qcs)


1st place: Andrew [06:03].
2nd place: Prof. Sapling [08:46].
3rd place: Ibuki Miod [08:58].
4th place: Seraphus [09:13].
5th place: Litt♥Eleven [10:09].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [10:23], Ilikebugs [11:30], Ryota Mitarai [11:53], PartMan [13:19], Geene [15:17], LookHereLookListen [18:57], Elements 101[20:50], Cernuvid [21:35], S12 [22:57], Mrs Fame ✿ [24:09], Add23456 [35:27], AndrewThePenguin [44:06], Darkvamper~♪~ [48:49]

1) This Gen 1 Pokemon's translated Japanese Category Name (but not its English Category Name) is the name of a Gym Badge you receive, but not in Kanto. [Arcanine 10]
2) Alphabetically list all non-fully evolved Pokemon whose English Category names are not the name of a Fossil, but their translated Japanese Category names are. [petilil sneasel 16]
3) Alphabetically list the Pokemon whose Japanese translated Category Names are also the name of a main-series Mountain (but not their English Category Name). [lunala malamar 17]
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Experimental Scavengers Official Puzzle Hunt! It will be hosted August 24th at 2 PM GMT (which is 10 AM East Coast time, 7 AM West Coast, 3 PM United Kingdom). I hope to see you there, it will be a lot of fun!

Inspired by Puzzle Hunts like this one. If you want to get a feel for the type of questions, you could try those puzzles.

QC Andrew and lovemathboy!
^ Happened! Special thanks to LittEleven for helping with hints after I had to go, and I hope you enjoyed it! Also a shoutout to smii for completing it without any hints, whereas others generally used upwards of 5.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically. 1st place: smii [58:34]. 2nd place: LittEleven [01:49:45]. 3rd place: GuiShark [01:56:37]. 4th place: Ilikebugs [02:02:44]. 5th place: powergo [02:10:34]. Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [02:23:24]

1) Puzzle One: The More, The Merrier
2) Puzzle Two: An Album of Memories
[Madame X]
3) Puzzle Three: A Flip Flop
4) Metapuzzle: Ballin'

1) Puzzle One: The More, The Merrier [Collector]
2) Puzzle Two: An Album of Memories [Madame X]
3) Puzzle Three: A Flip Flop [Gladion]
4) Metapuzzle: Ballin' [Lana]

I'll give a quick explanation of what you were supposed to do...
1) Each Pokemon shares one letter, their common ground. The word "character" was also chosen to refer to the letter.
Cubone - Scraggy => C.
Crobat - Shelgon => O.
Doing this for each one gives the answer: "COLLECTOR".

2) The flavor text here majorly hinted towards music, especially albums. Particularly, those of the "Popular Queen" -> "Queen of Pop", meaning Madonna. You can fill in all her albums to get "THE MISSING ONE" as a phrase in the darkened spots. The missing album is "MADAME X". If you did not recognise it was Madonna's, you could try to do some character analysis, try to find some phrases and work from there. Finally, the Greek characters being in alphabetical order shows that they're not significant in what they represent - they are simply placeholders for letters that map to them 1-by-1.

3) On first sight, this seems a lot like Voltorb Flip, with the Voltorb and "Flip" being in the title. This is correct, as it is a Voltorb Flip grid. After finishing the puzzle, one must convert the numbers (with Voltorb as 0) from base 4 to base 10, and then find the Pokemon with those Pokedex numbers. These are all Gladion's Pokemon in one of his Pokemon battles, so "GLADION" is the answer.

4) A nice, relatively simple ending! Most people recognised that turning Collector, Madame and Gladion into a relation with Pokeball's was that they each use one of these. The Net Ball would be left, and is only used by Lana, and thus the final answer is "LANA".
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Hi, I've got an official. 29th August, 5:30 PM GMT, [1:30 PM EST]
QCs: Meicoo + Ashiemore
Snaquaza's helping me host this one.

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [07:32].
2nd place: Made in Saudi [08:23].
3rd place: Elgino ♫ [08:40].
4th place: smii [11:59].
5th place: Devoxys [13:07].
Consolation Prize: powergo [19:32], adiass [19:51], Prof. Sapling [26:07], 111ace111 [34:02]

1) These abilities can directly cause the Defense stat of the Pokemon with the ability to drop by 1 stage. (alpha order) [Moody Weak Armor 29]
2) Excluding the effects of abilities and stat stages of other Pokemon, these two moves can cause a Pokemon's stat to "severely fall". (alpha order) [Spit Up Swallow 23]
3) This unique move can only be obtained through a Move Tutor. (excluding moves from Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee) [Secret Sword 17]
Thanks for solving, was fun to watch :)
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Official Hunt by ckilgannon happening at 10:00pm EST on August 29
qcs: elgino+ace, thanks guys.

1st place: Andrew [02:48].
2nd place: smii [02:52].
3rd place: 314dgeot-Mega [03:14].
4th place: Meicoo [03:20].
5th place: Made in Saudi [03:49].
Consolation Prize: BulbasaurBuddy [06:36], Cernuvid [06:44], barlcxks[06:52], Man(un)kind [08:37], Ibuki Miod [09:58], Mrs Fame ✿ [20:37], Emboar02 [23:43]

1) This fully-evolved gen3 Pokemon was left out of the Hoenn Pokerap. [relicanth 14]
2) Out of the Pokemon who are a part of a 3-stage evolutionary line, this is the only one that begins with its letter of the alphabet. [unfezant 20]
3) Alphabetically list the Pokemon whose Japanese names are one of their types. [haunter moltres 19]
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Official by Andrew and I on the 1st of September, 4 PM EDT (GMT -4). QCs: 111ace111 + c.kilgannon.

1st place: Litt♥Eleven [02:52].
2nd place: Ryota Mitarai [02:56].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [03:27].
4th place: Meicoo [06:57].
5th place: Made in Saudi [07:14].
Consolation Prize: Man(un)kind [08:11], Ibuki Miod [08:52], powergo [11:39], celesteeal [12:40], AndrewThePenguin [25:04]

1) In alphabetical order, name the Pokemon that can only be caught in a city due to a swarm encounter in Heart Gold and Soul Silver. [Whiscash, Wingull]
2) The two cities in which Whiscash and Wingull appear in due to swarm encounters share two Pokemon encounterable by fishing. Name them in alphabetical order. [Magikarp, Poliwag]
3) These two Pokemon which can appear in swarms share the exact typing and category name but do NOT share any abilities. (alpha order) [Minun, Plusle]
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Mini Official Roundup (August 1 - August 31st EDT):

1st place: CryoGyro [01:22].
2nd place: dangerdogs [01:24].
3rd place: Made in Saudi [01:38].
Consolation Prize: terrapieseven [02:28], BulbasaurBuddy [03:03], Ilikebugs [03:05], Elements 101 [03:10], Rory Mercury [03:27], Squirtell! [06:37], derpeddeath [08:23], Cheese555 [24:20], Ibuki Miod [28:01]

1st place: Litt♥Eleven [01:01].
2nd place: dangerdogs [02:33].
3rd place: A Year in Advance [02:41].
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [03:43], AndrewThePenguin [04:25], gallant's pear [05:00], AbuBatata [05:53], c·kilgannon [06:46], S12 [10:07], Prof. Spalding [13:15], Mrs Fame [31:54]

1st place: Snecko [01:57].
2nd place: dangerdogs [02:01].
3rd place: Ilikebugs [03:52].
Consolation Prize: Mrs Fame [06:11], irokei [10:44], Ibuki Miod [35:27], A Year in Advance [41:46], Prof. Spalding [43:34]

1st place: Seraphus [01:05].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [01:24].
3rd place: p0ip0le ∆ [01:36].
Consolation Prize: gallant's pear [02:03], smii [02:05], Tush •‿• avi [02:15], Snecko [02:20], golden009 [03:18], derpeddeath [07:09], Darkvamper~♪~ [20:14]

1st place: chupps [02:38].
2nd place: Ilikebugs [03:18].
3rd place: LookHereLookListen [03:57].
Consolation Prize: Snecko [04:21], BulbasaurBuddy [04:27], Cheese555 [08:18], CryoGyro [39:01]

1st place: celesteeal [01:16].
2nd place: derpeddeath [01:24].
3rd place: 111ace111 [01:29].
Consolation Prize: The Frozen One [02:44], Ninetales Alolan<3 [03:27], powergo [04:08], Elements 101 [04:39], Shadecession [07:17], Mrs Fame ✿ [08:44]


1st place: Rory Mercury [01:03].
2nd place: Wan the Avatar [01:04].
3rd place: irokei [01:26].
Consolation Prize: Embo (ar02) [01:29], Mrs Fame ✿ [01:35], Elgino ♫ [01:36], powergo [01:38], Seraphus [01:43], Ibuki Miod [01:53], PartMan [02:04], Benjgbro [04:30], DCSyntro [04:32]


1st place: c·kilgannon [00:55].
2nd place: Parcly Taxel [01:00].
3rd place: Illusio [01:01].
Consolation Prize: Ibuki Miod [01:12], 111ace111 [01:34], Seraphus [01:37], Ilikebugs [01:44], AbuBatata [01:45], Add23456 [02:53], zacians [03:00], Litt♥Eleven [06:29], Prof. Spalding [11:46], shadoWeavile [15:55]

1st place: celesteeal [01:24].
2nd place: 314dgeot-Mega [01:32].
3rd place: Ibuki Miod [01:48].
Consolation Prize: Cheese555 [01:50], shrugs and shrubs [02:00], BulbasaurBuddy [02:19], Ilikebugs [02:20], LookHereLookListen [02:38], c·kilgannon [03:06], A Year in Advance [03:32], 111ace111 [04:05], Litt♥Eleven [17:53], AndrewThePenguin [19:04]

1st place: chupps [02:12].
2nd place: TheWhoDoctor [03:45].
3rd place: SergioTests [03:50].
Consolation Prize: mgperson 幹 [03:52], ckilgannon [04:09], Rory Mercury [05:03], mukeo [05:16], Made in Saudi [05:57], Snecko [06:06], Cheese555 [08:12], keepingiticy[13:48], celesteeal [16:00]

1st place: Made in Saudi [03:03].
2nd place: BulbasaurBuddy [03:10].
3rd place: The Frozen One [04:42].
Consolation Prize: LookHereLookListen [05:15], Litt♥Eleven [05:28], broil [06:58], AndrewThePenguin [19:29], smii [19:35], gallant's pear [25:54], Tush •‿• avi [30:31]

1st place: Made in Saudi [03:42].
2nd place: dangerdogs [04:15].
3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [04:30].
Consolation Prize: AndrewThePenguin [05:16], 111ace111 [05:20], Ibuki Miod [07:13], Cheese555 [08:04], Notater517 [08:55], playfulpie2 [17:31], pvortex [19:32], Cernuvid[26:52], The Frozen One [35:14], Rory Mercury [50:52], hxl✿cyon [01:06:27]

1st place: 314dgeot-Mega [01:18].
2nd place: smii [01:18].
3rd place: Merlee [02:13].
Consolation Prize: p0ip0le ∆ [02:32], Whimper [02:35], BulbasaurBuddy [03:15], Litt♥Eleven [03:47], The Frozen One [14:08], Ibuki Miod [27:05]

Last Month's Results
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The August Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: LittEleven in first place with 868 points, Seraphus in second place with 610 points, and BulbasaurBuddy in third place with 514 points!
1 Litt♥Eleven 868
2 Seraphus 610
3 BulbasaurBuddy 514
4 ckilgannon 474
5 Snecko 413
6 smii 328
7 111ace111 323
8 Ibuki Miod 316
9 powergo 304
10 Mrs Fame ✿ 300
11 dangerdogs 288
12 Andrew 284
13 Made in Saudi 262
14 The Frozen One 246
15 Ilikebugs 239
16 AndrewThePenguin 198
17 Prof. Spalding 165
18 Gee ne ✿ 163
19 AbuBatata 157
20 314dgeot-Mega 149
21 p0ip0le ∆ 143
22 gallant's pear 141
23 Meicoo 120
24 killerASCII 106
25 LookHereLookListen 101
26 p^_^okemonvortex. 98
26 CryoGyro 98
26 Snaquaza ◢ ◤ 98
29 Prof. Sapling 97
29 PartMan 97
31 Cheese555 94
31 celesteeal 94
33 Add23456 90
34 zacians 87
35 Tapo + Collino 84
36 guiShark 83
37 Elgino ♫ 80
38 Elements 101 77
39 xernn ♡ 72
40 mgperson 幹 70
40 Rory Mercury 70
42 irokei 67
43 A Year in Advance 66
44 A Quail's Query 64
45 Parcly Taxel ♦ 62
46 golden009 61
47 chupps 57
48 Dawn of Ares 54
48 askdf 54
50 derpeddeath 53
51 Wan the Avatar 50
52 scoobydoobydrew 49
53 Whimper 47
54 broil 42
55 Ninetales Alolan<3 41
56 Gargoyle31 40
57 DCSyntro 39
58 S12 38
58 Tush •‿• avi 38
60 Cernuvid 37
61 Notater517 36
62 Duke_RAAdeK 35
63 terrapieseven 33
64 boredcollegekid 31
65 Snow Forme Shaymin 30
66 McLemore 28
66 pokemondeadchannel 28
66 Birdy~! 28
66 myster‿17~! 28
70 shadoWeavile 27
70 Soft Flex 27
72 barlcxks 26
73 Benjgbro 25
73 Devoxys 25
73 shrugs and shrubs 25
73 tlouk 25
77 Lady Monita 24
78 Squirtell! 21
79 Sk? Sham! ❄ 20
80 Emboar02 19
81 Gwynt ^-^ 18
81 Aegii 18
83 Midnightsecrets 17
83 R b220 17
85 SergioTests 16
86 Beedrill-Mega 15
86 Lucario•1582 15
88 Torooru 14
88 Man(un)kind 14
90 ButterPaneerNaan 13
90 king (troller) 13
90 TheWhoDoctor 13
90 shatterbolt 13
90 Illusio 13
95 Darkvamper~♪~ 12
95 KawaiiiiPotato 12
95 tidal otter 12
95 Hgcrafter247 12
99 Scrylveon 11
99 hxl✿cyon 11
99 Merlee 11
102 Shadecession 10
102 Desolate Snow 10
102 This Bot Is Hot 10
102 woe unto me! 10
102 God of Hypermeth 10
102 xcvvbb 10
102 Ryota Mitarai 10
109 Prankin 9
109 Intatashoru 9
111 playfulpie2 8
112 adiass 6
112 ShadowPhoenix99 6
112 Atad777 6
112 LennieTheLandourus 6
112 Ninetales♠Alola 6
117 Julius Caesar I 5
117 Swanna 5
117 kota the fiend 5
117 Andy >_> 5
117 Painter Espeon 5
117 Plutonium01 5
117 keeping it icy 5
117 mukeo 5
117 EeveeLution∞Army 5
117 nekoramen '◡' 5
117 ptelzcra 5
117 ghostchimpdamage 5
117 Dazelel '^' 5
130 PVortex 4
130 lucas2543 4
130 shinx(the)17 4
130 VigilanteVigoroth 4
130 SnowyStars ✫ 4
130 LJB14 4
130 WyldZephyr 4
130 Soulja Board 4
130 ZardMX 4
139 Dragonmirror 3
139 Level 51 3
139 wt u_u cheese 3
139 moo 3
139 LordNwahs6 3
139 RaichuBoss26 3
139 Ocean-ey✿ 3
139 ckilgannnon 3
139 kvothe the red 3
139 POCARI ion water 3
139 schaillop ( 3
139 Dot Agumon 3
139 Kyuseu 3
139 derpedmule 3
139 PapayayapaP 3
139 Bunguin87 3
139 POWER 3
139 Naze miterun desu? 3
139 frostyicelad ❆ 3
139 Dratios 3
159 Lanceffish 2
159 Mazdayasna 2
159 dagdfssfdggfs 2
159 DeeRutt 2
159 pokemasterofkalos 2
159 larseid 2
159 86l 2
159 Mega Eevee X 2
159 AndrewTheSnecko 2
159 PrincessPika102 2
159 FourteenAlmonds 2
159 DooniumSteel 2
159 blackburn009 2
159 MGenius 2
159 SchizophrenicOkapi 2
159 DanDaMan99 2
159 Chickenpie2 2
159 Schiavetto 2
159 Release yr pkmn 2
178 Leastoflife 1
178 IbnAlBateekha 1
178 Magikingdra 1
178 Ecnav Dani Raeya 1
178 OM~! 1
178 ba ttler444 1
178 Luana 1
178 Waahhh Audino 1
178 Superstaffbrosdev 1
178 myst 1
178 MemezBoi69 1
178 635hydreigon 1
178 Barry000 1
178 keledek 1
178 Bronzecrank 1
178 Jahkxun 1
178 Ju1cebox 1
178 SergioRules 1
178 gourge_eist 1
178 danno 1
178 texTing 1
178 donaldotrumpinez 1
178 Team Yell's Marnie 1
178 A Phantom 1
178 MukUsedDrillPeck 1
178 CircuitBreakerZ 1
178 MobilePotato 1
178 BoltSapphire *_* 1
178 gst haxorus 1
178 India Musade 1
178 ThePokeNerdYT 1
178 Discordual 1
178 Zipzapadam 1
178 Peterwhite 1
178 AndrewFromMercury 1
178 AndrewFromSaudi 1
178 AndrewtheGwynt 1
178 Andrew♥Eleven 1
178 HeracrossTheGreek 1
178 HoeenHero 1
178 SobbleSidekick 1
178 Failure999 1
178 Slimy-Rebel 1
178 yaicanea 1
178 lets_go_ou_test 1
178 TheStarmanLord 1
178 demonstrandum 1
178 ThelifeYouLive 1
178 tiernothebeast 1
178 Do not bother pls 1
178 jegoro 1
178 kevinrocks 1
178 lly2 1
178 Yeedo2 1
178 YvelToTheCore 1
178 underkale 1
178 it gets everywhere 1
178 Esa•Eevee 1
178 potionsmaster 1
178 Froppy❤Kero 1
The ladder twist for the month of September will be: If you finished the official in any place and become the first person to finish the next regular hunt right after the official, you will get 5 bonus points. Note that this month's twist will be active only on Saturdays and Sundays EDT (GMT -4:00), and that this twist does not apply to mini-officials.

As a reward for winning the August Ladder, this twist was be chosen by LittEleven from the submissions. Thanks to gallant's pear for being the one who submitted this twist, and on the August Ladder they will receive 5 points for submitting that valid twist, plus an additional 30 for submitting the winning twist! For a full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
gallant's pear 35
BulbasaurBuddy 5
Seraphus 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Rock out on the September Ladder!
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Official September 4th midnight gmt +2 (September 3rd 6PM EDT)
Qc'd by Rory Mercury and c.kilgannon

1st place: 111ace111 [02:36].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [04:11].
3rd place: powergo [04:18].
4th place: BulbasaurBuddy [07:20].
5th place: dangerdogs [12:13].

1) This item was shown in the anime to have the ability to summon a certain set of Pokemon, although in the games the item can only change their forms, not summon them in any way. [Reveal Glass]
2) In the first episode of the anime where the Japanese title includes the English name of a Pokemon, this Pokemon/subspecies of Pokemon/variation of a Pokemon makes its debut. (Format as Bulbapedia does.) [Pink butterfree]
3) This is the first anime episode after a gen 2 Pokemon being shown in the anime where an English anime character of the day's name is in the name. [Challenge of the samurai]
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Official hunt reserved for September 6th at 2:30 EST.

Ty to Andrew and gallant spear for the QCs!

1st place: broil [01:52].
2nd place: dangerdogs [02:28].
3rd place: 111ace111 [03:23].
4th place: Litteleven [03:37].
5th place: PartMan [07:45].
Consolation Prize: powergo [12:16], Prof. Sapling [15:56], Dawn of Ares [23:21], A Quail's Query [31:14], The Frozen One [33:06]

1) The user will faint after using this glitch move. [Tm09]
2) The glitch move with less than 1% (but greater than 0) accuracy had the appearance of this move in Gen 2. [sacred fire]
3) These NFE Pokemon can learn both of the moves that the Glitch Move with the highest base PP can take the appearance of (alphabetical order). [dewott wartortle]
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Official on September 7th at 11am EDT, Qc'd by Andrew and Gallant Spear, hosted by Andrew.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: smii [02:35].
2nd place: Level 51 [02:59].
3rd place: AbuBatata [03:32].
4th place: broil [03:53].
5th place: Litt♥Eleven [04:16].
Consolation Prize: dangerdogs [04:48], 111ace111 [05:14], Aegii [12:48], The Frozen One [15:01], Man(un)kind [15:46], BulbasaurBuddy [19:08], PartMan [22:54], arnavb12 [25:18]

1) These 4 fully evolved Pokemon evolved under Zoey’s ownership. (alpha order) [Gallade, Gastrodon, Lumineon, Mismagius]
2) Of Gallade, Gastrodon, Lumineon and Mismagius, one can hold a berry when found in the wild. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum you can also obtain this berry from a certain trainer in this city. [Pastoria City]
3) A Pokemon Zoey has owned can be acquired holding a Rindo Berry in a certain circumstance. When acquired in this circumstance, it has 3 non stab moves. List them alphabetically. [Double Team, Mud Bomb, Natural Gift]
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Reserving an official for September 9th at 11pm BST (GMT+1); QC'd by Andrew and Ckilgannon, hosted by Andrew

1st place: RoryMercury [02:50].
2nd place: 111ace111 [03:47].
3rd place: powergo [03:56].
4th place: BulbasaurBuddy [09:30].
5th place: Pixelationaire ♥ [17:10].

1) This Pokemon is the only one whose Spanish, Italian, and English names are all different [Type: Null]
2) These natures are spelled the same in English as they are in at least one of French, German, Spanish, or Italian (Alpha Order) [Brave Docile Mild]
3) One move's name in French is the English name of a separate, signature (learned only by members of a single evolutionary family) move. Answer with the English names of both moves in alphabetical order [Barrage Block]
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Have an official on September 10 at 7 PM GMT (3 PM EDT), QC'd by Elgino (who's also hosting) and Andrew

1st place: DanDaMan99 [10:06].
2nd place: 111ace111 [18:01].
3rd place: Prof. Sapling [22:00].
4th place: TheToxicGuy [26:34].
5th place: zacians [40:54].
Consolation Prize: gallant's pear [42:54], boredcollegekid [58:37], AndrewThePenguin [01:23:50]

1) This move from a Pokemon game confuses all Pokemon on the opponent's side of the battlefield when used, except those with Own Tempo or Soundproof. [Shadow Panic]
2) These two status moves, when powered up as Z-Moves redirect all moves to target the user for that turn, apart from their normal effect. (alphabetical order) [Destiny Bond Grudge]
3) Genesect's Techno Blast can never hit these Pokemon legal in the NFE tier for neutral damage. (alphabetical order) [Graveler Pupitar]

Thanks for turning up n_n
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Sparkychild and I have a Scav Games on Wednesday Sept 11th at 7 PM EDT (GMT -4). Thank you to Meicoo & Rory Mercury for QCing!

So we had two sets of these today!

Congratulations to Cheese5555 for finishing the first set that went until 4 hunts until it was just him!
Congratulations to 111ace111 and powergo for enduring through the second set of 6 hunts as the sole survivors!

20 points were given to each of the above users as well as all of these users depending on the # of hunts that they finished:

BulbaBuddy : 2 hunts
Pixelationaire : 2 hunts
Dan of ares : 3 hunts
dangerdogs : 3 hunts
Cheese5555 : 5 hunts
powergo: 7 hunts
111ace111 : 7 hunts

Here are all 10 hunts that made this set of Scav Games today!

Hunt 1:

/scav createunrated sparkychild | What does Pokémon stand for? | Pocket Monsters | In the Pokémon Anime, the character “Duplica” owned this Pokémon. | Ditto | This Pokémon was originally named “Lee” in the beta. | Hitmonlee

Hunt 5:

/scav createunrated sparkychild | This anime character owned 2 Dittos when they first debuted. | Narissa | This Ghost-type move has the highest number of LETTERS in its name. | Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom | Excluding Z-moves, this is the only Pokémon move with a number in it. | Conversion2

Hunt 7: /scav createunrated Andrew | This is the first Pokemon in National Dex order that Professor Sycamore uses in his first battle against the player in Pokemon X & Y. | Bulbasaur | In the anime, this is the Pokemon that Professor Sycamore can mega evolve | Garchomp | This is the name of the expansion that the Professor Sycamore card was introduced in the English TCG. Don’t include the words Pokemon and TCG in your answer. | XY

Hunt 2:

/scav createunrated sparkychild | This was the first human word that Team Rocket’s Meowth had learned. | “Rocket” | James is often seen holding this flower when Team Rocket says their motto. | Rose | Aside from Jessie and James, this other Team Rocket duo is famous for their evil acts, and is known for their rivalry with Jessie and James. | Cassidy + Butch; Butch + Cassidy

Hunt 3:

/scav createunrated sparkychild | This is the only Pokémon with 2 different Unique Z-Moves | Pikachu | Find the last Pokemon in the sequence…. Pidgey, Hoothoot, Taillow, Starly, Pidove, ??? | Fletchling | This is the only LC Pokémon that can set all damaging entry hazards, while being able to clear hazards itself. | Pineco

Hunt 4:

/scav createunrated sparkychild | Find the last Pokemon in the sequence…. Aurorus, Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, ??? | Carbink | This Pokémon caused seizures in a Pokémon episode that was released in Japan | Pikachu | This fully-evolved Pokémon has no weakness. | Eelektross

Hunt 6: /scav createunrated Andrew | This is the Pokemon Noland fought Ash with in the anime. | Articuno | This is the name of the antagonist in the Power of One | Lawrence III | This is the name of the baby Lugia that appeared in the anime | Silver

Hunt 8: /scav createunrated Andrew | This is the only Shadow Pokemon snaggable at the Outskirt Stand in Pokemon Colosseum. | Togetic | You can trade the purified Shadow Togepi in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness for this Pokemon. | Elekid | This Shadow Pokemon can be encountered as part of a battle at the Outskirt Stand but never caught there. | Nosepass

Hunt 9: /scav createunrated Andrew | This Pokemon can be caught roaming in Pokemon Gold and Silver, but not in Crystal. | Suicune | These are the Pokemon that can be caught roaming in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (alpha order) | Cresselia Mesprit | In HeartGold and SoulSilver, this Pokemon can be caught only at one specific tree in Pewter City. | Starly

Hunt 10:

/scav createunrated Andrew | This Pokemon is the only Pokemon to lose 100% of its HP to an entry hazard. | Shedinja | This is the only non-Dragon type SOS ally summoned by Kommo-o Totem | Scizor | This Pokemon is in the user Andrew’s Custom Avatar on Pokemon Showdown! | Quilava
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c.kilgannon and I have an Official on Thursday Sept 12th at 7 PM EDT (GMT -4). Thank you to Sparkychild & Meicoo for QCing!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: broil [01:43].
2nd place: Rory Mercury [03:24].
3rd place: Ibuki Miod [05:39].
4th place: powergo [07:36].
5th place: Soft Flex [08:39].
Consolation Prize: Squirtell! [13:01], bulbasaurbuddy [14:50], tidal otter [14:51], Prankin° [22:20], Litt♥Eleven [34:48]

1) This is the motto of Cyrus's hometown. [solar powered!]
2) If you pay the right price, this NPC will guarantee all Pokemon encountered in the wild to be of a certain nature for a limited duration. [madam celadon]
3) Ignoring diacritics, this Psychic type move's French name is the same as this Dragon type move's Spanish name (answer in that order). [trick room roar of time]
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official on the 16th midnight GMT +2 Meicoo Andy Snype (host)

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: askdf [05:35].
2nd place: ckilgannon [06:39].
3rd place: zacians [06:48].
4th place: broil [07:18].
5th place: powergo [23:51].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [25:01], bulBasAurbuDDY [25:22]

1) In Gen 3, using this move together with PoisonPowder would net you extra appeal points during Pokemon contests. [Sweet Scent]
2) This move's Japanese translated and romanized name refer to how only Serpentine or Snakelike/Serpentine body styled Pokemon learn the move by level up. Answer with the Japanese Romanized Translation. [Snake Glare]
3) This word, which is the start of 3 English moves sharing a type and 9 Japanese Romanized moves that share the same type, comes from a Greek word meaning 'mental' or 'not physical'. [Psycho]
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i've got a fish with my best bud BulbaBuddy monday 3:30pm pdt!
qc'd by andrew and ckil, hosted by ckil thank you both!!

1st place: powergo [04:18].
2nd place: 314dgeot-Mega [11:26].
3rd place: 111ace111 [13:08].
4th place: Seraphus [13:55].
5th place: sparky✿child [14:30].
Consolation Prize: Prof. Sapling [17:24], Mrs Fame [17:48], Pixelationaire [21:12]

1) In Generation 5, the species of the Pokemon that helps the player get more space to plant berries can be found in this location.
[Icy Cave]
2) In a Pokemon Conquest story that has a flower's name in the title, you play as a certain Warlord. Name the all of the Pokemon that Warlord can have a perfect link with in alphabetical order.
[Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff]
3) This location exclusive to Generation 3 games has 7 rooms named after different plants.
[Tanoby Chambers]
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Reserving Official Hunt on September 15th at 4 PM UTC
1st place: Aegii [02:16].
2nd place: bulbasaurbuddy [02:48].
3rd place: 111ace111 [02:51].
4th place: A Quail's Query [04:15].
5th place: The Frozen One [06:21].

1) This NPC said Pink Bow or Twisted Spoon is adorable. [tuscany]
2) This NPC's favorite magazine comes out in Thursday. [julia]
3) This NPC's parents wished for their child to be healthy and warmhearted. The NPC was born in the autumn. [kiri]
Thanks to Little Andrew for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Official on September 20th at 5 PM GMT. Thanks to Litt (Host) and Andrew for QC'ing.

1st place: Prof. Sapling [01:56].
2nd place: broil [01:59].
3rd place: 111ace111 [02:00].
4th place: PartMan [02:12].
5th place: powergo [02:46].
Consolation Prize: Imjustgray [03:16], Zimmy D [04:33], bulbasaurbuddy! [08:46], The Frozen One [09:35]

1) In the Hoenn Leaders Tournament, these Pokemon belonging to Juan hold berries that reduce damage from attacks of certain types. (alpha order). [Crawdaunt, Kingdra, Whiscash]
2) In The Waterworks, these three Pokemon have the same field move in three different levels of power. (alpha order) [Crawdaunt, Oddish, Raticate]
3) In the anime, a Pokemon nicknamed “Hannah” attempted to attack a giant Pokemon. Of the moves Hannah is shown to know, list the ones the said giant Pokemon resists or is immune to. (alpha order) [Iron Tail, Thunder Shock]
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Official Hunt on September 17 at 2pm EST.
thank you to Litt+Andrew for QCs <3
1st place: Prof. Sapling [01:57].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:50].
3rd place: CeLeSTeeAL [02:55].
4th place: Mrs Fame [03:17].
5th place: PartMan [03:21].
Consolation Prize: powergo [03:42], Merlee [06:31], zacians [06:47], myster ⌐◼‿◼ 17 [18:54]

1) This is the only move which boosts Speed that also boosts Speed when Z-boosted. [geomancy]
2) Name all moves from Generation 1 whose z-effect exactly matches their normal effect (alpha. order). [harden meditate sharpen withdraw]
3) Out of Harden, Meditate, Sharpen, and Withdraw, only two of them can be learned simultaneously by Pokemon other than Smeargle. Out of those Pokemon, this numerical value is the single highest base stat among all of those Pokemon. [184]
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Reserving Official Hunt on September 21st at 4 PM UTC
1st place: smii [05:48].
2nd place: 111ace111 [07:57].
3rd place: The Frozen One [24:25].
4th place: PartMan [31:07].
5th place: bulbasaurbuddy! [33:51].
Consolation Prize: Pixelationaire [34:06], Gargoyle31 [46:11]

1) In Pokemon Conquest, this move can potentially hit most pokemon in front of the user. [fire spin]
2) Pokemon Duel revealed this unobtainable Electric/Steel Type figure in 2018. [carlo]
3) This bridge connects Altru Park and Pueltown. [norward bridge]
Thanks to 10.11 for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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