ckil and I have an official for 7 PM GMT (8 PM London time, 9 PM Amsterdam time, 3 PM New York time)
qc by elgiyes and andrew
hope to see ya then!
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Guishark [02:22].
2nd place: Prof. Spalding [03:11].
3rd place: Ilikepinkbunnies [04:56].
4th place: Pratham02 [05:55].
5th place: Rory Mercury [05:55].
Consolation Prize: Zipzapadam [06:56], Bandstand [07:52], celesteeal[09:17], LittEleven [10:41], pokemondeadchannel [16:43], hxl✿cyon[16:52], PartMan [24:31]
1) This Pokemon was the first to have a unique typing as a monotype Pokemon. [tangela]
2) These two Pokemon are adjacent in the National Dex, but have a stage of their non-branching evolution line in between them (list in alphabetical order). [budew roserade]
3) Grookey is the only revealed user of this move (English name). [Branch Poke]
qc by elgiyes and andrew
hope to see ya then!
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Guishark [02:22].
2nd place: Prof. Spalding [03:11].
3rd place: Ilikepinkbunnies [04:56].
4th place: Pratham02 [05:55].
5th place: Rory Mercury [05:55].
Consolation Prize: Zipzapadam [06:56], Bandstand [07:52], celesteeal[09:17], LittEleven [10:41], pokemondeadchannel [16:43], hxl✿cyon[16:52], PartMan [24:31]
1) This Pokemon was the first to have a unique typing as a monotype Pokemon. [tangela]
2) These two Pokemon are adjacent in the National Dex, but have a stage of their non-branching evolution line in between them (list in alphabetical order). [budew roserade]
3) Grookey is the only revealed user of this move (English name). [Branch Poke]