(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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ckil and I have an official for 7 PM GMT (8 PM London time, 9 PM Amsterdam time, 3 PM New York time)

qc by elgiyes and andrew

hope to see ya then!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Guishark [02:22].
2nd place: Prof. Spalding [03:11].
3rd place: Ilikepinkbunnies [04:56].
4th place: Pratham02 [05:55].
5th place: Rory Mercury [05:55].
Consolation Prize: Zipzapadam [06:56], Bandstand [07:52], celesteeal[09:17], LittEleven [10:41], pokemondeadchannel [16:43], hxl✿cyon[16:52], PartMan [24:31]


1) This Pokemon was the first to have a unique typing as a monotype Pokemon. [tangela]
2) These two Pokemon are adjacent in the National Dex, but have a stage of their non-branching evolution line in between them (list in alphabetical order). [budew roserade]
3) Grookey is the only revealed user of this move (English name). [Branch Poke]
c.kilgannon hosting an Official Hunt on Thursday , June 27 at 7 PM GMT (8 PM London time, 9 PM Amsterdam time, 3 PM New York time).
much thanks to Andrew and Rory Mercury for the QCs.


1st place: Elgino ♫ [02:18].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:35].
3rd place: Ilikepinkbunnies [03:09].
4th place: PartMan [03:09].
5th place: moo [03:11].
Consolation Prize: Geene [04:08], Fame 1v1 [07:41], derpeddeath [10:06], Squirtell! [13:42], celesteeal[23:05], Prof. Spalding [24:41], Litt♥Eleven [24:41]

1) This Pokemon's Red/Blue Beta name is also a type of damage a Pokemon can incur from using risky moves. [magneton]
2) This Pokemon's National Dex Number is the same as its Base Experience Yield. [poliwag]
3) The Pokemon Stadium description of this Pokemon claims it is very modest, which is the opposite of the Official Pokemon Handbook's description of it, which all but calls it vain. [Machoke]
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Pokémon songs official, 4 July 11pm SST (3pm UTC; 11am EDT)!
QC by gallant's pear and c.kilgannon

1st place: Made in Saudi [03:57].
2nd place: smii [07:46].
3rd place: Snecko [13:03].
4th place: terrapieseven [13:06].
5th place: 111ace111 [15:38].
Consolation Prize: Ilikebugs [23:38], Markerpop [25:10], killerASCII [25:47], LordNwahs6 [26:56], BulbasaurBuddy [38:54], Andrew [40:46], PartMan [42:20]

1. In this song, written to promote the launch of a main series game, a gen 5 Pokémon is mentioned, followed immediately by its two types. | Can't Stop (Catchin' 'Em All)
2. This opening theme of the Pokémon anime features the most species and most instances of Pokémon. | Unbeatable
3. This ending theme aired exactly twice on Kids' WB!, the first time in its original Japanese and the second time dubbed. | Meowth's Party
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Mini Official Roundup! (June 1st - June 30th EDT):

1st: Snaquaza (2:24)
2nd: 111ace111 (2:37)
3rd: Cheese555 (2:57)
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [03:20], Litt♥Eleven [03:54], Level 51 [04:07], tidal otter [04:28], hxl✿cyon [04:31], Ibuki Miod [05:12], Man(un)kind [06:36], scoobydoobydrew [06:40], AndrewThePenguin [09:50], Dan of Ares [13:49], Celesteeal [16:53], derpeddeath [19:03]
Quality Checker: Andrew

1st place: Cheese555 [01:08]
2nd place: askdf [01:09]
3rd place: CryoGyro [01:10]
Consolation Prize: Meicoo [01:21], Prof. Spalding [02:09], TH im b [02:10], celesteeal [02:24], Zipzapadam [02:28], ptelzcra [02:57], Loljbass [03:19], Gwynt ^-^ [03:46], A Quail's Query [04:45], Andy >_> [11:27], Rory Mercury [14:14], Ibuki Miod [16:33], Made in ☽ Saudi [18:57]
Quality Checker: 111ace111

1st place: Litt♥Eleven [00:47]
2nd place: Prof. Spalding [00:50]
3rd place: Dan of Ares [02:50]
Consolation Prize: G♡ui♡sha♡rk [03:22], dangerdogs [03:29], 111ace111 [03:29], AbuBatata [04:49], ElAlt [07:53], KawaiiiiPotato [10:45], I/m S-o)a_p\y? [13:18], alphayoshi [13:30], derpeddeath [16:57], Man(un)kind [20:18], playfulpie2 [21:14], PartMan [26:46], cel es teeal [27:03], PapayayapaP [31:28]
Quality Checker: Elgino

Last Month's Results
The June Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to Celesteeal in first place with 485 points, c.kilgannon in second place with 391 points, and 111ace111 in third place with 386 points.

1 celesteeal 485
2 c.kilgannon 391
3 111ace111 386
4 dangerdogs 370
5 Andrew 303
6 Prof. Spalding 299
7 Litt♥Eleven 287
8 Snaquaza ◢ ◤ 272
9 PartMan 220
10 Meicoo 208
11 p0ip0le ∆ 176
12 Cheese555 171
13 CryoGyro 163
14 AbuBatata 155
15 Ibuki Miod 154
16 Ilikepinkbunnies 152
17 Elgino ♫ 130
18 gallant's pear 127
19 smii☆彡 123
20 A Quail's Query 116
21 derpeddeath 114
21 Parcly Taxel ♦ 114
23 askdf 112
24 Man(un)kind 102
25 Level 51 87
26 scoobydoobydrew 78
27 Zipzapadam 75
28 AndrewThePenguin 70
29 Trade 69
30 Rory Mercury 68
31 Aeolia 67
32 Guishark 65
32 Dan of Ares 65
34 chupps 63
35 Made in Saudi 62
35 powergo 62
35 aegii 62
38 moo 58
38 hxl✿cyon 58
38 Geene 58
41 3.14dgeot-Mega 55
42 p^_^okemonvortex. 49
43 terrapieseven 46
43 Tushavi 46
45 fear火fire火22 45
46 Loljbass 38
47 Bandstand 37
47 Illusio 37
49 BulbasaurBuddy 36
50 playfulpie2 31
50 skiddo 31
50 unfunnyholidayalt 31
50 Whimpering ±~± 31
54 keeping it icy 30
55 Embar 28
55 PapayayapaP 28
55 kingtroller + 28
58 jum & bowhales 27
59 thimb 26
59 pokemondeadchannel 26
59 zacians 26
62 Gwynt ^-^ 25
62 Mrs Fame 25
62 Barry✗☆✬000 25
62 Benjgbro 25
66 ScorrchingTheaph 24
67 Whimper 23
68 boredcollegekid 22
69 broil 21
69 Pratham02 21
69 Release yr pkmn 21
72 tidal otter 20
73 alphayoshi 19
73 Devoxys 19
73 shi nxt he 17 19
76 killerASCII 18
77 Assistant Sonia 17
77 Bipedalist Llamas 17
77 Wan the Avatar 17
77 qwexpeon 17
77 ptelzcra 17
82 Beedrill-Mega 16
82 FurretUsed♡Punch 16
84 TheAura 15
84 Snecko 15
84 heroictobias 15
87 SomeoneNotReal 14
87 Squirtell! 14
87 FireghtBug 14
90 Christmas 13
90 Dratios 13
90 samsamblaze 13
93 SnowyStars ✫ 12
93 gleeb 12
95 Sk? Sham! ( 11
95 sleepm2 11
95 Wet Kisser 11
95 KawaiiiiPotato 11
95 Pear Experience 11
95 I/m S-o)a_p\y? 11
101 ExTopaz7 10
101 pokemangoes 10
101 Barnaba 10
104 adlkjghq 9
104 Schiavetto 9
104 Judge Courtney 9
104 Magentia 9
108 Spiderz 8
108 Gym leader Nessa 8
108 Titus Labienus 8
108 EnderTorterra548 8
108 shadowman333 8
108 xcvvbb 8
108 Discordual 8
108 Pnujellymuffins 8
108 Gold Donut 8
108 Gazz Pacho 8
108 Soft Flex 8
108 Pondambo 8
108 Andy >_> 8
121 lovemathboy 7
121 tlouk 火 7
121 EeveeLution∞Army 7
121 thislilgal 7
121 conabzb 7
121 lets_go_ou_test 7
121 arch of life 7
128 cel's gone 6
128 Fraux 6
128 Tapo + Collino 6
128 Dylas 6
128 Alex 6
128 forrce 6
128 Gimm1ck~♫ 6
128 ElAlt 6
136 thestarmanlord 5
136 DOTA gum on 5
136 phantomgenius 5
136 SergioRules 5
136 Markerpop 5
136 first on this hunt 5
136 Dragonmirror☆彡 5
136 1vlta2 cheese 5
136 legendarymouse 5
136 theaph alt 1 5
136 annika0 5
136 TheToxicGuy 5
136 cheesecoolergui 5
136 ThePokeNerdYT 5
136 Wooloo Trainer 5
136 tropiusisbae 5
136 nuval weeper 5
136 Scarven Audino 5
136 Frenchfryfan 5
136 milkshook 5
136 Kai Havertz 5
136 alexander489 5
136 Peterwhite 5
136 nuval cheese 5
160 a wanderer 4
160 Gargoyle31 4
160 rafooa11 4
160 catholicapplejuice 4
160 some lights 4
160 ThunderBALLZ 4
160 Chillie102 4
167 lpow12 3
167 rufastweepingdevil 3
167 Kiwigamer0039 3
167 I still feel alive 3
167 nekoramen '◡' 3
167 0a0 3
167 DarklyDreamin 3
167 DarkShinyGiratina 3
167 Notater517 3
167 battler444 3
167 Dan of Auxesia 3
167 roflmaool 3
167 pv is busy 3
167 Jahkxun 3
167 Aziziller 3
167 Ilikebugs 3
183 AnthemOfTheWorld 2
183 MagicBurrito279 2
183 PrincessPika102 2
183 mgperson 幹 2
183 cel not so afk 2
183 Mighty Magmar 2
183 AnonymouzLSB 2
183 Uh oh 2 Hours 2
183 Swearing 2
183 duch n_n 2
183 Bronzecrank 2
183 Piplup48 2
183 Dynamax Dratios 2
183 Ju1cebox 2
183 rufast n 2
183 Hanzomain7 2
183 stormfire-lucario 2
183 Zzzeeecccaaa 2
183 HoeenHero 2
183 wob 2
183 Darkdex 2
183 FourThirdsPiRCubed 2
183 Lycz ^^ 2
183 Wingdingnoob 2
183 Panda280 2
183 Fame 1v1 2
183 gazza786 2
183 mukeo 2
183 get me bloody 2
183 Snow Forme Shaymin 2
183 Devoxys-tteal 2
183 pikardis23 2
215 Flerovium 1
215 RUFAST Cryo 1
215 nyabby11 1
215 Aesahaettr 1
215 Zack02 1
215 Cyan Talon 1
215 Blue YM 1
215 Zamazenta-Mega 1
215 Midnightsecrets 1
215 Zuff 1
215 alexg78 1
215 Grass Expert Milo 1
215 MoonlitMoogle 1
215 theaph alt 5 1
215 Cristhian Stuani 1
215 VigilanteVigoroth 1
215 WyldZephyr 1
215 McLemore 1
215 MukUsedDrillPeck 1
215 Matteo Guendouzi 1
215 Perish ♫ Song 1
215 DanDaMan99 1
215 ShadoWeavile 1
215 hoi6789 1
215 Ibuki Is Essaying 1
215 TerraNullius 1
215 teiarose 1
215 Satanic Yoghurt 1
215 Fantasia Hologram 1
215 Gµest 9000+ 1
215 Yolkief 1
215 JimmyJoe123 1
215 Brady1014 1
215 Scarf Audino 1
215 kevinrocks 1
215 Coolrom122 1
215 Fairy Memory 1
215 brugger 1
215 Hikanu 1
215 Geene Challenges 1
215 not a mafia alt 1
215 SilverX5502 1
215 ChooseyourURL 1
215 PrimeFrogContent 1
215 kingcamcam 1
215 Failure999 1
215 ScorrchingTheAFK 1
215 TheMapleLeafeons17 1
215 pokemasterofkalos 1
215 MGenius 1
215 lucas2543 1
215 LustySalazzleMaid 1
215 1vLTTS3 cel 1
215 guy everyone hates 1
215 coinboy 1
215 D4 hariyama 1
215 Emboar02 1
215 Fanfordan 1
215 luis fonsi dabbing 1
215 newo ikkin 1
215 il primo che passa 1
215 EVD エボラ 1
215 Trika_24 1
215 BukiEstaTrabajando 1
215 uuas che 1
215 TheyCallMeSweeper 1

The ladder twist is TBD but will be chosen by Celesteeal

Also congratulations to our newest roomvoice, dangerdogs and congratulations to our newest driver, 111ace111 !
First Official of July :D Reserving it for tomorrow July 2nd at 4pm EST.
QCed by: Devoxys + Mr. Mercury , thanks to you both.
1st place: CryoGyro [01:15].
2nd place: askdf [02:36].
3rd place: irokei [12:10].
4th place: PartMan [18:00].
5th place: celesteeal [18:03].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [18:17], Snecko [19:05], Andrew [26:53], Ibuki Miod[32:02], Litt♥Eleven [33:41], Magentia [34:58], Ilikebugs [36:54], Prof. Spalding[44:23], BulbasaurBuddy [48:37]

1) Alphabetically list the two moves that, prior to Gen IV, could be Physical or Special. [hidden power weather ball]
2) This is the only attack in the TCG whose damage is calculated by multiplication with a max multiplier of x1. [spinball]
3) Nurse Joy described this move as a process that occurs when a certain Pokemon inhales. It then purifies the air and releases it as water and light. [seed flare]
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Reserving an official for July 3rd, 9 PM GMT! Hope to see you there :)

Checked by ckil and ace

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Litt_Eleven [04:49].
2nd place: Snecko [11:13].
3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [15:50].
4th place: Cheese555 [20:49].


1) Despite not being part of Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs’ plot, this Pokemon’s involith can be seen in the game’s introduction cutscene. [Mewtwo]
2) This person attached plates to a series of five monuments throughout Oblivia. [Amun]
3) In Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, the player falls into the ocean at the start of the game. At which coordinates was this? (Format X: [number], Y: [number]) [X: 055621, Y: 355693]
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The July ladder twist is "Jumble: Each of the three answers will highlight some of their own letters. There is a fourth question, which asks to anagram those highlighted letters into a word or phrase belonging to a given category. (e.g. answers may be craboMinablE, sKrelP, mONOtype to give POKEMON)" submitted by Parcly Taxel and chosen by Celesteeal

Parcly Taxel 15 +30 for the chosen twist
Snaquaza 5
For June ladder result, go here
Reserving Official Hunt on July 7th 2019 at 19:00 PM UTC
1st place: scoobydoobydrew [04:41].
2nd place: Snecko [06:32].
3rd place: killerASCII [08:38].
4th place: Ilikebugs [08:53].
5th place: AbuBatata [09:48].
Consolation Prize: Made in Saudi [10:50], CryoGyro [10:59], AndrewThePenguin [11:20], BulbasaurBuddy [12:44], 111ace111 [17:55], Litt♥Eleven [18:05], askdf [19:11], PartMan [27:34], Prof. Spalding [29:21]

1) This city produces a fantastic medicine that fully heals a Pokemon of any ailments. [CIanwood city]
2) This move's name is included in a generation 2 move, a generation 2 item, a Johto League arc's episode title of the anime, and a Johto location. [raGE]
3) This item can be obtained inside Saffron City Magnet Train Station. [yellow SHARD]
4) check using /viewhunt pokemon move. [discharge]

Thanks to andrew and elgino for qc

May the Pyuks Wools be with you.
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Results of the official on 11 July at 1 PM GMT
QC by c.kilgannon and Gallant Spear

1st place: 111ace111 [26:00].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [26:48].
3rd place: celesteeal [28:05].
4th place: Snecko [31:13].
5th place: smii [32:12].
Consolation Prize: Tapo + Collino [38:10], PartMan [44:34]

1) These regional Pokédexes are the only ones that don't have the starters listed as the first Pokemon. (Alpha order, Include Pokedex in your answer) [nEw unovA PokEdex oLd UnOva pokEdex]
2) This is the only Pokemon that gives away a badge. Give both the Pokemon and the badge, in that order. (Exclude badge) [MEOwTh eaRTh]
3) The member with the most messages on the Bulbapedia forums has a certain Pokemon as their Profile Picture. This Pokemon learns 3 STAB-moves by breeding. One other Pokemon, excluding Smeargle and the first Pokemon's evolution line, can learn those 3 moves. If you take the weight of this Pokemon and add it to the weight of a Pokemon that shares a type, you get 100kg. Give the name of the second Pokemon in the last sentence. [hITmonTop]
4) Use "viewhunt" to solve the anagram. The answer is a Pokemon [Meloetta Pirouette]
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Reserving official hunt on July 14th at 3 PM UTC
1st place: Cheese555 [01:59].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [03:27].
3rd place: 111ace111 [05:07].
4th place: PartMan [05:18].
5th place: Snecko [06:50].
Consolation Prize: DCSyntro [12:32], Ilikebugs [16:36], kingtroller + [29:50], Tapo + Collino [36:30], LookHereLookListen [39:18], Prof. Spalding [41:54]

1) In the first episode to feature a giant sized pokemon, this pokemon was captured on-screen using a pokeball. [krabby]
2) In Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, this is the only pokemon shown to be captured on-screen using a pokeball . [CUBONE]
3) In the anime, this is the first pokemon captured on-screen using a pokeball by a main character but traded/released on the same episode. [shellder]
4) "check using /viewhunt" pokemon move. [bounce]

Thanks to c.kilgannon and Elgino for qc

May the Wools be with you
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Official Hunt on July 15th at 6:00pm EDT.
thanks for the qcs, devoxys and ace!!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Andrew [01:46].
2nd place: powergo [01:56].
3rd place: Rory Mercury [02:15].
4th place: Snecko [02:28].
5th place: BulbasaurBuddy [03:18].
Consolation Prize: Ilikebugs [03:36], Made in Saudi [03:40], Litt♥Eleven [04:52], LookHereLookListen [08:22], Add23456 [11:00], Prof. Spalding [14:21]

1) In a main series game, one RageCandyBar is required to obtain the TM for this move. [EXpLosIon]
2) The Trial Guide found in both Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon rewards the TM for this move upon their defeat. [naTure powEr]
3) In Sun/Moon, the TM for this move is given to the player. In Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon however, it is only acquired by purchase. [pSych up]
4) Using /viewhunt, the capitalized letters in each answer are an anagram for this Pokemon. [steelix]
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Reserving Official hunt on July 26th at 4 PM UTC
1st place: celesteeal [03:30].
2nd place: Snecko [04:31].
3rd place: LordNwahs6 [06:01].
4th place: LT62HG Abyssal [06:21].
5th place: powergo [08:05].
Consolation Prize: Ilikebugs [10:56], Litt♥Eleven [15:05], BulbasaurBuddy [17:20], Mrs Fame [18:22], Prof. Spalding [22:17], Zipzapadam ❄ [28:33]

1) Only mega evolved pokemon have this non signature ability. [AERILATE]
2) This character's name can be either Seth or Thomas. [WES]
3) This Japanese TCG expansion is a concept pack released in BW era consists of 25 cards and primarily marketed for girls. [Shiny collection / SC]
4) "check using /viewhunt" location. [castelia sewers]
Thanks to Elgino ckilgannon for QC

May the Pyuks and Wools be with you
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Incognito Official Hunt on July 26 at 7PM EST....
QC thank you's to: spear + elgino


The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Snecko [02:55].
2nd place: Prof. Spalding [05:19].
3rd place: Rory Mercury [05:24].
4th place: golden009 [06:01].
5th place: Seraphus [07:48].
Consolation Prize: Andrew [08:35], jegoro [09:33], spooktune [10:42], Guishark [11:57], BulbasaurBuddy [12:56], Benjgbro [17:55], MukUsedDrillPeck [19:59], Made in Saudi [25:22]


1) Identify the Item: https://imgur.com/JpVVEA1 [spRinkLotAD]
2) Identify the Pokemon: https://imgur.com/LvC5N5k [BElduM]
3) Identify the Ability: https://imgur.com/7OmRIUj [poison heAL]
4) Using /viewhunt, the capitalized letters in each answer are an anagram for this Item. [dreamball]
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Official Hunt July 31 at 8pm est
Thank you to spear and pv!!


The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: smii [03:42].
2nd place: Rory Mercury [03:46].
3rd place: irokei [04:56].
4th place: Cheese555 [05:22].
5th place: Scrylveon [05:46].
Consolation Prize: Snecko [05:57], BulbasaurBuddy [06:18], Dawn of Ares [06:32], Andrew [07:11], Made in Saudi [08:06], Meicoo [11:22], askdf [13:22], Prof. Spalding [16:07], dangerdogs [16:53]

1. In XY, this mega stone may be acquired at any time of day in the city with a 13-hour clock. | gEngAriTe |

2. An NPC with a case of amnesia gives the player a mega stone found in their pocket at this location.| BattLe rEsort

3. One of the Mega Stones in ORAS is acquired on a route from a Pokemon with this nickname.| ChompER

4. Using /viewhunt, the capitalized letters in each answer are an anagram for this event-only move.| celebrate
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Mini Official Roundup (July 1 - July 31st EDT):

1st place: Snecko [00:38].
2nd place: celesteeal [00:42].
3rd place: Litt♥Eleven [00:58].
Consolation Prize: PartMan [01:03], AbuBatata [01:05], 111ace111 [01:06], FIREEEE [01:10], Level 51 [01:19], Made in Saudi [01:44], Elgino ♫ [01:45], CryoGyro [02:04], Ibuki Miod [02:05], rafooa11 [02:28], zacians [02:47], Tapo + Collino [02:48], iasn [03:03], Dan of Ares [03:25], BulbasaurBuddy [03:41], Ilikebugs [05:04], Mrs Fame ❄ [05:22], Prof. Spalding [10:03]

1st place: Cheese555 [02:34].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:39].
3rd place: Rory Mercury [03:01].
Consolation Prize: Beedrill-Mega [05:40], BulbasaurBuddy [05:57], LittEleven [10:05], Ilikebugs [13:42], Ibuki Miod [17:48], AndrewThePenguin [41:11], KawaiiiiPotato [49:56]

1st place: smii [01:09]
2nd place: Snow Forme Shaymin [01:33].
3rd place: BulbasaurBuddy [01:37].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥Eleven [01:39], Made in Saudi [01:46], Prof. Spalding [01:49], askdf [02:04], broil [02:26], Squirtell! [02:41], Cheese555 [03:16], Pokemondeadchannel [05:53], Gwynt ^-^ [10:40]

1st place: Cheese555 [02:08].
2nd place: askdf [02:57].
3rd place: Ilikebugs [03:04].
Consolation Prize: smii [04:37], Litt♥Eleven [04:53], Mrs Fame! [06:42], dangerdogs [09:19], Squirtell! [10:24], Made in Saudi [10:49], c·kilgannon [11:00], Mega Eevee X [13:25], xernn ❅ [14:45], Dawn of Ares [16:55], AndrewThePenguin [17:59], Ocean-ey✿ [26:57]

1st place: askdf [02:18].
2nd place: smii [02:33].
3rd place: Cheese555 [02:59].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥Eleven [03:48], pokemondeadchannel [03:48], dangerdogs [04:12], AndrewThePenguin [05:38], Mrs Fame! [06:48], Dawn of Ares [06:52], c·kilgannon [09:51]

Last Month's Results
29 question odyssey 8pm GMT-4 on august 1st
qc'd by fruit and Andre W.

1st place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [12:24].
2nd place: dangerdogs [22:35].
3rd place: Snecko [23:56].
4th place: Cheese555 [30:14].
5th place: broil [32:45].

Consolation Prize: Ilikebugs [34:00], c. kilgannon [36:09], Dawn of Ares [36:48], CryoGyro[46:56], BulbasaurBuddy [49:53], Mazdayasna [50:08], Mrs Fame [58:43], derpeddeath [01:04:42], McLemore [01:23:27], celesteeal [01:27:00], Litt♥Eleven [01:35:24], Ibuki Miod [02:16:31]

The amount of questions in this odyssey was based off of the amount of responses gathered from a two question survey. If usernames were provided I tried to make the question based on the username.
This is the default name for the players team in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.Pokepals / Poképals
This is the only route in the Sevii Islands that’s more than one square in both dimensions on the Town Map.Ruin Valley
SneckoThe in-game description for this status-causing move seems to be intended for Arbok, mentioning patterns on the Pokémon’s belly.Glare
DevoxysThis was the first Pokémon to have its own unique battle music.Deoxys
IlikebugsAsh’s Chikorita is revealed to know this move in the anime episode Bugsy debuts in.Sweet Scent
dangerdogsThis Pokémon functions as Lt. Surge’s "guard dog“ in Pokémon Adventures.Electabuzz
Ibuki MiodThis Gym Leader comments on her breath upon rewarding a TM.Clair
This Pokémon is able to learn two OHKO moves via level up in the same game.Excadrill
phantomgeniusThese are the most expensive pants in Pokémon XY that are only available in one color.Vinyl / Vinyl Pants
BulbasaurBuddyBulbasaur used this move in the Japanese version of the Pokémon anime that it can’t learn in the games.Dig
Not LittElevenUpon defeating a certain legendary, this Friend Area with a capacity of 11 Pokémon can be bought from the Wigglytuff Club.Echo Cave
LittElevenThis Pokémon’s Japanese name and romanization were leaked in a tweet on March 27th, 2016.Litten
derpeddeathIn the Detective Pikachu movie, this character is played by the person that voices Detective Pikachu.Harry Goodman
p0ip0leThis Pokémon debuted in the episode officially identified as the 1000th episode by The Pokémon Company International.Poipole
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon this weather condition reduces the damage of all non-Normal-type moves by 25%.Cloudy
GwyntThis move has the highest PP of all special moves.Gust
FourteenAlmondIn the Magical Pokémon Journey manga Hazel wants her grandfather to make her a love potion so she can give it to this person.Almond
powergoIn trainer battles, this move has the highest unique power in Pokémon Go.Fire Blast
PartManThis Key Item is hidden in a Gym.Machine Part
keeping it icyThis in-game character, who is a self-declared pacifist, calls the player a noob several times.Ice
CryoGryoBrycen’s Cryogonal was defeated by this move in the battle against Ash.Fire Pledge
Soft FlexIn Pokémon Adventures this Pokémon is nicknamed Flex in the French version of the manga.Snorlax
MukUsedDrillPeckThis is the only move Delibird learns by level up besides Present.Drill Peck
celesteealA School Kid can be encountered in the Mistralton City Pokémon Center after defeating her in this location.Celestial Tower
smiiThe appearance of this Pokémon character was created using the Mii Avatar system on the Wii.Hayley
Duke_RAAdeKWikstrom has this trainer class when battled outside of the Elite Four.Duke
IrokeiThe German name of this Pokémon is based off of the German word for Mohawk.Scrafty
The Music Box in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team causes this Pokémon to appear in a certain dungeon.Mew
This Pokémon learns Aqua Tail upon evolving.Goodra
Hope everyone enjoyed this hunt and congratulations to everyone that finished! :)
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The July Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: Snecko in first place with 818 points, LittEleven in second place with 574 points, and 111ace111 in third place with 416 points!
1 Snecko 818
2 Litt♥Eleven 574
3 111ace111 416
4 smii 373
5 c·kilgannon 361
6 BulbasaurBuddy 318
7 PartMan 284
8 celesteeal 252
9 Made in Saudi 205
10 Prof. Spalding 194
11 Andrew 190
12 Tapo + Collino 185
13 Cheese555 182
14 Rory Mercury 162
15 gallant's pear 158
16 askdf 144
17 CryoGyro 134
18 Ibuki Miod 128
19 scoobydoobydrew 127
20 Seraphus 125
21 AbuBatata 123
22 irokei 108
23 powergo 99
24 Snaquaza ◢ ◤ 93
25 Ilikebugs 92
26 p0ip0le ∆ 89
27 Mrs Fame! 88
28 p^_^okemonvortex. 78
29 Dawn of Ares 64
30 Parcly Taxel ♦ 62
31 dangerdogs 60
31 zacians 60
31 AndrewThePenguin 60
34 Geene 50
34 killerASCII 50
36 LordNwahs6 48
37 jegoro 47
38 DCSyntro 44
39 Level 51 41
40 Benjgbro 37
40 Wan the Avatar 37
42 LookHereLookListen 33
43 Gwynt ^-^ 31
43 golden009 31
45 314dgeot-Mega 30
46 derpeddeath 28
46 Snow Forme Shaymin 28
46 Whim (per) 28
49 terrapieseven 27
50 king (troller) 26
50 heroictobias 26
52 Dazelel '^' 25
53 Add23456 24
54 Elgino ♫ 23
55 hxl✿cyon 22
55 broil 22
55 SnowyStars 22
58 GST Haxorus 21
58 Soft Flex 21
60 Guishark 20
60 Beedrill-Mega 20
60 Sk? Sham! ( 20
63 McLemore 19
64 xernn ❅ 18
64 Duke_RAAdeK 18
64 boredcollegekid 18
67 Scrylveon 16
68 Zipzapadam ❄ 15
68 keepingiticy 15
70 Squirtell! 14
70 ZardMX 14
70 Birdy~! 14
73 Dragonmirror °͟¿° 13
73 shinxthe17 13
73 Man(un)kind 13
73 KawaiiiiPotato 13
77 Lady Monita 12
77 FrenchFryFan 12
79 aegii 11
79 Gargoyle31 11
79 Death & DeSpear 11
82 I/m S-o)a_p\y? 10
82 Magentia 10
84 Tushavi 9
84 Failure999 9
84 pokemondeadchannel 9
84 Ocean-ey✿ 9
88 Illusio 8
88 moo 8
90 shadoWeavile 7
90 ExTopaz7 7
90 syncop 7
90 WyldZephyr 7
90 tidal otter 7
90 Barry✗☆✬000 7
90 Meicoo 7
90 SchizophrenicOkapi 7
98 tlouk (◕‿◕) 6
98 Skybounds ⬡ 6
98 YvelToTheCore 6
98 arch of life 6
98 spooktune 6
103 alphayoshi 5
103 Prof. Sapling 5
103 xXConfucius69Xx 5
103 Aeolia 5
103 86l 5
103 coronal 5
103 MukUsedDrillPeck 5
103 Mazdayasna 5
103 Discordual 5
103 Devoxys 5
103 chupps 5
103 Ninetales♠Alola 5
115 schaillop 4
115 Spiderz 4
115 Midnightsecrets 4
115 oh xD 4
115 A Quail's Query 4
115 Lucario•1582 4
115 Emboar02 4
115 Yeedo2 4
115 LustySalazzleMaid 4
124 deftinwolf 3
124 Painter Espeon 3
124 gst cheese 3
124 Panda280 3
124 rafooa11 3
124 SubparTriviaUser 3
124 mgperson 幹 3
124 Release yr pkmn 3
124 Barnaba 3
124 LJB14 3
124 PrincessPika102 3
124 PapayayapaP 3
124 Losconosciuto 3
124 ScorrchingTheaph 3
124 Swanna 3
124 James Tarkowski 3
124 bayleif 3
124 Dratios 3
124 ThePokeNerdYT 3
143 harrybotter 2
143 Peterwhite 2
143 Ju1cebox 2
143 Schiavetto ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ 2
143 Okamu 2
143 VigilanteVigoroth 2
143 Pratham02 2
143 unfunnyholidayalt 2
143 Markerpop 2
143 fear火fire火22 2
143 psmathgeek 2
143 RaichuBoss26 2
143 TheToxicGuy 2
143 FourThirdsPiRCubed 2
143 asfksjdlksdjf 2
143 we rising up 2
143 Aziziller☭☭ 2
143 ButterPaneerNaan 2
143 mukeo 2
163 some lights 1
163 Gimm1ck 1
163 FireghtBug 1
163 Julius Caesar I 1
163 A Monster Like Me 1
163 aQrator 1
163 Klingc1285 1
163 gst no hax 1
163 TheFourthWall22 1
163 pnujellymuffins 1
163 ptoad⚬ 1
163 iasn 1
163 Klosterneuburg 1
163 battler444 1
163 athleteandy1 1
163 Ditto (Anon) 1
163 Bardick 1
163 Panthermon 1
163 Dandeme'w' 1
163 Incognito Style 1
163 floooood 1
163 Fantasia Hologram 1
163 Shadecession 1
163 Bidoof Princess 1
163 UnDErraTedrAcKeT 1
163 nommy 1
163 lucas2543 1
163 TheWhoDoctor 1
163 Pondambo 1
163 DarklyDreamin 1
163 MobilePotato 1
163 GlasgowGlalies 1
163 SergioRules 1
163 house of mirrors 1
163 Skiddo 1
163 d->art<-hekyu-te 1
163 AnthonyEdwardStark 1
163 Unwired 1
163 TheJ3estPenguin 1
163 Laladkos 1
163 ghostchimpdamage 1
163 Froppy❤Kero 1
163 playfulpie2 1
163 Fat Stax 1
163 awa! nderingcaelum 1
163 catholicapplejuice 1
163 Bronzecrank 1
163 blubellymuffins 1
163 maryland2 1
163 Teh Ducktor 1
163 iiw 1
163 TheAura 1
163 macrarazy 1
163 Mega Eevee X 1
The ladder twist for the month of August will be: Scrabble: At the end of every answer, solvers must include the answer's default English Scrabble Score. Count any non-English character and spaces as 0. (e.g. if the answer is bulbasaur, put bulbasaur 13) This twist does not apply to mini-officials.

As a reward for winning the July Ladder, this twist was be chosen by Snecko from the submissions. Thanks to BulbasaurBuddy for being the one who submitted this twist, and on the August Ladder they will receive 5 points for submitting that valid twist, plus an additional 30 for submitting the winning twist! For a full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
BulbasaurBuddy 35
Seraphus 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Have a blast on the August Ladder!
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Official on August 2nd at 5pm EST!
Thanks Andrew+Rory for QCs n.n

1st place: Meicoo [02:35].
2nd place: Ilikebugs [03:29].
3rd place: powergo [05:00].
4th place: Ibuki Miod [07:23].
5th place: Snecko [08:01].
Consolation Prize: boredcollegekid [08:14], scoobydoobydrew [09:30], Seraphus[11:16], BulbasaurBuddy [11:24], Mrs Fame [14:50], ButterPaneerNaan [16:43], 111ace111 [27:59], Made in Saudi [30:31], Duke_RAAdeK [53:44], Cheese555[54:46]

1) This Key Item is apparently decorated with a lot of glittery paint. [looker ticket 22]
2) The last time someone used the key to enter this location was 50 years ago, according to a Key Item. [harbor inn 14]
3) A certain FRLG Key Item incorrectly names a Gym Leader's relative as this. [charine 12]
Official Hunt by c.kilgannon on Tuesday August 6th at 4pm EST.
Thank you to gallantspear + Andrew for the QCs <3

1ST: litteleven (00:45 BLITZ)
2ND: powergo (01:13)
3RD: Bulbasaurbuddy (01:30)
4TH: made in Saudi (01:36)
5TH: snecko (02:41)
6TH: ilikebugs (02:45)
7TH: celesteeal (03:15)
8TH: Rory Mercury (03:18)
9TH: Prof Spalding (05:15)
10TH: boredcollegekid (06:51)
11TH: elements101 (09:35)

1. A Plasma Grunt in the game remarks that Hugh's character's hair looks like this Pokemon.|qwilfish 26 |

2. This aspiring filmmaker in the anime puts their Larvesta in charge of special effects when they make their movies.| luke 8

3. This Unovan NPC who you are able to make an in-game trade with's favorite hobby is fishing, which he states on several occasions.| curtis 8
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Reserving Official hunt on August 9th at 4 PM UTC
1st place: powergo [02:33].
2nd place: Ilikebugs [02:57].
3rd place: Litt♥Eleven [03:13].
4th place: AbuBatata [05:52].
5th place: BulbasaurBuddy [07:43].
Consolation Prize: LookHereLookListen [08:07], A Year in Advance [10:56], A Quail's Query [21:27]

1) In Pokemon Black 2/ White 2, there's a sidequest where you must defeat a certain amount of trainers and ring a bell. This is the trainer class of the last trainer you must defeat. [maid 7]
2) This Unova NPC may add beatbox in the background music. [russo 5]
3) In Pokemon Black 2/White 2, this NPC's default role is to change other NPC roles. [gardner 9]
Thanks to c.kilSnype combo for QC

May the pyuks be with you.
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This is LittEleven, reserving an official hunt for August 10th, at 5 PM GMT (1 PM EST)
QCs by Gallant Spear (helping me host) and Andrew.
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Snecko [02:36].
2nd place: mgperson 幹 [03:47].
3rd place: Geene [09:03].
4th place: powergo [10:27].
5th place: askdf [11:50].
Consolation Prize: A Year in Advance [15:34], Ilikebugs [34:54], DCSyntro [41:10]

1) This person found on the Sky Fortress in Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs owns a Pokemon with a Poison type Poke Assist. (only name) [Hocus 10]
2) In Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, this Pokemon can only be encountered if the player has a Gallade and uses its Field Move. [Registeel 10]
3) In Pokemon Ranger, this person allows the player to rebattle Gordor and his Entei, Raikou and Suicune. (exclude 'the') [Drowsy Guy 20]

Thanks to everyone who played!
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Reserving an official for 11 August 11pm SST (11am EDT)!
QC by xfix and Snaquaza

1st place: Litt♥Eleven [02:11].
2nd place: Snecko [03:12].
3rd place: LookHereLookListen [03:42].
4th place: Geene [03:54].
5th place: Andrew [04:34].
Consolation Prize: The Frozen One [04:46], smii [06:15], gallant's pear [06:16], S12 [07:45], A Quail's Query [07:51], Mrs Fame [07:53], AbuBatata [11:50], Ilikebugs [13:22], Ibuki Miod [19:55], DCSyntro [24:02], derpeddeath [25:41]

1. Of the items the partner Pokémon may gift in LGPE, this one's name has the highest Scrabble score. | Polished Mud Ball 26
2. This item, normally exclusive to the Abyssal Ruins, was also held by an event Pokémon. | Relic Gold 13
3. This key item can only be obtained by female players, and not in any form by male players. | Makeup Bag 20
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Reserving an official for August 11th at 7 PM EDT (GMT -4)
Thank you to Snaquaza & Rory Mercury for QCing!

1st place: Seraphus [06:28].
2nd place: Prof. Spalding [11:10].
3rd place: Ibuki Miod [12:50].
4th place: BulbasaurBuddy [17:10].
5th place: terrapieseven [18:09].
Consolation Prize: Ilikebugs [24:11], A Quail's Query [29:51], S12 [55:54], Dawn of Ares [01:06:20]

This Pokemon hypnotized an Officer Jenny as part of its plot to take over the world. | Malamar 11
Of the non-Water Pokemon in the Water 1, Water 2, or Water 3 egg groups, name all the Pokemon that have at least one type that isn't shared by any of the others in alphabetical order. | Bidoof Stunfisk 27
Inkay is capable of learning multiple moves through chain breeding only. Of these moves, which one requires the most Pokemon to chain breed it to an Inkay? Answer with the move and the chain. For formatting the chain, start with the Pokemon that learns it by level up, and then keep naming the Pokemon it must breed with. Your answer should end with Inkay. Each chain link should name the earliest stage of the evolution line capable of breeding. | Simple Beam Audino Skitty Psyduck Inkay 69
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Reserving an official for August 14th at 5 PM EDT (GMT -4)!
big thanks to ckil (who's also hosting) and rory for QCing!!

1st place: powergo [03:52].
2nd place: golden009 [05:10].
3rd place: Andrew [06:36].
4th place: Ilikebugs [07:07].
5th place: Mrs Fame [12:33].
Consolation Prize: PartMan [17:56], AndrewThePenguin [18:15], Prof. Spalding[24:02], S12 [32:01]

1) An Unova exclusive location that begins empty and can hold up to 8 shops, replaced this structure from BW to B2W2. [Nimbasa Gate, 16]
2) Certain items purchasable in Join Avenue, obtainable prior to Gen 5, can be sold in Unova to only one NPC. In B2W2, the NPC who will buy them from the player is found in a city featured in the Regular print illustration for this Supporter Card. [Skyla, 12]
3) The item that can be sold at the highest price to an item maniac in Unova is only found in a certain location. In B2W2, messages in that location can be read easier with documents from this NPC. [Zinzolin, 26]
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