(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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Reserving official COLLAB with ckil at March 7th, 10 PM GMT. (in 7 hours)

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Meicoo [05:19].
2nd place: Gwynt [06:38].
3rd place: AndrewThePenguin [08:54].
4th place: foRRCE [10:31].
5th place: 111ace111 [10:38].
Consolation Prize: Flerovium [13:57], Gimm1ck [16:57], Prof. Spalding[20:43], Ilikebugs [20:48], TheyCallMeSweeper [31:14], Andrew[39:59]

1) Of the moves that have had an additional effect added or modified between generations, this move which originally had no additional effects, added a chance of confusion. [dizzy punch]
2) List all non-legendary Pokemon who may or may not be eligible for a Sky Battle (alphabetically). [bronzong bronzor duskull]
3) This is the only (real) move on Pokemon Showdown whose PP is not displayed as 1 or a multiple of 8. [trumpcard]
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Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? odyssey, 11 March 9am SST (1am UTC)!
QC by Meicoo and Elgino

1st place: Andrew [15:09].
2nd place: Cheese555 [17:01].
3rd place: golden009 [25:32].
4th place: Z‽ipzapadam [30:52].
5th place: McLemore [34:21].
Consolation Prize: broil [35:13], Tidal Otter [41:20], 111ace111 [42:59], Whimpering [43:13], askdf [44:15], Prof. Spalding [49:02], A Quail's Query [52:52], ooftato✿EDM [57:28], Bipedalist llamas [01:01:18]

There are 15 questions, corresponding to the number of questions in the British WWTBAM. Questions 5 and 10 here involve money and are prefixed by the cash value of the corresponding question number in the real thing; these are the "safety nets" of guaranteed payout.
  1. Who is the male player character in LGPE? | Chase
  2. What is the third move by alphabetical order whose name contains four letters? | Bind
  3. Which TMs are available at the Trainer Hill? (TM number order, just give the moves) | Sunny Day Giga Drain Brick Break
  4. What item can be obtained exactly once in the Festival Plaza? | Eject Button
  5. (£1000) How much do the second-most expensive OTK Socks cost in Pokédollars? | 1800
  6. When does diamond dust appear in Snowpoint City in honour of Sarah Natochenny? (dd month, e.g. 1 January) | 20 September
  7. Across all incarnations of the Nugget Bridge, which Pokémon with Alolan forms are used by the five trainers before the Team Rocket grunt? (alpha order) | Meowth Rattata Sandshrew |
  8. What Mystery Dungeon item causes other items to be thrown in a random direction? | No-Aim Scope
  9. Where can a monument be found that helps summon Latias and Latios? | Tilikule Island
  10. (£32000) What is the total value in Pokédollars of the coins in the Abyssal Ruins, when all are sold to a specific item maniac? | 106000
  11. What Pokémon's German name can be decomposed into the symbol for the square root of -1 and "an element of a field, such as the number 1, but not a vector like (1, 2)"? | Inkay
  12. Who, and a clown in which city, both say "a winner is you"? (character, then city; omit "city") | Earl Dervish Veilstone
  13. Among the "Easy-to-Build" TCG decks, one deck had the fewest copies of its most common card. In that deck, which card was the second most common? | Psychic Energy
  14. In PS!'s Super Staff Bros. Brawl metagame, which signature move will fail if Trickster switched in just before it is used? | Earth's Blessing
  15. What British game show is the basis for this odyssey hunt? | Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
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Reserving an Official for Tuesday, March 12, at 2:00 PM EDT! QC'd by Steven Snype and Elgino10
1st place: AbuBatata [05:06].
2nd place: PartMan [05:48].
3rd place: FireghtBug [06:19].
4th place: scoobydoobydrew [07:07].
5th place: 111ace111 [08:14].
Consolation Prize: Darkchickenlord [09:05], damnright ☁ [10:55], fearfire22 [10:56], sparky✿child [19:01], MusSoap [20:20], DCSyntro [20:46], AndrewThePenguin [22:27]


1) Shoto Todoroki’s Japanese Voice Actor voices this character in the Pokémon anime who often uses a Fire type Pokémon and an Ice Type Pokémon. [Virgil]
2) A Pokémon TCG card has 1000 HP and its only attack deals 1000 damage and describes war between Dragon type Pokémon. Which Dragon Type Pokémon is the card featuring? [Rayquaza]
3) At the same event where a preview of Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew could be watched, and download over 20 Pokémon, one could also sample this Pokémon DS game. (format é as e) [PokemonTrozei / PokemonLink]
Congrats to all finishers! Thanks to Steven Snype and Elgino10 for QCing!
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Collab between me and Snaquaza , 14 March 2019 at 14:00 GMT , Thanks to Elgino10 and Meicoo for QC-ing!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: megumatt [16:53].
2nd place: 111ace111 [18:21].
3rd place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [23:17].
4th place: Devoxys [32:24].
5th place: PartMan [40:45].
Consolation Prize: FireghtBug [43:39], Trivia Machine [01:00:10], shinxthe17. [01:04:09]

1) This Pokemon Champion does not use any Pokemon. [Ronald]
2) A newspaper showed these four Pokemon being abducted while being controlled. (alpha order) [Charmander Mime Jr Purugly Slugma]
3) In Pokemon Shuffle, a certain kind of Special Stage offers a percent chance to encounter one out of a group of Pokemon. Two of these groups of Pokemon are made up of all but one single Pokemon sharing a type. Name these Pokemon alphabetically. [Salandit Wormadam / Salandit Wormadam Trash Cloak / Salandit Wormadam damnright Cloak]
Damnright and I reserving an official hunt for Monday 3/18 at 2 GMT (10am EST)
QCed by the lovely Meicoo + Elgino <3

1st place: 111ace111 [02:16]. 2nd place: smii ☆彡 [03:01]. 3rd place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [04:21]. 4th place: teal-mega [11:06]. 5th place: PartMan [15:40]. Consolation Prize: gallant's pear [18:59], Trivia Machine [26:34], Zepic [27:13]

Solution: 1) Excluding smeargle, this pokemon learns the moves 'hell wheel,' and 'crossroad killing' (those are the Japanese translated names). [Kabutops] 2) This is the only non-Flying type Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide recommends for the Disc Catch. [Hitmonlee] 3) These gym leaders are the only ones who own an unusually large pokemon in the anime. Exclude temporarely owned Pokemon or pokemon that were unusually sized for a short time(alpha order) [Byron Winona]
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Odyssey on March 20th at 6 PM UTC
1st place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [26:20].
2nd place: Zipzapadam [29:07].
3rd place: 111ace111 [43:51].
4th place: Prof. Spalding [51:16].
5th place: gui/shar k. [54:13].
Consolation Prize: Trivia Machine [54:36], damnright [01:19:32]

1) Welcome to Special Odyssey Scavenger Hunt! Collect all the ☆ puzzle pieces to finish this hunt! Hunt 1-1: This landmark separates Shellos and Gastrodon's shape and coloration. [mt coronet]
2) Hunt 1-2: This place is known as Sinnoh's 4th Lake. [sendoff spring]
3) Hunt 1-3: Sinnoh League in the anime is set on this island. [lily of the valley island]
4) Hunt 1-4: [BOSS FIGHT] This Worker in Pokemon Platinum references John Lennon song. (name only) ☆<1>☆ [noel]
5) Hunt 2-1: Half of this Sinnoh building's floor are filled with dense fog. [lost tower]
6) Hunt 2-2: Cyrus' grandfather lives in this location. [route 228]
7) Hunt 2-3: This is the smallest item that can be mined from The Underground. [heart scale]
8) Hunt 2-4: [BOSS FIGHT] This is the only area in Pokemon Platinum that is not a route where the player can re-battle a trainer using the Vs. Seeker. ☆<2>☆ [stark mountain]
9) Hunt 3-1: In order to get Magmortar in Pokemon Platinum, the player can catch its preevolution in this location. [fuego ironworks]
10) Hunt 3-2: This is the only area in Sinnoh where Flash can be used outside of battle. [wayward cave]
11) Hunt 3-3: Unown forms encountered in Solaceon Ruins started from 2nd room to 7th room spells this word. [friend]
12) Hunt 3-4: [BOSS FIGHT] In Pokemon Platinum, this challenge is held by a maid. ☆<3>☆ [5-Maid Knockout Exact-Turn Attack Challenge / [HIDDEN STAR] ☆<ex1>☆]
13) Hunt 4-1: In the main games, this Rich Boy has a Lickitung. (name only) [roman]
14) Hunt 4-2: In Pokemon Platinum, the player meets Charon for the first time in this location. [valley windworks]
15) Hunt 4-3: This is a place where "Trainers gather to work out and hone their battling skills." [survival area]
16) Hunt 4-4: [BOSS FIGHT] In Pokemon Platinum, this item plays Cynthia's battle theme when interacted and summons Cynthia herself when bought. ☆<4>☆ [piano]
17) Hunt 5-1: This is the most expensive Secret Base decoration that can be bought in Veilstone Department Store. [tv]
18) Hunt 5-2: This is the only building in Sinnoh where Dive Balls can be obtained. [pokemon news press]
19) Hunt 5-3: The challenge on Hunt 3-4 can be found in this location. [pokemon mansion]
20) Hunt 5-4: [BOSS FIGHT] This is the only Sinnoh location where no wild pokemon can be encountered, doesn't have native NPC, doesn't have or is not a building, and doesn't require an item or transportation to enter from the neighboring location. ☆<5>☆ [verity lakefront]
21) Hunt 6-1: This is the only non key item obtainable in your hometown in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. [odd keystone]
22) Hunt 6-2: Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop sells this accessory for 1 Aspear Berry. [yellow flower]
23) Hunt 6-3: A woman in Hotel Grand Lake lost this key item and you can find it using Dowsing Machine. [suite key]
24) Hunt 6-4: [BOSS FIGHT] The wild pokemon encountered in this Sinnoh location can be changed everyday if the player talked to the owner. ☆<6>☆ [trophy garden / [HIDDEN STAR] ☆<ex2>]
25) Final Hunt: Now you have all the ☆ pieces, assemble them and solve it. What is the answer? [lake of rage]
Thanks to c.kilgino10 combo for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Hosted an Official Collab with brand new room mod Elgino10 :swole: on Tuesday, March 19th, at 5:30 PM EDT!

2nd: SunGodVolcarona
3rd: 111ace111
4th: askdf
5th: c.kilgannon
6th: golden009
Consolation prize: fearfire22, A Quail's Query, Devoxys
(1) Shuckle, (2) Carnivine, (3) Butterfree, Snorlax
1) Meicoo: One of this Pokemon's base stats taken to the third power is the same as the weight in kilograms of the mega evolution of the Pokemon directly preceding it in National Dex Order.
2) Meicoo: In the Pokemon anime, a Shuckle belonging to a recurring character attempts to use a super-effective move against this Pokemon.
3) Elgino: Alphabetically name all fully evolved Pokemon that have been seen using both Tackle and Protect in the Pokemon anime (Excluding movies).
Thanks to Steven Snype and ashiemore for quality checking!
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Reserving an official odyssey the 27th at 9 PM GMT. qc ckil + mr 10

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Meicoo [37:16].
2nd place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [51:25].
3rd place: cleo [01:33:31].
4th place: askdf [01:39:24].
5th place: Cheese555 [01:40:22].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [01:43:57]

1) This is the Normal-type that learns the most Normal-type moves. [Smeargle]
2) This Fighting-type can hit all Fighting-types super effectively with only its STAB-types. [Hawlucha]
3) This is the only Flying-type that (under normal circumstances) resists Electric-type moves. [Rayquaza Mega / Mega Rayquaza]
4) This Poison-type can lose a Ground-immunity mid-battle, in a situation where it'd not happen to any other Poison-type Pokemon. [Gengar]
5) This Little Cup Ground-type evolves into a Pokemon that is not a Ground-type. [Nincada]
6) This Rock-type (base form) has the most forms. [Minior]
7) This Bug-type is immune to one of its own STAB-types. [Shedinja]
8) This is the only Ghost-type that cannot hit itself super-effectively under normal circumstances.. [Spiritomb]
9) This is the first evolved Steel-type Pokemon by Pokedex order that can’t learn a single Steel-type move by level-up. [Sandslash-Alola]
10) This Fire-type shares its species name with two pure Normal-type Pokemon. [Scorbunny]
11) This Water-type was not a Water-type in a previous generation. [Rotom-Wash]
12) This fully evolved Grass-type does not resist either of its STABs. [Cradily]
13) This is the only Electric-type that can use an instant recovery move besides Roost during a battle in the main series games (as the opponent). [UFO / Pokestar UFO]
14) This fully evolved (non-form) Psychic-type Pokemon’s strongest Psychic-type move is 100 BP. [Wobbuffet]
15) This Ice-type only learns a STAB move by level-up starting in Generation 7, despite being introduced earlier. [Delibird]
16) This Dragon-type that can breed doesn’t learn any egg moves. [Kommo-o-Totem]
17) This is the first Dark-type by national Pokedex order. [Rattata-Alola]
18) This Fairy-type has a base experience yield of 243. [Floette Eternal Flower / Floette Eternal]
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Hosted an official collab with Damnrighty on Thursday, March 28th, at 2:30 PM EDT!

2nd: gallant's pear
3rd: Prof. Spalding
4th: Bimp!
5th: Annika0
6th: TheWhoDoctor
Consolation prize: 111ace111, Snaquaza
(1) Bite, Gust, Karate Chop, Sand Attack (2) Hypnosis, (3) Ron
1) damnright: These moves changed typings between generation 1 and 2. (alpha order)
2) Meicoo: In Pokemon Crystal, a new trainer class is introduced. What move do multiple Pokemon used by that trainer class know in battle in that game?
3) Meicoo: In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal, according to this trainer, the Rival made fun of their Nidoking. Exclude the trainer's trainer class and give only their name.
Thanks to Devoxys and Elgino10 for quality checking!
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Was looking through my laptop's old folders when I found some old Scavengers stuff I saved for some reason, from 2009! For those of you who haven't been around, Scavengers started on a (different) Pokemon forum, which has since gone defunct since the founder of the small community stopped paying for the site upkeep. Soon after PS! opened up, we moved to PS!, and started the ladder back up on these forums. I thought these would be nice to have for completeness' sake, so here they are (and I've added a link to the OP, under "past ladders".)

Back then, the schedule was a little more rigid; we would host an "official" every Saturday and Sunday, and nothing between counted for points. Without further ado, the July 2009 ladder and officials!
We've reached the end of the July ladder! Congratulations to DrSceptile, CrystalSandslash90, and 1vysaur for taking the top 3 spots! Below is the top 20 for this month:

1. DrSceptile
2. CrystalSandslash90
3. 1vysaur
4. The Captain
5. ImLagging
6. NexusGaming01
7. Level 51
8. Gengahh
9. Lil Cube
10. You Are Here
11. DRT-108
12. Ernestop2
13. Semper Occultus
14. Halcy0n
15. Jonsun
16. TheKarateElekid
17. Yoshi96
18. StormFury
19. H0stage
20. PikaClone
1. What occasion is commemorated today in the US? [Independence Day / Fourth of July / Gengahh's birthday]
2. This is the name of the eccentric scientist in the movie Independence Day. (Include title.) [Dr. Brackish Okun]
3. This is the word which semi-rhymes with the word "lines" in the Bruce Springsteen song Independence Day. [kind]

Q1: Happy birthday, Gengahh!
Q2: This can be easily looked up on Wikipedia.
Q3: The lyrics can be easily looked up.
1. (L51 note: the image used here expired, but I had a copy in a .png, reproduced here.) [Loss]
2. Kanto's name is only seen in the Japanese Gen I games in one map location. Name the location. (Full name) [Pallet Town]

Q1: The signboard has been digitally edited to show a representation of the loss meme. So the answer is LOSS.
Q2: "Kanto" is only seen when viewing the Town Map in Blue's house in Pallet Town.
Q3: This clue has undergone a substitution cipher. Naturally, the answer must be transformed the same way to give the answer ATNVLAPNVZQNZWZCDQWZHPCDSZA.

Explanations: This hunt looks hard at first, until you realise that each anagram can be unscrambled into a message with just one Pokemon inside it. They are quite easily unscrambled as follows:
1. Name a city starting with the letter O. Exclude the word "City". [Oreburgh]
2. Name a region starting with the letter O. Exclude the word "Region". [Orre]
3. O [Leafeon]

Q1: Simple enough!
Q2: This is probably the trickiest question in the hunt. Hunters need to realize that the region isn't a main series region before they can find this answer, but once they do realize this they should be able to find it eventually.
Q3: As the question only contains a single letter, the obvious first step is to count the number of occurrences of that letter in the 493 Pokémon currently released. Since now you have a number, it's quite intuitive to convert that number into a Pokemon by counting that many Pokémon backwards from the end of the national Pokédex. But since you are only given one letter, solvers should quickly realize they want to reduce this Pokémon name to a single number first. By summing the distances between the given letter and each letter of the Pokemon (e.g. if you have the letter B and the word CAR, the sum would be 1+1+16=18), you get a single number. Let's call this number A. Now the next step is a little tricky, because solvers need to think about what they haven't used. That's right, they haven't used the first Pokemon alphabetically that starts with the given letter. This time, we compute the product of the distances between the given letter and each letter of this Pokemon to get number B. Finally, the last number we need is the position of the given letter in the alphabet, let's call this number C. What should we do when we have 3 different numbers? Well, clearly the answer is to compute the value of (A*B+C-2)^2, this is quite intuitive as A and B are computed using distances and to calculate distance you need to multiply rate by time. Finally, you find what the corresponding Pokemon in the regional Pokedex used by the latest region (which is Sinnoh) is and that is quite clearly your final answer.
1. In every generation, TM01 has had this word in it. [Punch]
2. From Diamond and Pearl to Platinum, which two Badges had the HMs they allowed switched with each other? Answer in alphabetical order, without the word Badge. [Fen, Relic]
3. Iron Tail, Sunny Day, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Protect, SolarBeam, Earthquake, Bulk Up, Frustration, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Iron Tail, Sunny Day, Taunt, SolarBeam, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Psychic, Hyper Beam, Bulk Up, Taunt, SolarBeam, ... [Ellipsis]

Q1: TM01 has been Mega Punch, DynamicPunch, and Focus Punch.
Q2: (See the Bulbapedia page on HMs.)
Q3: This question comprises a list of TM moves, followed by "...". First one should convert them to their TM numbers. Since this is Question 3, the obvious next step is to subtract 3 from each number. The TM numbers now notably fall between 1 and 26, so they convert via A1-Z26 to spell THE ANSWER TO THIS PUZZLE IS. Since this is followed by "...", the entire message is THE ANSWER TO THIS PUZZLE IS ELLIPSIS. So the answer is ELLIPSIS.
1. (L51 note: the pastebin used here expired, but I had a copy in a .txt, reproduced here.) [Pidgeot]
2. Leafeon, Eevee, Sableye, Clefable, Natu, Lickilicky, Seadra, ... [Swinub]
3. D, P, P, H, H, Y, H, H, H, H, ? [P]

Q1: On first glance, this might look like a list of random numbers. However, hunters should quickly notice that this is in fact an anagram of the first 100,000 digits of pi. Hunters should easily be able to locate the decimal point in this anagram. One will soon realize that taking the next 3 digits after the decimal point form the Pokedex number of PIDGEOT, which is a fitting answer for this puzzle.
Q2: These Pokemon actually represent the abilities, in order, from Levitate to Serene Grace. These are the alphabetically earliest Pokemon which share as many letters at the start of their name with the respective ability; for example Levitate and Leafeon share the Le- at the start of the name. (Lairon is alphabetically earlier, but Leafeon shares more letters.) The next Pokemon in this list is thus Swinub.
Q3: These are the last letters of moves, in order. The next move is Vice Grip, so the last letter is P.
1. One HM's sprite erroneously appears as a HM of a different color. Instead of appearing as its typical blue, what color does it appear as? [Blue]
2. Pink, Brown, Green, Blue [Gastrodon]
3. (L51 note: the image used here expired, but I had a copy in a .jpg, reproduced here.) [Marill]

Q1: This is a trick question! Defog appears as a Water-type HM, which is a different blue, but still blue.
Q2: These are all colors of Gastrodon, so the answer is GASTRODON.
Q3: This is a picture of a blue Pikachu, aka a Pikablu. So the answer is Marill.
1. Computer [Bill]
2. (L51 note: the image used here expired, but I had a copy in a .jpg, reproduced here.) [Good connection]
3. No computer [Premier Ball]

Q1: Bill made the PC.
Q2: Since this is quite a large image, if you were able to load it, your connection must be quite good, so the answer is GOOD CONNECTION. (If you couldn't load it, you must have had a poor connection.)
Q3: Since Q1 had computer = Bill, no computer means no Bill, hence the answer is the item that comes free of charge (i.e. with no bill) every time you buy 10 Poke Balls.
Mini Official Roundup! (March 1st - March 31st EST) Results:
1st place: Whimpering [01:25]. 2nd place: Andrew ^.^ [03:45]. 3rd place: IHasDisName [04:53]. Consolation Prize: Dan of Ares [05:00], c.kilgannon [07:20], for r ce [08:23], irokei [08:40], I'm Soapy? [12:43], golden009 [18:28], Parcly Taxel ♦ [19:10], Machine Trivia [01:07:11], cleo [01:09:37], gallant's pear [01:16:08], PUH Serg [01:31:38], Prof. Spalding [01:33:40], boredcollegekid [01:35:10], Astion [01:43:01], fearfire22 [01:45:49], Bipedalist llamas [02:34:52], pokemangoes [02:35:12], smii [04:17:01], AbuBatata [05:09:35], Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [05:12:09], PartMan [05:36:24], p0ip0le [05:38:24]
Quality Checker: Rory Mercury
1st place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [01:45]. 2nd place: Z‽ipzapadam [02:00]. 3rd place: Meicoo [02:03]. Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [02:16], UnitedMemesInc [02:34], Prof. Spalding [02:35], p^_^okemonvortex. [02:37], Whimpering ±_± [03:24], Devoxys [03:26], Loneliest [06:01], Failure999 [08:09], forrce [09:57], Gimm1ck [13:42], conabzb [14:23], scoobydoobydrew [16:46]
Quality Checker: Snaquaza
1st place: AbuBatata [02:03]. 2nd place: 111ace111 [02:29]. 3rd place: gallant's pear [03:44]. Consolation Prize: Flerovium [04:12], coinboy ミ✮ [08:25], Bipedalist llamas [12:28], konohagakure5417 [16:02], Machine Trivia [22:47]
Quality Checker: Level 51
1st place: TheWhoDoctor [05:08]. 2nd place: Cheese555 [06:40]. 3rd place: Flerovium [07:17]. Consolation Prize: scoobydoobydrew [07:47], gallant's pear [11:56], 111ace111 [22:56], Schiavetto [30:57]
Quality Checker: Elgino
1st place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [02:05]. 2nd place: Elgino ♫ [02:19]. 3rd place: Whimpering ±_± [02:19]. Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [02:29], Wan the Avatar [02:53], golden009 [03:12], moo [03:18], Dan of Ares [05:00], fear火fire火22 [05:39], A Quail's Query [11:04], Zipzapadam [14:36], hxl✿cyon [15:19], DCSyntro [20:34], Gwynt [20:57], Cheese555 [22:19], Ragmatho [23:02]
Quality Checker: Andrew
Congratulations to c.kilgannon and Elgino, our newest Room Moderators, and to damnright and 111ace111, our newest Room Voices!

Quick Links:
Previous Results

Monthly Ladder Archive
The March Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: Snaquaza in first place with 446 points, 111ace111 in second place with 438 points, and gallant's pear in third place with 378 points!
Snaquaza 446
111ace111 438
gallant's pear 378
PartMan 371
c.kilgannon 249
Meicoo 243
p0ip0le 189
scoobydoobydrew 185
Prof. Spalding 183
Andrew 171
SunGodVolcarona 165
smii 157
fearfire22 150
AbuBatata 150
3.14dgeot-Mega 148
Parcly Taxel 124
damnright 105
golden009 105
Zipzapadam 101
A Quail's Query 93
Whimpering 92
Flerovium 90
Elgino 89
Level 51 89
Guishark 87
Trivia Machine 80
cheese555 72
McLemore 68
cleo 62
pokemonvortex. 61
Annika0 59
FireghtBug 59
askdf 58
Gwynt 52
UnitedMemesInc 52
Forrce 52
Dan of Ares 51
chupps 48
Wan the Avatar 47
AndrewThePenguin 47
Bipedalist llamas 46
Ibuki Miod 36
I'm Soapy 34
unfunnyholidayalt 33
Schiavetto 31
Celesteeal 29
Aegii 29
Snow Forme Shaymin 28
Soft Flex 28
Astion 28
pokemangoes 27
ShadowPhoenix99 27
Geene 26
TheWhoDoctor 26
Rory Mercury 26
Machine Trivia 25
Bimp 25
DCSyntro 25
spiderz 24
subspecies 24
ooftatoEDM 23
Gimm1ck 23
darkchickenlord 23
Failure999 22
killerASCII 22
heroictobias 21
broil 19
boredcollegekid 19
Barnaba 19
teal-mega 18
Tidal Otter 18
stormfire-lucario 16
mgperson 15
SergioRules 15
Alola Breloom 14
BulbasaurBuddy 14
ScorrchingTheaph 13
conabzb 13
shinxthe17 13
VigilanteVigoroth 13
Sebastian 13
SonofDaw13 12
IHasDisName 11
Zepic 11
Skippy116 11
DarkShinyGiratina 11
Racketguy69 11
Milkshook 11
hxlcyon 10
lets go ou test 10
Aeolia 10
MGenius 9
Devoxys 9
megumatt 9
Christmas 8
KawaiiiiPotato 8
Chillie102 7
rafooa11 7
Ragmatho 7
DanDaMan99 7
Alexander489 7
EeveeLutionArmy 7
a wandering caelum 7
TheStarmanLord 7
Andy 6
excited raichu 6
leafage 6
Yua999 6
Dratios 6
SilverX5502 6
wOnter 6
fearfrost22 6
Juicebox512 6
apocalypster 6
Geotech 6
chaitu 6
Ibuwuki Miowod 5
A Phantom 5
C733937123 5
coinboy 5
WyldZephyr 5
Hang in there 5
unfunnyholidayall 5
DoomGuyFieri 5
luana 5
embar 5
Ilikebugs 5
Arnav Saini 5
Dyrewulf 5
WhirlwindBulbasaur 5
Prequel 5
ElGian 4
TheyCallMeSweeper 4
sedertz 4
k3$ha 4
TheCoastsOfToast 4
1K N337bux 4
LegendaryMouse 4
ptelzcra 4
lovemathboy 4
Scrylveon 4
PrincessPika102 4
Midnightsecrets 4
irokei 4
Lady Monita 4
catholicapplejuice 4
MusSoap 3
KingRion 3
nitrodog96 3
Add23456 3
anonymouzlsb 3
zacjl 3
ssunbae 3
Swanna 3
puh sergiNO 3
xXAnimeNightcoreXx 3
S@kshamBhatt 2
smellofpain 2
Plimsoll Punks 2
RUSZ Blue Dye 2
RegacyUnbound 2
Steven Snype 2
Hikanu 2
LilyAC 2
terrapieseven 2
Beedrill-Mega 2
ThelifeYouLive 2
TheJ3estPenguin 2
Loneliest 2
BigQ4Life 2
dyrana 2
lcts cheese55 2
jumbowhales 2
TheFourthWall22 2
Fraux 2
ZestOfLife 2
Clouds 2
Tushavi 2
Benjgbro 2
Aeonic 2
derpeddeath 2
april oofs 2
sparkychild 2
dan dan kikoeru 2
bidoferz 1
kai baird 1
pBait 1
avaritia 1
flyingpichu 1
SparkLi 1
oyohohuwfo 1
rubysapphiremerald 1
McElligot 1
moo 1
keeping it icy 1
PUHotDog 1
Spooktune 1
LJB14 1
taide 1
sotarks farmer 1
ToniXY 1
Alex2508 1
oweyufowh 1
darkdex 1
tmptaff 1
Brotoh44 1
weirderandweirder 1
danno 1
Pondambo 1
LordNwahs6 1
kevinrocks 1
Smajet 1
AshesToEmbers 1
konohagakure5417 1
brbright 1
Julie(deerling) 1
Chloe 1
nolnis 1
yuhtbgf 1
lkjlkjdflkjdlk 1
EsaEevee 1
Rocket125PS 1
PUH Serg 1
bjrngv f 1
Miss Shuga Cain 1
alarhuackbar 1
lsdjsjdkfjd 1
Discordual 1
ack73 1
thimb 1
aznfearce 1
rxdb 1
Pikachu-Partner 1
Awesome96Birdy 1
harrybotter 1
Pokesartoolcay 1
motogp 1
Empirism 1
zeitokrabby 1
Bunguin87 1
rgetvf 1
TheASC 1
Blackinferno420 1
The ladder twist for the month of April will be: Multiple Choice: The last question of regular official hunts will contain two different questions. Both answers will work, so participants can choose which question to attempt. (This twist does not affect mini-officials.)

As a reward for winning the March Ladder, this twist was chosen by Snaquaza from the submissions! Thanks to Snaquaza for also being the one who submitted this twist, and on the April Ladder he will receive 5 points for submitting that valid twist, although the customary additional 30 for submitting the winning twist are forfeited due to picking his own twist.
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Have a rousing experience on the April Ladder!
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Reserving an official Odyssey hunt for April 1st at 2 PM GMT—collab by lovemathboy and myself, QC by gallant spear and Elgino.

(This isn't an April Fools' Day prank. The hunt is actually real and going to happen.)
Posting this again instead of editing because it's technically an April hunt so it should go after the March wrapup, I guess.

This was, indeed, an April Fool's Day prank official designed to parody bad Scavengers questions lovemathboy and I have seen in the past, such as PokeSequences that basically require you to read the constructor's mind, extremely long anagrams, and other silly stuff. The 2009 hunts were all completely fabricated (of course) by lovemathboy and myself, and the hunt was written so that it would be strictly necessary to refer to the solutions to reconstruct how the "puzzles" are supposed to work. We misjudged the difficulty slightly, unfortunately, but thanks to Meicoo we were able to bring it to another room to have it last a few (12) hours more.

Disclaimer: These are not examples of Scavengers questions to emulate. Please do not attempt to copy or mimic these questions; they are purposely badly written.

If you'd like to attempt the hunt before reading the solutions, or simply see what you missed out on, the full hunt can be found here. A hint document was available during the hunt; you can find it here.

Winner: Snaquaza (01:11:34)
2nd: 3.14dgeot-Mega (01:21:37)
3rd: 111ace111 (02:43:38)
4th: PartMan (03:21:02)
5th: pokemonvortex (04:35:16)
Consolation Prizes: Cheese555 (06:05:55), Lanceffish (06:41:47), askdf (09:24:18), Prof. Spalding (13:29:19)

Hunt solutions:
1. What was the theme of the July 5, 2009 official? [Places]

This is a simple, factual question meant to introduce the theme. The July 2009 officials can be found in the Scavengers Ladder thread, and the theme of the Jul 5 hunt is PLACES.
2. https://pastebin.com/ZGNMmiy9 [Slowpoke]

This question references Question 1 of the Jul 19 (Sequences) hunt. The explanation says that we should take the three digits after the decimal point and treat it like a Pokedex number. Doing so here gives 079, which is the Pokedex number of SLOWPOKE.

This question references Question 3 of the Jul 5 (Places) hunt. The explanation states that the clue underwent a substitution cipher; either by plugging the entire chunk of text into a cryptogram solver or by realizing it's a Caesar shift, we can get the original clue:
This describes AXEW. Re-encoding using the opposite Caesar shift gives the answer HELD.

This question references Question 2 of the Jul 11 (Anagrams) hunt. Notably, this one has exactly one A more than that question, so it could be reasonably assumed that the only difference between the two is the Pokemon name (especially if one enters Golem as an answer, and sees that it's incorrect). GOLEM + A can only anagram to one Pokemon name, EMOLGA, which is thus the answer.
5. Red, Blue, Green, Olive, Gray, Indigo [Pokeblock; Pokéblock; Pokeblocks; Pokéblocks]

This question references Question 2 of the Jul 25 (Colors) hunt. In that question, the question listed colors of Gastrodon. This question lists colors which are all colors of Pokeblocks, so the answer is POKEBLOCK.
6. Pokemon Sequence! Lombre, Lickilicky, ? [Tranquill]

This question references Question 2 of the Jul 19 (Sequences) hunt. Although the explanation mentions the mechanism used to convert ability names to Pokemon names, it doesn't mention the specific ordering used. However, there's enough data points to find out that the abilities were ordered by their index number (this is also hinted at in the otherwise unused Question 3 of the same hunt, which orders moves by index number). The only two consecutive abilities starting with L are Long Reach and Liquid Voice, and the next one is Triage, so applying the same transformation gives the answer TRANQUILL.
7. Q [Togedemaru]

This question references Question 3 of the Jul 12 (Letter O) hunt. There's a long wall of explanation text which one can read, but the crucial realization is that when calculating B, the letter itself is contained in the name of the Pokemon, so number B is 0. This means that (A*B+C-2)^2 reduces to (C-2)^2, and since C = 17 here, the required Pokemon is the 225th in the (SM, not USUM, unfortunately) Alola Pokedex, which is TOGEDEMARU.
8. https://i.img᠎ur.com/FPxgB59.png [Eight; 8]

This question references Question 1 of the Jul 5 (Places) hunt. In this picture, the sign on the left has been altered to show an 8, so the answer is EIGHT.
9. Foul Play, Dig, Tri Attack, Scald, Scald, Dragon Tail, Toxic, Fly, Fly, Foul Play, Fly, Scald, Scald, Fly, Toxic, Tri Attack, X-Scissor, Seismic Toss, ... [SIS]

This question references Question 3 of the Jul 18 (TMs / HMs) hunt. The procedure described in the explanation can be performed on this set of moves, keeping in mind that the latest games are Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, and using the correct TM numbers. This spells out LAST THREE LETTERS OF; since the original answer took the "..." as ELLIPSIS, the last three letters, and thus the answer, are just SIS.
10. https://i.img᠎ur.com/WAsanGb.png [Poor connection]

This question references Question 2 of the Jul 26 (Computers) hunt. The explanation states that "If you couldn't load it, you must have had quite a poor connection"; since this question leads to a seemingly broken image, we can only conclude that the fitting answer here is POOR CONNECTION.
11. (This question relies on the previous 10 answers.) When and why was this hunt written? [JEST IN TIME]

The previous 10 answers are:
9. SIS

Each of these relates, semantically, to one of the 20 usernames on the ladder (not necessarily distinctly), as follows:
1. PLACES - You Are Here (#10)
2. SLOWPOKE - ImLagging (#5)
3. HELD - H0stage (#19)
4. EMOLGA - PikaClone (#20)
5. POKEBLOCK - Lil Cube (#9)
6. TRANQUILL - Halcy0n (#14) [like Tranquill, Halcyon is the name of a bird which can also be interpreted as meaning "peace".]
7. TOGEDEMARU - PikaClone (#20)
8. EIGHT - Lil Cube (#9) [8 is a cube. It's quite a small one.]
9. SIS - Semper Occultus (#13) [Semper Occultus is the motto of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).]
10. POOR CONNECTION - ImLagging (#5)

The ranks of the users, in order, are 10, 5, 19, 20, 9, 14, 20, 9, 13, and 5. Converting these to letters via A1-Z26 gives the final answer: the hunt was written JEST IN TIME for April Fool's Day, when it would toy with the differences between hunts 10 years apart, making it a JEST IN TIME.
Q1, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q9, Q10, Q11 by Level 51
Q2, Q3, Q7, Q8 by lovemathboy
Original idea by lovemathboy
Some concepts inspired by the Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2019's puzzle Ten Years Later
QCs by Gallant Spear and Elgino
Special thanks to Meicoo for approving this!

This is the single most elaborate hunt lovemathboy and I have constructed and I don't think we'll be doing anything like this soon. Thanks to everyone who spent time to solve it, and I hope you enjoyed this trip 10 years back in time!
idk what happened to the smogon announcement, but here's the results from 18.30 GMT official today.

1st place: Meicoo [20:54].
2nd place: 111ace111 [28:39].
3rd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [30:25].
4th place: Gallant Spear ✘ [52:52].

1) In the pokemon world, a shuttle in this city was said to have reached the moon first. [Pewter / Pewter City]
2) This is considered the most active moon in the solar system. [io]
3) A team rocket member mentions the presence of these 2 famous painter's paintings at his home. (name the painters), alpha order [picasso, rembrandt]
4) According to picasso's mother this was his first word. (In english) [Pencil]
5) This ship can be seen from the Skyarrow Bridge [Royal unova]
6) This ship crashed into the Brooklyn Bridge in 2014 [rainbow quest]
7) Pokemon was almost named this. [Capsule Monsters / CapuMon]
8) This was almost named Pokemon. [Zbtb7]
9) In the Pokemon games, this person has stated that Einstein invented the lightbulb. [Jessie]
10) In real life, this person invented the lightbulb. [thomas edison / edison]
11) This pokemon movie's character got his name from Gaudi. [Godey]
12) Beautification caused Gaudi to get this nickname. [God's Architect]
13) This person has a workshop in Crown City. [Joe]
14) This person founded the department store that has its most well-known store on the Dam Square in Amsterdam. [Simon Philip Goudsmit / Goudsmit]
15) In this episode, two Pokemon fall in love based on a historical story. The Pokemon were named after a musical based on this story. (format episode, Pokemon, Pokemon (Pokemon in alpha order)) [Wherefore Art Thou Pokemon? nidoranfnidoranm]
16) In this playstation game you have to defeat Shakespeare as a final boss. [The Simpsons Game]

Also hosting an official at noon GMT with ckil on the 6th, cya then! QC by Andrew and gally.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: 111ace111 [22:03].
2nd place: Celesteeal !_! [32:37].
3rd place: FireghtBug [33:43].
4th place: spooktune [34:28].
5th place: damnright [49:56].
Consolation Prize: p0i%p0le [54:46], smii☆彡 [01:05:44]

1) This city has two versions of itself that can be accessed at two separate locations within the same main series Pokemon Game. [Hau-oli City / Hau-oli]
2) In the TCG, this was the first attack feature on a card that cost 5 Energy to use (answer with just the move's name). [phoenix flame]
3) (a). [There is a communication device in the Pokemon universe that allows the player to view maps. These maps are synced with a system that can dynamically map the world, by extending its knowledge with the surroundings of its users. This is the name of that system.](b). [100% of the nickname of a certain event Pokemon distributed through the Global Trade System can be found in 60% of an ability. The remaining 40% of the letters of that ability can be found in exact order in one other ability. List both abilities alphabetically]. [pokemon nexus / klutz reckless]
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Reserving official hunt on April 12th at 3 6 PM UTC
1st place: Annika0~! [01:56].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:18].
3rd place: chupps [02:58].
4th place: derpeddeath [06:20].
5th place: Pratham02 [17:00].
Consolation Prize: Dan of Ares [49:35]

1) This Kalos NPC is building a tool to help him run faster. [Clemont]
2) This Unova NPC removed his glasses so he can focus on Pokemon battles. [Cheren]
3) A: [This Unova NPC thinks Machop's Japanese name is Machop] or B: [This Professor studies Pokemon moves' usefulness in Castelia City. (full name, exclude the word Professor )] [Quill / Technic Al'Machine]

Thanks to c.kilvortex combo for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Reserving official hunt on April 10th at 2PM UTC

Made by myself and Elgino,QCed by Meicoo and gallant's pear

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Annika0! [03:35].
2nd place: ShadowPhoenix99 [07:58].
3rd place: teal-mega [01:05:55].
4th place: DCSyntro [01:13:41].
5th place: Dan of ares [01:20:49].

1) (Mine) These apricorn colors are tied for appearing in the fewest locations in HGSS (list alphabetically) [Red White]
2) (Mine) This pokemon can have a red or white dex color [Castform]
3) (Both Elgino's) (1) This attack, that can only be used by one Pokemon, can deal a maximum of 62.4% damage when there's a single enemy and no items are involved. Otherwise, it can do a maximum of 52% damage. (2) This Pokemon has the same weight as a certain human character in the main series games, a certain base stat that is the highest out of all Pokemon of both of its types, and it is owned by only one character in the anime, and no one else. [Secret Ninja Attack / Greninja-Ash / Ash-Greninja]
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Results of the official on April 13th 8 PM GMT
QCed by Level 51 and c.kilgannon
1st place: scoobydoobydrew [09:22].
2nd place: awa! nderingcaelum [12:30].
3rd place: Emboar02 [13:29].
4th place: Gui'$ Shark [14:17].
5th place: 111ace111 [15:19].
Consolation Prize: Andrew [15:32], Ibuki Miod@ [18:41], Dan of Ares [22:01], DCSyntro [27:53], A Quail's Query [34:30], spooktune[35:08]

1) Take the Pokemon that has a unique (So only one Pokemon) Egg group combination and is in more than one egg group. This Pokemon debuted in the episode where a certain Pokemon was the answer to the Trainer's Choice. Take this Pokemon's evolution Speed stat and multiply is by 3. You now get the Speed stat of another Pokemon. Take this Pokemon's Height and multiply it by 2. Now you get the Height of another Pokemon. This Pokemon appeared in the anime under a nickname, name the Pokemon and then the nickname [Solgaleo Nebby]
2) Let's go to the location where you first see Nebby in the games. In that location, you can only get one Pokemon. Take the last move this Pokemon learns by level-up. A certain Pokemon that isn't in the same evolution line as the first Pokemon can learn that move and has the same Attack stat as the earlier mentioned Pokemon. This Pokemon is owned by a Gym Leader, name the Pokemon and then the Gym Leader. [Solrock Tate]
3) (1) Out of all Pokemon, 8 Pokemon (Excluding Smeargle) can learn the most moves that have the name of the badge that Tate gives in their name. Take the Pokemon with the highest BST of those Pokemon (Exclude formes). Take this Pokemon's weight and multiply it by 2. You now get the weight of another Pokemon. Take this Pokemon's Speed and divide it by 4. You know get the Speed stat of 3 Pokemon. Take the Pokemon that doesn't share its color with the other two. This Pokemon appeared in another color in the anime. Name the color, then the Pokemon (2) Out of all Pokemon, 8 Pokemon (Excluding Smeargle) can learn the most moves that have the name of the badge that Tate gives in their name. Take the Pokemon with the lowest BST of those Pokemon. This Pokemon shares its two types with one Pokemon that isn't related to the Pokemon and that isn't a forme. This Pokemon shares its BST with one other Pokemon. This Pokemon's first evolution can only be found in one route in the game it got introduced. Give the route and then the the final evolutions of this Pokemon. [Purple Shuckle / Route 102 Gardevoir Gallade / Route 102 Gallade Gardevoir]
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The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Zipzapadam [00:59].
2nd place: broil [02:20].
3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [02:21].
4th place: DCSyntro [02:22].
5th place: WhirlwindBulbasaur [02:35].
Consolation Prize: TheStarmanLord [02:58], tlouk [03:36], Embar [03:46], A Quail's Query [04:35], Dan of Ares [11:13], askdf [15:05], Prof. Spalding [17:40],AndrewThePenguin [22:16], Failure999 [31:34]

1) What is the newest Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighter's full real name? [Ren amamiya]
2) Which games were added to the Nintendo Switch Online Classic Games on April 10th, 2019 (no "special" versions, alpha order, full american game names)[Punch out featuring mr dream Star soldier Super mario bros the lost levels]
3) (A: The lost levels was Japan's second Mario game. The second English Mario game was based off another game, what game?) (B: "Super punch-out!! (arcade edition) has an unlicensed version for the Commodore 64 named what?) [doki doki panic / Yume kojo doki doki panic / Yume Kōjō doki doki panic / dream factory heart pounding panic / Frank brunos boxing / frank brunos world championship boxing]

Thanks to andrew for QCing and meicoo for QCing and hosting
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Reserving an official with Steven Snype at 1 PM GMT on Sunday.

Thanks to Gallant Spear and Elgino10 for QC-ing!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: 111ace111 [04:46].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [05:47].
3rd place: Trivia Machine [20:26].
4th place: A Quail's Query [44:16].
5th place: Zipzapadam [01:12:40].

1) This Bollywood superhero is invisible to the naked eye unless if he's viewed through a red filter. Give the superhero name and the actor/actress's first & last name. [Mr. India Anil Kapoor]
2) This is the highest-grossing film starring the lead actor of the movie 3 Idiots. [Dangal]
3) A: Dangal translates to a certain Pokemon's category name in English. Give the nickname of this shiny Pokemon that appeared in the anime. B: The lead actor of Dangal also starred in a movie with 2 letters that is the beginning of moves used by certain Smash characters. What video game universe are they from? [dark hawlucha / earthbound / mother]
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Official on 25 April 11am SST (3am UTC, 11pm EDT)!
QC by c.kilgannon and gallant's pear

1st place: ChEese555 [06:09].
2nd place: Zipzapadam [08:28].
3rd place: TheWhoDoctor [09:18].
4th place: Meicoo [12:33].
5th place: Dan of Ares [14:21].
6th place: p0ip0le [17:29].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [17:40], A Quail's Query [17:56], Embar [22:36]

1. These two locations are connected by a route where Black and Pink Apricorns can be found. (alpha order) | Azalea Town Union Cave
2. The German names of these two white Pokémon are related in the following way: changing the first letter (from A to S or vice versa) and swapping the second and third letters turns one name into the other. (English names, alpha order) | Nihilego Zangoose
3. This real-world observance is suggested by the initials of the two previous answers. / This real-world location was given its name on 25 April 1985. | Anzac Day; Anzac Cove
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Reserving an official collab with Damnrighty for Monday, April 29th, at 3 PM EDT EDIT: Re-scheduled for the following day, Tuesday, April 30th, at 1:30 PM EDT EDIT 2: really sorry guys, ended up being hosted Tuesday, April 30th, 10 PM EDT.

2nd: killerASCII
3rd: thimb
4th: 111ace111
5th: Annika0
6th: Beedrill-Mega
Consolation prize: Dan of Ares, Chillie102, Trivia Machine, keeping it icy, Waahhh Audino, Embar, broil, Ibuki Miod, fearfire22, sparkychild

(Note that as per the official April 2019 twist, there were two possible question threes to solve.)
(1) Gastly, (2) Grumpig, (3A) Butterfree Yanma Yanmega (3B) Necrozma Ultra Ribombee Crobat / Ultra Necrozma Ribombee Crobat
1) damnright: This is the Pokemon in the body group "consisting of only a head" that has a typing signature to itself and its evolutions.
2) damnright: The Pokemon with the lowest base stat total and its form have different body types. Find the two Pokemon with either of those body types and a signature or unique typing. From those two Pokemon, add up each one's highest base stat and lowest base stat, to get this Pokemon's National Pokedex number.
3A) Meicoo: These three Pokemon all have the same type combination, have a Pokedex body style classification of "two or more pairs of wings," and have four different abilities combined between them, with each ability being owned by exactly two of the Pokemon. List all three alphabetically.
3B) Meicoo: Within the list of Pokemon that have the "two or more pairs of wings" Pokedex body style, Pokemon 1 is weak to both the STAB types of Pokemon 2, which is weak to both the STAB types of Pokemon 3. List them in that order.
Thanks to c.kilgannon and Steven Snype for quality checking!
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Mini Official Roundup! (April 1st - April 30th EST) Results:
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [00:57]. 2nd place: Bimp! [02:04]. 3rd place: Racketguy69 [02:28]. Consolation Prize: DCSyntro [02:30], Chillie102 [03:02], Elgino ♫ [03:25], 111ace111 [03:56], Gwynt [04:02], Sun☼GodVolcarona [04:39], Whimpering ±_± [05:13], Ibuki Miod@ [09:23]
Quality Checker: Andrew
1st place: cheese555 [01:14]. 2nd place: c.kilgannon [01:20]. 3rd place: 111ace111 [01:21]. Consolation Prize: Zipzapadam [02:49], Whimpering ±_± [02:56], Dan of Ares [02:57], Devoxys [05:58], Ibuki Miod@ [10:04], Shadow Sirens ♪ [20:31]
Quality Checker: Meicoo
1st place: Devoxys [01:56]. 2nd place: Embar [02:08]. 3rd place: Prof. Spalding [02:11]. Consolation Prize: Meicoo [02:31], Ibuki Miod [02:56], Whimpering ±_± [03:13], A Quail's Query [03:19], 111ace111 [04:29], Zipzapadam [04:50], celesteeal [05:16], c.kilgannon [11:05], Failure999 [16:54], cheese555 [32:59], A Phantom [40:47]
Quality Checker: Elgino
Huge congratulations to Andrew on becoming our newest Room Owner, and to Zipzapadam on his return to Room Voice!

Quick Links:
Previous Results

Monthly Ladder Archive
The April Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: 111ace111 in first place with 553 points, c.kilgannon in second place with 271 points, and derpeddeath in third place with 258 points!
111ace111 553
c.kilgannon 271
derpeddeath 258
gallant's pear 257
Meicoo 227
Dan of Ares 225
Prof. Spalding 188
smii 182
Annika0 181
Zipzapadam 180
Snaquaza 164
3.14dgeot-Mega 157
Andrew 152
DCSyntro 150
scoobydoobydrew 134
ShadowPhoenix99 131
A Quail's Query 121
Cheese555 113
chupps 98
LittEleven 93
Whimpering 87
pokemonvortex 80
Ibuki Miod 78
p0ip0le 76
A Phantom 70
hxlcyon 68
killerASCII 67
Level 51 65
Elgino 63
Embar 59
guishark 58
Trivia Machine 58
forrce 56
AbuBatata 55
fearfire22 53
Damnright 47
FireghtBug 47
Pratham02 42
celesteeal 42
Gwynt 40
spooktune 40
ScorrchingTheaph 40
broil 39
awanderingcaelum 39
Shadow Sirens 38
boredcollegekid 37
CryoGyro 36
shinxthe17 34
Soft Flex 33
Benjgbro 33
AndrewThePenguin 31
Chillie102 30
Bimp 29
Failure999 29
Racketguy69 29
TheWhoDoctor 26
Astion 26
ExTopaz7 25
thimb 23
keepingiticy 22
Emboar02 20
Geene 20
Barnaba 20
dragonmirror 19
askdf 19
schaillop 19
Devoxys 19
Aegii 19
Parcly Taxel 18
PartMan 18
Sebastian 18
stormfire-lucario 15
Schiavetto 15
McLemore 15
juicebox512 15
lovemathboy 14
Dratios 14
TheStarmanLord 13
rafooa11 13
Im Soapy 13
Discordual 13
Aeolia 12
Gimm1ck 12
Wan the Avatar 12
moo 12
Trade 11
Zepic 11
MGenius 11
WhirlwindBulbasaur 10
SergioRules 10
conabzb 9
cleo 9
jumbowhales 9
Tushavi 9
UnderratedRacket 9
dyrana 9
Waahhh Audino 8
YveltalNL 8
lets go ou test 8
pxl123 8
Midnightsecrets 8
Luana 8
heroictobias 8
coinboy 8
Tidal Otter 7
Arnav Saini 7
Beedrill-Mega 7
BulbasaurBuddy 7
tlouk 7
Bipedalist Llamas 7
terrapieseven 7
Lehnk 7
HoeenHero 6
chuppet 6
PrincessPika102 6
SunGodVolcarona 6
Christmas 6
Sigil of Baphomet 6
TitiWii 6
Alextron 6
S kshamBhatt 6
pokemangoes 6
Regacy-Unbound 6
3.14kachu 5
Zorua Trainer 5
Add23456 5
rxdb 5
whale played 5
Illusio 5
CSAS Snype 5
Milkshook 5
kingcamcam 5
ToniXY 5
Evercrest 5
Zio II 4
ptelzcra 4
UnitedMemesInc 4
Hyperion 830 4
powerlessly 4
Glacierider 4
ZestOfLife 4
Julie deerling 4
KawaiiiiPotato 3
TheJ3estPenguin 3
SonofDaw13 3
AFKndrew 3
3.14dgeot 3
yaicanea 3
SilverX5502 3
SergioTests 3
MegaMismagiusX 3
I still feel alive 3
Snecko 3
Filtering 2
cgyc 2
Stylus 2
sparkychild 2
alien8 2
TheyCallMeSweeper 2
Alola Breloom 2
Pondambo 2
TheASC 2
Lanceffish 2
Sir Mister 2
Aziziller 2
Joshua91630 2
Zi-O Trinity 2
ragmatho 2
not whales 2
LMatthew 2
AzureJay 2
MukUsedDrillPeck 2
WeepingDevil 2
Skiddo 2
darkdex 2
not kii 2
Ransei 2
irokei 2
a random duck 1
Boiruja 1
FlinchG0d 1
psmathgeek 1
golden009 1
Awesome96Birdy 1
Trexxxxc 1
woeff32d 1
whalemirror 1
Rory Mercury 1
Hikanu 1
gt6yrhndjf 1
Flex Plays OW 1
NPDL Doggo 1
ThelifeYouLive 1
arm to 1700 1
armaldlo 1
tgrbnf vsd 1
o5v3 1
pvortex 1
Hanes 1
sigbovik 1
Immortal Folly 1
jetou 1
ScorrchingTheap 1
afewfish 1
omegaxl 1
Ju1cebox 1
defrgtbhyn 1
Magikingdra 1
Aimingisoverrated 1
KazuyaMiyuki 1
wob 1
retgfrbfj 1
Stuart MacGill 1
Demolition Raichu 1
Regretfulness 1
excited raichu 1
Alex 1
Flygon Scoliosis 1
Painter Espeon 1
Kirit0Kun 1
Death Everywhere 1
evfddsfca 1
CammyCapre 1
SingTel 1
Cyllage 1
EmpiriSM 1
Magicana79 1
Mega Eevee X 1
LJB14 1
Aeonic 1
BudgieGryphon 1
fearfrost22 1
wonteR 1
IHasDisName 1
oweyv9wed 1
CologneSkunkDraws 1
Gopn1k 1
youdontknowmeatall 1
and the wardrobe 1
Tom Travers 1
RifleCorgiDraws 1
EeveeLutionArmy 1
kiicy 1
nekoramen 1
april oofs 1
FoxboreddAnimates 1
Hanzomain7 1
Yua999 1
VigilanteVigoroth 1
harrybotter 1
Andy 1
trgthnj 1
peeping it icy 1
TerminatorWW 1
slang 1
The ladder twist for the month of May will be: The monthly ladder will be split into two separate sections: one from 5/1 - 5/14, and another from 5/15 - 5/28. During the last three days, the top placers from each ladder will face off for the overall monthly placing (more details regarding this will be revealed later).

As a reward for winning the April Ladder, this twist was be chosen by 111ace111 from the submissions. This twist is a redux of the September 2017 twist, so it will not be worth points on the May Ladder for submitting. However, as per usual, the non-winning valid twists submitted will each be worth 5 points to the users who submitted them. For the full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
derpeddeath 10
gallant's pear 5
smii 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Have a terrific time on the May Ladder!
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Glitch Pokémon official, 2 May 11pm SST (3pm UTC)!
QC by Snaquaza and lovemathboy

1st place: CryoGyro [09:24].
2nd place: c.kilgannon [17:33].
3rd place: Zipzapadam [17:42].
4th place: chupps [18:01].
5th place: powergo [19:18].
6th place: killerASCII [20:11].
Consolation Prize: gallant's pear [28:41], 111ace111 [35:23], derpeddeath [43:11]

1. This water/psychic-type glitch Pokémon can learn Poison Sting and evolves into a real Pokémon. (name as in the title of its Bulbapedia page) | 'M (FE)
2. This is the category name of the glitch Pokémon that learns the most level-up moves. (omit "Pokémon") | IIII
3. Eight Pokémon are tied for the highest base stat total among glitch Pokémon. Out of those eight, the one with the longest name evolves into this Pokémon. | 4B 8 4 8
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